Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1173: City of destruction

Chapter 1173 The City of Destruction

Chapter 1173: Destroyed City

The ninth emperor stepped out of the retreat in time, and now he is eighty-eight unbelievable gods, and among the ancient trees of Li Xing, he has broken through three realms.

At the same time, the wealth that had been locked up by Li Xing to an almost madness was finally released. The richness and richness of the present is so unexpected that it has reached the state of seventy-two calamities without great respect.

He was able to achieve this. Thanks to Li Xing's care, he not only strengthened his primitive spirit with the most effective method, but also gave him a strong physical body.

Once rich and rich came out, they felt they had to do something, and volunteered to help Li Xing lead the army. Li Xing didn't attack him actively, and he handed over all the horizontal ships to him. This is not to underestimate the wealth, and now the number of horizontal ships has reached 50 billion.

Combining so many chessboards together, its combat power can counter the immeasurable celestial deities of more than 90 calamities, and giving such a large force to the rich and precious is also regarded as important to him.

In the Xuanhuang World, Li Xing and the ninth emperor rolled out a star map to study the situation on the battlefield. According to reports, the 20 corps sent by the prefecture were elite.

Of the 20 corps, the largest number is 100 billion, and the few are 10 billion. All the forces add up to more than one trillion!

This is definitely a horrible figure. Even if one person spit, he can drown a large number of people, not to mention that they are all mortal magic soldiers.

What's more, among the twenty corps, the number of immeasurable great deities is 300! On average, there are fifteen immense Tianzuns in each regiment. Moreover, this time the local government went out with a large offensive weapon, the city of destruction.

Looking at the coordinates of the star field, the distribution of the enemy forces, the ninth emperor frowned, shaking his head and said, "Without talking about the trillion army, only three hundred immeasurable gods can easily destroy me ten times."

Seeing his worry, Zilong Datianzun couldn't help but said: "The ninth man didn't know. Thousands of immense Tianzun attacked the Xuanhuang continent on Watch Mountain at that time were destroyed by my owner. Three hundred people were not counted. what."

The ninth emperor glanced at Zilong Datianzun and said, "This incident has been heard by this emperor, but this time is different. The prefecture is bound to get it. They are anxious to open the passage to the central world, and even the city of destruction is used. "

"You must not have heard of this thing. This thing is a big killer, and it can only be motivated by the immortal celestial deity. When it is urged, an endless army of destruction will rush out from it, carrying destruction Soldier, sweep everything. "

"In fact, the City of Destruction is crafted from an immortal Great Celestial Plane, so it is far more terrible than the three hundred infinite Celestial Masters."

The words of the ninth emperor did not scare the soldiers present. Instead, they all cheered up, their eyes brightened. Even Li Xingdu's eyes brightened and he asked, "Big brother knows so much about the city of destruction, how can we urge it?"

"One immortal Great Celestial Master can urge, or more than 300 mid-term immeasurable Great Celestial Masters can act together. Of course, even if there are enough Great Celestial Masters, as long as there are enough people and sufficient tacit understanding, this thing can also be activated. "

After listening, Li Xing thought, and said, "Since the city of destruction is made by the immortal plane, the master of that plane, is it the destruction of the god?"

"Exactly, Destroyer Da Tianzun once and for all his life, but unfortunately later, he destroyed it by himself. Although he can be immortal, he cannot break through the avenue of destruction he created."

"In the early years, I heard that there is a Destroyer of Heaven, that person must have some connection with the city of Destruction." Li Xing thought of the old things, thoughtfully.

"Yes, before the Great Destruction World was refined into a magic weapon, the creatures inside often walked outside, and it is no surprise that there are many Heavenly Deities who destroy the Tao. There is also no shortage of people who have created the same avenue. , They often use the same sign. "

Li Xingdao: "I mean, if I can find the Destroyer of Heaven, then I can grasp the breath of the city of destruction, so that I can deal with it."

The ninth emperor widened his eyes and asked, "What can you do?"

Li Xing smiled and said, "Thanks to my understanding of the Dadao, although the destruction of the Great World has been refined into a magic weapon, its operating rules and order of the Dadao must remain the same. In this state, the Destroyer of Heaven should be able to easily mix in Destroy the big world. "

"Do you want to control the destruction of Tianzun? But what can a small Tianzun do?" The ninth emperor was puzzled, and the others were very curious.

Li Xingdao: "The mountain people have their own tricks, and they will know by then."

The ninth emperor was very calm and laughed, "No more, I will slowly look down."

The army was under pressure, and Xuanhuang Continent entered a state of full alert. At the same time, a message was transmitted to Marshal Bingma and said that he hoped to provide reinforcements. By the way, he asked someone to come over.

The eternal great deity was hunted down by the destructive deity at the beginning. He was an eternal son then, but now he is a centurion in the heavenly army. He has made a good mix recently and has made a lot of contributions.

The eternal son was very surprised that Li Xing was going to transfer himself. He couldn't figure out what Li Xing was looking for. In terms of combat power, he is just a lonely deity, which is not worth mentioning to Li Xing.

When he saw Li Xing, the eternal Great Heaven worshiped and fell down: "See the Great Emperor of Yuan Dynasty."

Li Xing lifted him up and said with a smile: "Why do eternal brothers need to be courteous, you and I have been friends for many years, not so."

"The Emperor called the villain, what's the command?" Eternal Grand Heaven said, despite Li Xing's politeness, he couldn't let go. After all, there was a huge difference in status, and he must respect him.

Li Xing felt in her heart, so she no longer reluctantly ~ www.readwn.com ~ said: "I'm looking for you, I want you to find Destroyer Tianzun."

The eternal great deity stunned, and said, "What is the matter of the emperor seeking to destroy the deity? That devil has long been tortured by me ### in the plane, day and night, and has not died yet."

Li Xing stunned, this time it's no trouble at all, I encountered cheap things! He said, "It's the best, and I'll use it for a few days and return it to you later."

The eternal Great Heavenly Lord naturally agreed to bring the destruction of Heavenly King to Li Xing.

Li Xing said with a smile: "Eternity, I am short of staff. Would you like to stay?"

The eternal great heaven respects him, and he has always been mixed with wind and water. He is really a demon against the sky. Follow him and he will never fall behind. So he took a look at Li Xing and said slowly: "The emperor is honored by the emperor, and the villain is extremely honored."

"Okay, I'll send you into the cultivation ground now to help you fully promote. With your qualifications, you should be able to step into the Promise and become my assistance." With a wave of his sleeves, he swept eternity into the cultivation ground. .

But he said that after destroying Tianzun was brought up by Li Xing, he felt muddled and swallowed by a guardian ancient tree.

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