Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1161: Empire Defense

Chapter 1161: Battle of the Empire

Chapter 1161: Empire Defense

Qi Guang, staring at Li Xing, said: "It is really surprising that a civilized celestial being a saboteur! If you are in Watch Mountain, you must be a wizard ... [fe ?! It's a pity that it offends Watch Mountain, you are already dead. "

Li Xing looked cold, and said, "Is it? The great emperor came along all the way, and the people who killed me were like a river crossing the river. Unfortunately, none of them succeeded. Instead, they all became the stepping stones of the great emperor."

Wutian Datian sneered: "It's arrogant! Didn't you find that there are thousands of immeasurable Datians here in Watchman Mountain, and you can find out a few on the Xuanhuang continent. Are there 300?"

Li Xing laughed and said, "Only you, such an idiot, can you win or lose with the immeasurable amount of deity."

There is no shortage of eyes and a cold: "Speak as many words as possible, because you have no chance to speak." He waved and said loudly, "One is not left, all are beheaded! Today, we are going to make this continent Become dead, Jedi! "

There are more than a thousand immense heavenly deities, and more than eight thousand immense heavenly deities, divided into several parts, encircling the Xuanhuang continent, and then launched a total attack.

That Tiantianzun, who was without shortage, rushed to Li Xing and Jiuyang to join the eleven masters around him, a total of twelve.

Li Xing didn't beat the enemy, sneered, and he stepped back, drawing the other side into the range of Xuanhuang continent. These twelve people are basically ninety-five robberies, and there are immense peaks of celestial deities, and their combat power is super strong.

These people, they did not take Li Xing, a lonely celestial deity, into their eyes, and kept up.

As soon as the two sides broke into the Xuanhuang continent, a thunder light fell in their heads, and the twelve people were enveloped in an instant. This is the lock-shaped thunder light emitted by the imperial battleship. It has been waiting for a long time and fired instantly.

Suddenly a lightning flashed on the twelve immeasurable celestial beings, tearing apart the thunder. That flawless Da Tianzun sneered: "Ignorance! You don't know the power of Watch Mountain, you thought you could defeat us with a small emperor battleship? It's crazy to dream, kill me!"

Li Xing didn't feel any surprise about this. The Leiguang Lock was just a tentative test, so that he knew if he had any powerful means. Now it seems that these twelve people have the means to destroy the lock-shaped thunder.

At this moment, a bone-bound chariot appeared behind Li Xing. He stepped onto the tank, holding a bone-bond scepter, and yelled, "Kill!"

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of bone-brushing arrows descended in the void, and each one could shoot without great celestial respect, and shot down in an ocean. The twelve immeasurable big deities suddenly formed a large array, condensing a huge lightning portal above their heads.

The arrow feathers shot above the portal and were all sucked into it.

Behind Li Xing, Lao Dong's voice sounded: "Great Emperor, this is the thunder gate in the eight gates of Shouwang Town, which is an immortal weapon."

Upon hearing this, Li Xing immediately gave up the attack and turned away in a chariot. The twelve celestial beings sang together and followed each other, biting and holding.

When Li Xing attracted the twelve immense celestial beings with the strongest strength, the Xuanhuang continent was fighting fiercely in all directions.

An Overwatch Mountain attack squad consisting of twelve immense Celestial Masters and two hundred immortal Celestial Masters appeared in the space of Xuanhuang Continent and was locked by a Taoist soldier.

There are hundreds of millions of Dao Bing soldiers in a team, forming a killing array, killing all over the world, and rushing to kill.

The people on the side of Watch Mountain did not retreat, and they each played a good killing technique to attack the strong. But just as the two sides were confronting each other, a hundred king-class battleships appeared overhead. They were carried by the ancient trees in space.

"Lock, kill!"

The twelve immense celestial beings present were each locked by at least eight king-class battleships. A king-class battleship may not do much harm to them. But if the warship locks up and kills at the same time, they can't bear it.

"Why are there so many king-class battleships?" A massive Celestial screamed unwillingly, but the next moment, he was surrounded by boundless killing and shattered.

In another place not far from the Xuanhuang continent, the five immeasurable Datianzun kept chasing after Ronghua Datianzun and kept laughing: "You are like an ant, and you want to escape under our hands? How stupid! "

But at this moment, the metamorphosis was abrupt, and the six people noticed that the space around them suddenly solidified, and a giant space tree phantom appeared behind them. All ancient trees can be combined to form giant ancient trees.

The effectiveness of giant ancient trees has naturally increased countless times, and even in a short period of time, it can affect the immense amount of great respect. But even a brief moment is enough.

Ronghua Datianzun showed a cruel smile and threw a Perak Red Pill in the cold, saying coldly: "The future will be indefinite!"


A shocking red rose for a moment, and five immeasurable celestial beings turned into gray robbers, dying under a low-ranking immeasurable celestial beings. They died without staring.

At the same time, the emperor chased by eight immeasurable celestial beings suddenly stopped ### 子, turned around and killed him. This killing was exactly Yuan Yuan's killing. This array was exhibited by the Emperor. It was very powerful. When he saw a sword light, he strangled one of them.

