Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1177: Congenital sword tire

Chapter 1177: Jiuyang Xiejun

Chapter 1177: Innate Sword Fetus

I have to say that there are so many good things in the Abyss, which made Li Xuanbai's people soft, and everyone had three or five pieces of self-defense. ┝ & 网, and being in an imperial ship, I am not afraid of encountering danger, and my life is leisurely.

Suddenly more than a year has passed, Shanhai Tongzi still can't accurately find out the position of the infinite world. Li Xing was not in a hurry, and the boy slowly sensed that he could not find two years in one year, and three years in two years.

On this day, the boy in the mountains and the sea who was feeling the full force suddenly yelled, "Master, look at it, what a weird thing?"

Li Xing was enlightening the mystery of civilization, and when he heard the words, he looked outwards, and he saw a purple flame burning in the black gas not far from the front. Forced far away, not close.

This scene surprised Li Xing. The scourge of rancidity corroded all things. How could he be so afraid of this flame? Could it be that the treasure of Xuanhuang Zuqi's first grade was not available? He quickly ordered the imperial ship to approach, and he had to step forward to take a look.

After the battleship approached, everyone on the ship saw the score and saw a group of purple flames, the house was the same size, and there seemed to be a baby curled up inside, like a fetus.

Li Xing was surprised and couldn't see the calendar for a while. However, one thing is certain, the fetus in this purple light is of extraordinary origin and extraordinary origin.

"Master, good stuff, find a way to salvage it!" Shanhai Tongzi was anxious to scratch his ears, anxious to let Li Xing get his things immediately.

Li Xing nodded, just about to start, and suddenly felt a dangerous breath came, he immediately ordered: "Everyone pay attention, there is a strong enemy approaching!"


A huge fist transmitted through the purple and red strange light, tearing the air of dyeing and robbing, and blasted heavily towards the imperial battleship.


The entire Emperor-class battleship vibrated severely, and the hull swayed. The people in the ship, including Li Xing, were unstable, and their looks changed greatly.

"Who is it?" Li Xing was taken aback and was able to sway the imperial battleship with a punch, and the strength of the coming person can be described by terror.

As soon as the purple-red giant fist shrank, a young man suddenly appeared in front of him, his sword eyebrows slanted, and his martial arts were extraordinary. He was staring coldly at the imperial battleship. He stood in a very good position, right in the middle of the purple light fetus and the battleship.

Li Xing sneered, and said, "Who is your Excellency, and why do you wait for me for no reason?"

The young man said indifferently: "You are greedy for the purple electric sword fetus, you must die."

Li Xing said in his heart, "I'm afraid you have misunderstood. We don't even know what the Purple Electric Sword Tire is. Besides, this is an objectless thing, and we want to get it is also human."

"No need to say more, you must die." The young man said word by word, as if he was the master of life and death, and no one could question it.

Li Xing sighed, and said, "Even if you want to kill me and wait, you should make people understand, right? Otherwise, I would be too wrong to wait for death."

Humane youth: "My elder brother told me that killing and war need a reason. Since I kill you, I have an obligation to make you die."

Li Xing sneered secretly, but on the surface he said, "Thank you so much. Where did this thing come from?"

"This is the sword of the purple electric sword. It was an innate treasure ejected when civilization broke out. However, this sword fell into the abyss and lacked the nourishment of civilization, so it has not matured."

"It turned out to be an innate treasure. I wonder what level of magic will it be after it is born?" Li Xing asked.

"This is not a trivial matter. Once it comes out, it is an immortal magic weapon, which can cut the immortal deity." The youth humane, "This thing I am determined to obtain, has been guarded for thousands of years, how can you get it, so I will kill you."

Li Xing sighed: "You have a reason to kill us. But we also have a reason to fight back, and we can fight you back!"

The young man said coldly: "You don't have any chance, and this imperial battleship can't help you."

"Really?" Li Xing sneered, "Although you are strong, unfortunately you have not reached the immortal state, but you are at the pinnacle of immense celestial respect. Your strength is too strong, so you have touched the immortal killing technique, that's all . "


A portal, bright and bright, electro-optical lasing, suddenly manifested from the void and hit the young people severely. The thing that strikes is the immortal weapon, Thunder Gate. And after the Thunder Gate, it is the phantom that destroyed the Great Celestial Master.

It turned out that Li Xing wandered in the abyss for more than a year. During this period, the Great Heavenly Destroyer had completely destroyed Raimen with the help of time. Now that he has Thunder Gate in his hand, his combat effectiveness has soared, which is several times higher than before.

The young man was very surprised and hurriedly punched at Raymen. Unfortunately, he did not step into immortality after all, although the combat power was super good, he was still given ### to live by Leimen. Electric light blocked the whole body and could not move.

He struggled several times without success, his face showing an angry expression, saying: "I! Fighting the Great Celestial Master, the brother of the Great Celestial Master, the proud man of the sky, ca n’t be broken by you, this mean little figure ### ! "

The purple-red blood of his body rolled over, and he actually broke the electric light, and he was about to escape.

