Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1179: 3 Huangdong

Chapter 1179: Three Emperors Cave

Chapter 1179: Three Emperors Cave

The space and time where Sanhuang Cave is located is really hard to find, and being in it makes people feel a sense of depression, as if being rejected by heaven and earth. │ 'However, this feeling is not much to Li Xing.

A mountain faintly appeared in front of it, with all kinds of light and energy, releasing the breath familiar to Li Xing. He stepped up and wanted to get closer. But at this moment, the four figures were standing in front of each other, but they were four Dao boys, all of whom had the practice of Nirvana.

"Who are the two of you, so brave, you can break into the Sanhuang Cave?" A Taoist scolded sharply.

Li Xing said with a smile: "We are from the lower world. If you want to visit Sanhuangdong to open your eyes, please ask a few people for your convenience."

"What kind of person do you think you are, and Sanhuangdong is where you want to go in? Hurry up, otherwise it will look good to you!" A boy reprimanded and pushed Li Xing. In his eyes, Li Xingxiu was superficial and was far more lazy to say.

The boy down the mountain and sea was furious and called: "Thing without sight, let it go!" His realm was much higher than that of Si Dao Tong, and he flicked his sleeves and struck four people.

Li Xingdao: "Boy, you are too Menglang, it will be difficult to speak for a while."

Shanhai Tongzi said: "Masters love to be good people. Otherwise, they will never let us in if they show up some skills."

After all, Li Xing took the mountain and sea boy to stride toward Sanhuang Cave. At the entrance of the cave, more than a dozen figures descended from the air and intercepted twice. At first, a middle-aged monk, full of anger, yelled, "You are so bold, you hurt the Taoist boy, do you want to be rebellious? Come on, get me!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen non-maximum Celestials shot at the same time, forcing Li Xing to fight back. He reached into the air for a lap, and easily brought about the general situation of the world. Those who shot were involuntarily led by a strong force, and even the attack was forced to stop.

Li Xing's strength has reached the pinnacle of infinite scale, how can these people be his opponents? He even breathed a sigh of breath, and he could blow away these immense deities, and the gap in strength was too great.

Seeing that Li Xing's methods were amazing, these people could not help but be alarmed, and someone immediately issued a signal to call the strong.

Li Xing also did not stop, and said to these people: "In theory, I am also a descendant of the Dragon Elephant, and qualified to enter the Sanhuang Cave. If you stop it again, don't blame me.

His tone sounded bland, but it contained a great power that made everyone feel at ease and did not want to oppose it subconsciously. But at this moment, a horrifying light descended from the sky, and an immeasurable great deity appeared.

This person has a practice of 86 robberies. Qi Yuxuan Ang, his head horned, looked at Li Xing, bowed his hand, and said, "This friend, the disciples of the Three Emperors have been rude, please don't be surprised.

Without reaching a smile on his face, Li Xingdan said lightly: "That's fine, but I'm taking the liberty to remember it, and I also ask San Huangdong's Taoists to forgive me."

The other laughed, "You are welcome, Dao." He paused, "I have n’t asked the name of Dao and where to practice. Is there any advice from Sanhuangdong here?"

Li Xing smiled: "Don't dare to preach, just walk around and take a look at it. My Taoist hybrid Yuan, in fact, comes from the extraterrestrial dragon elephant plane, not a local person."

Upon hearing about Li Xing's history, the man was taken aback and looked at Li Xing and said, "It turned out to be a friend from outside the country and a person from the sub-level, and they are counted as the same ancestor. But the dragon elephant world is endless How did Daoyou get through the robbery? "

Li Xing: "By relying on tools."

The man said, "Below Tongguang, the Elder Emperor of the Three Emperor Caves and the Emperor Protects the Fa. Dao You comes from afar, please take a seat with me at the Emperor's Hall."

Li Xing folded his hands: "Excuse me."

In fact, the same Everbright Tianzun was supposed to teach Li Xing, but when he first saw Li Xing, he felt that the other party was unfathomable. He is also an eye-catching person, and he thought for a while, thinking that he should be courteous and then soldiers, so as to avoid provoking powerful characters in vain.

Sure enough, Li Xing didn't make any excessive demands, and it didn't seem to be a cause of trouble. He was relieved in his heart and took the two to the palace of the emperor.

Entering the mountain, there is a world of its own, Mizuki Tsinghua University, flowers and fragrant flowers, seeing strange birds, ordinary beasts, it is really a good place.

The Emperor's Hall was built on the mountainside, magnificent and magnificent. I do not know how tall or how big, there is a kind of atmospheric potential of the virtues, the magnificence of the Tibetan mountains and the sea.

In the entrance hall, Tongguang Tianzun introduced a group of people to Li Xing. Among them, two are immeasurable great deities, one eighty-four robbers and one eighty-five robberies. The remaining thirty people are all in a state of boundlessness.

Everyone saluted, Li Xingdao came, and everyone looked pale. In fact, if Li Xing didn't show powerful means, they wouldn't bother to deal with it directly.

Li Xing smiled: "You Dao friends must not worry. I look at the hometown one time, and look at the appearance of the three emperors.

One of the immense gods, Daohao and Chenchen's humanity: "Mixed Yuan Daoyou, the Three Emperors do not see outsiders, I am afraid ..."

