Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1167: Masters gathered

Chapter 1167: Master Jiuyang Gathers

Chapter 1167: Experts Gather

The eight-headed gold beast ran and ran like a thunder, and immediately overturned the car. The seventh day child jumped down embarrassedly and his face turned blue. The followers behind him were even worse, and the iron hoof of the swallowed gold beast stepped into the flesh.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to the seventh emperor, pointing. Zhigong hurried at this time and whispered something to the seventh emperor, only to make him look slightly better.

Subsequently, the two did not need to drive scooters anymore, and flew directly into the army. After seeing this scene, the ninth emperor smiled coldly and said, "Brother, you said above the meeting, will the old seventh be bad for you and me?"

"This is inevitable." Li Xingdao said, "I couldn't live without it, and he kept biting it, secretly killing him repeatedly. Now he knows that you and I cooperate, how can we stop it?"

"No matter what Lao Qi does, the brothers are standing behind you, but they can't do that either." The ninth emperor said.

The imperial battleship flew into the Ministry of War, and was taken up by Li Xing. One person brought a few followers, and went into the Hall of the Ministry with people. Along the way, someone kept greeting the ninth emperor, one by one.

With this, Li Xing also had a general understanding of the strength of the Tianting army. Many of these people encountered on the road belonged to the immense level of immense celestial beings, and secondarily they had no celestial deities.

Entering the hall, there is a special welcome to invite everyone to different positions. The ninth emperor has a very high status. Like the other nine emperors, he was invited to the position closest to the main seat of the Marshal.

Soon after the two sat down, the seventh and sixth emperors arrived one after another. Li Xing saw other emperors for the first time. For example, the first emperor had the power of a king, and his strength was very scary.

The rest of the emperors are mostly immeasurable celestial beings with more than 90 calamities, and there are masters around them like clouds, none of them are weak.

The seventh son took a cold look at Li Xing and the ninth son, then sat down opposite, and talked to the eighth son on the right side, saying, "Old man, look at the old man and he doesn't understand the rules. Sit on the main seat. "

On the eighth day of the ninety-two calendar day, he glanced at Li Xing's direction, and said lightly, "Since the seventh brother can't get used to it, why not go and get rid of him?"

The seventh emperor laughed, and said, "This man is so **** that he doesn't put me in his eyes at all."

Li Xing sat side by side with the ninth emperor, and did not care about the strange eyes cast around him. Since he came, he has long considered clearly about all possible things and has a way to deal with them.

He looked around and found that the seat closest to the main seat was still empty, and that seat was more honorable than the position of the first emperor. This surprised Li Xing and asked the ninth emperor secretly.

"Why is that seat prepared? Which Emperor is in it?" Li Xing asked.

"That man is amazing. He is the emperor of Emperor Tiandi, and the road is chaotic. He is in charge of two mysterious organizations, Jian Tian Si and Tian Wei, and even Marshal Bing Ma must give him face." Said the ninth Tianzi.

"It was him! As a righteous son, his status is actually higher than your ten sons, which is really surprising." Li Xing said.

"Soon after Emperor Tian took the throne, he accepted the righteous son. We, the emperor and daughter, all grew up watching him." In the tone of the ninth emperor, there was no jealousy for Rangu, only admiration.

There were more and more people in the whole hall, and by then, the seats were basically full. Under Ten Heavenly Sons, there were eight seats, all of which were empty and no one was seated.

Through the mouth of the ninth emperor, Li Xing knew that the eight seats were reserved for the four wasteland and eight kings. Over the years, the court has continually attacked the four wastelands and overwhelmed many continents. And those conquered continents are currently controlled by eight immeasurable gods, known as the eight kings.

Each king has hundreds of continents, and his power is extremely huge. Moreover, they are also the ultimate masters of immeasurable peaks, so their positions at military conferences are second only to the ten emperors.

Suddenly, a bell rang, and the whole hall was quiet. Someone proclaimed: "Marshal Brigade arrived!"

An imaginary shadow spread down from the top of the temple, and finally turned into a shadow like a substance, appearing on the seat of Grand Marshal. Li Xing exhausted his eyesight and couldn't see through what the Marshal and Marshal had done. He only felt that the other party was unfathomable, and he was far from being an enemy.

"See Marshal!" The generals, including the ten emperors, all politely referred.

The shadow made a clear voice: "The generals don't need to be polite." Then he asked, "Where is the eight kings?"

Before the voice fell, there were eight strong winds blowing into the hall, and on the eight empty seats, there were eight immeasurable gods. Their strength, each one's horror, is sky-high.

Eight people had different appearances, and paid homage to the Marshal at the same time: "It is late, please forgive me."

Marshal said: "Sit."

"Marshal Xie!"

The eight king sat down grinningly and nodded to the general and emperor around him.

The scene was quiet, and many eyes were fixed on the only empty seat in the front row. About ten breaths, Marshal Bingma said, "Why isn't chaos ancient?"

The next person replied: "Lord Gu went into the enemy camp alone and assassinated Grand Marshal of the Prefecture."

There was a sudden "humming" below, full of enthusiasm.

"Oh my God! It's a real messenger to kill the Grand Marshal of the Mansion alone!"

"In the hands of Lord Luangu, there is a treasure slayer that is an immortal magic weapon, which may really destroy the Marshal of the Earth House."

"It's difficult! The Marshal of the Prefecture‘ Extermination of the World ’, the means are weird and unpredictable. It is said that this person is from the future and it is not easy to kill.”

After hearing all kinds of discussions, Li Xing's heart moved, remembering the reincarnation of the great demon, and he said, “Difu ### is a capable person from the future. Is it him?

A cold humming sounded from the nose of Marshal Marshal ~ www.readwn.com ~ The people immediately stopped talking, and there was silence below.

"Since something is going on in the chaos, you don't have to wait, the meeting begins." Marshal Bingma said.

"It can catch up." Just then, a figure of a mighty shore appeared in the hall. As soon as he appeared, the light of the entire hall was darkened, and a murky, cold and innocent murderous intention permeated all around.

Everyone's gaze was cast on him. He was born very brave, with long hands and feet, ape arms and waist, eyes like cold stars, nose like ###. Wearing black armor and carrying a black iron halberd, this man was nailed to the ground like a huge black epee.

Marshal Bingma laughed: "Lan Gu, you succeed?"

Ying Wu's figure smiled coldly, and said lightly: "Destroy the world seriously, escape with a plan." Just eight words, said the **** rain before. What strength and courage is it to hurt the Grand Marshal of the enemy palace with one person's strength?

No one was surprised, and even Li Xing was secretly shocked. However, another thing attracted him even more. In the mixed world, the light of order flashed strongly, it has never been as fierce as it is today!

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