Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1159: Step Overwatch Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 1159: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 1159

The person in charge of the non-Chinese mainland chamber of commerce, Tao Dao Liu Tian Tianzun, had the most serious injury, but when the emperor came close, he still resisted the pain and took Li Xing to the chamber of commerce. 【?:!network

After Li Xing arrived, he asked in detail. That venerable Da Tianzun said that the newcomer to the Watch Chamber of Commerce is called Heng Da Tian Zun, who is a master of boundless realm. He came alone and was hurt when he saw someone.

Fortunately, there are immense amount of guards, otherwise the consequences will be serious. However, in the course of the battle, in order to protect the people of the Chamber of Commerce, the infinite amount of soldiers had to explode their potential. Although they were shocked away, they also suffered minor injuries.

He also said that the scale of the Overwatch Chamber of Commerce originated. The Overwatch Chamber of Commerce was established later than the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce, but it has developed rapidly, and the grades and quantities of transactions offered are no less than that of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, the Overwatch Chamber of Commerce seems to have contacts with many forces in the continent, so its status is more stable than that of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce.

Li Xing asked about the situation in Africa, and learned that there are tens of thousands of forces in Africa. However, only a dozen of them are larger, including Teng State and Lan Ling State.

The Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce here does not want the mainland to succeed, but it is attached to Teng Kingdom. Correspondingly, the main force attached to the Watch Chamber of Commerce is the Lanling Kingdom. These two countries are both stronger forces on the continent and are neighbors to each other.

Teng State and Lan Ling State have been attacking each other and fighting endlessly, sometimes the east wind overwhelms the west wind, and sometimes the west wind overwhelms the east wind. However, since the two major chambers of commerce entered the two countries separately, the situation has undergone subtle changes.

First of all, because of relying on the name of the mixed Yuan empire, Teng State in the first few years made Lanling State dare not act rashly. Even in several small conflicts, it took advantage.

Perhaps because of the need to find a backing, Lanling also introduced the Watch Chamber of Commerce into the country shortly afterwards, and as a result, its confidence increased greatly, and it dared to compete with Teng.

Li Xing listened to the details and thought for a moment, saying that Liu Tian Dazun said: "You take a good rest, this matter is handled by the emperor himself."

Da Tianzun resigned, and Li Xing summoned Jiuyang's avatar and ordered him to go to the Watch Chamber of Commerce. The Watch Chamber of Commerce is located in the middle of Lanling Kingdom, not far away. Jiuyang turned up and arrived, and found the address of the chamber of commerce.

His purpose here was to cause trouble. Once he saw the site of the Watch Chamber of Commerce, he would go down. A big foot burning the pure real fire, carrying a mighty power, covered the sky, and stepped on it.


This foot shattered the void, being overbearing and fierce, before the foot came, there were already many suicides in the buildings below, and many people heard the sound of pain.

At this moment, a giant palm of the sky flew out from below, flying upwards and striking, giving off great power. The palms and feet were connected in mid-air, and there was another loud noise, which produced a strong explosion.

Unfortunately, although the giant palm is arrogant, it is still not the enemy of the giant foot. After a slight stagnation, it is suppressed. What followed was that the entire Overwatch Chamber of Commerce was flat-footed, not knowing how many characters were injured.

A roar came from below, but it was a person's great respect for the Dharma. He was stepped on by the lone clone of Jiuyang, unable to move. Jiuyang snorted coldly and said, "You just run rampant?"

The people below said angrily, "Who are you, dare to go wild at the Watch Chamber of Commerce?"

Jiuyang's avatar said lightly: "I am a member of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce. You wanted to destroy the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce before, and I will return today!" With a sound, the big deity among those building fragments was completely killed.

The roar of Tiantianzun roared like a thunder, screaming loudly: "Animal, you dare to kill the people of Watch Mountain, you are dead, no one in heaven and earth can save you!"

"Is it?" Jiuyang smirked sternly. "Unfortunately, you are going to die now. The future will have nothing to do with you."

The big foot suddenly ignited the fire of infinite pure sun, and the screaming Datianzun screamed. The infinite world suddenly burst into flames, the order shattered, and the road was destroyed.

One foot trampled to death the entire Watch Chamber of Commerce, Jiuyang did not stay, and returned to the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce. At this time, Li Xing was making arrangements to allow a large number of ancient trees in space to transfer and transfer ancient trees, and quickly mobilize the army of the mixed Yuan empire here.

Almost overnight, sixty king-class battleships, bone-bound chariots, imperial battleships, eight immeasurable road soldiers, seven immeasurable war spirits, and a billion empire army led by twenty immense heavenly gods gathered here. .

As soon as the person of Ronghua Datian arrived, he asked, "Is the Lord an urgent call to the army, what has happened?"

Li Xing nodded, looking dignified, and said, "I met a powerful opponent, they are the people of Watchman Mountain. Regarding Watchman Mountain, the owner of the old cave of Bailu Cave once said that they are very strong."

"My subordinates wondered why the Lord must start a war with Shouwang Mountain? Even if there is competition between the chambers of commerce, you don't have to tear your face in this way."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "The people who watch the mountain are very useful to the emperor. If there is an opportunity, they must be completely killed."

