Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1158: 1 xuanhuang

The owner of Laodong nodded and said, "The old one is to fight for the interests of the children of Bailudong, and the other is to ask the emperor."

Li Xingdao: "Please say."

"The staff of Bailudong is hoped that the emperor will not be biased. If anyone is willing to be an official, please treat him as an equal. If anyone is unwilling to be an official and would like to stay in Bailudong, please also allow him to allow presence."

"This can be promised." Li Xing nodded. "As long as the White Deer Cave does not ruin the great cause, the empire will only support it and will not suppress it."

"The Emperor really has a big mind." Lao Dongzhu praised, "The second thing is about the source of civilization. Old hope, the emperor will enter the source of civilization in the future, please find the source of Xuanhuang on behalf of the old match."

Li Xing pondered for a moment and said, "I don't dare to say that I will do it. However, if I have a chance, I will help you complete it."

Lao Dongzhu was very excited and said, "Thank you, Emperor!"

On the same day, the host of Bailu Cave led everyone in Bailu Cave to meet the Emperor of Yuanyuan, and the Emperor gave a feast. During the banquet, Lao Dong talked about the past and solved many of Li Xing's doubts.

For example, the reason why the son of Xuanhuang knew the treasures of the four seas was from the main mouth of Laodong. At that time, the son of Xuanhuang was the object supported by Bailu Cave, hoping that it would be a unified Xuanhuang continent.

There is another thing, that is, the person who hurt the Laodong owner came from a place called "Watching Mountain", with unpredictable means and cultivation. At that time, the master of the old hole defeated his hands with the peak combat power of Nirvana.

In this regard, Li Xing was very attentive, asked carefully after passing, and looked dignified. The opponent is indeed very strong, he speculates that the opponent is most likely an orderer.

It is rumored that the orderer is the incarnation of the will dominated by civilizations. The speed of cultivation is fast. Often, within a short period of time, horrible cultivation can be achieved, and the military achievements and far superior to peers.

It's no wonder that Laodong's main body is Xuanhuang Seed, and he still loses his hand.

The mountains and rivers are unified, and the Xuanhuang continent is finally completely occupied by the mixed Yuan empire. Immediately, the ancient trees in space jumped around, assisting other ancient trees to fully build the entire Xuanhuang continent.

In the past, the inability to occupy the entire Xuanhuang continent made this civilization very difficult to achieve the overall effect. Now it's very different. Between Li Xing's thoughts, everything in the entire Xuanhuang continent has come into his eyes, and he has noticed everything.

If someone enters the space-time chaos between the northern wasteland sections, they will see a huge oval continent floating in the air. This giant, originally yellow, was gradually chaotic at this moment.

Later, the mainland glowed with infinite vitality, and the endless ancient trees in space grew out of the big trees and even extended toward the sporadic space and time, like satellites, revolving around the continent.

At the same time, Li Xing felt that the branches and leaves of the ancient civilization tree actually rushed out of the mixed Yuan world and directly entered the Xuanhuang continent. Suddenly, the entire Xuanhuang continent was shrouded in an explanation.

It can be said that at this moment, Li Xing has built the mixed Yuan empire into an independent kingdom, which is also his gateway to the world. Such a big world portal is safe and secure. It can continue to grow and prosper. Even if a strong enemy strikes, it cannot shake its foundation.

The overall construction of Xuanhuang Continent lasted for nearly ten years. In the past ten years, whether it is long or short, the Four Desperate Chambers of Commerce has developed smoothly in various continents, and many chambers of commerce have become quite mature.

And soon, Li Xing tasted the benefits of starting a chamber of commerce. Various civilizations, countless continents, and countless treasures flowed into the hands of the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce, and then circulated out. The spread thus earned can account for more than 20% of the total transaction value.

Moreover, the circulation of treasures in the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce also facilitated Li Xing. For example, some time ago, someone actually sold the fragments of Mingming Sword to the Chamber of Commerce. Moreover, the number of fragments was quite large, there were actually more than eight thousand.

Of course, the other party's asking price is also extremely high, and it was actually proposed that three immeasurable Yanshou Dan, ten immensely strong retaining planes, and one immensely big wisdom Dan. All three elixir medicines have extraordinary effects and are expensive.

When Li Xing got this information, he let the chamber of commerce agree.

When more than 8,000 pieces of guns were extinguished, and they were fused, the strength of the mixed yuan gun was greatly improved. I saw that the tip of the gun was uncertain, and it was terrifying.

However, Li Xing is not satisfied with this. He has now created a primary civilization and looks deeper into the problem. Ming Mingjian was not completely refined by him, so it was not appropriate to blend it with the hybrid gun.

Therefore, he must return the gun to the furnace and re-work it. After refining, there will no longer be the scent of Ming and Ming swords on the hybrid gun, and in the future, more master-level weapon fragments can be incorporated to strengthen themselves.

In this way, the mixed yuan gun was placed in the ancient civilization tree, mixed Yuanding, and refined for seven hundred forty-nine days. When it reaches its peak, a layer of mixed elements will flow on it, which is very different from before.

With a shot in hand, Li Xing felt that the slightest glitch in the previous use had completely disappeared.

