Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1175: Immortal combat power

Chapter 1175: Immortal Fighting Power

Chapter 1175: Immortal Battle Power

At this time, on the Xuanhuang continent, twenty-eight ancient civilization cannons lit up at the same time, and one shot was released from the twenty-eight points on the Xuanhuang continent. ┏_ 网 Twenty-eight straight beams of light rose into the sky.

After reaching a certain height, the beam of light spread towards the Quartet immediately. From the outside, you can see twenty-eight light films, which quickly close together into a huge oval light shell, tightly guarding the Xuanhuang continent.

The big stick suddenly banged on the light shell, and a huge explosion broke out.

Immediately, the immortal stick disappeared, because the three hundred infinite monsters could only urge this level of attack, and could not last. And the light shell that withstood the blow of destruction was just rippling for a moment like a wave of water.

The living people in the Xuanhuang continent cannot even feel what is happening outside, they are all doing their own business.

This made the ninth emperor ecstatic, and the people in the land government were dumbfounded. Why is the opponent's defense so strong?

At this time, the rich and wealthy issued an attack order. Five hundred billion horizontal ships rushed out of the Xuanhuang continent densely. Of these, one hundred billion horizontal ships carried destroyers.

The 50 billion horizontal ships were integrated into a single unit, and the combat power was immediately elevated to the level of Nirvana Immortal Deity, even if it was in front of the Immortal Demon Emperor of 300 Lands, it was definitely powerful.

"Dare to take out such a garbage warship?" A gigantic demon looked at it and couldn't help laughing "haha".

Another big devil laughed and said, "Look! These warships actually want to hit the city of destruction. It seems that it didn't hurt them just now, but we can't see it. Otherwise, they just can't shrink. Then why bother attacking? "

Just as the Infinite Demon King analyzed, the 50 billion battleships are rushing towards the city of destruction, giving people the feeling of hitting stones.

"Stupid! The power of this ruined city, we can't even use one out of a hundred, even more powerful people will die if they go in, and they will be shattered by the defense laws of the immortal plane." Said an infinitely large demon.

Looking at it, the five hundred horizontal ships approached the city of destruction, and finally some great deities felt that something was not right, so they urged the magic to kill the horizontal ships severely. However, the overall defense of the horizontal ship was not weak, so under the attack, only billions of ships were detonated, and the rest still rushed to the city of destruction.

"What is the purpose of the other party doing this? Do you commit suicide?" A great demon muttered to himself, with a doubtful look on his face.

But at this time, those horizontal ships that entered the power of destruction city exploded and destroyed. This is because most of the destroyed cities of Hengship are regarded as intruders, and the internal order of complete operation will automatically clear the intruders.

The power of the Immortal Plane is very horrible. It will destroy 40 billion horizontal ships in an instant, leaving no residue. With only 10 billion ships left, they all exude aura of destruction, and Enron enters the deepest part of the city of destruction.

Those immense monsters finally knew that things might not be good. One monster cried out, "Attention! This must be a conspiracy, everyone is ready to respond!"

Ten billion crossships quickly wandered through the destruction plane, occupying places they could occupy, and then each crossboat released hundreds of millions of predatory seeds. Hundreds of millions of dots of light are spreading all over the Quartet.

The small predatory seeds looked inconspicuous, but once they took root, they began to grow at a horrible speed. Sprouts, long leaves, stems, branches and leaves, which instantly turn into towering giant trees.

One tree plundered the ancient trees, and they continuously emerged from various places on the plane of destruction. Originally, such an event would never be allowed to happen if the immortal Great Venerable was sitting in the town.

It's a pity that the Destroyer of Heaven has fallen. This is a subjectless plane. There is no wisdom, so no one can prevent it from happening. Therefore, in a short time, the destruction plane was already full of ancient trees.

The looting of ancient trees began to plunder the destruction force for their own growth. This does not count, the two predatory ancient trees can be merged into one, becoming a larger predatory ancient tree. So again and again, while plundering the ancient trees, while plundering power, they moved closer to each other and merged.

Later, hundreds of Beijing's plundered ancient trees formed a giant plundered ancient tree. This ancient tree, light tree body, occupied almost one-tenth of the space of the destruction plane, boundless.

At this time, the power of the Destroy Plane had been plundered by the ancient trees by nearly a third. This caused the situation to turn sharply. Within a moment, the plunder of the ancient trees completely controlled the plane of destruction.

In the plane of destruction, countless souls have actually died, and they have been refined together with the plane of destruction, which is equivalent to a component of the magic weapon. The destruction plane is the huge magic weapon.

At this moment, the plundering of the ancient trees into the Lord has made this big world come back to life. Because the supreme law that ancient trees control this plane can make people think about life and death.

Suddenly, it seemed as if some shackles had been broken. Just listening to the sound of "click", the city of destruction shrank suddenly and turned into a middle-aged man with black hair and black hair, with the light of destruction flashing in his eyes. The eyes shook between opening and closing.

