Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1162: King of destruction

Chapter 1162: The King of Destruction (Part 1 of Chapter 6 and Chapter 3)

Chapter 1162 The King of Destruction (Supplement No. 6 Chapter 3)

However, the mixed Yuan Empire also suffered great losses. More than 30 immeasurable celestial beings fell, and hundreds of immeasurable celestial beings were injured. ┝ & Net, the number of lost war souls and Tao soldiers is even greater, and it can be recovered in the short term.

The Imperial Army also had more than 3 million elites. They were bombed and killed by the guardian of Tianwang Mountain, and none were spared.

However, compared with the enemy's loss, the mixed Yuan Empire is only slightly injured and can be recovered after all.

For the fallen Great Celestial Emperor, the empire extended generous gifts to his relatives and friends. He also rewarded the injured. All these things were handled by the Emperor, and Li Xing came to the Provincial Altar as soon as possible.

The twelve pinnacles of the Great Celestial Master are still using the power of Thunder Gate to fight the altar at this moment. However, it can be seen that they can only resist and cannot escape. And the altar could not hurt them, and both sides were deadlocked.

Li Xing sneered, and said, "It still seems to overestimate you, and there are things you can't clean up."


The Protero Altar shook a bit, and a terrifying idea was conveyed. The main idea was that due to the distance, they could not transfer more power to the Protero Altar. And if you want to destroy Thunder Gate, you need the lethality of the immortal peak.

Li Xing was taken aback. So, this Thunder Gate is a magic weapon of immortality?

Just as he was shocked, another ray of thought came out of the altar, the intention was to let him baptize the Thunder Gate with the power of civilization. In this way, the Thunder Gate may be conquered.

Li Xing thought, the branches and leaves of the ancient civilization tree, since the void ### present. Between the leaves and branches, a large amount of the light of civilization rushed into the thunder gate and washed like a flood.

"Mixed emperor! You will regret it for what you have done today!" Wutian Dazun said fiercely. He was so unexpected that he brought so many masters, even the Thunder Gate who carried the treasure of Watch Mountain, and failed to win Xuanhuang. The mainland, on the contrary, fell completely here.

Li Xing did not hesitate at all. He only baptized the ancient tree with the light of civilization. He discovered that during the baptism, a consciousness of hesitation was spreading in Raymen. It seemed that he wanted to breathe the light of civilization, but he couldn't.

With a move in Li Xing's heart, he suddenly cried: "It is an immortal magic weapon!"

The innate magic weapon cannot be sacrificed, only a contract can be established. This Thunder Gate is obviously not completely controlled by others, otherwise there will not be the kind of will fluctuation that just happened, which shows that it is a magic weapon!

"Count your eyesight!" Said a great Celestial under the Thunder Gate. "This is one of the eight treasures of Watch Mountain. When the first civilization was developed, the inborn treasure ejected from the source of civilization, can you surrender?"

Li Xing snorted heavily: "You guys are really dead ducks. I ask you what is the power of Watchman Mountain. When they are dispatched, there are thousands of immortals, which is really a big deal."

Listening to Li Xing's questioning, these people suddenly came to their spirits, and one sneered: "The emperor Yuanyuan, speaking out is scared to scare you. Watchman Mountain was established by the orderer of the North Famine. The eight kings of order were so angry that they sent me to wait and kill you! "

"Huh! You don't know the power of Watch Mountain at all. We have the King of Order, an Emperor of Order, and the One Thousand Order! The power to come to attack the Xuanhuang Continent this time is less than one thousandth of Watch Mountain! "

"That's great! As long as we go back a little later, Shouwangshan will notice anomalies, and then more experts will be sent to attack the Xuanhuang continent. By that time, even if you have any great skills, you will also perish! You If you are clever, let us go quickly, or you may be killed by then. "

These people have lotus flowers in their tongues, and they want to persuade Li Xing to let them go, and continue to intimidate with the mighty power of Watch Mountain.

At first, Li Xing still looked dignified, but after listening for a moment, he suddenly sneered and asked, "Did you not find out, how is this Xuanhuang continent different?"

Da Tianzun said ruthlessly: "It's nothing more than a continent. To put it plainly, it is a deadly group plane." At this point, he suddenly thought of something, staring at Li Xingdao, "Can you transfer the Xuanhuang continent?"

"It's more than transfer." Li Xingdan said indifferently, "The Great Emperor has been sacrificing the Xuanhuang continent. By that time, it will become part of the Great Emperor's plane. Now, the Great Emperor can transfer it to a safe place at any time, even in a critical situation. At every moment, put it into the plane. "

Everyone was shocked and said, "What kind of civilization have you created that can actually devour the mainland? How can this be!"

Li Xingdao: "The path of the emperor is the avenue of hybrids, all civilizations of hybrids, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, not imaginable." He sneered, "So, you better be able to break through the emperor Before Raymen, come up with a reason to make yourself immortal, otherwise there will be no chance. "

After speaking, Li Xing left the scene and left the twelve people in Watchman Mountain with an ugly face.

