Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1154: Knife Finger White Deer Hole

Chapter 1154 of Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter Sword refers to White Deer Hole (Supplement No. 6 Chapter 1)

Chapter 1154 Sword Refers to White Deer Hole (Part 1 Chapter 6 Chapter 1)

It turned out that the orbit of the ancient trees lingering in space was located at the junction of the empire and Bailu Cave, but in fact it was not considered to be a party. [Fê However, these dozens of people apparently believe that this is the sphere of influence of Bailu Cave.

Ten ancient celestial beings escorting the ancient trees, two of them are real people of mixed origin. Nowadays, a lot of real people in the Yuan Dynasty serve in the Empire and play very important roles. In this way, both the empire strength can be enhanced and these real people can be hone.

A mixed-yuan real person's look remained unchanged, and he looked at the other side first. It was found that there were 13 people on the other side, of which three were the extinguished Datianzun and ten were in the ancient Datianzun, and their strength far surpassed their own.

So, he tried his best to restrain his emotions and said, "We are soldiers of the mixed Yuan empire. Who are you and why do you stop?"

The person headed by is a desolate deity. He was not surprised when he heard that he was a renegade empire. Instead, he sneered and said, "I don't care what you are in the **** empire, but you have already Entering the site of White Deer Cave, you understand? It seems that you should be protecting the delivery goods. They are so good that you have to hand them over as tolls. "

That mixed-yuan real person's eye ### now has a ridiculous look, he asked: "Some are not joking, you know, the mixed-yuan empire will sooner or later be unified, are you afraid of offending the mixed-yuan empire?"

"Fart! The mixed Yuan empire is a scum. We are the White Deer Cave, the Xuanhuang Orthodox. We will unify the Xuanhuang in the future and revive the Xuanhuang civilization." Immediately, some people were angry, and they were full of confidence in the White Deer Cave.

The real man from Hunyuan called Haha, and did n’t answer the other party ’s words. He only said, “Since you want to stay and buy road money, you can.” He took out a jade box and solemnly said, “Several people, this box. Among them, there are 48 Promise Yanshou Dans, worth 100 Million Phantoms, and you can take them if you want. "

Instead, the people in Bailudong froze. The man asked, "Do you really want to hand it over?"

The real man from Yuanyuan said lightly: "Of course, I'm the captain, they all listen to me."

Of the thirteen people, many eyes suddenly light up, 100 million without great fortune! How much is that? Immediately urged: "Twenty-three brother, close it!"

On the contrary, the leader hesitated, and seemed to be thinking, how could the people of the Yuan Dynasty Empire be so soft-headed and persuade? However, the huge benefit was that he left everything behind and took things over.

Then he said scornfully, "You can get out, remember, don't break into the White Deer Cave site in the future, or you won't be so lucky next time."

The real man from Yuanyuan didn't say anything, and turned silently to leave.

After the people of the mixed yuan empire left, thirteen people talked with excitement immediately. A female cultivator held her hands and said, "This time it is developed! Twenty-three brothers, 100 million Promise, what do we do?"

Everyone looked at the nun queerly, as if looking at an idiot. Finally, the nun couldn't bear it, and finally sighed, and said, "Well, why don't we divide?"

Such precious things make these people do not often walk around. I haven't seen many Bailudong disciples who are difficult to hold on to, can't control the greed in their hearts, and have developed selfishness.

The twenty-third brother thought for a while and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, it's divided! Anyway, no one else knows about this matter. As long as we keep it secret, nothing will happen. Besides, even if we know the above, we can also infer This is what we got ourselves. "

Everyone echoed, but the nun said, "But will the mixed empire trouble us?"

Everyone suddenly looked at her with the same look as an idiot. One said, "I said that the Yuan Dynasty Empire was a fart. You see that we asked for such precious things. Their people didn't even dare to put more farts. Hand it over. Is such an empire worthy of our fear? Besides, Bailudong will soon be in the Central Plains. By then, the fear should be the mixed Yuan empire. "

These people have limited knowledge of the external situation and practice only daily within the sphere of influence of Bailu Cave. The mixed-yuan empire is just a noun for them and has little deterrent power.

But he said that after the ten soldiers protecting the Dan entered the empire's southwestern territory, one of the ten soldiers finally couldn't help asking: "Captain, why should you give them? Although they can't fight them, they may not dare to move us."

Although this soldier was puzzled, he always admired the captain, so he was so impatient that he didn't ask until then.

The captain said lightly, "You say, isn't White Deer Hole great?"

Everyone thought for a while: "Of course it is great. It is said that there are seven or eight immeasurable gods, but compared to our mixed-yuan empire, in their words, farts are not."

The captain nodded: "That's it, the emperor wants to destroy White Deer Cave. With his current strength, it can be said to be easy. The reason why he hasn't started is because he lacks an excuse."

"Does the emperor need an excuse?" He was puzzled.

"Naturally needed. With the excuse of war, the attacker is a teacher of justice, which can boost morale. Unfortunately, this group of idiots in the White Deer cave dare to rob us. It is very good. I think the emperor must have heard this news. very happy!"

The crowd was greatly admired and took it for granted.