Subsequently, the emperor folded up and ran again. The remaining seven were screaming with anger, shouting in anger, and continued to pursue. Unfortunately, they chased not far away, and suddenly felt creepy, then they saw the void, and a black hole's muzzle aimed at them.


A bright beam of light, as thick as a mountain, all at once ### 下 下. When the beam of light and the body, they did not feel pain, but a joy of being baptized by civilization.

However, after being happy, their planes disintegrated quickly, and all of them disappeared in a short moment. This is the power of the ancient artillery, killing people in happiness.

The same thing is happening in many places. Thousands of immeasurable celestial beings were killed by one shot and one shot, and the number kept declining.

However, he said that Li Xing was hunted down by twelve pinnacles, and escaped very hard. Thanks to his bone strength, he can stand invincible. However, the other party is not vegetarian. Once the twelve people join forces, they can display the Thunder Gate.

The Thunder Gate was so horrible that it almost devoured the Bone Chariot several times. In this way, Li Xing was more vigilant, and only took the cold and gave it to him, and he did not hit the other side with each other.

One side chased, the other fled, and unknowingly entered the depths of the Xuanhuang continent. Here, the palaces are heavy, and everywhere in the sky, it is obviously the land of the Yuan Dynasty.

When the twelve Watch Mountain Great Tianzun saw Li Xing fled here, they all thought that he was dead and had nowhere to go, and couldn't help but be overjoyed, then Tianzun said: "Catch up with him and give a blow!"

Li Xing said indignantly: "You bully too much, dare to be so aggressive!"

"Hmm! What the **** are you, and it's you who kills you today!" An immeasurable Datianzun drank coldly, and everyone was faster.

Li Xing quickly rushed into a palace, and seemed to take it away. Datianzun, who was short of flawlessness, immediately banged with a single palm, and immediately "Boom", the palace was shattered, exposing an ancient tree in space.

At this moment, Li Xingzheng rushed into the ancient tree in space, and then his body flickered, and the bone-bound chariot disappeared.

Wutian Dazun angered, "Chasing!"

A group of twelve people also rushed into the ancient trees in space. This ancient tree is nothing to them, and can be easily navigated, so as to find out where Li Xingyu is going.

The moment the twelve entered the ancient tree in space, a thunder sounded, and the ancient tree exploded and turned into a calamity. Everyone felt a gloom in front of them, and the drop above their heads fell billions of light. This dark light spreads out strange and evil powers, making them all look greatly changed.

"No! Fight!"

Da Tianzun, who lacks no shortage, said in a hurry, the twelve people immediately formed a large array, summoning Thunder Gate. The thunder gate let out a brilliant thunder, and slammed the black light.

They looked at each other and found a huge altar floating in the sky, and it was the black light that was falling from the altar, and it was getting richer.

Li Xing stood above the altar, his eyes were cold and chilly, "You all enjoy yourself here, wait for the emperor to kill all your people, and then come close to you."

Say a laugh, turn around and leave.

The twelve were so vomiting blood that they urged Thunder Gate again and again, but they were all covered by Wu Guang, unable to move.

In fact, Li Xing was very sorry. He originally planned to use the Altar of the Ancient Times to wipe out all these people. How could he know that the Thunder Gate actually had such power and held the altar's power forever.

Fortunately, although I ca n’t sacrifice them for the time being, I can use the altar ### to raise it, which can greatly reduce the pressure and deal with the remaining people with all my heart.

As a result, the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty drove back to the battlefield with a bone-bone chariot. When the Gun of the Yuan Dynasty went, the bones flew and fluttered, and no one was his enemy.

Jiuyang's avatar is even more fierce. As a saboteur, anyone who finds order will kill him directly, kill each other three or two times, and then throw it into the plane, refining with Panguzhu.

Every time a person of order is absorbed, a slight change occurs in that Pan Guzhu, and the stronger his combat power, the more he rushes into the enemy's battlefield, as if in no one's realm.

The imperial battleship fired wide, firing side-by-side with the bone power, and sniping around with the help of the imperial army.

Thousands of immeasurable big deities ~ www.readwn.com ~ more than eight thousand immense deities have been continuously divided, surrounded, and killed, and the number has continued to shrink. During this process, a large number of infinite bodies and infinite bodies were refined into war spirits and dao soldiers, which greatly enhanced the empire's combat power.

So, three days later, the situation on the battlefield was completely reversed, and under the leadership of Li Xing, the emperor surrounded the enemy with all his strength. For another three days, the immeasurable Da Tianzun wiped out all of them. Most of them were put into the Yuanding Ding by Li Xing, and a few belonged to Jiuyang.

Naturally, those who do not belong to the order of the Great Celestial Master have become fertilizers for ancient trees, which are used to cultivate war souls and Tao soldiers.

The remaining 2,000 or more without a great celestial deity are even more vulnerable, and they can be easily removed simply by guarding the Taoist soldiers.

At this point, the ten-day battle for the defense of the empire was over. In this battle, Li Xing gained a lot and obtained thirteen Chinese civilizations for absorption. Jiuyang became a real person, devouring the orderer directly, refining Panguzhu, and after the war ended, he entered the hidden time and space for the first time, and went into retreat.

No shortage of big eyes

(Today's basic three chapters are done. Write after zero to see how much can be written.)

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