Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1168: Tit-for-tat

Chapter 1168: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 1168: Confrontation

Li Xing's heart jumped, his eyes stared at Luangu. From the other side, he felt the power of several civilized orders, extremely strong and extremely pure. . . [FБ


Li Xing immediately knew the identity of Luangu, a master!

Those in control belong to the special order who have mastered several forces of order. Li Xing once swallowed a master and obtained several civilized forces from his body for cultivation.

Compared with the chaos in front of me, the master in control is worthless.

It seemed to feel Li Xing's gaze, and a pair of lightning-like eyes in Chaoan looked back, as if two thunders exploded into the void and penetrated directly into the depths of human soul. Li Xing immediately felt that a sharp force of heaven and earth rushed into his world with a domineering force.

The ancient tree of civilization moved immediately, emitting a mighty force of civilization, and constantly dissolving this force. It was like a strong wind, blowing into the mixed world, and finally this weak wind gradually weakened.

Even so, Li Xing was shocked with cold sweat, he snorted heavily, and looked away. This man is very dangerous. He doesn't want to conflict with him for the time being, and he doesn't want the other party to see the destroyer and identity of Jiuyang's avatar.

When Li Xing turned his eyes away, Luangu also shifted his eyes to Marshal Bingma. There was no expression on his face, and he arched, "Grand Marshal, I have kept you waiting."

Marshal Bingma nodded and praised: "Lan Gu, you have done a good job, you are indeed the first master in heaven!"

Luangu said faintly: "In the presence of Grand Marshal, how dare Luangu claim to be the first master in heaven?"

Marshal Bingma said, "In your ability, this name is yours sooner or later, and you don't have to be humble."

At this moment, the important people are basically here, and the Grand Marshal glanced at everyone, Shen said: "To call everyone today, there is an important thing to announce."

But at this moment, the seventh emperor suddenly stood up and waved, "Slow! Grand Marshal, before talking about the business, there is a small matter to deal with."

After all, it is the son of Emperor Tian. Even Marshal Bingma can't help but give face. He looked at the seventh emperor and said, "What's the seventh Lord to do?"

The seventh emperor reached out and pointed at Li Xing. His eyes were full of murderousness, and he screamed, "Grand Marshal, this person is a heavenly traitor, and immediately won this emperor!"

The people present were taken aback, and the rebels actually entered the army? It's so bold!

So everyone's eyes were doomed to Li Xing. Sitting in such an important position with an unfamiliar face on his face has already upset many people. At this moment, when he heard that he was a traitor, he immediately became noisy.

"As a traitor, I dare to be so arrogant. It is really impatient to sit in that position." Someone shouted loudly.

"Seventh Lord's eyes are like a torch, and he can't escape his eyes with Xiaoxiao." Some people even slap in the air, hoping to cause the seventh emperor's favor.

Li Xing was safe and sound, as if he hadn't heard anything, and turned a blind eye to the seventh son. Instead, he made many shouting people burst into his heart and gradually quieted down.

As the saying goes, there is no diamond, no porcelain work, this person so indifferent to everyone, there must be something.

The attitude of Li Xing made the seventh day son mad with his lungs, roared, and slammed his case. Ji Ji pointed out: "Lao Jiu, do you want to be stupid at this time?"

The ninth emperor glanced at him lightly, and said, "How do you have such a big temper? Brother Qi, and the younger brother doesn't understand, what are you talking about?"

At this moment, two people suddenly stood up in the crowd, saying in unison: "Yes, this person is a traitor!"

Two of them, one with extraordinary momentum and murderous body; the other wearing a black robe, the atmosphere is obscure, giving people a strange impression.

But seeing these two people, many of them lowered their heads inadvertently, and someone whispered: "The Deputy Commander of the Armed Forces Xiaoyue, the director of the Tiantian Division Yinsha!"

Xiaoyue Datianzun and Yinsha Datianzun belong directly to the four Heavenly Masters of the Chief of the Imperial Army and Jiantian Division. The four heavenly deities and grand commanders were all under the management of Chaoan Gutian, so they stood up, looked respectfully at Chaoangu, and then worshiped Marshal Bingma.

The chaotic look did not move, and seemed to have little interest in the matter. Marshal Bing Ma also just quietly noticed, to see how this situation develops. They are not fools, seeing that this is not a matter of a traitor, but a conflict between the two heavenly sons.

Xiaoyue and Yinsha didn't see the two big men, and immediately relieved. Xiaoyue Tianzun stared coldly at Li Xingdao: "Hunyuan Dazun, do you know the sin?"

"What is the crime?" Li Xing asked lightly, looking indifferent.

"At that time, you were the most wanted criminal in Tianting, and later fled to the North Famine. Come back today, and confess your sins!" Xiaoyue Datianzun directly pleaded guilty, and then waved his hand and said, "Tianwei, take this person!"


The two figures tear the space directly and appear behind Li Xing. One twists his hands and the other presses his head, and Li Xing will be taken down. These two Celestial Guards are all eighty-four calamities with immeasurable great respect, and their strength is horrible.