Soon, forty-eight news of the robbing of Promise Yanshoudan reached Li Xing's ears. The first time he heard the news, he just smiled slightly and ordered the following people: "I have enough rest, let everyone prepare. Worked. "

Seeing Zhida Tianzun laughed, "The Lord is finally going to fight against Bailu Cave!"

Ba Shi Da Tian Zun analyzes: "The Lord now has bone power, imperial ships, and countless armies. Now he has occupied the sky, the geography, and the peace. There is no other advantage in the White Deer Cave, and the death is in sight. "

The crowd nodded and said, "Then kill him!"

Three days later, the north-south, southwest, and southeast of Bailu Cave were under the pressure of the Imperial Army, and the number was uncountable. And there are many battleships showing up, and the bone chariots are haunted by ghosts.

The White Deer cave suddenly became very tense, and the cave owner convened all members to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the corresponding measures. The host of Bailudong is a middle-aged man.

The five elders of Bailu Cave have also arrived, and their cultivation is also very high. The weakest is also the Eighty-eight Great Deity.

Xuanmingyuan, Xuanyinyuan, Xuanzhenyuan, Xuanyingyuan in Bailudong, as well as Huanglong Pavilion, Huanghu Pavilion, Huang Shen Pavilion, Huang Fei Pavilion, four courtyard masters and four patrons were also present.

The Lord of the Fourth Courtyard and the Lord of the Four Courts are both immeasurable celestial beings. They are generally in the vicinity of eighty-three calamities and eighty-two calamities. Behind them, there are outstanding disciples in various academies, many of whom have no great respect.

Almost all the masters of White Deer Cave arrived, but only one retreat veteran did not come out.

The master of the cave said, "Dear everyone, after the mixed Yuan Empire defeated Xuanhuang Kingdom, it continued to expand, and now it finally starts on the southwest. Southwest is the foundation of Bailu Cave. At that time, Laodong was the son of Xuanhuang on the mainland. Sweeping the eight wastelands, no one is invincible. However, he was conspired by the treacherous people, leading to seclusion and the establishment of the White Deer Cave. "

"Lao Dongzhu did this to save power for the Xuanhuang Kingdom and prepare for future revival. The people of the Xuanhuang Kingdom are all Xuanhuang bloodlines. Second, to accumulate power for the new Xuanhuang Kingdom, making it fast and powerful. , Leading the Xuanhuang Kingdom and unifying the continent. "

"It's a pity!" Sighed the Lord of the White Deer Cave, "the rise of the mixed empire, destroying the Xuanhuang Kingdom, and beheaded the son of Xuanhuang. On that day, I would like to rescue the White Deer Cave, but the owner of the old cave found that there was an emperor Class battleship. In order to keep this foundation, Lao Dongzhu painfully made me wait to return and did not participate in the war. "

"However, it is time to come. The mixed Yuan empire is under pressure and the situation is critical!" The White Deer lord said, drinking, "Bring people up."

Having said that, several monks detained 13 Bailudong disciples who robbed Wuji Yanshoudan that day to the scene. The thirteen people looked terrified and trembled.

They were all disciples of Xuanmingyuan. When they heard that the army of the mixed Yuan Empire forced the country, they didn't think much about it, because in their hearts, the mixed Yuan Empire was nothing. However, when the master of Xuanming Academy found out the truth of the matter and told the power of the mixed Yuan Empire, they were all afraid and regretted it.

The Junyuan Empire is looking for excuses to attack, and they actually gave an excuse. Isn't this a sinner of eternal sin in Bailudong? Never die of atonement?

The White Deer Cave sighed: "Don't be afraid, I won't punish you."

The thirteen people raised their heads, looking surprised, and then kneeled down, grateful.

The host shook his hand, sighed, and said, "The mixed empire is just an excuse. Without you, they will find other excuses. It's just a matter of time." He paused, "I'm asking you to come, just to let everyone Understand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Compromise is not the way to go. It takes courage and wisdom to deal with the enemy. "

Huang Feige ’s host Shen said: “Lord Master, we can start the Xuanhuang array. This array can block the immortal Great Emperor, and the amount of mixed Yuan empire cannot be broken.”

Bailu Cave said: "But in this case, Bailu Cave will be permanently besieged and will never be out of the world. This is no different from extinction." He sighed. "It is a pity that I heard that the heaven and earth are exquisite pagodas and heaven and earth are exquisite. The measuring ruler falls into the hands of the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. Otherwise, the Xuanhuang array can attack and defend. Unlike today, it can only defend and cannot attack. "

Speaking of Xuanhuang Pagoda, everyone looked resentful, and some people were worried and said, "And Xuanhuang Tower can restrain Xuanhuang large array. If the other party knows how to use Xuanhuang Tower and Xuanhuang ruler, we may not be able to stop each other."

"So we can't all expect from Xuanhuang Dazhen, we must seek foreign aid." Dong Zhudao said, "I have used the name of Lao Dongzhu to pass the book to the Qiqi Academy, and the other party is willing to help."

Everyone was overjoyed, Huang Shenge said: "This is all right! Zhengqi Academy, but the most powerful forces in the mainland of Shengru. With their help, we can rest easy!"


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