Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1174: Ultimate Cannon

Chapter 1174: The Ultimate Ancient Cannon

Chapter 1174: The Ultimate Ancient Cannon

Guarding the ancient tree is very magical. If it refines the avenue, it can only create Tianzun-level Taoists. ┏_Net If it refines civilization, it will be able to create Datian-level Tao soldiers. This is because the avenue and civilization are not one thing.

The relationship between the road and civilization, there is you in me, there is me in you, it is difficult to distinguish the true meaning. Some avenues, if they reach a certain level, can be transformed into civilization, such as Li Xing's Mixed Yuan Avenue.

For the avenue, civilization has both inclusive and advanced features. Civilization inevitably exceeds the avenue, and civilization may also include several avenues.

Of course, within the avenue, new tao can also be born. The Tao is the core of the Great Celestial Master. Each Great Celestial Master has his own Tao, or a number of his own.

For example, with the help of Li Xing, with the help of Li Xing, he has now entered the 60th Nirvana. The Buddhism that he founded belongs to the civilization of the Buddha, and is a avenue under the branch of civilization.

Under the Fuji Method, there are eight ancestors and eight avenues such as the Tianzong, Tantric, and Zen. In a word, civilization is higher than the avenue, including the avenue. It is more extensive and deeper than the avenue. It is higher than the avenue in essence and more difficult to own.

So, after devouring the Destroyer, another Destroyer appeared instantly. Although their looks were different, their breath was absolutely the same. Then the second, the third, a large number of Destroyers were created.

Li Xing ordered the guardian Gushu to go all out to work, and in just one day, 10 billion plants were destroyed. These 10 billion Destroyer Heavens are all Taoists, loyal to Li Xing and can command Ruyi.

Just when the ten billion Destroyer of Destruction appeared, three hundred immense deities in the land government gathered outside the Makino Pass, and together they played the power of the world, urging the city of Destruction.

On the other hand, bad news is coming. As the ninth emperor asked for reinforcements, Marshal Bingma sent thirty regiments to help. However, this support army was stopped by the 50 corps of the prefecture in the middle of the road, and suffered heavy losses and returned home.

The reinforcements were wounded, and Marshal Marshal reported that it would not be possible to provide secondary support within a month. Therefore, in the absence of reinforcements, Xuanhuang continent must persist for a month.

With such bad news, Xuanhuang Continent should have been very anxious. However, from the Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty to the soldiers who went to the pawns, they were all okay, what should they do.

The ninth emperor couldn't sit still. He found Li Xing and said, "Brother, we are too dangerous without reinforcements. The destruction of the ancient city is already in the pipeline. Once the attack begins, we have no way to retreat."

Li Xing smiled, but asked, "Brother, if we can keep the Makino Pass, will we do great work?"

"That's natural. As long as we stick to it for a month, we can make the biggest contribution. Others can't compare with it. Three hundred immeasurable gods and trillions of soldiers and horses. This kind of power must be valued even by the Grand Marshal. Not great work. "

Li Xingwei nodded: "It's the best, you can get some extra benefits."

"I said, brother, it's all this time, you are still thinking about credit? We can survive even if it's not bad, I don't see it for a month." He shook his head again and again, not convinced.

Li Xing rolled his eyes and said: "Brother is really acting in this scene. He wants to know how I can deal with the city of destruction, but he seems pretentious."

The "anxiety" on the ninth emperor's face disappeared immediately, he smiled "Hey," and said: "Brothers are really clever." Then Zhengzheng said, "Stop it, now I must know what you want to do."

Li Xing stretched out his right palm. If you look closely, you will find hundreds of millions of predatory seeds in this brilliance.

The ninth emperor looked puzzled, and said, "Seed?"

Li Xing nodded: "They are plundering seeds, entering the plane, can grow into plundering ancient trees, thereby plundering the resources of the plane, and ultimately controlling the entire plane. The city of destruction is still essentially an immortal plane, although there are avenues in operation , Unfortunately, losing the will, is equivalent to a super plane without wisdom. For such a plane, the plunder seed can be easily controlled. "

"However, because it is an immortal plane, you must put down enough plunder seeds at a time, and at least one hundred capitals will have a greater chance of success."

Li Xing didn't finish talking. The ninth emperor had understood what he meant, and he rejoiced: "So that ’s why you let 10 billion Destroyer Daoists enter the City of Destruction, so that they can spread the plunder seeds so that they can win the Destruction. The city is high, it is high! "

Li Xing smiled slightly: "As long as you find the enemy's weaknesses, you can take down even the most powerful things." Then he looked away. "However, if you want to mix the destroyers into this place, you must let the city of destruction launch an attack. In this case, , We also have to take risks. "

The ninth emperor immediately became nervous: "Brother, do you say, can this Xuanhuang continent be able to withstand the full blow of the city of destruction?"

