Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1172: All workers

Chapter 1172: All People Are Workers

Chapter 1172: Everyone is a Worker

When the Buddha major broke through to the realm of the Great Celestial Master, his eyes opened and his momentum soared, saying: "In the way of bliss, to create a unique method, it is for the Great Celestial Master!"

As soon as Fujita Tenjin advances, his breakthrough speed will immediately increase. │'Under the baptism of civilized forces, the connection broke through the first and the second, and even the legend, the epic, the more ancient, step by step, step by step, nirvana.

I don't know how much time has passed, maybe ten calamities, maybe a hundred calamities, and the Fujita Supreme finally stopped practicing and stepped out of the gate of time. He has experienced sixty consecutive days of the Great Celestial Scourge, and now he is steadfast and has become a Nirvana Great Celestial Sect.

Moreover, Li Xing can see that there are eight kinds of avenues contained in the body of the celestial celestial deities, which are the Dharma sect, Dharma sect, Tiantai sect, Huayan sect, Pure Land sect, Zen sect, Tan sect, and dharma sect.

The eight Buddhist sects are all present, and they are also cultivated in the world of Buddhism. In addition, the realms of the eight major lords have all reached a state of silence, with great potential in the future.

"Amitabha, thanks to the help of the emperor, so that the old monks realized the Fa-rectification in advance, and created the Fuji Avenue."

Li Xing smiled and said, "It's all your own good fortune." After thinking about it, he said, "That's the same thing as the Bliss World. It doesn't make much sense to go again at this moment."

The current Great Celestial Supreme of Elysium is just a dying figure, far less than the current Great Celestial Supreme. Therefore, there is no need for the celestial being to inherit the celestial world.

Fujita said: "Yes." Then he asked, "The emperor said before that he would ask the old monk to help him, and also said that the old monk will go all out."

Li Xing laughed: "It's not a big deal, although this outer world is nothing, but fortunately, it has a wide range and there are countless sentient beings. I want to build faith here and establish another avatar. One can enhance the combat power, two You have more control here. "

Fujita said: "This is a simple matter, leave it to the old monk."

Li Xing can actually start by himself, but Outer Heaven Realm is the strongest Celestial Celestial Master. With this earth snake, things will be more smoothly handled.

Therefore, in the next days, the Fujinori went all over the heavens, and every time he went, he would manifest the Supreme Celestial Dharma and display the supreme power. As a result, in just over a month, the entire outer heavens respected him, and various forces sent regular envoys to worship.

But this is only the preparation action of Fujita. When the monk in the outer world regarded him as Supreme Supreme, he suddenly lifted Li Xing out. Expressing the power of the Yuanyuan Emperor is billions of times, and he bowed down to worship the Yuanyuan Emperor.

This time, the shock to the crowd is obvious. People in the outer world regard Li Xing as a supreme existence that cannot be surpassed. Led by Fujita, he began to worship the statue of Emperor Yunyuan, worship daily, and devoutly worship.

In less than half a year, Li Xing was worshiped as a **** by the entire outer heavens and countless souls. Every day, in Li Xing's 100,000 gods kingdom, a huge amount of faith will be absorbed.

The power of these beliefs continually converged, and under the arrangement of the eight **** kings, all poured into the phantom in the kingdom of the gods. In this way, it won't be long before Li Xing can refine a **** incarnation.

When the outer celestial realm was gradually controlled by Li Xing, Li Xing himself traveled all over the outer celestial realm, walking through every corner.

On this day, he entered a vast area where there were not many monks coming and going. Because of this, the land naturally breeds a strange power that can make the monks restless and unable to cultivate.

This power attracted Li Xing. After observation, he found that this place is actually the birthplace of heaven and human beings. Some of the monks in outer space came from the "flying" people in the small world. The other part is born and raised in the outer heavens, measuring the realm of heaven and man once born.

This aroused the curiosity of Li Xing, why could the heaven and earth be born here?

For a few days, he wandered here, constantly exploring all changes with divine thought. Finally, on this day, in the process of in-depth exploration, he felt the power of civilization.

This discovery surprised Li Xing. How could there be civilized forces here? However, he discovered after careful excavation that many fragments of civilization were scattered in the depths of the outer heavens.

The so-called civilization fragments refer to the fragments of power that remain when some civilizations fall. Although they are not complete, they are extremely diverse. At a glance, Li Xing felt that at least a hundred civilized forces were felt within a thousand miles.

After the shock, joy, these fragments of civilization may not be worth anything to others, but to him who has the ancient tree of civilization, it is a priceless treasure that can be refined and absorbed, and used to enhance the realm of the ancient tree of civilization.

So, one day, Li Xing urged the ancient trees of civilization and began a large number of excavations. I saw that the void cracked one after another, the branches of countless ancient civilization trees, stretched out from inside, and then penetrated into the deepest part of the outer world.

