Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1180: 3 Emperor Mysteries

Chapter 1180: The Mystery of the Three Emperors

Chapter 1180

The response of the Emperor Jade Emperor was as fierce as that of the Three Emperors' Palace. Upon hearing Li Xing's words, he directly issued a beheading order. ┠ ★ & Net completely angered Li Xing, he smiled faintly, and said, "This great emperor wanted to talk to you well, and didn't want to shame his face one by one!"

Before he moved, he brought the Destroyer of Destruction. This is the immortal Great Heavenly Supreme, holding the Thunder Gate, bombarding and killing, in one blow, the earth blossomed, and one billion troops died in pieces.

It is a pity that the so-called Jade Emperor was also regarded as a generation of heroes in the dragon elephant world. He was beaten to death by the destruction of Tiantianzun. Before his death, he was extremely unwilling to send out strong grievances.

As soon as Jade Emperor died, the remaining soldiers also lost their fighting spirit. In addition, the destruction of Da Tian Zun was horrible, and they immediately dispersed.

Li Xing ordered Destroyer Da Tianzun to go after him and instead said to Shanhai Tongzi: "Shanhai, everyone in this plane thinks that the Three Emperors are not dead. Although a few people knew the truth, they refused to disclose it. "

Shanhai Tongzi said: "This is also human nature. Sanhuangdong wants to be above it and control the power of the dragon elephant world. Jade Emperor also wants to use the name of Sanhuang to expand his influence. Therefore, they do not want People in the world know that the Three Emperors are dead. The master said it, and they naturally wanted to kill.

Li Xingdao: "Mountains and seas, you must find the sacred mountains and seas scriptures below, so you will give them ###, refining and refining." He laughed, "but I do not know how much you have mastered refining and refining?"

Shanhai Tongzi honestly said: "It was a very risky thing, but the master can use the sky, and naturally there is a way to help small success." Then he smiled and said, "If a small person can refine his deity, his strength can be directly increased. At the peak, he can help the master to complete his ambitions. "

Li Xing snorted: "Your appetite is not small, it's okay to help you, but the deity of Shan Hai Jing has no resentment and resentment against me, just hit the door like this?"

Shanhai Tongzi said positively: "Master said this is bad. The master of the Shanhai Jing is a magic weapon in the hands of the Great Master of the Four Seas, and the master possesses the treasure of the Four Seas, which naturally is the master of the Shanhai Jing. As the master, if the Shanhai Jing does not come to visit, it is greatly Wrong, it must be eliminated! "

Li Xing couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Thanks to his ability to come up with such unconvincing reasons, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's go to Shan Hai Jing for a while and see what happens."

Shanhai Tongzi was overjoyed and hurriedly led the way. The two drove the light and flew towards the mountains and seas.

The country of mountains and seas is located in the most western part of the Dragon Elephant World and has the largest area. When the two talents entered the borders of the mountains and seas, they felt a pair of eyes staring at them. Especially the boy in the mountains and the sea, his face was white, his teeth were trembling, and he said to Li Xing, "Master, the small sense of the mountain and sea classics has found us."

Li Xing said lightly: "What are you afraid of?"

"Can't you be afraid? It's much stronger than small. If caught, the person being refined should be small." Shanhai Tongzi said aggrieved.

Li Xing snorted: "If he dares, he will dig the grave."

Obviously, the other party didn't give Li Xing a face, and his words fell through. A laugh came from all directions. Someone said, "I didn't expect that Shan Haijing would run here as a avatar. Wonderful! Quickly self-discipline so that the king can be refined. "

Li Xing was speechless for a while, and Shanhai Tongzi laughed "haha", the owner of that voice was inexplicable, and said angrily, "Why are you laughing?"

Shanhai Tongzi said: "Little Master laughs at you as a fool."

"Presumptuous, you are a little avatar, dare to disrespect your deity, and die for the king!"

A giant celestial palm stretched out from the void, tearing the sky, and grabbing at the two. Obviously he wanted to use this blow to destroy both Li Xing and Shan Hai Tong Zi.

Li Xing didn't move, and Destroyer Datianzun appeared suddenly. He waved Thunder Gate, and the door smashed the giant palm of the attack, then strode out and reached out to grab it. This arrest, imprisoned in the void, and star-moved, directly detained Shan Hai Jing Yuan Ling hiding in a certain time and space.

I saw a boy screaming in the palm of Destroyer Datianzhuang, shouting: "How can there be immortal Dazun? Who the **** are you, **** it! Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

In the words of many close people around him, Li Xing has a problem, which is why murderers always like to find a sounding reason. Those who know him understand that this is a habit, and those who don't know it should be regarded as a fool.

This mountain, sea, and spirit, did not ask about 371, as soon as they came up, and killed someone for a reason, which was enough for him to die ten times. Therefore, Li Xing was too lazy to listen to his explanation at this moment, and let the Destroyer Tianzun throw it into the ancient civilization tree ### up.

The mountains, seas, and spirits are fuming, and the dragon elephant world has few people worthy of shots. There is only one magic soldier nation. Li Xing summoned the dragon elephant ring, and was preparing to practice it here, so that when he finally took over the dragon elephant world, a sudden chill broke out in his heart and he felt a great danger.

Every great deity has the ability to foresee the good and bad, but most of the time, the disaster can't be avoided, and he can only avoid it. Li Xing was shocked and immediately unfolded all the ancient trees of civilization. Suddenly, a huge amount of civilization leaves pierced out of the void and quickly occupied the entire dragon elephant world.

