Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1155: Slow down

Chapter 1155: Jiuyang Xiejun

Chapter 1155

The host of Bailu Cave shook his head and said, "It's not easy to sit back and relax. The overall strength of Zhengqi Academy is not stronger than that of the mixed empire. Moreover, they can't do their best to help, so this battle mainly depends on White Deer Cave. "

Huang Feige ’s heart made a plan, saying: “The lord of the cave, rumored that the mixed Yuan emperor had vengeance against the looting Datianzun, and the southeast land has long been occupied by the monks who looted the world, where he mines Xuanhuangjing for sale. In response, Our white deer cave has been opening its eyes and closing its eyes, because the predatory Great Deity is too powerful, and there is an ancient altar in hand. "

He said this, and the rest heard the meaning. Among the five elders in Bailudong, the elder Bai Xu, the highest elder, shook his head and said, "This is a way to plunder Datianzun and hate the Yuan Empire. Is a force that can be united. "

The two elders also nodded in a postscript, saying: "Plundering the Great Lord, plundering everything, accumulating richness. The monks plundering the world are all called predators, the means are brutal, and the fighting force is overbearing. If he helps, it will indeed be one Great help. "

The owner of Bailu Cave also nodded: "This method, I also thought about it. But plundering Da Tianzun has no character, behaves arrogantly, and uses no means to achieve the purpose, not easy to get along with, and it is difficult to get rid of. . "

The elder said: "Don't worry, you don't have to think too much, even if you suffer, it's better than being destroyed by the mixed empire."

The Lord of the White Deer cave sighed, "No more, elder, you can contact this matter, you can go to the southeast via the teleportation array."

The elder said: "Yes."

The thirteen disciples who had been brought in kept their heads silent. At this moment, the extinct Datianzun, who had taken the lead to **** Yanshoudan, suddenly raised his head and said, "Master Dong, teachers, disciples have an idea."

The master of the cave glanced at him and said, "Advance, what do you think, talk to me?"

The doomed admiral Datianzun thought about it and said, "Baiyuan Cave can prepare for both hands with this mixed Yuan empire attack. On the one hand, it is ready to fight against it and unite external forces; on the other hand, it can also It ’s a misunderstanding, and it delays time, which gives more time to prepare for Bailu Cave. "

Dong Zhudao said, "Keep talking."

"The second thing the disciple wants to say is the second point." He blamed himself, saying, "The thirteen disciples and other 13 people who committed the mistakes were willing to sacrifice to the mixed Yuan empire to confess their guilt and temporarily dispel the rage of the mixed Yuan empire. Get time for White Deer Cave. "

Everyone's glances toward advection had a touch of admiration. This courage to set aside life and death is not something everyone can possess.

However, the remaining twelve people did not think so. After listening to the words of Admiralty, he couldn't help but be shocked and scared. Why, this bastard, decide for them? To the mixed empire, isn't there no return?

The host revealed a smile: "Advance, your thoughts are commendable, but even if you go, the mixed empire will not delay the offensive time, and it is nothing to go."

The Admiralty Admiralty said, "The host, please let the disciples go. The disciples thought about it. If our White Deer Cave is willing to compensate for the losses, the mixed empire will not accept it. Because there must be a battle between the two parties, the enemy will be captured before the war. Isn't the side's resources what they want to do? "

The master of the cave glanced at him: "Advection, you really want to go, you have to know, this one is going to die nine lives."

Tianlizun smiled horribly: "The misfortune was caused by the disciples. If you don't take responsibility, you will feel uneasy, please the master of the cave!"

Everyone sighed, and the elder said, "The owner of the cave, Zhengqi Academy will not be here in one and a half. The plundering of Da Tianzun also needs to be contacted, and Bailu Cave really needs time to prepare."

The master of the cave was silent for a moment, and finally said, "Okay, if you go to the mixed Yuan Empire, you will say that Bailudong has no intention to oppose the Mixed Yuan Empire and is willing to agree to any conditions they have proposed. In this way, the Mixed Yuan Empire may really want to occupy It's cheap, and we can make more preparations at White Deer Cave. "

The remaining twelve disciples all sank, but none of them dared to oppose, because at this time, they must end up worse than going to the mixed Yuan Empire. However, many of them have expressed resentment against Pingli Datianzun.

He admired his head and said, "The disciples must not disgrace the mission!"

At the same time, the Hunyuan Empire surrounded the White Deer Cave on three sides and was waiting for instructions from the next step. On the imperial ship, Li Xing was with the generals. After analyzing the method of battle for a while, someone reported that the White Deer Cave had sent a messenger.

Li Xing put away the military map and thought about it, saying, "Bring it up."

Soon, the thirteen disciples of Bailudong were brought in front of the guard. The thirteen people immediately felt the pressure of dozens of horrors when they entered the imperial battleship, and they fell to the ground in a "thumping and fluttering" one by one, very embarrassed.

Lying on the ground, they looked up and saw Li Xing and others. More than twenty powerless people were shocked.

