Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1170: Military concentration

Chapter 1170: Concentration of Military Power

Chapter 1170: Concentration of Military Power

At this time, Marshal Bingma spoke, and he said solemnly: "You guys, don't fight, this Marshal's little brother is indeed a heavenly seed, as observed by Marshal. Alas, his affairs, Ben Shuai has already heard that in recent times, he has killed many enemies in the prefectures and made many contributions, and even the emperor has praised him. "

The words of the Marshal made those who were still trying to retort shut their mouths, and even the seventh emperor couldn't say anything, snorted heavily.

The ninth emperor didn't speak any more. He didn't speak at this moment. It was sharper and more effective than saying anything. He just swept the opponents coldly with contempt, and then sat back in place.

Seeing that the turmoil about the ninth emperor's worship subsided, Marshal Bingma said: "Below, the boss announced a decision of the Emperor. After today, all soldiers and horses, including the ten emperors, the four desolate and eight kings, and the local personal soldiers, must Unified deployment to heaven! "

As soon as this remark was made, many people's faces changed greatly. They were all forces with independent armed forces. Of course, it would be greatly detrimental to them if Tian Ting incorporated them. However, some people don't mind that they belong to heaven, which is good for them.

The four wasteland and eight kings stood up at the same time at the same time, with sneer on their faces, one king said: "I'm afraid this is not the right way, Grand Marshal!"

The talking person claims that the proboscis king is a refined elephant, possessing countless peaks of cultivation, strong strength, and great power. In addition to the king of elephants, the other seven kings of the eight kings are the King of the Blood Blood, King of the Hydra, King of the Devouring Lion, King of the Strong Deer, King of the Golden Wings, King of the Unicorn Dragon, and King of the Battle Ape.

Marshal Bingma calmly asked, "What's wrong?"

The King of Elephants said: "My eight kings spent many years, and finally managed to lay down this foundation, which is actually quite unstable. It is a good thing to return power to heaven, but unfortunately, this will easily cause instability on the mainland, and hostile forces will rebound. Thousands of continents that are not careful can be dissolved in no time. "

At this moment, a young military general stood up and sternly said, "Like the king, everyone is not a fool. Everyone can see what your intentions are. It is because your eight kings want to own soldiers, so they don't want to surrender. Military power, it is ridiculous to talk about the instability of the mainland! "

The king looked cold and stared at the military general: "You, a small military officer of the third rank, dare to say that my king is not dead?"

This elephant is really overbearing. When he says he has to do it, he has to do it. As soon as he stretches out his hands and **** the sky, the pressure of terror oppresses the military attache.

As soon as the military commander stood up, Li Xing rejoiced, because he was a real Yuanyuan! At that time, Li Xing successively left two batches of mixed Yuan real people out, not wanting to pass for so many years, some of them were mixed with generals, and they were third-ranking generals.

The marshal of the soldiers in the shadow state could not see any expression, but did not mean to stop it. Seeing this, the commander-in-chief was about to die. Suddenly, the figure flashed and Li Xing was in front.

He fluttered lightly, and said, "Why the elephant king can't live with a little military attache, and he's not afraid of losing his identity?"

This palm seems to be bland, but in fact, it has already done its best to erupt all the power of Li Xing. With the touch of both palms, a loud noise broke out, and Li Xing stepped back, looking free. The Proboscis King took a step back, but his expression was uncertain.

"You dare to stop my king!" Xiang Wang was furious and stared at Li Xing.

Li Xing said positively: "In front of the Grand Marshal, it seems inappropriate for King Xiang to be so presumptuous. I just came out to remind the King, don't be too arrogant."


The king wanted to take a shot, but only after one move, he knew that Li Xing was so powerful that he was afraid to strike with all his strength, and he could only fight with a tie, which was not cheap. Moreover, the other party is the righteous brother of Tianzi and the seed of heaven, and his status is not lower than him, and it is not good to really tear his face.

When the military attache saw Li Xing's shot, a flash of ecstasy flashed in his eyes, and he secretly said: "Old ancestor, don't offend the elephant king for me."

Li Xing instructed him not to say more, so as not to reveal any flaws, and he said in a deep voice: "The state law, the sky has rules, and the rules are not perfect, and the emperor wants to take back the military power. This is for the sake of the world. Like Wang, do you want to rebel Against the whole heaven? "

The hat was big enough, and the king was shocked with perspiration and angrily, "Nonsense, my king is loyal to the heavenly courts, and he has no heart. How can you be so provocative?"

Li Xingdao: "Are you inconsistent? I said no." He glanced at Marshal Bingma. "The Marshal has a glance like a torch, and he must have read it correctly."

After speaking, he returned to his place, sat down, and observed the scene coldly.

Marshal Bingma said at this time: "The Elephant King, the mixed Yuan Xiaoyou is right, your eight kings pushed three obstacles and four hindered others to think hard. Some time ago, the emperor inspected Nantian and found several immortal antiques. When they came out of the mountain, they wanted to get rid of the rebels. "

As soon as this statement was made, the eight kings were sweating on their foreheads, and they were all immeasurable peaks. If there was really an immortal God, they would not have a chance to survive.

