Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1171: Dragon Elephant

Chapter 1171 of the Jiuyang Evil Monarch

Chapter 1171 An Old Man From The Dragon Elephant (Supplement No. 6 Chapter 6)

Li Xing did not expect the ninth emperor to recognize the ancient civilization tree, and laughed: "Big brother is worthy of being a emperor, even he can recognize this thing."

The ninth emperor walked around the ancient civilization tree a few times, then stared fiercely at Li Xing and asked, "Brother, do you know the origin of this ancient civilization tree?"

Li Xing nodded. He had already obtained some memories of the ancient civilization tree, and of course he knew the origin, so he said, "This source is a seed spurted from the source of civilization, and later grew into an ancient civilization tree."

The ninth emperor said: "It is not a simple seed! A long time ago, I heard the emperor mention it, and he said that there are some treasures in the source of civilization, one of which is the ancient tree of civilization. However, this The ancient civilization tree will not appear until the next age, so how could it be born earlier? "

"The next generation appears?" Li Xing was surprised, and asked, "Brother means, the ancient tree of civilization belongs to the future?"

The ninth emperor nodded: "Who said no, the emperor once said that this tree will at least take three more years to appear. And the person who gets this tree must be a master. So I wonder, what else will it appear? And it's in your hands. "

Li Xing is also thinking deeply. What does it mean that something that shouldn't have appeared in advance and fell into the hands of someone who shouldn't get it?

For a moment, he couldn't figure it out, only felt that the matter was important. And the ninth emperor stared at the ancient civilization tree with his eyes brightened and looked again and again, and sighed, "Brother, do you know what is the greatest utility of the ancient civilization tree?"

Li Xing smiled and asked, "Please enlighten me."

"Tiandi said that the ancient trees of civilization can promote the autonomous evolution of some civilizations." The ninth emperor said, "You know what this means? Even a garbage primary civilization, if it is helped by the ancient trees of civilization, it is possible to evolve to advanced Civilization, even higher! "

A civilization is doomed to its rank from the moment it is born. A primary civilization has been a primary civilization since its birth, and no matter how it changes and grows in the future, it cannot escape from the scope of primary civilization.

Just as a lion is a lion from birth, a rabbit is a rabbit from birth. No matter how the rabbit grows up, it can't become a son after all. Civilization is also the same principle. Innate factors determine everything, and acquired factors can only determine the degree of completeness of this civilization.

Hearing that, Li Xing blinked and said, "So what?"

"What do you ask me?" The ninth emperor had a kind of ### that wanted to choke Li Xing, he bit his teeth, "It can evolve civilization! In other words, the hybrid civilization you created can continue to progress, Continuously moving towards perfection. Maybe one day, you will become the Supreme Power and reach the state of Supreme Fragmentation. "

Li Xing was silent for a moment, and said, "Brother, my brother has never understood, what is supreme fragmentation? After the fragmentation, where are you going? Is that the ultimate place that must be perfect?"

The ninth emperor was asked by Li Xing a series of words and rolled his eyes, and said, "If I knew, I would have been supremely broken. Will I still talk to you here?"

Li Xing smiled and said, "No matter what kind of place it is, I will definitely go and take a look."

Ninth Zaizi gave a thumbs up: "I have ambition, brother I am optimistic about you." Then stared at the ancient civilization and said, "From above, I feel the breath of two advanced civilizations. If you can understand, Benzi You can upgrade to two levels in a row. "

Li Xingwu shrugged: "If you want to, you can practice at the gate of time."

The ninth emperor is currently at the level of eighty-five calamities, and has been stagnating for a long time, but he is struggling to find a suitable civilization to break through. The greater the practice of the Great Celestial Master, the more difficult it is to cultivate, and the higher the level of civilization that needs to be experienced.

When the ninth emperor sat in the civilization roulette and practiced within time, Li Xing entered the outer heavens alone. The name Outer Heaven is just a temporary name. Li Xing always feels that this place is called the Heaven Realm and is not qualified to call it the Heaven Realm, even if it is "Outer Heaven."

Looking around, the strongest is the Tiansheng series, not even a Tianzun. It's no wonder that every Supreme Celestial has the ability to break through wormholes and travel the world. Who wants to stay in this small place?

Moreover, the superiors outside are also reluctant to enter outer space. The reason is very simple. If the Central Pure Land and the Four Wildlands are luxury hotels, then Outer Heaven is a poor-quality soil inn, which is messy. No one left the luxury hotel instead of going to this native inn.

Li Xing went out alone, and he was much higher than those in Outer Space, so when the Aboriginal monks saw him, they felt ordinary and could not see anything.

The outer celestial realm is a buffer zone between the nine heavens and the main plane. Although it does not flow in, it is indeed very vast. However, most places are desolate and there are no bright spots.

The outer celestial realm was divided into several areas by some monks with a heritage of civilization, thereby establishing the realm of gods, immortals, Buddhas, witches, demons, demons, Confucianism, and so on. In each area, there are several town halls.

Li Xing then figured out that in these areas, countless small channels were opened, connecting many non-thematic planes. For example, the Dragon Elephant Great World Deputy Plane at that time was one of the non-thematic planes connected by outer heavens.

