Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1160: Be on guard

Chapter 1160 Jiuyang Evil Prince

Chapter 1160

Li Xing openly fearless, Qing Xiao said, "You waited in front of the emperor, like a chicken and a dog, you can't bear the blow and die!"

At this time, the Emperor-class battleship appeared in the sky and sprinkled the sky with thunder. [? As soon as the net-lock-shaped thunder light appeared, the seventeen immeasurable celestial beings were all fixed in shape, and their faces changed dramatically.

"No! This is an imperial battleship, we're done!" A man shouted, his voice full of fear.

Li Xing carried a mixed gun and rushed forward, one shot at a time, killing those who could not fight back. When seventeen people were dying, they were full of unwillingness and indignity.

If Li Xing really kills them with a knife, that is not as good as a man, and he dies without regret. But now, they are all fixed by the imperial battleship and cannot fight back at all, as if they were to be slaughtered, and they died injustice.

However, Li Xing didn't seem to be interested in thinking about their thoughts before they died. He was just seriously sensing the civilized power hidden in the seventeen people.

"Two intermediate sixth-level civilizations, three intermediate seventh-level civilizations, and twelve primary civilizations. Unfortunately, they are not very useful." Regretfully, he put seventeen people into the Yuanyuan Dinghua one by one.

The sergeants saw Li Xing show off his mighty power, killing eighteenweightless masters in a row, his morale was uplifted, and his voice roared.

Li Xing waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Children, the other party is very promising. Soon, we will send out masters, and everyone will be ready to meet the enemy!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The whole army roared.

After Ting Guo's military account was large, Li Xing returned and found that the old cave owner of Bailudong actually came. He quickly stepped forward: "Laodong master, why are you here?"

The Laodong host narrowed a glance at Li Xing and said, "The old man heard that the mixed Yuan Empire conflicted with the people in Watchman Mountain. He was not at ease, so he came to see the situation. The emperor, what's happening now, I heard that you have cut 18 An immeasurable great deity? "

Li Xing nodded: "The other party dared to strike against the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce, which shows that the mixed Yuan empire is not considered in the slightest. This battle will happen sooner or later. In this case, it is better to take the initiative to attack, so that you can get some cheaper."

The Laodong master nodded and said with emotion: "The Emperor really had a great generation of lords, and he had great courage. However, the people of Watchman Mountain were powerful, and even if they were prepared, I was afraid they couldn't stop their aggressive attack."

"Oh? Is there any good way for Lao Dongzhu?" Li Xing knows that this old man has extensive knowledge, and his advice must not be wrong.

Laodong said: "Retreat immediately and adhere to the Xuanhuang continent. Now Xuanhuang continent is ruthlessly embroiled by the emperor, which is almost equal to the emperor's own plane. Old obsession, even if the watchman sent an immortal deity, it cannot threaten the slightest.

"And in this way, Watchman Mountain will never give up, and it will definitely send troops to attack. At this time, the empire can quietly brake, one to kill one, and two to kill one."

Hearing that, Li Xing nodded and smiled: "I have to face the enemy here before to see the true strength of Shouwang Mountain. Since the old cave owner suggested so, the emperor retreated."

The Laodong owner was very pleased and said: "The great emperor follows the good, and will surely unite the northern wasteland in the future, surpassing the northern emperor in history and becoming famous."

On the same day, the imperial army quickly withdrew from the continent, and the chamber of commerce was not left.

Not long after the army left, a portal on a mighty shore, like the gate of the sky and the entrance to the earth, was erected heavily between heaven and earth, exuding terrible momentum. The portal is connected with blue sky, and underneath, it is huge.

Thousands of lightning humanoid figures emerged from the portal, all of them imposing. In particular, each of the twelve people in front of him exudes a breath of immortality, and at a glance, he knows that he is an infinite master.

As soon as these people came out, one of the twelve faintly said, "They are gone."

"Walking shows that they have self-knowledge. Unfortunately, even if they run to the ends of the earth, they can't escape the pursuit of Mount Shouwang. The target, Xuanhuang Continent, go!" The most dazzling humanoid lightning ordered.

Suddenly, the portal shook, tearing open the space and flying towards the Xuanhuang World. In the endless stream of time and space, a lightning-speed swim like a fish, speed is extremely fast.

However, he said that Li Xing returned to Xuanhuang continent and immediately began to arrange defense. He foresaw that Shouwangshan's counterattack must be very fast and extremely fierce, and he must be fully prepared.

In the first step, he first raised the defense level of Xuanhuang Continent to the highest level, and all the defense forces were mobilized. Almost all of the real people in the world of Hunyuan are dispatched.

The second step is to focus all of the infinite weight of souls, Dao soldiers, and subordinates. There are about three hundred of these people. According to their strength, they were divided into three teams.

Each of these three squads has an immense number of Tianzun 100 people, and they will play together to kill the enemy and prepare to attack the enemy.

In the second step, the Emperor-class battleship and the Bone Chariot are arranged together to **** enemy masters.

In the third step, all of the 600 king-class battleships were divided into six fleets, and each fleet consisted of one hundred king-class battleships, and any party was reinforced at any time.

