Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1163: Beginning of the Demon War

Chapter 1163: The Battle of Demons Begins (No. 6 and Chapter 4)

Chapter 1163 The Beginning Of The Demon War (Part 1 Chapter 6 Chapter 4)

After the tenth Dan change, the practitioners also reached the level of the 71st Nirvana Nirvana, and in the next step, they can cultivate the infant into a promise, and learn the essence of the prom. . . [FБ

Da Tianzun's practice is divided into three major stages. The first stage includes foundation, legend, epic, and ancient four realms. In this section, the power of the plane is called the power of the basic world.

The second stage includes the three realms of silence, nirvana, and infinite. The Great Celestial Sect in this section can completely change the plane and continuously transform through the three major means of silence, nirvana, and infinite. Therefore, the power of the plane in this order is called the power to transform the world.

The third stage includes immense, immortal, and broken realms. The three heavenly respects of the great heavens, the power of the deep level of the classics, the power of the plane has the power to reverse the order of change, the distortion of the law of supremacy, called the power of the broken world.

At this time, Li Xing was in the second stage of nirvana. Nirvana is a critical time, unlike the state of silence, which can be accomplished overnight. Through a deep level of silence, you can successfully complete your work.

Nirvana requires ten consecutive changes in order to finally enter the Promise. But at the level of the Promise, Li Xing's Xiuwei was considered as a dweller. He was really genuine and could ignore the immortal statue below immortality.

At sixty-five days, the strength of Li Xing increased rapidly, because he broke through the level of power constraints of the level of annihilation, and thus steadily and reached the combat power of ninety-five years.

Of course, the combat effectiveness of the ninety-five disasters here refers to the average combat effectiveness. At the same level, there are immensely large Celestial Masters, and there is a big gap in combat effectiveness. Li Xing is not invincible at this moment.

Ninety-Five Calamity ’s combat power can explode in Nirvana. This is already the limit. Before entering the Promise, Li Xing's realm will not increase too much, but will only increase slightly.

This is just like when his strength was restricted by the realm in the solitude and ancient realms. If you want to break this bond, you must break through to the limitless state, and reach the limitless state, his strength will be unfathomable, and the combat power may touch the immortal level.

On the other hand, after entering Nirvana, Li Xing's progress in refining Xuanhuang Continent has accelerated a lot. Now he can hide the power of Xuanhuang continent in one thought.

One day, if he can fully refining Xuanhuang continent, he will absorb the remaining civilization roots of Xuanhuang continent and let his strength leap forward. Moreover, if this move is successful, he will also open up a terrifying existence by swallowing up the mainland.

But he said that day, as usual, Li Xing went out to listen to the news. It didn't matter that I heard that something had happened. It turned out that the territories finally began to attack the heaven.

The battlefields of the two sides, located in the chaotic ancient star domain of the main plane, have mobilized countless armies and billions of masters to attack and kill each other. After several consecutive battles, no one was able to take advantage.

For the most powerful deities in the realm, Li Xing had long speculated. Because of this yin and yang era, the demon is twins, so every life in the world will accompany a demon.

For example, in the thematic plane, there is a pure celestial deity, with eighty-eight treacherous celestial deities. Then, under the influence of yin and yang, the territories will also spawn a great demon statue of eighty-eight magnitudes in a short time.

This is also the reason why the realm can produce so many magic masters in a short time. Just like that reincarnation, when he met Li Xing for the first time, he was only a basic great deity.

But now, I am afraid that it has already broken into immeasurable territory and has a powerful fighting force.

The first time he got the news, Li Xing returned to the Xuanhuang continent and ordered all the warships to go out to heaven to assist the ninth emperor. At first, he got two treasures from the ninth emperor, and turned into an imperial battleship. At this moment, it was time to reward the other party.

An emperor-class battleship, 1,200 king-class battleships, and 28,000 sniper warships drove out of the Xuanhuang continent and sailed to heaven. Most of these warships were built by the miracle ancient trees themselves, and their lethality was even stronger than the original.

When he set off, Li Xing sent a message to the ninth emperor, announcing that he was about to arrive to assist.

However, he said that the ninth emperor was sitting in the army camp's account at this moment, his face was gloomy, because just now, his one billion heavenly soldiers had been dumped by the prefecture, and less than half broke out, causing heavy losses.

One billion soldiers, which is the capital of the ninth emperor, suffered huge losses, and even threatened his status. Because he had just received the news, the remaining emperors had already entered the emperor, hoping to reduce their military power to punish him for improper command.

In the camp, many of the thresholds kept their heads silent. At this time, they couldn't do anything and could not help crying.

Suddenly, a movement in the ninth emperor's heart, a tiny ray of thoughts, separated by infinity, was conveyed to his soul. At this time, a ray of thoughts left by Li Xing could be contacted at any time.

As soon as the ninth emperor's eyes lighted up, he suddenly shot the case. "Haha" laughed out: "It turned out that Xuanhuang continent has not disappeared, Li Xing has not died, all right! Let's drive, this emperor must personally meet the Yuanyuan Grand Supreme!"

