Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1176: Refinery Raymen

Chapter 1176: Refining Thunder Gate

Chapter 1176 Refining Thunder Gate

After the territorial force of the trillion-dollar army was annihilated, there was no movement, and it seemed that it was no longer ready to stop Makino. │ 'Conversely, other gates were severely attacked by the local government and suffered heavy losses.

Although there was no attack from the local government, Li Xing had no time to relax. He had many things to do. The first thing was to refine the trillion-dollar army of the local government.

Destroy Da Tianzun. At that time, the trillion army was wiped out with one hand. Most of the strength of the trillion army was transferred to the Xuanhuang World for the guardian's use. A small number were intercepted and used to breed more predators.

About 300 billion local government troops were refined into eight predators. The remaining approximately 700 billion troops were all transformed into magic soldiers. The total number of these magic soldiers is about one billion.

The number has decreased, but the combat effectiveness of the magic soldier is very strong, basically reaching the combat effectiveness of the sixty Nirvana Nirvana. The overall combat power is even more powerful.

In addition, the horizontal ship is still under construction. Li Xing's plan is to build a trillion horizontal ships and then combine them into one. In that case, its combat effectiveness can compete with the destruction of the Great Celestial Master.

Of course, the most important thing is to collect civilization fragments. These fragments of civilization are a great complement to the ancient trees of civilization. Moreover, now Li Xing has discovered a new use, which is to make ancient artillery ammunition.

In his hand, there are now 28 small civilization cannons, eight large civilization cannons, and one giant civilization cannon. In the past, if you wanted to fire a shot, you had to let the ancient civilization tree inject a large amount of civilization into the cannon.

Civilized forces are the shells of ancient cannons. Every time they are fired, ancient civilization trees will lose a lot, making Li Xing unable to bear. For example, last time, he used twenty-eight ancient cannons to lay down a defensive shell to resist the attack of the city of destruction.

Just for a moment, the civilized power accumulated by the ancient civilization tree was almost exhausted, making him feel empty and exhausted.

But now it is different. With the fragments of civilization, the ancient trees of civilization can absorb them, and then refine them into "civilized artillery shells". Of course, it is unimportant whether such a ball of things that stirs up the glory of civilization is called a civilization cannonball. What is important is that it can be used.

At present, ancient civilization trees can already make small civilization cannonballs, and at the current speed of collecting civilization fragments, one can be created about every ten days.

After the launch of a cannonball, its power is roughly equivalent to that of the ancient civilization tree, and its attack power is very horrible.

Therefore, during this period of time, Li Xing was fully mining the fragments of civilization and used them to make civilization artillery shells in case of emergency. If you think about it, if there are enough artillery shells, 28 ancient civilization cannons can be continuously bombarded. Who can stop them?

While vigorously excavating the fragments of civilization, Li Xing was also preparing for another thing, which was to watch the mountain's immortal weapon, Raymen. The Thunder Gate was very stubborn, and so far it has not been worn away by the Proto-Altar.

Under the protection of Thunder Gate, the twelve pinnacles of Mt. Watchman Mountain have not been damaged, and they are still alive today. When they saw Li Xing's appearance, they suddenly yelled, sometimes threatened, sometimes discussed, and wanted them to let them go.

Li Xing smiled and said, "You don't have to bother with your lips. Today is your death."

One laughed loudly, mocking the tunnel: "If you had the ability, you would have killed us long ago, and you still have to wait today? Hmm, the emperor Yuanyuan, Shouwang Mountain must now chase you all over the world, you can't escape!"

Li Xing didn't say anything. Behind him, the Destroyer Da Tianzun stood up. An immortal breath permeated the scene, and suddenly all 12 people shut their mouths.

Someone screamed, "Impossible, he is the Immortal God, where did you invite the Supreme? No! He is a puppet, and you are already under your control!"

"Mixed Yuan emperor, you are really sinful, even the noble immortal lord dare to blaspheme, you are a devil and a beast!" The rest of the people also hysterically cursed, and they were finally afraid.

Although the Thunder Gate is an immortal weapon, it may not be able to withstand the immortal Great Supreme.

Li Xing looked at the twelve people coldly and said, "Finally, I will give you a chance, give up resistance, and surrender the Thunder Gate. The Emperor will not kill you. Otherwise, you know the means of the Emperor, let alone a Thunder Gate. Even if the eight are together, you will all die! "

"Don't promise him! We surrender, we will be harmed, we might as well carry it to the end!" Someone shouted, and others who immediately reminded them, said they would never submit.

Li Xing shook his head and said, "A group of idiots, then let you see the means of this emperor."

The words fell, Destroyer Datianzun stepped out, went directly into Wuguang, and reached out to grab the Thunder Gate. The Thunder Gate had been suppressed by the altar for a long time, and there was not much power, so he was caught and suddenly shaken violently.

Twelve Countless Datianzun's face changed greatly, cursing loudly, thinking of this method weakly, preventing Li Xing from further action. Li Xing looked cold and unmoved, and continued to order the destruction of Da Tianzun's attack.