The ancient trees of civilization continue to spread in outer space, but it is too big here, which requires a long process. Every time it reaches an area, the ancient branches and leaves can keenly find the fragments of civilization and then absorb them.

The fragments of these civilizations have different qualities, different sizes, and many types, which are a great complement to the ancient civilization trees. So, the further back, the stronger the breath released by the ancient civilization tree.

It even began to analyze and sort out some fragments of civilization, trying to develop a complete civilization. It is only because the amount of information carried by the debris is limited, so this estimation process is more creation, adding the ancient design of the ancient civilization tree.

In the process of extracting the debris, Li Xing had an unexpected gain. A fragment of the power of an institution's civilization has been found the most. That's why it took some time for the ancient tree of civilization to extrapolate the complete institution's civilization.

Institutional civilization belongs to the intermediate and first-class civilization and belongs to a relatively high-end civilization. After gaining this civilization, Li Xing suddenly had an idea and decided to use the power of the entire outer space to build an agency battleship.

The difference between the civilization of the government and the civilization represented by the mysterious continent is essentially different. Mysterious civilization is a combination of practice and organ skills. Institutional civilization is purely a technique of organs, and then uses the power of heaven and earth and human skills to exert the strongest force.

Based on this characteristic of the organization's civilization, Li Xingcai decided to build a group of organization battleships with the help of monks from outer space. After careful consideration, he decided to build a warship called a "transverse ship".

A horizontal ship is a purely institutional battleship. This type of battleship has a limited combat power of a single ship, which is roughly the same as that of a holy figure. Moreover, the materials used for battleships are also very common, not a natural treasure.

However, one of the characteristics of the transverse ship is that it can greatly enhance its combat power after several ships have joined together. Moreover, this combat power is increasing rapidly.

For example, the combat effectiveness of a horizontal ship is one, the combat effectiveness of two ships is two, and the combat effectiveness of three ships can reach four. Under a similar law of increasing combat power, a large number of horizontal ships will produce extremely horrific lethality.

Moreover, once the horizontal ship is connected, the defense and attack power are also increased. Enemies attack any of these ships, and the damage will be absorbed evenly by all the ships.

Li Xing has calculated that when 100 million cross-ships are united, the combat power can be as close to the death of the Supreme Celestial Master; when one billion cross-ships are united, the combat power can reach the Nirvana level. When this number exceeds 10 billion, its combat power will exceed that of the Promise, and it will have an infinite number of combat powers.

What's even better is that even if you are in the control of a single horizontal ship, you don't need to be too high to repair it. The only difficulty is that everyone must be uniform.

As soon as this idea came out, Li Xing immediately implemented it. The difficulty in making a horizontal ship is the collection of materials and the processing of parts. If this process is entrusted to the miracle ancient tree, it will cost a lot of time and energy to pay for it.

So he finally decided to give these to the monks in Outer Heaven to do it. But to get everyone to do it willingly, you must come up with equal benefits.

As a result, a large number of ancient miracles began to appear in outer space. From the ancient trees, you can buy some magical elixir. These are undoubtedly great opportunities for local monks, so everyone has demand, and everyone wants to buy it.

However, these elixir fuss, magical treasures, can not be purchased with elixir, and some parts must be exchanged.

In desperation, people began to carefully make some precise parts according to the drawings given by Li Xing, and then sent them to the miracle ancient tree for the exchange of what they needed.

This approach of Li Xing, similar to the outsourcing distribution plus workshop, has a very high effect.

At the beginning, the results were not very satisfactory. Often the first batch of parts sent to the Miracle Ancient Tree did not meet the standards and all were returned. This has, to a certain extent, discouraged the monks' enthusiasm.

However, there are also a small number of people who have completed the task perfectly, in exchange for what they want from the ancient miracle tree. This makes other people envious.

Gradually, the number of processing is increasing more and more ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ The chance of success is also increasing, and later, most people can easily complete the processing.

It is with this system that a large number of parts are sent to the Miracle Ancient Tree every day. The miracle ancient tree was quickly assembled into a horizontal ship and stored in the warehouse.

Because of the daily absorption of faith, Li Xing knows very well the population of Outer Heaven. The entire outer space has a population of about 670 million people. So many people, once they act, the energy generated is huge.

Through various channels, they collected the materials needed by Li Xing, and then processed them into parts that meet the requirements, and then sold them to Miracle Ancient Tree in exchange for elixir or the things they needed.

The whole outer space was busy, so busy that even the ancient miracles were a little overwhelmed. A large number of parts were stored, too late to assemble the ship.

Day after day, year after year, while everything is still going on, the army of the land government will finally set off against Makino and send out 20 corps to siege the Xuanhuang continent.

(Then ### 两 章 , 今日 前 的 更新 ### is done. The last few days have been complementing the previous month, starting tomorrow, I will add more to this month's safflower, 100 more will add a chapter .)

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