Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1156: Zhengqi College

Li Xingdao: "No matter, unless the other party has the immortal Datianzun, he will not threaten this emperor." He said to the three Confucian and Taoist gods, "This trip, you must rely on your three-inch tongue that cooperates with this great , Let Zheng Qi College abandon its intention to help Bailu Cave. "

The three Datianzun patted their **** to ensure that he would not be disappointed. This is their strength.

On that day, the army surrounding Bailu Cave on three sides gradually withdrew. The news came to Bailu Cave. The owner of the Bailu Cave was not surprised. He sighed and said to everyone: "The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty will not fight an uncertain battle. He will definitely go to Zhengqi Academy to prevent the Academy from helping Bailu Cave. "

One courtyard owner said angrily: "The twelve traitors, really **** it!" Then he said to the advection Datian, who was kneeling on the ground, "advance, you are doing well, get up."

As soon as the leveling Datianzun returned, the Junyuan empire withdrew. He did not stand up at this time and said, "The master of the cave, the Junyuan emperor, also asked his disciples to bring a word. If Bailudong is willing to return, then From top to bottom, everyone can be properly housed. "

"Huh!" The elder immediately sneered, and said, "Advance, do you believe that?"

The Supreme Admiral of the Current: "The disciples naturally do not believe, but just bring the words of the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty to the teachers."

The five elders said at this time: "The White Deer Cave is the orthodox of the Xuanhuang continent. How could it belong to the mixed Yuan? He is dreaming!"

Bailudong said: "You don't have to discuss this matter much. Everyone should think about it. What will the Emperor Yuanyuan do next?"

Everyone expressed their opinions and finally agreed that the mixed empire would definitely send an ambassador to Zhengqi College to persuade the college to give up aid, and it might even form an alliance with the college. After all, Zhengqi College was willing to help, and only looked at the face of the old master.

Moreover, Zhengqi Academy did not know much about the real strength of the mixed Yuan Empire. After all, there are two continents separated by time and space. There is little communication between them and no news.

After predicting the movement of the mixed Yuan empire, Bailu Cave's main authority said: "For the sake of this, Bailu Cave can only start with Zhengqi Academy, there is no other way." He was silent for a moment, and seemed to be thinking about a major event A long time ago, he said, "However, if I want to get the academy's help again, I'm afraid I will pay a price."

The elder's face was very ugly, and said, "The meaning of the cave owner, Bailu Cave, is to show sincerity. But will the leisurely gift, the righteous academy put it in the eyes? Every time I think about it, there is only a book treasured by the old cave owner. The Confucian Classics is appropriate. "

The master of the cave sighed: "This time the Zhengqi Academy is willing to help each other. On the one hand, it is in the face of the old master of the Dong. The main reason is because of this" Confucian classics ". At the time, the old master of the cave traveled the world and once entered the continent of Confucianism. "The Confucian Classics" was accidentally harvested. This scripture is the treasure of the Holy Confucian civilization. At that time, the righteous courtyard master discovered this scripture at the same time, but was taken away by the old master. "

The elder said: "This scripture is precious, but not owned by Xuanhuang civilization. To Bailudong, it is like a chicken rib, and it's just handed over. However, I worry that Zhengqi Academy won't take any action after getting this scripture."

Bailudong said: "So this time when you go to Zhengqi Academy, you can only send one promise. Only when Zhengqi Academy sends troops, will it send its scriptures."

Everyone set a strategy. The next day, Bailudong sent a messenger group consisting of the elder and two court masters and two court masters to the continent of St. Confucianism to visit Zhengqi College.

Zhengqi College has ancient telegraph trees from the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, so Li Xing and others can easily reach the continent of Shengru. During this trip, he was accompanied by eight immeasurable Tao soldiers, and six immeasurable trenches, and then three Confucian and Taoist deities.

The imperial battleship appeared on the continent of Confucianism and entered the continent. Li Xing felt a strong Confucianism and Taoism. He even speculated that Confucianism and Taoism belonged to a class of intermediate civilizations, but it was not easy to judge which level they were. .

He whispered secretly: "The mixed-yuan civilization is currently only a basic and primary civilization. It has just begun. If you want to reach the intermediate civilization, you must go through a long process!"

Emperor-class battleships everywhere attracted countless eyeballs, and even some monks stayed far behind, wanting to see who was on the ship. When these people found out that the imperial battleships had entered the sphere of influence of the Zhengqi Academy, they speculated one after another.

"Is this the Imperial class warship purchased by Zhengqi College? If it is true, then Zhengqi College can definitely overwhelm its two colleges and become the only one from now on!" Someone exclaimed.

"It may not be that the three colleges have treasures from the town courts. They may not be worse than the imperial class battleships, but they are not necessary. They will not be shown to outsiders."

"What do you know! Xuanji continent will not sell warships at all, where can I buy them? I heard that there is a warship in Xuanhuang continent, which belongs to the mixed Yuan empire. I think 80% of them are here.

"This buddy, do you know what the mixed-yuan empire is doing here? Do you want to form an alliance with the academy to suppress the other two academies?"