Thunder light exploded, and the destruction force was like a long river leaping to the ground, constantly impacting, making Raymen's light more and more dim. Halfway through, Li Xing added another fire, transferred the emperor-class battleship, and sent out a thunderous light to help destroy the Great Celestial Master.

The imperial battleship is also an immortal treasure, and its addition immediately made it impossible for Raymen's defense to continue, showing its flaws and supporting it for too long. In the end, under the respectful hand of Destruction Datian, he crashed to the ground.

Destroyer Datianzun stepped forward and held Raymen in his hand. As for the twelve immeasurable deities, they were completely exposed to the dark light of the altar, screaming one after another, and smoky.

Li Xing hurriedly destroyed Da Tianzun and took out the twelve people one by one, and then directly ### up. These twelve are all orderers, who must have the higher civilizations he needs.

### After the twelve people, the Destroyer immediately began to use the power of the altar to sacrifice this treasure.

It is definitely a long process to sacrifice an immortal weapon. Li Xing no longer waits and let it do whatever he wants. He relies on the ancient tree of civilization to refine the twelve peaks of immense amount.

The twelve great deities did not disappoint Li Xing, and the civilization contained in them was not weak. Among them, there is one intermediate second-level civilization, three intermediate fourth-level civilizations, and six intermediate fifth-level civilizations.

The remaining two have intermediate eighth and ninth civilizations, which are of little use to Li Xing.

He still had something to do, and that was to go to the abyss and find the dragon elephant world by his spare time.

Last time he entered the Abyss of the Danger and Robbery, although he gained a lot and obtained the head of the Northern Emperor, he did not find the Dragon Elephant World in the end. One is that time is not allowed, and he must return to Xuanhuang Continent as soon as possible.

Second, the emperor's head was in his hands and must be properly placed, which also prevented him from staying long.

At this moment, the prefecture will not attack again for a short time. Outer heaven has also stabilized. Xuanhuang World is being refined by him day by day, and sooner or later it will become part of the mixed world.

Therefore, he is basically not distracted at all right now, and just happened to find the dragon elephant world to find the deity of the mountains and seas, so as to open the second and third layers of the treasures of the four seas.

In addition, he is looking for the Dragon Elephant World, and also wants to use this to reveal the secret of Dragon Elephant King, and at the same time enhance the strength of Dragon Elephant Ring. The dragon ring followed him from the beginning, and it was time for him to advance.

The ninth emperor knew that Li Xing was leaving, and laughed: "Within ten years, there will be no problems in Makino Pass. Brothers, you can go, and I will sit on the Xuanhuang continent."

Li Xingdao: "Brother, don't be too leisurely. I have evolved twelve civilizations. You can take advantage of this period to cultivate well, and it is best to break through the infinite peak."

The ninth emperor almost stared: "What? Twelve civilizations? How did you get it?"

Li Xing laughed: "Of course I have a solution, so don't ask more."

The ninth emperor nodded and said positively, "Okay! How can I let you down, brothers help me? You can rest assured that when you come back, I must be the pinnacle of the 95th calamity."

After Li Xing finished speaking, what did he think of, saying, "The elder brother is a son of heaven, with unparalleled qualifications, can he be sure ### Immortal?"

The ninth emperor smiled bitterly: "This is a threshold. It is not easy to break through. Even if I am fully prepared, there are only 30% chances to break through."

"It doesn't matter." Li Xing comforted him, "I will help you by then, so that you will be stable and immortal."

If there is anyone in the world who can convince the ninth emperor, then only Li Xing has laughed. He said, "Well, I will wait for that day."

After being properly prepared, on this day, Li Xing drove an emperor-class battleship, brought Destroyer Demon, and several close people to the Abyss for the third time.

Among the companions this time are Jun Qianheng, Nangong Xiaoyi, Wu Xiaobao, Jian Xingtian, Li Xuanbai, and seven Jinwu. Their cultivation has progressed rapidly with the help of Li Xing. Now all of them are There is no great state of heaven.

This time I went out ~ www.readwn.com ~ The job of the twelve people was to drive an emperor-class battleship and see the outside world by the way.

On the way, Li Xuanbai's mouth didn't stop, and asked East and West. The seven Jinwus were extremely active, and they had to drive the warship to the seventh-day son's army, arrogantly, saying that they would teach those people for Li Xing.

The Seventh Heavenly Army was really chaotic, and even sent an army to chase it, but how could it catch up with the holding ship? All I could do was watch it grow up, and everyone would vomit blood.

Li Xing is also too lazy to let them go. Although the warship was slower because of this, after all, it reached the Abyss.

The third time I came to the abyss, and knew the road well, Li Xing immediately let everyone enter by boat and began the adventure.

This time, I have more experience. Li Xing called the Shanhai Tongzi to let him sense the existence of the deity. Last time, although Shanhai Tongzi sensed it, he was still vaguely unable to locate it accurately.

Therefore, this time Li Xing decided to spend more time and say that he would find the dragon elephant world. As in the previous two rounds, during the march, there were constant discoveries, but everything that looked like was salvaged up, ready for future sales.

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