Turning around the mixed Yuan Hall, Li Xing immediately issued an order for all the Four Desolate Chambers of Commerce to withdraw their headquarters. Now that he has become a deadly enemy with Shouwang Mountain, naturally he will not leave the chamber of commerce outside, otherwise he will be obliterated by him.

The second order ordered all the expatriates to return to Xuanhuang continent immediately.

The third order was that Xuanhuang continent was blocked for a hundred years. Within a hundred years, no one was allowed to go out.

Once the order is issued, it is executed immediately. Three days later, all personnel returned to Xuanhuang. On the same day, Xuanhuang continent was completely locked up and no longer had any communication with the outside world.

When everything was ready, Li Xing turned on the power of civilization and urged her mind, and the Xuanhuang continent gradually blurred. After ten breaths, the huge group plane turned into a glare, and then instantly shrank into a light spot, and disappeared instantly.

Three days later, Xuanhuang continent was transferred to the theme by Li Xing, an extremely secret place. There is no difference between time and space in this place. No one can find it except Li Xing.

He sent Xuanhuang continent here, not afraid of anyone finding it. The theme is vast and boundless. Numerous civilizations have been born, and they are extremely mysterious. It is not easy for one or two forces to explore.

Li Xing doing this, it looks like a closed door, but it is actually a kind of self-protection. Before the strength was not strong enough, he decided to leave for a while, so as to accumulate his own strength in order to break through.

Of course, in doing so, he was forced to interrupt some plans. For example, the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce, for example, rule more continents. Fortunately, he can afford this loss. As long as he is strong, these things can be done faster and better in the future.

Time flies, and ten years have passed. The Xuanhuang continent was closed, but Li Xing did not close himself. Every once in a while, he would come out to check the news and even returned to Beihuang several times.

As he expected, Watchman Mountain was almost crazy, sending a large number of experts to look for the Xuanhuang continent. Some continents suffered indiscriminately, and somehow they were destroyed.

Perhaps I would like to take this opportunity to expand my influence. In ten years, more than 300 continents in the northern wasteland were controlled by Watch Mountain. Moreover, the development of the Watch Chamber of Commerce is also very rapid. It can be said that it is flourishing everywhere and the business is booming.

In this regard, Li Xing felt the pressure. This watch mountain was really terrible. In the future, he must be extremely careful.

In the past ten years, many changes have taken place in the mixed empire. The biggest change is the Jiuyang avatar, who has greatly increased his strength because he has swallowed more than 300 orderers. Each time an order is devoured, the greater the destruction energy within him.

In the orderer's body, the power of civilization flows, understanding a civilization, and then destroying a civilization. In this cycle, Jiuyang's avatar is constantly accumulating strength.

The destroyer is divided into four orders, the first order is the destroyer, the second order is the king of destruction, the third order is the king of destruction, and the fourth order is called Pangu. The saboteurs are divided into nine levels, the weakest of which is the strongest, and the strongest of the nine.

Originally, Jiuyang's avatar was at the level of a third- or fourth-level destroyer. However, after successively engulfing various orders, and under the refining of Panguzhu, his strength advanced by leaps and bounds.

The fifth-level destroyer, the sixth-level destroyer, then soared all the way, steadily, and entered the ranks of the nine-level destroyer. This is not the end. In the end, Jiuyang rushed into the ranks of the king of destruction.

After entering this field, Li Xing learned that the King of Destruction also has nine levels. Correspondingly, the king of order is divided like this.

However, the so-called King of Order and King of Destruction are just a degree of understanding of civilization and do not represent one's cultivation. This is somewhat similar to the title of Sword King and Sword King.

Of course, the King of Order cultivates very fast. Therefore, the Jiuyang avatar, after breaking through to the queen of first-level destruction, took a very short time to rush to the realm of eighty calamities without great heaven.

Corresponding to it ~ www.readwn.com ~ its strength is also soaring, steady and steady, which can suppress the peak of the ninety-five calamities, the immense amount of great respect. Of course, if he meets the immortal Great Celestial Master, Jiuyang's avatar is far from his enemy.

Jiuyang's avatar progressed rapidly, and Li Xing was not slow. He beheaded countless orderers and plundered thirteen civilized forces. Except for the two advanced civilizations, the eleven thirteen civilizations can be refined and absorbed.

Therefore, after taking ten years, Li Xing continued to use the gate of time to successively absorb and refine eleven civilizations, thereby breaking through one by one, annihilating the Great Celestial Master from fifty-four and entering the sixty-five Nirvana Great Heavenly Supreme.

As early as the moment when he entered the Sixty Calamity Grand Heaven, Li Xing's life changed, and a fate was formed. The origin of the word Nirvana is derived from fate. Ming Dan is not a trivial matter, you can train it into a life weapon, attack and kill the enemy, and evolve all kinds of celestial magic.

The Great Celestial Master who owns fate can regenerate Nirvana under extreme circumstances and put himself in the dead. Of course, this kind of nirvana requires chance. Some Nirvana gods were beheaded at the time, and there is no chance of nirvana at all.

The promotion of Nirvana is closely related to Mingdan. Every time Nirvana respawns, Nirvana will change its fate once, which is called the first change, the second change, and the tenth change.

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