At this moment on the ninth day, it was located on the main plane, without the Huaxing domain, and temporarily resided on a big star. At this time, hundreds of millions of light knots flew above the big star, but it was the ninth emperor who took the big ship and flew into the sky to welcome Li Xing.

In the distance, a large number of battleships appeared in a mighty and powerful manner, which can be described by terror.

"My God! How can there be so many king-class battleships, 1,200! Even the most powerful big emperor, his king-class battleships are only 800!"

"You see, there is still an emperor-class battleship. This is the killer of the vainless figure. Whoever kills anyone is very powerful!"

"The 28,000 sniper ships are not trivial either. This ship is capable of killing no great celestial deities, and when there are enough, it can even suppress them.

He led the ship, of course, it was the team led by Li Xing. He flew out of the imperial battleship first, and went to the ninth in front of the son, saying: "See the ninth Lord."

The ninth emperor laughed and quickly held Li Xingdao: "Brother Li, why are you and me so polite?" Then he glanced at the battleship group and praised, "What a great deal, how did these battleships come?"

Li Xing laughed: "It was made by my own family, which made the ninth man joke. However, these things are very useful in fighting, and this time moving here is to help the ninth man."

The ninth emperor was overjoyed, and Li Xing was about to enter his battleship. This warship should belong to the enhanced version of the king-class battleship, which is ten times more powerful than an ordinary king-class battleship, which is also rare.

Everyone was there. Some old acquaintances saw him with complex expressions. Bibi's popularity is dead. I think everyone was inferior to everyone at the beginning, but now, seeing Li Xing has been established, even the ninth emperor must treat it equally.

Li Xing greeted everyone and was placed opposite the ninth emperor. This was an equal seat. Even if the first day comes, he will only sit in this position. It can be seen how much the current ninth emperor attaches importance to Li Xing.

After serving the tea, the two sides shuddered, Li Xing opened his eyes and said, "Ninth Lord, how is the situation recently?"

The ninth emperor sighed and said, "Not long ago, I just lost a game and lost one game, discounting 500 million heavenly soldiers, it really hurts my emperor!"

Li Xing frowned: "How come you broke 500 million people all at once?"

He knew the ninth heavenly son's ability and wisdom, and he would never make such a big mistake.

Sure enough, the ninth emperor heard the words and expressed his hatred: "This was all jeopardized by the seventh emperor. He deliberately introduced his enemies into my defense zone, and then slipped away by himself. As a result, the two enemies scrambled back and forth, Can I be undefeated? "

Li Xing could not help shaking his head and sighed: "The enemy now, the seventh emperor is actually fighting like this."

A doorwayer said: "Hunyuan Grand Supreme, now only you can help the ninth Lord, I wonder if there is any good way?"

Li Xing nodded: "I'm here to help the ninth man with all his strength. As long as the ninth man orders, he will go all out. However, before the action, I want to make a request to the ninth man."

The ninth emperor smiled and said, "Just say it."

Li Xingdao: "These fleets must be under my command and can operate independently."

The ninth emperor didn't think about it, and immediately agreed, saying: "This is natural, Li Xing, you are here to help out, not the subordinate of this emperor. In addition, I will report to the emperor to arrange an independent compilation of heaven Will not be restrained by any force. "

Li Xingdao: "It's the best."

Immediately, the two sides discussed the current situation. At present, the local government dispatched 800 troops to quickly eat away at the main plane. Wherever they went, they would set up the demon domain, and all planes would be demonized. From then on, they no longer belong to the people in the Tao, but the people in the magic.

The 800 Army Corps ~ www.readwn.com ~ vary in combat effectiveness and number of soldiers. There are hundreds of billions of soldiers in a large corps. They are invincible, and even heaven must be avoided. The small corps, also with hundreds of millions of men and horses, has a certain destructive power.

In the court of heaven, a large number of heavenly soldiers were also transferred from the Four Wildlands, and the forces of thousands of continents were mobilized. It turned out that in these years, Tianting sent troops to the Four Wildlands to control some continents.

Until now, thousands of continents have been completely controlled by the heavenly courts, and the heavenly court system has been established. Therefore, as a result of the order from heaven, thousands of continents have sent a large number of troops to help the war.

The mainland's reinforcements and the strength of the Celestial Court should be more than that of the prefectures, and their combat effectiveness is not weak. Therefore, since the war, the two sides have each lost and failed to gain the upper hand.

In addition, the ten emperors in the heaven court were also ordered to fight against the army of the local government. However, the ten emperors can only use their own army and contacts, and have no right to command the heavenly army. In this way, we must see how powerful the human power is.

The greater the power, the more troops in your hand, the cheaper you will be when fighting. For example, the seventh emperor, who holds 8 billion male soldiers, is much stronger than the one billion emperor of the ninth emperor, so he has repeatedly won military merits and has received many awards from the emperor.

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