Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1178: Dragon Elephant World

Chapter 1178 Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter Dragon Elephant World (100 flowers plus more)

Chapter 1178: Dragon Elephant World

Li Xing was refreshed and immediately urged the imperial battleship to go at full speed. . . ┌

Less than half an hour after the battleship flew, a behemoth appeared ahead. It was a huge sphere wrapped in thick contaminated dirt, suspended there silently.

Shanhai Tongzi exclaimed excitedly: "It's it, it's the dragon elephant world, lord, we found it!"

Li Xing nodded, destroying Da Tianzun rushing up with Lei Men, and then severely cut it. With a loud noise, the thick dirt shell was shattered, revealing the transparent and bright light like glass inside, and the rich civilized atmosphere rushed towards the face.

Li Xing took a breath, and said, "Dragon Elephant Celestial Master really is a civilization of Celestial Celestial Master, and the level of civilization of this dragon elephant is not low! It should be intermediate or fifth grade, which is really shocking!"

Shanhai Tongzi said, "Master, are you going in now?"

Li Xing shook his head: "No rush, the civilized world is very different, and it has its own system. If I guessed it well, although the dragon elephant world has fallen, this civilized world is still operating in the usual order."

"What to do?" Shanhai Tongzi was very anxious, he could not wait to rush in immediately to find the deity of Shanhaijing.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "You forgot, we are all the people who came out of the Dragon Elephant's side, and they can be regarded as a member of the big world. They can walk in generously." Say, his breath changed. Actually became a real dragon elephant!

The real dragon elephant uses dragon elephant power to mix dragon power and elephant power. This kind of power is unique to the monks of the dragon elephant world. Outsiders can't imitate it.

Not only that, he also took out the dragon elephant ring to make the breath more realistic, and then said to Shanhai Tongzi: "Shanhai, go, let's see what the dragon elephant world looks like."

Then he ordered the people on the emperor ship to stand by and let the destruction of the guardian of the Great Heavenly Lord.

Li Xing and Shan Hai Tong Zi walked directly into the glaze Guanghua, which was very heavy, but did not cause any harm to the two. As Li Xing said, the order of the Great World is still working, and dragon real people will not be regarded as invaders, but "owners".

After entering Liuguang Guanghua for a while, they felt that the space was changing layer by layer. Before long, the two stepped on the ground and entered a new world.

Here, the sky is extremely high, the land is vast, the aura is rich, and the species is rich. When he first came here, Li Xing didn't move his mind deliberately. Instead, he began to perform martial arts and walked with Shan Hai Tong Zi in one direction.

The footsteps gradually changed from the green grassland to the continuous high mountains, and then turned into a plain without closeness, until a big city appeared in front of the two.

It is said to be a "big city" because the walls are very tall and extremely high. It is also very long, reaching 300,000 miles, and it is endless. Such a huge city has an unparalleled momentum.

The city gates are also huge, coming and going, the real dragon elephants who come in and out of the city are huge, either walking, driving, or beast-controlling.

The strength of these people is not weak. Da Tianzun can be seen everywhere, even rare monks at Tianzun level. It can also be seen that the dragon elephant world is countless times stronger than the auxiliary plane.

This forced Li Xing and Shan Hai Tongzi to release the French version. Suddenly, they all turned into giants three thousand feet tall, striding toward the gate.

When they grow up, the giants look normal.

After reaching the gate, eighteen gatekeepers were carefully interrogating. The practice of Li Xing and Shan Hai Tong Zi seems to be only the practice of the first heaven god, so it was released without excessive investigation.

Entering Ayutthaya, Li Xing said: "First find a place to sit, eat something, and learn about some of the dragon elephant world by the way."

Shanhai Tongzi said: "Listen to the master." Then he said, "The master may see, how was the strength of the dragon elephant?

Li Xing thought about it and said, "It is unfathomable. Although his cultivation is at the peak of Wutian Dazun, his strength should be extremely strong."

The boy nodded: "Like a master, with sixty-five nirvana nirvana, he has the power of immense amount of great respect."

People come and go on the street, it is very lively, three steps and one at the top, ten steps on the first floor, and it is easy to find a tea restaurant. The two chose a medium-grade place, so that the younger can get some good wine and cut some animal meat to eat.

The shop saw Li Xing's generous shots, and they threw ten Daquandan and hurriedly bought them. When waiting, Li Xingjing listened quietly to the people around her, and understood the world through their words.

Not long after, the wine came up, the boy from the mountains and the sea ate, and Li Xing took a sip and stopped drinking. This wine is not a good wine, not even a calamity, it is as good as water.

At this time, a young man entered the room with a bird cage and swayed. As soon as he came up, he pointed out, "Little two, serve good wine and good food."

Upon hearing this, Dian Xiaoyi's face suddenly showed an extremely disgusting look, but he forcibly stepped forward and accompanied the laughter: "Ah, it's Zhou Dasong coming, sitting down a little, and the wine and vegetables are immediately on board. "

The young man named Zhou Dashao had a hum in his nose, then took out the bird food from his pocket to feed the bird. The bird was bright in color and did not know what breed it was.