At this time, Luangu also said: "Yes, the eight of you are best to do as Marshal's words, otherwise Jian Tian Si and Tian Wei should check it."

The two big men spoke at the same time. This pressure was not trivial. The eight kings looked at each other and had to choose to give in. In fact, they did not really want to refuse, but just wanted to get more benefits. But at this moment, it seems that this purpose cannot be achieved, and they have no chance to bargain.

"I didn't mean anything else, I was just worried about the situation of the Four Desolates. Now that both Master Luangu and Grand Marshal say so, we dare not obey." The eight kings said in succession.

The Marshal nodded approvingly and said, "Good."

Next, Marshal Marshal arranged the forces on the fronts at all levels. Among them, ten emperors have been promoted to new teams. For example, the ninth emperor, originally 500 million people, has now increased by 9.5 billion, making up 10 billion people.

The remaining nine emperors also increased their numbers, and then stationed in separate places. At the same time, they listened to the marshal's order at any time and acted accordingly.

The ninth emperor was ordered to guard Makino Pass.

The so-called pass refers to those places that can be cut off and connected to the central pure soil wormhole. As long as you sit here, you can prevent the enemy's space shuttle. It can be said that you can't open it.

There are 12,480 similar passes, and Makino Seki is just one of them.

In addition to the adjustment of military strength and the concentration of military power, the Grand Marshal also gave major rewards to various generals. Li Xing and the ninth emperor have gained a lot of benefits because of this. The two of them worked together to destroy more than a dozen corps, with great credit and natural rewards.

The meeting was finally over. At the time of his departure, Li Xing secretly transmitted the mixed Yuan real military attache, and ordered him not to contact himself.

Makino Pass is located in the buffer zone between Jiutian and the plane of the plane. This place, Li Xing, regarded it as the heaven when the dragon elephant world. In fact, here is just the edge of the heavens, inhabiting some indigenous celestial beings, as well as Tianshi, Tianjun, Tianwang and Tiansheng who have risen from a small place.

Of course, these little people are nothing in Li Xing's eyes at this moment. However, for the Dragon Elephant World at that time, a small Heavenly King and Heavenly King were all extraordinary existences.

After all, the original Dragon Elephant World can already be a master when it can open up holes.

The ninth emperor ordered 9.5 billion troops from the Ministry of Defense, and then entered Liye Pass with Li Xing. Makino Seki is just called a coordinate point. There is nothing in this place, only a void.

Fortunately, Makino Seki is very close to the edge of heaven. Later, Li Xing and the ninth emperor called it Outer Heaven for convenience.

Stopping in the void in this way, the 10 billion army was not good enough. After thinking about it, Li Xing decided to move the Xuanhuang continent over. One of them can station troops, and the other can strengthen defenses.

Moreover, Xuanhuang continent was always thrown out, and he was not at ease. Now in the power of the heavenly courts, I am not afraid that the people from Watch Mountain come to the door.

So, on this day, a huge oval giant appeared in Makino Pass, releasing a magnificent atmosphere and a civilized temperament. Because the Xuanhuang continent is very large, it occupyes a small half of the continent after the Makino Pass, and ### 了 外 天 界 内。

This time, I don't know how many monks in the outer heavens have alarmed. Tianshi, Tianwang, Tianjun, Tiansheng, and so on, one after another exclaimed, the chickens jumped. However, the turmoil soon calmed down.

Because these indigenous people found that the huge yellow continent did not cause much harm to them, they gradually became accustomed to it.

Xuanhuang continent stopped here ~ www.readwn.com ~ The ninth emperor's ten billion army entered the continent. When he first entered the mainland, the ninth emperor was deeply shocked. Only now did he know how profound Li Xing's heritage was.

It can be said that even if one hundred land government corps attacked, it would not be possible to break through the golden yellow continent. With the cooperation of the ancient trees of war, the ancient trees of space, and the ancient trees of guarding each other, command countless magic soldiers, Tao soldiers, war spirits, God to kill God, Buddha to kill Buddha.

Coupled with a large number of empire soldiers, hundreds of countless masters, and an increasing number of warships. The ninth emperor even thinks that even if the immortal God comes, he may not be able to treat Xuanhuang continent.

In the past few months, the Ministry of Defense did not issue an order, and the people in the local government did not attack the Makino Pass, so the ninth emperor was very leisurely. He wandered in the Xuanhuang continent every day, and even went to the mixed world a few times.

Of course, he naturally also knew a secret that shocked him, Li Xing is a civilized god!

This discovery made the ninth emperor both shocked and happy, and suddenly felt that it was extremely lucky to be able to worship Li Xing. When he finally saw the ancient civilization tree, his face showed an extremely shocked expression, exclaiming: "It is a very strong atmosphere of civilization! Is it actually the ancient civilization tree that has never been born in the legend?"

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