Advancing Datianzun sat up from the ground and biting his teeth, saying, "His Majesty the Emperor Yuanyuan, thirteen of us, we had no eyes that day and snatched Yanshoudan. We came here today to confess our sins. If you want to kill you, listen to him. It's just that this matter has nothing to do with White Deer Cave. "

Li Xing looked at the young Tianzun who was not high, and admired his courage a little. He said lightly, "Yes? So, you are not afraid of life or death?"

"That's right." Admiral Pingli raised his head, "Since it is here, we are willing to accept all punishment."

Li Xing simply waved his hand: "Pull it all down and kill."

Immediately outside, they walked into several guards, all with cold eyes, killing themselves and setting up everyone.

At this moment, even the ordinary admiral was stunned. Why didn't he ask a word and just kill it? There was a trace of regret in his heart, but he was instantly replaced by perseverance.

However, the others were not so strong. The nun first cried out and knelt down on the ground and said, "Great Emperor, we don't want to die, and we didn't even think about it. He forced us to come by advection."

"Yes, we have something to tell the emperor, this advection is here only to delay time, because Bailudong is preparing to fight against the emperor with Zhengqi College and the plundering Datianzun, so it takes time." Just expose the purpose of this trip.

When Li Xing heard it, his eyebrows were upright and he asked, "You didn't tell a lie?"

When he asked, a boundless pressure almost made the man Xiu pass out, his heart was cold, and he felt that every trace of his thoughts had been seen through, and he said quickly: "Dare to dare, what the villain said It's true. "

Li Xing's face was gloomy. He did not expect that Bailudong had a connection with Zhengqi College. He also knew this Zhengqi Academy, because on the mainland of Saint Confucianism, there were also the Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce.

Ba Shi Da Tian Zun said: "This is Bailu Cave, which is about to die and carry to the end. It actually pulled Zheng Qi Academy and plundering Da Tian Zun. Zheng Qi Academy is one of the most powerful forces in the continent of Confucianism, and it is known as the Confucian Academy and Jianqi Academy Three colleges on the mainland.

The continent of Saint Confucianism is the relic of Confucianism and Taoism. It used to be glorious. The overall strength of the monks is better than that of the Xuanhuang continent. The three colleges stand tall.

Li Xing asked, "What is the relationship between your White Deer Cave and Zhengqi College? Why does the other side help each other?"

Seeing Li Xing's questioning, the man rejoiced and felt that he would not be killed if he had such useful value. Suspension Datianzun suddenly exploded, roaring: "You traitor!"

He was going to kill, but unfortunately, he jumped up, was pressed by a guard, his face was on the ground, his tears flowed, he couldn't move any more, and couldn't even speak.

The man was startled by the advection and watched him be restrained. Then he replied: "The master of Lao Dong has a close relationship with the master of Zhengqi College."

Li Xing asked some more information, these twelve people scrambled to answer in order to avoid death.

After questioning, Li Xing waved his hand and ordered people to temporarily detain them. Then he looked at the Admiral Datian, who was bleak, and motioned for the guard to let him go. "You can go."

He admired for a moment, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and said, "Aren't you killing me?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Go back and tell the owner of Bailu Cave, that as long as Bailu Cave is willing to join the mixed yuan empire, the emperor will never blame. And, all the way up and down, Bailu Cave will be well-placed and given an official position."

Admiral Admiral said arrogantly, "You don't have to say it, Bailu Cave will never surrender!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "You just need to pass a word, this kind of major event is not something you can decide." Then he said, "You are good, have responsibility, and hope to join the mixed yuan empire in the future."

With a touch of his heart, Admiral Datianzu snorted softly, turned around and walked out.

As soon as people walked away, Li Xingsi said for a moment, and said, "Three celestial beings who pass poems, paintings, gifts, and silk."

These three were the great Confucianists that Li Xing had solicited in the Dragon Elephant World. At that time, they were still Confucian-level figures, and nineteen Confucian monarchs, thousands of Confucianists, joined the Tianyuan Gate, which was later a mixed Yuan religion.

After many years, all three Confucian statues have made rapid progress, and all have entered the state of extinction.

Li Xing called them because these three people are also the heirs of the Confucian and Taoist civilizations. There is one thing ~ www.readwn.com ~ non-three people cannot do it.

Soon, the three celestial deities arrived with the help of the teleportation array, and came forward and worshiped: "See the emperor."

Great respect for poetry and painting, great gift for gift, and great gift for silk and bamboo, all paid tribute to Li Xing. Today, they are all serving in the official empire of the Yuan Empire, and they are in full swing.

Li Xing laughed: "Three laborers have something to do."

The poem and painting Da Tianzun said: "The emperor has a life, and the old man should do his best to complete it."

Li Xingzhi said: "Bailudong will join forces with Duzheng Qi Academy, and I hope that the three of you, as lobbyists, will go to the Academy with this emperor."

The three celestial princes glanced up and then Shen Shen said: "Wait for obedience!"

The others did not agree, and a Da Tianzun, a Taoist dragon and tiger, said: "Lord, this is dangerous. Please think twice."

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