"It won't be that simple

Emperor Emperor Girl: Canaan Xiang loves 5200

Look down! "

The imperial battleship entered the academy's area and was closely watched the first time. However, Li Xing did not rush into it, but sent a great gift and honor to enter the Zhengqi Academy as a former exerciser.

In fact, before he came here, Li Xing had informed the Zhengqi College of the visits through the Four Wilderness Chambers of Confucianism in mainland China. Therefore, Zhengqi College had long been prepared. When the messenger arrived, he immediately welcomed him with a grand ceremony.

A vice-principal was greeted in person, the two sides said a few words of shame, and then went to pick up the emperor. Of course, Zhengqi College's deeds are not small, they directly urged a huge stone book, holding thousands of people to welcome them.

This book is an immeasurable instrument of Zhengqi Academy, calling it 10,000 books. Wan Shushu arrived near the Emperor Ship, and the Vice-Chancellor boarded the ship, and Li Xing led the crowd towards Wan Shushu and stole the battleship at the same time.

Emperor-class battleships, small or large, were reduced to the size of a slap, and were included in their sleeves.

Wan Juanshu returned to the academy. On the way, the vice president introduced the history and environment of Zhengqi College to Li Xing enthusiastically. Everyone had a good talk. After arriving at the academy, Li Xing saw a large square ahead.

Above that square, 90,000 pillars were planted, and each pillar was engraved with poems, books, rituals, and righteousness, exuding great vigor. The righteousness emitted by the 90,000 pillars converged into a dragon-shaped energy, rising into the sky, and condensing into a huge "Confucian" character in the sky.

Li Xing felt that on this square, there was an extremely powerful defensive formation. The word "Confucianism" was the core of the defensive formation.

On the ground, a boulevard was paved with a red carpet, and a group of people came forward, all elegant and good. First a middle-aged monk in a white robe, he held a book in his hand, and greeted with a smile.

At the sight of Li Xing, Li Xing secretly panicked, because he found that the man had reached Ninety-Five Days. What's more, what really surprised Li Xing was that this person loomed a sense of immortality.

That is to say, the person in front of him is not far from the immortal realm. It may be in this period or in the next period, and he must be able to enter the immortal realm.

This person is naturally the director of Zhengqi College. He walked to the front, folded his hands to his chest, and used the Confucian courtesy to say, "The Emperor of Yuan Dynasty is not far away, and he is far away, please forgive me."

Li Xing also said politely: "The host of the hospital is polite. Jiuwen Zhengqi College is Confucian orthodox. Seeing it today, it is well-deserved. The host of the hospital is upright, and he is exquisite and admirable."

Zhengqiyuan laughed: "The emperor is polite, please!"

Immediately, Li Xing walked side by side with the master of the courtyard, and the subordinates of the two sides followed, and entered the Zhengqi Hall together. The Temple of Righteousness is vast and vast, and it is a world of its own.

A square table with Li Xing sitting on the left and the owner sitting on the right. Behind the two sides, sat their respective people. Some children served tea, the two sides raised their glasses and drank only tea to talk about the world.

After drinking a few cups of tea, the owner of Zhengqiyuan said, "The emperor has come here for advice."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Nothing will go to the Three Treasure Hall. I am here to ask the owner a word."

The righteous courtyard master smiled: "I don't know what the Emperor wants to ask?"

Li Xing leaned forward and said: "The courtyard owner, Ming people do not speak secretly, the mixed Yuan empire will unify Xuanhuang. On the unification of Xuanhuang continent, White Deer Cave is the biggest obstacle, so White Deer Cave must be won."

"However, it is rumored that Your Excellency the Academy of Classics and the old owner of Bailuyuan have a lot of friendship, and have decided to help Bailudong fight against our mixed Yuan empire. Here, I just want to ask a question, but this is the case." Li Xing directly , Say the main points.

The principal of the Zhengqiyuan looked calm and secure. He blew tea and sipped slowly before he said: "The emperor should know, and rumors are not believed."

"Oh? Isn't this the case?" Li Xing kept up.

"Hehe, UU reads www.uukanshu.com Laodongzhu and old-fashioned friends. However, the great emperor knows that even if I know and make friends, as the host, I will not use the entire Zhengqi academy to help him." The main road of Zhengqiyuan.

Li Xing groaned slightly and said, "It looks like there is something hidden inside?"

"It's true that there is a" Confucian classics "hidden in the Bailu Cave, which is the Confucian classic, the root of Confucianism and Confucianism. At the beginning, old decay was almost available, but it was taken a step ahead by the Laodong master. Oh, no way, these years , Old age only stuttered, hoping to borrow a look. "

After hearing, Li Xing laughed suddenly and said, "What if there is no Confucian Classics?"

The righteous sigher sighed: "The only thing that can be done like that is to hope that my old friend will be safe and well through this disaster."

Li Xing has fully understood the position of the Zhengqi Academy. What they want is actually the Confucian Classics. If they can capture the Confucian Classics, then the Academy will never intervene in the White Deer Cave.

He pondered for a moment and said: "The Confucian classics are the Confucian classics, and the three academies of the continent of Confucianism, no matter which academies are obtained, will suppress the other two." He laughed, "no wonder the academy's attention."

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