The hearts of everyone were shocked, and they knew that the great emperor of Yuan Dynasty had discovered the great benefits of the heavens, and then they died. Where do they know that the rampant Tianzun killed by Jiuyang's avatar is actually a respectable orderer.

From this, Li Xing judged that, in all likelihood, the entire Watch Chamber of Commerce was composed of orderers. And after collecting the memories of rampant Tianzun, he proved his inference that this is indeed a terrorist organization composed of many orderers.

Li Xing's practice is that the reason for the stagnation is the lack of advanced civilization. The orderers can be said to be the embodiment of the will of civilization, and they all carry a complete civilization heritage.

If we can catch the last one and refine it, we will probably get the intermediate civilization and even advanced civilization he needs. This is why, when Li Xing came up, he killed himself, the purpose was to anger Watch Mountain, make the strong ones appear, and then kill them.

A large army gathered, and the entire Teng Kingdom was surrounded by a huge amount of ancient trees in space. Inside, there were huge amounts of ancient trees of war, guarding ancient trees, and setting up a line of defense. After the line of defense, one billion troops were ready for battle, waiting for the other side to come.

When Li Xinggang was ready for everything, the sky above the Lanling Kingdom was suddenly torn open by a force of terror. The eighteen dazzling brilliance flashed out and turned into eighteen humanoid lightning bolts.

The eighteen lightning bolts, all of them imposing, are all over the deadly rampant Heavenly Supreme. One of the humanoid lightning snorted heavily, and the voice contained infinite murder and infinite anger.

"All the people in the chamber of commerce have been killed, and the other party is a master." One person said.

"Doing things arrogantly and aggressively, he hurt the people of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce some time ago, presumably it was the people there who retaliated. Unfortunately, we did not expect that the other party's counterattack was so fast and sharp, that they dared to kill the people in Watchman Mountain It's too bold to know how to write dead words. "

"I heard that there is a black continent in the Northern Wasteland, which has been unified by the mixed Yuan empire. This four-barren chamber of commerce belongs to the mixed Yuan empire. It seems that the people who shot it must be the high-level of the mixed Yuan empire. But it doesn't matter, no matter what One side, who has sinned on our Watch Hill, is destined to perish. "

"Well, there is no need to say more. Let's go to Lanling Kingdom, set this country flat, and then catch the people of the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce, and ask who is the one who started the Watch Chamber of Commerce and go!"

After that, the eighteen humanoid lightning suddenly disappeared, and the next moment appeared outside the borders of Lanling State. Emptyness is a space trap caused by ancient trees, making them all stop and stare at the periphery.

"What's going on? How could this Lanling country set up so many space traps in such a short period of time?" The leading humanoid lightning asked.

"A pitfall, you can't wait any longer, I'll break it before I say it." The other impatiently said, he opened his mouth with a phosgene. In this phosgene, it implies the order of the avenue, the laws of civilization, and wherever they go, the traps explode, and a passage is born.

Eighteen people flashed in, and they entered Lanling State in one fell swoop.

However, the next moment, they knew that the space trap was only the first step, because at this time it was surrounded by a large number of war spirits. Among these war spirits, there are actually masters of immense boundlessness, and they are not afraid of death, which is very difficult.

Even if this is the case, eighteen talents will start, and it will be convenient for hundreds of millions of soldiers to come together to form a large array ### 大 ,, suppressing their gas engines.

The leader said angrily, "We're in trouble, withdraw!"

"Want to leave? It's late!" Li Xing was carrying a mixed gun, generating electricity step by step, Yun Yongfeng followed, without a word, the shot would stab down.

His mixed yuan gun has just integrated the Xuanhuang Erbao and Ming Sword Shards, and its power has increased many times. In conjunction with his three-life lore, and the high-end and infinitely high Tianzun combat power, this strike can be described as horrible.


The leader is not weak, and he has ninety calamities and immense levels of heaven, and he is also an orderer, and his combat power surpasses the monks at the same level. Unfortunately, he encountered Li Xing. He couldn't escape under the stabbing of the mixed yuan gun.


The leader roared, bursting out his full potential, and shouting, "Break me!"

He held the ball with both hands to create a huge spherical vortex ~ www.readwn.com ~ containing the Avenue of Order, the heart of heaven and earth, seems to be able to dominate everything.

However, the mixed yuan gun pierced into it, making a "pounce", stabbing the ball directly, and then drilled into his neck. As soon as the blade of the gun was cut, a good man's head flew up and he reached out and grabbed it.

Although the head fell, he was still able to speak, his eyes widened, and Li Xing said, "Hello, you dare to fight against Watch Mountain!"

Li Xing coldly said: "If you are not from Watch Mountain, the Emperor will not be so hard-handed." As a matter of fact, throw the human head directly into the mixed Yuanding Dinghua, to extract the civilization in it.

He felt that the captured man contained at least five intermediate civilizations, which was useful to him. So, without mercy, immediately beheaded.

The remaining seventeen people were astonished when they saw the leader beheaded, but suddenly they joined forces and beheaded at Li Xing.

(Excuse me, it's even late today.)


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