The 300 celestial beings in the prefecture all felt that the connection between them and the city of destruction broke down instantly, and then the overwhelming pressure hit them.

"No! The city of destruction has lost control. Is it possible to destroy the resurrection of Datianzun? Quickly escape!" A large demon screamed with countless peaks and fled when he turned.

It's a pity that the Destroyer Tianzun, transformed from the plundering of ancient trees, reached out his hand, and saw the dark light covering the sky and turning it into a huge hand of destruction. Respect is in your hands.

"Come on! Let ’s cast the ultimate trick together!" The roar of the top demon lord, three hundred immeasurable gods, cast the supreme magic trick together and want to escape.


Destroyed hands shrank, and 180 or so demon statues exploded directly. It was also this explosion that slowed the destruction of the hands a little, and the rest of the demon lord took the opportunity to perform the tricks and disappeared.

Relying on the power of the Destroy Plane, he swallowed more than one hundred and eight Great Devils. The Destroyer of the Destroyed Ancient Tree, which plundered the ancient tree, immediately mutated. In one thought, ten human lifes full of plundering breath came out of the void.

These human figures are born with pointed feet and cold, sharp eyes. They have miracles of features, no eyes, ears, nose, but only a huge mouth.

This is the predator that will be derived from the looting of ancient trees to a certain extent. It belongs to the looting of ancient trees and can greatly enhance the fighting power of looting ancient trees. A predator is more aggressive than a guardian, and smarter than a war spirit.

The ten predators were created by plundering the ancient trees with the immortal destructive power, plus the blood of more than one hundred and eighty countless great deities. Therefore, each of them has an infinite peak of combat power and can plunder everything and use it for their own purposes.

Destruction of the Great Celestial Demon has now become an immortal war puppet. Under the command of Li Xing, the sight of destruction has locked the trillion territorial army.

The army of the local government was stunned for a long time. Three hundred immeasurable aunts died, most of them died, and the remaining half also fled. How could this battle be fought? When they saw the destruction of Datianzun paying attention, they immediately fled collectively.

It is a pity that they did not have any chance in front of the immortal God. The hand of destruction is still in a hurry ###, as if the wind is sweeping the leaves.

No matter where these regiments fled and how far they escaped, they would always be pulled by a force of terror under the palm of destruction, and then it would be destroyed.


Thousands of male soldiers, wipe out with one palm!

This is the horrific fighting power of the immortal Great Celestial Master, incredibly powerful! Moreover, the destruction of the Great Celestial Master is only the immortal Great Celestial Lord of the Ninety-sixth calamity, and it is not a master in immortality.

In an instant, the crisis passed and the enemy was wiped out. The Xuanhuang continent is boiling, and even the outer world knows it. The weak monks worship Li Xing even more. This led to, almost instantaneously, Li Xing felt that the power of that faith was strong and pure to the extreme. This is a kind of religious belief in power, not mixed with anything.

So he moved in his heart, the kingdom of one hundred thousand gods, under the urging of the power of faith, instantly merged into one, and became a huge kingdom of gods. And, in this deity kingdom, the deity shadow gradually becomes an entity.

Before long, Xingying opened his eyes, he roared the mountains and rivers, stepped out one step, and the kingdom of the gods got rid of the shackles of the mixed world.

The ninth emperor saw that Li Xing was silent for a moment, and when Guanghua flashed around, another Li Xing appeared. This is naturally the deity of Li Xing, whose breath is sacred and inviolable.

"It's too much of a clone, it's too much." The ninth emperor shouted. He didn't know what to say. Li Xing arbitrarily made an impersonation, all at the level of ninety calamities. Feeling complacent and inferior to the extreme.

Li Xing smiled and said, "I have recently learned about the civilizations of the gods ~ www.readwn.com ~, so I got a copy and tried it, and it seemed to work well."

Ninth Heavenly Son: "The Outer Heaven Realm has become your back garden, and everyone is a follower of the Emperor Yuanyuan. However, this world does not seem to be advisable except to establish faith."

Li Xing did not think so, saying: "Big brother is wrong, this place is of great use to younger brothers, you will know in the future." Then he smiled mysteriously and did not elaborate.

But it said that the territorial army was destroyed, the terrestrial government was shaking, and the heavenly court was shaking. Subsequently, the rewards of Marshal and Marshal and the heavenly courts came down one after another, 10,000 immensely forged and ten million forged.

Among the many rewards, there is an immortal throne. This thing is an immortal-level magic weapon. After sitting on it, it can stand invincible, as long as it is not immortal, it will not be threatened.

This can be said to be a very heavy reward. After the ninth emperor got it, he was very happy. However, he was interested enough, and expressed his willingness to give the thing to Li Xing.

Li Xing naturally wouldn't accept it. On defense, he had an emperor-level battleship, and on offensive power, he was even more devastating. This super war puppet, Da Tianzun, was not an immortal weapon, so the throne was left to the ninth emperor.

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