Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1169: Dalits and Nobles

Chapter 1169 The Dalits and Nobles

Chapter 1169 Dalits and Nobles

In fact, it is not Yinsha stupidity to think of such a method to deal with Li Xing, because he did not pay attention to Li Xing from the beginning. [A person who has no foundation in heaven and is not too high in realm, he is too lazy to think of too clever excuses to plot the other person.

At this moment, he couldn't say a word by Li Xing forced, how ugly his face was. He simply put aside the charges of "the emperor of Yuan Dynasty" and turned to sternly: "Even if you said that the emperor is not guilty, you have indeed defected from heaven before. Do you dare not admit it?"

Li Xing laughed and said, "I did misunderstand the heavens a little bit before, but these things have passed, and I have the evidence of the ninth heavenly son."

At this moment, the ninth emperor stood up and said, "Yes, this emperor can be the master." He said earnestly, "This emperor has already reported to the emperor, and His Majesty also decided to forgive Li Xing's previous sins, and he never blame it."

The seventh emperor jumped out again at this time, sneering: "Lao Jiu, advise you to be careful, this brother Li Xing has spent a long time in the North Desolation and is full of arrogance. Entering the heavens at this moment must be a plot. Maybe He is the spy of the land government! "

Speaking of the spy, the seventh heavenly son flashed, and seemed to find something, adding: "This Li Xing comes from the dragon elephant world, and that dragon elephant world was built on the periphery of the land boundary, saying that he has no relationship with the land government. I'm afraid no one here believes? "

The ninth emperor was angry. The seventh emperor made it clear that Li Xing would be put to death, and even unfounded crimes were said. He snorted heavily and said, "Seven brother, don't talk nonsense. I have formed Jinlan with Li Xingyi, which can guarantee that he has no relationship with the prefecture."

As soon as this statement came out, the nest exploded below. The news was too surprising.

"What? The ninth emperor actually worshipped with a little-known person? What measures did this person use to deceive the ninth emperor?"

"Worship with Heavenly Son, this person's identity will change immediately. Wherever he goes, he will be treated as a distinguished guest, and no one dares to offend easily."

"This man must be very capable. If not, would the ninth heavenly son worship him? Just by looking at his nirvana and defeating the immense celestial lord of the ninety-ninth calamity, he knows that he is extremely scary."

"It is rumored that the ninth emperor had to help each other and defeated the Dingfu Corps again and again, it seems that this person is likely to be this person."

The most surprised was the seventh emperor. When he was surprised, he changed his face to "irritation", pointed at the ninth emperor, and cursed: "Lao Jiu, I think I'm crazy. As the emperor Son, Supreme, you worshipped such a reckless person, and you have blasphemed the blood of heaven! "

The ninth emperor angered: "Seven brother, your words are too serious. Whom I want to worship is my business, and I don't need you to ask questions. In addition, my righteous brother is unfathomable and has unlimited potential. It will be in the future. I am a great help in heaven. "

"Haha ..." The seventh emperor laughed loudly, as if he heard something very funny, he pointed at Li Xing and asked, "Only for him, but also want to be a big help in heaven? I see you, Jiu Ji, you have a bad head Dropped, is he a little man worthy of this evaluation? "

"It's not worthy to be worthy of the need to worry about the seventh brother." The ninth emperor forced his anger, and the seventh day son's mockery and insult to him had made him unbearable.

At this time, the first son, who had been calm and silent, also spoke. He held a raccoon in his arms and squinted quietly, but occasionally when he opened his eyes, the **** was so scary. Anyone who knows this thing knows that this is a tanuki cat, which has the divine power to hunt immeasurable great deities.

Da Tianzun looks like a middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears, but the gas field is very stable, and it feels like a 10,000-year-old giant Maca mountain range is standing there, under great pressure.

"Lao Jiu, why don't you grow up so much, and worshiping such a pariah not only insults yourself, but also your Majesty." The first son was sighing, giving the impression that he was very disappointed with the nine younger brother.

Subsequently, the remaining emperors, and even some members of the army, all said that this was inappropriate.

"Ninth Lord please think twice! It's no good to associate with the pariah and leave a mockery."

"If the ninth emperor calls such brothers and sisters with such pariahs, it is simply a shame and shame in heaven."

"Yeah, ninth man, what is the origin of this man? What civilization has been passed on? He is not worthy of being your brother."

Even in the end, the seventh emperor forced him: "Lao Jiu, if you want to go alone, then blame me for being an elder brother who doesn't miss brotherhood. You must join other brothers and take you two away, so as not to let me Clan shame. Or, you can draw a relationship with this pariah now and die immediately. "

The ninth Tianzi was trembling with anger, he just wanted to worship Li Xing, but he did not expect to be attacked by all the crowd. He knew that the "blood-blooding" hat that was put on was too big, and if he was not careful, it would bring a dead end.