Then there are countless old trees in space, old trees in war, old trees in guardianship, old trees in plundering, and so on. Just like Li Xing originally controlled the Xuanhuang continent, he now wants to control the entire dragon elephant world with ancient civilization trees.

The area of ​​the dragon elephant world theory is much smaller than that of the Xuanhuang world, so it takes only half a day to fall into the palm of Li Xing. As soon as he thought, the big world was brought up.


With an order, Li Xing and everyone entered the imperial battleship and quickly left the Abyss.

About half a day after Li Xing left, there was a **** red phoenix of war, which tore up the heavy black gas that stained the abyss, and immediately reached the position where Li Xing was before. This person is the brother of the Great Celestial Master and the Great Celestial Master.

He gazed at the void, and seemed to see the process of beheading his brother. In his eyes, the killing was arrogant, the hatred was mad, and the sky shouted: "I have captured your breath and chased to the ends of the earth, I will kill it!"

On the day Li Xing and others returned to Xuanhuang Continent, more than three years had passed since the day they left. During this time, the ninth emperor was basically closed in the gate of time. He did not disappoint Li Xing, and he was indeed the son of the emperor. He actually elevated the realm to the highest level of immense heavenly respect.

In addition, in the mixed world, there are also people who make rapid progress, that is, the emperor Li Gui, and Li Xing's eldest son Li Ba. They successively broke through to the immense amount of heaven, among them, Li Gui has reached ninety calamities, and Li Ba has eighty-eight calamities.

Needless to say, Li Guizi is the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and this breakthrough is expected. Li Ba's progress really made Li Xing happy. He couldn't help thinking of his daughter Li Jiao, she must have improved quickly, right? I wanted to go to the Yinyang Academy to take a look, but I still pressed this mind, for fear of disturbing Li Jiao's practice.

There are many things at hand, and after returning, Li Xing was not idle. First, the purple electric sword tire and the Emperor Ding tire were put together in the ancient civilization tree to nourish. The sword fetus had been dry for a long time and met Gan Lin, and immediately greedily absorbed the breath of mixed civilization and grew rapidly.

This innate treasure nourished by civilization will naturally feel close to the creatures born in the mixed Yuan civilization. If Li Xing wishes, he can directly enter into a contract with him to own this immortal magic weapon.

However, he did not intend to use the sword himself, but to give it to Emperor Li Gui. That Li Gui was born with emperor strength and was born emperor. He should have a sharp sword in his hand to monitor the world.

During the trip to the Three Emperors' Cave, Li Xing consulted the Emperor's Book of the Emperor and the Emperor's Book of the Emperor. Every civilized plane will inevitably have an independent operating order, called the civilized order.

In the face of civilized order, even the will of the great civilized deity cannot be easily intervened. Only under the control of civilized order can the civilized plane be constantly improved and developed.

It will allow all events in the plane to be carried out in the most worrying way. Anything that happens is bound to be beneficial to the plane and to the Great Celestial Master. And when these civilized orders are concrete, they are beings such as the Three Emperors.

The three emperors are only the manifestation of the civilized order by the dragon elephant. If Li Xing is willing, he can create substantive order spokespersons such as the five emperors, three saints, seven deities, and so on.

However, the Three Emperors manifestation method pioneered by Dragon Elephant Datianzun is obviously very promising. It has the hidden secrets and belongs to the most favorable manifestation of civilization order. He has begun to use this method unknowingly. This led to the birth of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Junyuan Plane.

The three emperors represent heaven, earth, and people. They are the endorsement of order. They pass on the luck of the plane, so they must have the weight of treasure ### before they can come to the world. Therefore, Dragon Elephant Datianzun found the Emperor Sword, the Emperor Ding, and the Emperor Mirror.

Unfortunately, of the three heavy devices, only one Emperor Ding belongs to the innate treasure, and has not yet been born. The remaining Emperor Sword and Emperor's Mirror are temporary substitutes ~ www.readwn.com ~ If the Dragon Elephant is still alive, the Emperor and Emperor will definitely find a more suitable heavy weapon instead.

"The Emperor's Sword" or "The Emperor's Mirror" is just a code name, so it is more appropriate to call it "The Emperor's Army" and "The Emperor's Army". Because no matter what kind of weapon is in their hands, they can be called emperor soldiers and emperor soldiers.

For example, the purple electric sword, if it is in the hands of the Emperor, then it is the Emperor's sword. Another example is the hybrid gun. If it is in the hands of the emperor, it is the emperor's gun.

Therefore, Li Xing would like to give the purple electric sword to Li Gui, so that he has a treasure of ### qiyun.

As a matter of course, the emperor's tripod should be attributed to the emperor. It ’s just that the two treasures are growing, and they ca n’t be transformed into a shell for the time being, so this matter can only wait.

After placing the two a priori treasures, Li Xing moved the world again, transferred the dragon elephant world to the Xuanhuang continent, and then ordered the dragon elephant ring to enter into it. The intention of this move is naturally to accelerate the dragon elephant ring to enhance its strength, so that he can take over the dragon elephant civilization and become the next dragon elephant great celestial deity.

If successful, the dragon elephant world will be a first-level plane, and the dragon elephant boy will become the second dragon elephant big deity, so as to obtain some of the power of the dragon plane.

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