A long time ago, Li Xing had ordered people to collect the design drawings of the king-class battleship, and eventually succeeded. So with the help of the enlarged version of the ancient miracle tree, he began mass production of king-class battleships.

Since production has not been long, only the number of king-class battleships has been expanded to 600.

However, Li Xing was already very satisfied with this. The 600 warships, if used properly, could easily kill the immeasurable Da Tian Zun.

In the fourth step, Li Xing prepared enough killing tools and gave them to those around him, such as Ronghua Datianzun and Dihuang. These big killers include eight Perak Red Pills, a Yuanyuan sword array, and twelve ancient civilizations.

Perak Red Pill and Yuan Yuan Sword Array are both obtained by Li Xing from the Abyss of Dyed and Robbery. Both of them have the function of instantly killing the immense Tianzun, and they are extremely powerful.

As for the ancient artillery cannon, it was bought by the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce at a low price. When it was first obtained, the chamber of commerce thought it was worthless and threw it directly into the warehouse.

By chance, Li Xing inspected the warehouse, and immediately found that the twelve ancient cannons were not trivial. If they were placed in the plane of civilization, with the power of civilization, they could launch a strong attack.

Later tests also proved the power of this ancient cannon, although it could not reach the blow of the imperial battleship, but it was not much worse. However, the disadvantage of this artillery is that launching an attack requires absorbing power from the ancient trees of civilization, so the interval is too long, and each shot requires a pause of one quarter of an hour.

Even so, Li Xing still thought that these ancient artillery cannons were very useful, so he handed them over to the twelve stepless celestial deities, ordered them to be gathered together, and transmitted from the ancient space tree to somewhere at any time.

After repeated preparations, nothing happened. Li Xing all calculated that the Xuanhuang continent was laid out like iron, without any holes. After a visit to the old cave owner, he couldn't help but take a breath and sighed, "This battle will leave a lot of experts in Watch Mountain!"

He made a speech, and on the second day when Xuanhuang continent was ready to fight, a flash of lightning quickly rushed out and stopped outside Xuanhuang continent.

At a time of turbulence, a huge portal is manifested. As soon as this portal appeared, the space and time turbulent within hundreds of millions of miles actually became regular and no longer so chaotic. The portal is very bright, and thousands of experts have emerged from it. The first twelve are the most powerful.

The electric light on these people gradually disappeared, showing their true colors, one by one with a cold look and a clear look. The leading man had a vertical eyebrow between his eyebrows. He was destined to be in a turbulent and turbulent continent, his brows were locked, and said, "This continent has been governed so surprisingly."

"No problem, Xuanhuang continent doesn't seem to correspond, what should we do?" One person asked behind him, and he also saw the speciality of Xuanhuang continent.

A man named Wuke said, "The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is a civilized celestial deity. It's amazing. It's been a long time since I met such a character."

Everyone was shocked, and some even exclaimed: "What? Civilized Celestial Master, how can such a low-level place appear in such a low-level place? Even in our Watch Mountain, the Civilized Celestial Supreme is an absolute existence!"

"All right!"

Everyone waved his hand, and everyone was quiet.

"No matter what the other party's existence is, if you offend Shouwang Mountain, you are bound to die. The small Xuanhuang continent is like nothing to Shouwangshan. Please prepare for it and set foot on Xuanhuang continent!"

"Tread the Xuanhuang continent!" The crowd roared.

Li Xingduan sat in the middle of the Xuanhuang continent and looked at everything outside. He opened his eyes and said to the sergeant nearby: "Shouwang Mountain is really strong. This time, there were more than 9,700 people. Among them, the immeasurable Datianzu one thousand A hundred people. The rest are without the Great Celestial Master, but there seems to be a lot of hands in the hands of the Great Celestial Master.

Hearing the military situation, everyone was not surprised, but quietly waited for Li Xing's arrangement. In their hearts, the Emperor Yuanyuan is omnipotent and invincible ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if there are no more masters from the other side, they must return home.

Li Xing nodded with satisfaction and said: "Although the opponents have a strong lineup, in the eyes of this emperor, they are really a group of black people. As long as they are defeated one by one, they will definitely lose."

"Please order from the emperor, I will definitely wipe out the enemy!" A general shouted.

Li Xing showed a terrible killing, and said, "Okay! The generals listen to orders and meet the enemy!"

On the surface of the Xuanhuang continent, a layer of brilliance surged on the surface, and a doorway was gradually opened. Li Xing held the mixed yuan gun and walked out side by side with Jiuyang. Although there are only two people, the momentum and warfare of the two are not inferior to the army.

The third eye of Wutian Dazun looked at the split between Li Xing and Jiuyang, and suddenly his face changed greatly, and he shouted, "Destroyer!"

The vandals and the orderers are natural opponents. These people suddenly show infinite killing and stare at Jiuyang's avatar. Jiuyang's avatar incorporates Pan Guzhu, and the saboteur's breath is extremely strong. Even if it is far away, it can still be clearly felt.

Li Xingyang laughed and said, "Friends from Wangshan Mountain, this emperor has been waiting for you for a long time!"

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