Li Xing has always been expressionless. It seems that all of this has nothing to do with him. He just looked at the ninth emperor silently, depending on how he did it.

In everyone's view, the ninth emperor has no way to go. The only way is to kill Li Xing, so as to clarify the relationship with him, so as to minimize the negative impact brought by it.

However, once he did so, he not only lost a good assistant. It also made the world think that he was a cold-hearted person, and I am afraid that no one would like to trust anymore.

Chatterlessly, watching all this indifferently without expression. Marshal Bingma looked hot, watching Li Xing and the ninth emperor, and seemed to want to know what would happen next.

The ninth emperor was very confused, and he looked at Li Xing. Li Xing's eyes were clear, as when the two first met, they could not see a trace of confusion. He smiled bitterly, suddenly bent over, drank, then faced Li Xing, sighed, and said, "Brother, you and I have another drink."

Li Xing laughed, he said very seriously: "Brother, I drink."

After drinking, the ninth emperor slowly said, "When he worshipped that day, this emperor once said that he is a brother for one day, and a brother for life! Now, everyone is forcing each other, forcing them to blame, but my emperor Jiu still wants Brother with you! "

There was silence at the scene, and someone was sighing, saying that the ninth emperor was too impassioned. In this case, he might cause himself a lot of trouble, maybe he could not keep his position. After all, the hat of "Blasphemy" is too big to easily stab people.

Li Xing showed a sincere smile. He didn't express the slightest sign before, maybe he was watching what the ninth emperor would do. In this case, the other party needs to cut off with him at the moment, so there is no need to say more, just hit out.

If the ninth emperor, despite this pressure, still wants to be a brother to him, he will have no fear.

A stream of warmth flowed in his heart, and Li Xing turned to face the seventh emperor and others who regarded him as a "pariah". The brother was humiliated, just as I was humiliated, he naturally wanted to help the ninth emperor find his place.

"You say I'm a pariah, then open your eyes and see clearly where the Great Emperor is from!" He is full of momentum and rich civilization, spreading out, making everyone feel physically and mentally happy.

"The power of the yin and yang civilization, how is this possible?" The seventh emperor paused for the first time, and he couldn't be more familiar with this breath, because as the son of the emperor, his blood contained the power of the yin and yang civilization.

"Is this man the Emperor's illegitimate son?" Seeing this incredible scene, some even boldly speculated about Li Xing's identity.

When Li Xing got the core law that year, he was destined to have a pure blood of civilization. This is why he was regarded as a seed of heaven at first. Of course, at this moment, he just forcibly changed the power of the mixed Yuan civilization into a yin and yang civilization.

Mixed Yuan civilization is good at evolving all civilizations. If he is willing, what everyone feels at this moment can also be the civilization of Xuanhuang, or the civilization of Zhen.

While liberating the pure yin and yang civilization, Li Xing scorned the people: "You call those who have the blood of yin and yang a pariah, isn't this blaspheming the yin and yang master? Isn't it insulting the entire yin and yang civilization as an inferior civilization?"

Everyone was so heart-beating that he didn't dare to answer. Especially a few emperors, can't wait to slap themselves. Why didn't you just see that this kid has the blood of yin and yang civilization?

The expression of the seventh emperor was cloudy, and he was really surprised by Li Xing. Yin and Yang civilization, after removing the blood of the Emperor of Heaven, few people should master it. How did he do it?

What's even more weird is that the purity of blood in Li Xing's body is even better than him, which makes people feel incredible!

Later, Li Xing showed the characteristics of the heavenly seeds ~ www.readwn.com ~ and immediately made everyone stunned. Well, it's still a seed in heaven, that's no wonder!

"As the yin and yang seed, this great emperor is destined to enter the ancient civilization road on behalf of heaven and finally enter the source of civilization in search of the source of yin and yang civilization. I was born of heaven and earth, and protected by heaven and earth, who dares to look down on me?"

This question asked, all of them were speechless, yeah, who dares to underestimate the seeds of heaven? As a seed, carrying the luck of civilization, even if the emperor sees it, he must be regarded as his own, and cultivated with his heart, hoping that he will carry forward the yin and yang civilization in the future.

Li Xing smiled coldly, and said something that made everyone vomit blood: "A group of people who have no eyes but short sight of ignorance! They only know that they despise the majesty of the Emperor, and how do they know that they are guided by civilization. Join hands to carry forward the yin and yang civilization. What ambiguous finches such as Feer can appreciate?

These words made him extremely tall with the ninth emperor, and the rest of the opponents before him became ignorant villains. This made many people extremely uncomfortable, and the first day son even stabbed Tongtian Beaver fiercely, making it "meow".

The ninth emperor suddenly opened his heart, feeling that all the unhappiness and aggrievedness that had accumulated before had disappeared all at once, and now I just wanted to laugh.

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