Li Xing snorted heavily, waiting for the two to get in touch, turned back into a palm. This palm looks ordinary, but it actually contains the essence of martial arts. In recent time, he has been enlightening on the "Wu Jing". Although he failed to finally create a mixed yuan gun, he has made great progress in martial arts.


This slap was fascinating, and the language could not describe it, so he just pulled a celestial body to the ground. The power of terror poured into his body and instantly caused major damage to the infinite world.

The Tianwei screamed, fell to the ground with more than horror, and his body was distorted. This doesn't blame him for his poor patience, only because Li Xingshun knocked a plunder seed into his body and it happened instantly.

While pulling down one, Li Xing greeted the other with his other hand, and then pulled back, the second Tianwei felt a strong inhalation, his body flew forward involuntarily, and moved towards the seventh fiercely. The direction of the emperor hit him.

This pull of Li Xing is infinitely powerful, and he uses the infinitely large Tianzun as a weapon, which can definitely kill the same level of Tianzun. So the seventh emperor did not dare to make a hard connection, his face flickered away.


The Celestial Guard smashed on the ground, smashed the slabs of the sturdy army, and shattered the hall.

"Bold rebel, dare to refuse to arrest!" Deputy Commander Xiaoyue was furious and strode toward Li Xing. His cultivation is much smarter than two Celestial Guards, but he is a figure who trembled in the sky with a large number of ninety-three calamities.

Every step he took, there was a killer ### come over, when approaching Li Xing, the killing intention has reached its peak. Xiao Yue sighed coldly, patted Li Xing with a palm, and said, "Suffer!"

Li Xing stepped forward, faced the enemy, and yelled, "I'm afraid it might not be!" He also waved his palm to meet him. This palm hidden the mystery of three lives.

Seeing this scene, the people present were already stunned. With his nirvana, Li Xing was able to bring down the eighty-four treacherous immortal gods, and they have shocked them. Now, he actually has to fight against Xiaoyue Datianzun again, is he crazy? Or, is this person really capable of fighting against the sky?

The palms collided with the palms, the time freezes instantly, and a crackling sound is heard in the air, but it is very weak. The killing intention and momentum on Xiaoyue Datianzun's face disappeared in an instant, all that remained was shock and fear.

Li Xing slowly regained his palm and said lightly, "You don't know how to become a deputy like this waste. It seems that Tianwei is not like this."

There was a loud noise at the scene, and Li Xing was still the first person to dare to say that the guard was "but so." Everyone was shocked, not only because of his combat effectiveness, but also because of his words.

Xiaoyue Datianzun seems to have become a zombie, motionless, and after three breaths, he collapsed to the ground weakly, staring at Li Xing with a very venomous expression, saying: "No one can insult Tianwei, you There will be a price. "

"If the price you say is to teach you such waste, then I'm not afraid of trouble." Li Xing's words were ridiculous and softly spoken.

"Courageous! It's arrogant!" The seventh emperor pointed at Li Xing and scolded him. "You, a little man, dare to despise Tianwei, you really don't know how high the earth is!"

Yinsha Datianzun said indignantly: "Li Xing, your identity, Jiantian Division has investigated clearly. You fled to the Northern Wilderness that year, claiming to be the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, can you confess your sin?"

In the court of heaven, no one claimed to be an emperor, an emperor, etc., that was a great disrespect to the emperor. If anyone dares to do so, it is a death penalty. Therefore, Yinsha Datianzun took this as an example to cure Li Xing's sin.

Li Xing turned his face and looked at the officer like an idiot, saying: "Everyone said that Jian Tian Si is the most mysterious and powerful force in the heavenly court. I saw it today and found out that this was not true."

Yin Sha's face sank: "What's wrong?"

"Should say that," Li Xing said, "Jian Tian Si is the most stupid place in heaven."

This time ~ www.readwn.com ~ everyone was shocked again. Alright! I just despised Tianwei, and now I want to laugh at Jian Tiansi. One person looks down on the two strongest institutions in Tianting at the same time. This person is 80% crazy!

"You ..." Yin Sha had always been gloomy, but now he was too speechless to speak. Because Li Xing's tongue was too poisonous and he had too much guts, he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Isn't it?" Li Xing sneered. "Sometimes people will sometimes call you the Great Heavenly Supreme, right? How can you deserve to call yourself the Great Heavenly Supreme? Isn't that trying to overpower the Emperor and commit the crime?

"Nonsense! All three-year-olds know that the name of" Da Tian Zun "lies in their own plane. The official is the" Da Yin Zun ", what does it have to do with Heaven Emperor?" Yin Sha was furious.

Li Xing smiled coldly: "This is it, the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and the King of the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. What do I call it, what does it matter to the emperor? It ’s about your fart and let you Come out referring to East West? "

Yin Sha suddenly gaped, Li Xing was right. Regardless of Tianshi, Tianwang, Tiansheng, Tianzun, and even Great Tianzun, they are all titles of their own planes, and they have nothing to do with external affairs. Not to mention that Li Xing claims to be the Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, even if he is called "the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty," he has no relationship with the outside world.

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