When some monks who have no subject plane can break through the realm of esteem and reach the level of celestial beings and even higher, they can break through the constraints of the plane and enter the outer realm. This situation was called "flying" by the monks among those without the plane.

Of course, this soaring is undoubtedly ridiculous to Li Xing now. However, people are at different levels and see different levels of problems. Li Xing will not look down on those little people who are still trying to cultivate without a subject and want to "fly up". He was also one of them.

He walked around at will, and unknowingly entered a region with Buddhist atmosphere. After entering here, I heard a loud scream from the sky. Someone said, "Who is going to the Buddha's realm, report your name!"

Li Xing looked up and found that a mighty old man was fixed in the air, and the two looked at each other. Because it is not others in front of him, it is the King of Growth in the protection of the four Heavenly Kings before him.

The four heavenly kings are King of Heaven, King of Growth, King of Wide Eyes, and King of Heaven. I haven't seen it for many years. The King of Growth is still the King of Kings.

King Kuokoku rubbed his eyes and exclaimed: "Hunyuan emperor?"

Seeing the old man, Li Xing was also happy, saying: "Heavenly King, I haven't seen you in a long time, you still remember me."

The King of the Kingdom "Haha" laughed, and landed quickly. He said deeply, "The emperor, it's really nice to see you.

Li Xing nodded and said, "There is work."

Shizun, the monarch of Buddhism in the dragon world, once helped Li Xing.

On the way, Li Xing asked about the situation in the Buddhist domain. It turned out that at the beginning of the chaos of the dragon elephant world, the Lord of the Buddha all moved back to outer heaven. At that time, the strength of the Lord of the Buddha had reached the state of esteem, so he was invincible in the outer realm, and it didn't take long for him to manage the domain of the Buddha vividly.

Over the years, the Lord of the Buddha has made progress again. He has vaguely touched the true meaning of "establishing his destiny" and will have the opportunity to achieve the great deity in the future.

After flying for a while, I saw a garden in the sky with a delicate fragrance. The garden was large and simple, and there were many people listening to the scriptures. I saw one person with big ears and shoulders, a face of wisdom, and a kind-hearted expression, preaching to everyone.

The king of the kingdom wanted to say hello and was stopped by Li Xing. He decided to listen in the air for a while, and couldn't help laughing: "Shizun, you and I will finally meet."

The man who lectured suddenly looked up. When he saw Li Xingshi, his eyes were surprised, and he got up in a hurry, and went forward to worship: "See Da Tianzun."

Li Xing stepped forward and lifted him up, looked up and down, and said, "Yes, the next step is the Supreme Celestial Master, I can help you."

The Lord Buddha was overjoyed, and said, "Thank you, God." Then he said to everyone, "If there is a noble guest, go back and refine each of you."

Everyone looked at Li Xing curiously, but they didn't recognize it, and they dispersed. The Kingdom King also retreated, leaving only Li Xing and the Lord Buddha.

The Lord Buddha said respectfully, "I haven't thought about it for so many years, the emperor has already reached such a high level. He ventured to ask, what step did the emperor remember today?"

Li Xingdan said lightly: "Sixty-five calamities, Nirvana."

The Lord Buddha's body suddenly trembled and said with emotion: "The little monk is far behind the Fuze of the Great!"

Li Xingdao: "You don't have to be arrogant, and it is quite difficult to refine this step in this period of time." He paused, "I wonder in my heart, why don't you return to the Elysium World so that Datianzun can give instructions and practice?"

The Lord Buddha smiled bitterly and said, "Da Tianzun has no idea, the blissful Da Tianzun is about to reach the end of his life, and he is preparing to choose a successor to take over as the Big Tianzun. Nowadays, the world is cruel. How can there be a place for little monks?"

Li Xing nodded: "I also heard that ~ www.readwn.com ~ Bliss World is a first-level plane that has gone through hundreds of calamities. Now that this great Tianzun is about to die, he will naturally choose a successor."

The Lord of the Buddha said: "The Elysium Grand Heaven comes from Xumi Pure Land, and created the Elysium Avenue. However, the little monk thinks that this path is quite wrong and is constantly improving to create a unique Dharma."

Li Xingzan said: "It is commendable. Although your progress is not fast, but your steps are steady. If you can grow in the future, you will be able to carry forward the Buddha." He thought for a moment, "to help you step into the heavenly respect and then with you Take a trip to Bliss World. "

The Lord Buddha was grateful again and again: "How good it is to work for the Supreme Master."

"No matter, I'm here to do something in Outer Space, and I'd like to ask for your help, even if we help each other." Li Xing laughed.

When he met an acquaintance, Li Xing was not in a hurry. He talked with him for half a day first, which brought him into the mixed world and helped him improve. By his means, it is no easy task to promote the cultivation of a deity, but it is just a hand.

Therefore, with the help of the gate of time and the ancient tree of civilization, the cultivation of the Lord Buddha has continued to soar. The potential is so great that even Li Xing was secretly shocked, and he couldn't help but want to see what level he could be promoted to.

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