Li Xingyi raised an eyebrow and said, "Did you lie to me ignorant? The three emperors have long been ancients together with Longxiang Datianzun. Why don't you see outsiders?"

The crowd immediately became loud, but just now they were polite, but now they were all exposed. Even Tongguang Tianzun also had a look of murder, staring at Li Xingdao: "Mixed Yuan Daoyou, you are bullshit, maliciously attacking the three emperors, you should be guilty of death!"

A scene that surprised Li Xing happened. Three immeasurable celestial beings and thirty or so immense celestial beings, regardless of their indiscriminate instincts, went straight to him without reservation.

Startled and surprised, but he couldn't stand and be beaten. He snorted coldly, took out the mixed yuan gun, only a shake, the violent air shook the three incomparable celestial bodies into flesh and blood.

I saw him launch a set of marksmanship, which seemed messy. In fact, there was Zhang Keyi, the tip of the gun flickered, and he attacked three people at the same time. This shot is so wonderful that it cannot be described as magical, assassination of the three heavenly deities in an impossible way.


He Chen Da Tianzun was the first to be swept into the body by the tip of a gun, was cut open, and died on the spot. Tong Guangda Tianzun was cut off half of his head, struggling for a while, and died.

The third person was even worse, and Li Xing was shot through a heart-breaking cold, and he died.

The rest of Wuxi Tianzun is naturally not its enemy. It was pressed by Li Xing with a big hand, all ### to the mixed Yuan world, and left for future generations.

In the blink of an eye, all the people in Dihuangdong were wiped out, which was a result that Li Xing had never expected. He didn't kill anybody here, so if anyone wanted to kill him, he had to fight back.


Just stopped, two more monks rushed outside the hall. On one side, there are six immeasurable celestial deities and hundreds of immortal celestial deities.

An immeasurable Datian respected him in a very high, ninety calamity state, he yelled: "Bold madman, dare to reach three in the cave and spread the wild, everyone shot together and kill this person!"

They didn't listen to the explanation, and didn't ask any more questions. Li Xing reluctantly raised his spear and had to fight.


The light of the gun flickered, murderous, and no matter how immensely large Tianzun or no great Tianzun, no one was the enemy of them, and they were killed. This was a battle without suspense. Li Xing didn't even use some powerful tactics, and the enemy was killed.

On this day, Sanhuangdong blood flowed into the river, and none was spared. They were originally the heirs of the Three Emperors, the people of the Dragon Elephant World, and had a relationship with Li Xing, so he didn't want to start.

But in the face of the situation, he had to do it.

The entire Sanhuang Cave, without great celestial respect or higher, was assassinated. The tens of thousands of monks left were all superficial and could not connect to Li Xing. In the end, they were all thrown into the Hunyuan World, temporarily ### up, and set off in the future.

At this time, with the exception of Li Xing and Shan Hai Tong Zi, San Huang Dong was empty. This is convenient for them, they can go in and out of any place freely and explore the secrets of the three emperors.

Li Xing first entered the Emperor's Cave, and he had the Emperor's Sword and the Emperor's King. In addition, in the mixed world, the emperor Li Gui has been born, so he knows it better.

There is nothing left in the Emperor's Hall, perhaps because of the lack of Emperor's Sword and Emperor's Scriptures. There are few monks here, and their cultivation is weak, and there is nothing worthy of note.

Immediately after, he came to the Emperor's Hall. The tiered space in the middle of the Emperor's Hall has set up numerous bans, and idlers must not enter. Li Xing's own means, either by wisdom or by storm, revealed the secrets of the Emperor Palace.

Finally, he entered a space-time of the Emperor's Palace and found a treasure. The baby looked like a green light, floating up and down in infinite phosgene. The green light is very pure and pure. It seems that there is a faint cow in the vagina, very similar to the purple electric sword.

As soon as Li Xing's heart moved, he was desperate to destroy Da Tianzun and wanted to collect it.

As he expected, the big hands of Destroyer Tianzong were approached by the green light, and blood was dripping. Obviously, this is not a killer, but the power is unparalleled, and it is not weaker than the purple electric sword tire.

"Is it also an inborn treasure?"

Li Xing was shocked and happy ~ www.readwn.com ~ Observed carefully, but for a moment, he could not see clearly. He had no choice but to think about it and had to put the entire Emperor's Hall into the mixed Yuan world.

The last place I visited was the Emperor's Hall, where Li Xing found the Emperor's Scripture, carved on the stone tablet. The Emperor's mirror hung in the void. The Emperor Mirror was similar to the Emperor Sword that day, and the power itself did not seem to be very strong, at most it was a symbol.

After receiving the Emperor's Mirror and Emperor's Sutra, Li Xing immediately withdrew from Sanhuang Cave. When he came out, he met in all directions, and a billion troops surrounded him. One of them is the most powerful, with a crown on his head, wearing a royal robe, and a loud voice: "The demon outside the country! You wash the three emperor's holes in blood. Today, the emperor will act as the emperor for the three emperors and chop you here!"

Upon hearing each other's tone, Li Xing immediately understood that this man must be the so-called Jade Emperor. He could not help secretly sneering and said, "Jade Emperor? How big of a breath, don't scare me with the three emperors. The three emperors are dead, and the Great Heavenly Supreme is not alive. No one can hurt me on this plane.


Hearing the words of the Three Emperors, the Jade Emperor was furious. He waved his hand and said, "Go all out and kill this person!"

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