At this time, Li Xing found that many people around him were looking at Zhou Dashou and secretly speaking and talking.

"This is Zhou Dashao, the son of a former Taishi teacher? Why is he so leisurely without any trace of aristocratic weather?"

"You don't know. Although the former teacher was extraordinary, he didn't educate his son very well. Because there are too many sons, it is said that there are more than 3,000 people. How can everyone teach success?"

"It turned out to be the case, but I heard that this younger brother was born of a petting little sister who was measured before, so he was taken care of by the former teacher. Nothing to do with people. "

"This man is not useless. He swallowed a‘ knowing cicada ’egg when he was young. So when he was an adult, he practiced the avenue of wanzhi.

Hearing here, Li Xing's heart moved. He was looking for a person to inquire about the dragon elephant world in detail. This young man is known as "Well Known", so he must know a lot, it is him!

He stood up, walked down to the opposite side of Zhou Dashao, and took out a pot of wine from his arms. This wine is not an ordinary wine. It is a good wine for 24 years. Although it is not a good wine for him, it is very precious to Zhou Dashou, and it is not commonly seen.

The jug didn't open the lid, so the aroma was tangy, and Zhou Dashao took a few sips, staring at Li Xing and said, "Friend, what do you mean? Could you ask me to drink?"

Li Xing laughed: "Exactly." Then he poured a drink for Zhou Dashao, "I heard Zhou Dashao's name in the next time, and wanted to make friends with him."

Zhou Dashao also served as Li Xing who wanted to climb up to the former teacher through him, so he didn't care, and readily drank the glass of wine. Suddenly, his face was full of drunkenness, he took a drink, and was drunk.

This is no wonder, twenty-four robbing the wine, he dared to drink at the beginning of a great deity, and he was already fortune-teller without getting drunk. Of course, Li Xing naturally won't let him die, he will only get him drunk to the right situation, so he can tell him the truth.

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, Zhou has a lot of alcohol and is admirable."

Zhou Dashao's tongue was already big, and he waved his hand: "This ... what a deal, I can still drink."

"You can still drink big and small, but I have a question for big and small. Can I answer it easily?"

"You ask, for the sake of the wine, Benda knows everything."

At this moment, Li Xing was so thick and thin, he asked a few things clearly. This week, the young and old were indeed "well-known", and they actually answered them accurately, so that Li Xing had a general understanding of the dragon elephant world.

As he had anticipated before, the dragon elephant world has been operating normally with the order of civilization, and it continues to grow.

In today's Dragon Elephant World, there are countless countries with vast areas, numerous time and space, and countless planes. Among them, three are the most powerful: Shanhai Kingdom, Shenbing Kingdom, and Jade Emperor Kingdom.

In addition to these three forces, there is also a transcendent existence, called the Three Emperor Caves. Although strong, it doesn't matter much about the world.

Li Xing also made inquiries about the origin of the three countries and Sanhuangdong. The country of mountains and seas is actually a kingdom established by the deity of the mountains and seas, established in the world of dragon elephants, and proclaimed the king of mountains and seas.

The figure of the magic soldier is hosted by two weapons, the dragon gun and the elephant axe. Dragon lances and elephant axes are all instruments used by Dragon Elephant Datianzun when they were alive, and they are all ninety-five caliber unbounded instruments with strong combat power.

The dragon gun and the elephant axe jointly established the kingdom of magic soldiers, which has always been at odds with the country of the mountains and seas, and often fought.

The third country is the Jade Emperor. The monarch is called the Emperor Jade Emperor. He claims to be supported by the three emperors and inherits the orders of the heavens, and will eventually unify the entire dragon elephant world. The Jade Emperor is actually a real dragon elephant born and raised in the world of dragon elephants, but his qualifications are superb and there are countless peaks of cultivation.

As for the three emperor caves, needless to say that Li Xing also knows that it must have been generated during the evolution of the three dragons of the dragon elephant ~ www.readwn.com ~ consisting of the emperor, the emperor and the emperor. However, since the dragon elephant Datianzun is dead, the three emperors should die out, and the so-called three emperor caves should intervene in Taoism, without the three emperors.

The three countries often compete for hegemony, and they all want to unite the dragon elephant world, forming a triad situation.

After inquiring everything, Li Xing gave Zhou Dashao another drink, and he drunk directly on the table, unconscious.

Li Xing stood up and the boy immediately ran over and said, "Master, where are we going?"

Li Xingdao: "Three Emperor Caves."

According to Zhou Dashao, Sanhuang Cave is located in the highest level of time and space in the entire dragon elephant world. Originally, this place was difficult for ordinary people to reach, but Li Xing was so powerful that he could easily find it.

He came to the Dragon Elephant World this time, and one of his goals was to find the three emperors, so as to make the mixed Yuan world more complete. The emperor and the emperor have appeared in the plane of the mixed Yuan. Presumably the emperor's birth will not be too long.

Prior to this, he must obtain the Three Emperor's Taoism and see the Three Emperor's Miao, in order to further complete the mixed Yuan world.

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