Li Xingdao: "There should be no problem. After all, the city of destruction is not really an immortal destruction of the Great Celestial Demon, but the three hundred immeasurable Great Celestial Demonstrators temporarily acted as the role of the Great Celestial Destruction. This attack should be less than one-tenth of the attacking power of the truly immortal, so it is not terrible. "

In terms of understanding the big world, Li Xing, who has an ancient tree of civilization, is far more than the ninth emperor. Every sentence says the main point.

The ninth emperor was relieved, Li Xing said again, "However, this attack is very powerful after all, and it may cause great trauma to the Xuanhuang continent. These people in the empire are all my people, and I cannot let them Killed. "

The ninth emperor said: "So you already have a solution?"

Li Xing nodded: "In the hands of this emperor, there are twelve ancient trees of civilization. This gun can not only kill the enemy, but also defend it. With it, the Xuanhuang continent can be infallible."

Speaking of ancient civilization guns, the ninth emperor suddenly patted his head and shouted, "Thanks for your mention, you actually forgot such a thing. You are the great deity of civilization, and there are ancient civilization trees, and you can certainly urge this thing!"

Li Xingran suddenly: "Brother, what do you want to say?"

The ninth emperor smiled, stared at him with a look that made Li Xing hairy, and then said, "Brother, I have ancient cannons, and there are many, and maybe more advanced than yours!"

Li Xing said nothing and pulled up the ninth emperor and said, "Come and take me!"

Li Xing, the ninth emperor's treasure trove, has been here long before. But this time is different from last time. Those treasures that once were not much attractive to him now. Of course, he occasionally encountered some good things that made his eyes shine.

In a wide field, there are 27 huge bronze ancient cannons lying quietly there. Twenty-seven ancient cannons are divided into three types, one of which is exactly the same as the ten ancient cannons owned by Li Xing, with as many as eighteen.

The other two are significantly larger, and one should be an enhanced version of the first type of ancient artillery, with eight statues.

The one with the least number, the largest, but only one.

After Li Xing entered, his eyes didn't leave the only giant artillery cannon, his eyes seemed to be glaring out, and he murmured, "The ultimate civilized artillery was actually met by me!"

He has the ancient trees of civilization, and naturally knows the role of these three types of ancient cannons. The first type of small artillery, that is, the type of ancient artillery that he had long ago, belonged to ordinary civilized artillery, but still had the ability to counter immortality.

Those eight large ancient cannons belonged to the second type, and the lethal power under one shot was more than five times that of the first type. Of course, the use of such ancient cannons also consumes very much civilized forces.

The third, the only one, belongs to the ultimate ancient cannon. For this ancient cannon, Li Xing did not intend to use it at all. Unless his civilization level was upgraded to intermediate civilization, he would not even think about it.

Even if he had an ancient artillery of the second civilization, he could barely fire a shot, and then rest for a long time before he could recover his strength.

Seeing Li Xing's expression in a daze, he stood still. The ninth emperor thought it was bad, and anxiously asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Xing sighed, patted the elder brother's shoulder, and asked, "Where did you get these things?"

"I got it from Beihuang at that time, but it didn't matter, but later I realized that they should be ancient cannons. Unfortunately, I can't use them, so I kept them for a while, and I have saved them for a long time." The ninth emperor answered.

Li Xing smiled: "Brother, there is nothing wrong, but very right. You are really lucky, you can pick up this kind of baby."

The ninth emperor laughed and laughed, "Just right, all these ancient cannons will be sent to you, but you must be able to destroy the Earth Force Corps!"

Li Xing smiled "Hey," "I wasn't sure, but now, this thing has become no challenge."

The army corps of the prefecture gathered together, and the black was pressing, approaching the Makino Pass. The 300 Great Celestial Masters also spurred the city of destruction, ready to launch a strike at any time ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this time, an immeasurable Great Celestial Master said loudly: "The person at Makino Pass listens, immediately surrender, otherwise With the blow of the city of destruction, you will be killed! "

The huge sound wave spread all over the country, and everyone on Xuanhuang Continent heard this sentence. Suddenly the Imperial soldiers shouted and responded violently.

"Don't make a fuss, the emperor of my family will kill you with a fart!"

"Poor thing, you must have never seen the greatness of our emperor, so it is so arrogant, no one in sight."

"Well, no wonder, the emperor has always been very low-key. How can outsiders know his terror?"

After screaming for a long time, the immeasurable Da Tianzun's throat was going to be dumb, but Xuanhuang Continent did not respond a little. He couldn't help being furious and yelled, "Prepare all, urge the city of destruction!"


The heavens and the earth shook fiercely, the huge shadow of destruction destroyed the light of infinite destruction, spurted out, transfigured a huge black light stick, and fiercely darted to the chicken-like yellow continent.

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