Li Xing was taken aback. What exactly was this person and how could he be so fierce and overbearing? Although he was shocked in his heart, since he started, he would destroy the other side so as not to leave a future trouble, so he urged the imperial battleship and locked it with thunder.

The lock-shaped thunder of the Emperor-class battleship failed the final struggle of the battle fighter, and his body tightened, and was again ### dropped by Thunder Gate. He smashed the mountains and rivers, his blood was shining, and he went straight to 800 million miles, his momentum was terrifying.

Li Xing was astonished that the origin of this great battle must be no small matter. I am afraid that this time it has caused people who should not be, even worse than Shouwang Mountain.

He is a decisive man, and in a flash of thought, he has already plunged a large number of predatory seeds into the level of the great battle. This one-hundred-practice Bailing can plunder even the immortal planes, not to mention the great battle.

Not long after, countless predatory ancient trees appeared in the world of fighting and fighting, which greatly weakened his strength. He roared and shook the heavens, but he couldn't escape, and his eyes burned the realm of anger, and his anger broke through nine days.

Seeing this, the incompetent genius of Dazhun Datianzun will be controlled and turned into a war puppet. Suddenly, an invincible will erupted on his body, turning into a great illusion.

This ghost image looks like a three-pointer of the Great Fighting Master, but it is more powerful and unpredictable. He stared at Li Xing coldly and said, "Release the fighting, otherwise I will cut you off!" "

Li Xing was startled first, then calmed down and sneered: "Just a word from you, I will let people go, this great emperor is not frightened."

"I, the Great Lord of War, can kill you with one thought, not intimidation. If you close up early, I can spare your life and allow you to be my slave." The voice of the other was cold and rational, full of confidence.

Li Xing was furious. This man really had high eyes and arrogance. He smiled faintly: "Yes? The day when this great emperor looks forward to meeting you, destroy me!"


The plundering of the ancient tree broke out in full, in conjunction with the destruction of the Great Celestial Master, finally completely turned the Great Celestial Fighter into a war puppet. That will also gradually faded away, leaving only an extremely cruel look, a sentence full of murderous words: "I will make you regret it!"

Li Xing sneered, and he could see that the opponent was indeed very powerful, at least stronger than the Great Fight. However, his strength is also improving, and he will meet in the future to say which is better.

Li Xing immediately focused his attention on the purple electric sword tyre, and raised his eyebrows, saying: "It really is a good baby. Once born, it is an immortal magic weapon. It is amazing!"

When encountering such a baby, he naturally wanted to get his hands, so he let Destroyer Tianzun get his hands, and took Ziguang in his hands. That purple light seemed nothing, but when Detian Zun reached out his hand, he heard "Sen".

Purple light skyrocketed, and the Destroyer was hanged and crushed.

Li Xing was taken aback. The sharp sword light is really a peerless sword!

I tried several methods at the same time, no matter what, as long as it was close, it would be chopped by Jian Guang, which caused Li Xing a headache.

In desperation, he finally had to take his own shot and use the mixed yuan gun to pick up Ziguang. This gun is also extremely sturdy, with Ming Sword fragments on it. When the tip of the gun pierced the purple light, the dense golden iron and iron symphony erupted.

The strong shock force from the gun rod directly crashed Li Xing and vomited blood again and again.

He couldn't help it this time, so he had to return to the imperial battleship for a while to rest.

Among the battleships, Li Xing was thinking hard about the countermeasures, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, remembering something. Turned out of the warehouse at that time, it was a dark, unknown object, like a stone, but extremely strong.

This thing was the size of his fist that he got from the Abyss of Affliction last time. The Prototype altars can't be sacrificed, and the mixed yuan gun can't damage it, it is extremely strong.

This thing has been left in the warehouse, and Li Xing almost forgot it. At this moment, when encountering the sharp sword energy of Zidian ~ www.readwn.com ~, he suddenly remembered, could he use it to collect it?

With this in mind, he summoned the Destroyer, ordered him to hold it, and then collected the purple electric sword tire.

Destroyer Da Tianzun was ordered, so he held it in his hand and grabbed it towards Ziguang. A strange scene happened, and the object was excited by purple light, and it burst into the masculine sharpness.

However, this sharpness is more introverted than Ziguang, and it is usually very subtle and cannot be seen at all.

The inconspicuous things emit billions of blue light, entangled with purple light, "Si Ling Ling" ringing, air-conditioned, let the destruction of Tiantianzun sweat hair fall.

Opportunity cannot be lost. Destroyer Da Tianzun saw two kinds of Guanghua fighting together, and no longer released sword energy outward, immediately shot and transferred it to the plane.

Li Xingchang was relieved, and finally charged the sword tire!

Shanhai Tongzi laughed: "Master has another baby, wonderful!" Suddenly, the smile on his face stiffened, and then slowly turned his head, looking at Li Xing, saying, "Master, go quickly The small feeling is very precise, and the dragon elephant world is ahead! "

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