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But this is not the end, he took out the Xuanhuang Tower and Xuanhuang Ruler and patted the gun. The two things instantly turned into immense yellow phosgene, which was instantly adsorbed near the tip of the gun by the hybrid gun and turned into a rifle.

Suddenly, the lethality of this mixed yuan gun increased another grade. Li Xing even felt that if the other one shot him with this gun, he could only run.

He was able to integrate Xuanhuang Erbao so easily, but thanks to the old master's teaching of secrets. Therefore, Xuanhuang Tower and Xuanhuang Ruler are part of Xuanhuang Qibao. The heaven and earth Xuanhuang exquisite pagoda is the core, and the other six are Xuanhuang measuring scale, Xuanhuang town bell, Xuanhuang heaven and earth list, Xuanhuang Cangtian gate, Xuanhuang earth gate, and Xuanhuang exquisite heart.

If these seven treasures can be combined into one, they will be able to condense the real heaven and earth and exquisite pagoda.

Seven treasures, Li Xing only got the second, and they used secrets to refine them. After the shot was formed, Li Xing put it into the Yuanyuan Ding twice and practiced it for another seven or forty-nine days.

When the mixed yuan gun came out again, it had completely combined the power of Mingming Jian with the power of Xuanhuang Erbao, and its power had been improved. With one shot, Li Xing has the invincibility of the world.

In addition to the change of the mixed yuan gun, the rich and powerful reborn spirit stone has finally come to an end. One day, the big world made a loud noise, a golden light rose into the sky and turned into a person.

This man looked only seven or eight years old, but when he was blown by the wind, he "grouted" and grew to one and two feet. He was very strong and handsome.

He "haha" laughed out loud: "Lao Tzu finally reincarnated successfully, wow haha ​​..."


Suddenly, a large palm cover will come down and grab the wealth after rebirth in your hands. After struggling for a while, the goods stared, "Brother, is it nice to catch me?"

The natural thing to start with is Li Xing. He snorted and said, "It's so arrogant when you first come out. You need to know that you're just refining the true state of God."

Rich and wealthy did not lose heart, "Hehe" smiled: "Big brother is going to lie to me, although the level is low, the future is promising. Hehe, I can restore all repairs for up to ten years."

Li Xingdao: "Then give me honest practice, don't go out without regaining strength." Then he sent a large letter and sealed the riches directly to continue his practice.

He stayed in the stone for countless years, and he couldn't help it for a long time. This time he was sealed for another ten years, and he screamed suddenly: "Don't ah brother ..."

After dealing with wealth, Li Xing's body flickered, and he was in the chaos of time and space, watching the Xuanhuang continent quietly. This is not the first time he has gone out. Although the Xuanhuang civilization has fallen, it still has traces.

The Xuanhuang continent is still essentially a group plane. At this time, Li Xing can clearly see the traces of the fusion of the plane and the plane, so as to determine the outline of each big world.

"Since the unification of the Xuanhuang continent, I have refined the Xuanhuang continent with ancient civilization trees. Among the Xuanhuang continent, there is the origin of Xuanhuang civilization. The day when I refine it is when my civilization is ascended."

"Unfortunately, this process must be very long. However, although it has not been fully refined, it can already feel its powerful power, which has taken my mixed-yuan civilization one step forward."

Outside the Xuanhuang continent, Li Xing was holding a mixed yuan gun and stabbed left and right while he was in a turbulent time and space. He is currently practicing Wu Jing and creating a set of mixed yuan gun techniques.

Mixed-element gun shooting, combining the "Wu Jing" and the three-life annihilation, several kinds of secret skills, the power is still higher than the three-life annihilation. This marksmanship was used by Li Xing, and it has departed from the scope of martial arts and the scope of surgery. It is a self-contained killing method.

The performance of Li Xing was months, but it was only repeated over and over again. There was a little gain in his chest, but he could not really create the first shot of the mixed yuan marksmanship. However, he felt that time would not be long.

One day, the Africans wanted to make a sudden report on the mainland and talk about it.

The non-conceived mainland is a scattered continent ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is no unity, and forces of all sizes fight against each other. After the Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce entered the mainland, they originally developed rapidly and have established a firm foothold.

But just a month ago, another chamber of commerce was also established in the mainland of China. The name of the chamber of commerce is called the Watchman Chamber of Commerce. The emergence of competitors, the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce naturally dare not care, whether in price, variety, or service, make great efforts.

But what is surprising is that the Watch Chamber of Commerce is not bad at all. Later, the two major chambers of commerce were unable to compete with each other.

This is nothing, there is competition where there is business. But a few days ago, a new talker came to the Watch Chamber of Commerce. The other party resorted to brutal methods and directly led people to kill the Chamber of Commerce, injuring dozens of people.

Fortunately, a massless Dao arrived and was spared the disaster. However, the man was very capable, and Taoists could only drive him away, not kill him.

With this news, Li Xing frowned. He thought, is this Watch Chamber of Commerce related to the "Watch Mountain" in the main mouth of Laodong?

The first time, he rushed to the continent. He found that the injured were being treated by the ancient tree of life, and three immense immortals were already stationed here, and the response was in place.

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