Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1181: Infinite power

Chapter 1181: Unlimited Power

Chapter 1181: Infinite Power

However, Li Xinghuo left and right has a perfect plan, but this requires a process. [Fê The dragon elephant ring must first improve its own strength before it can be recognized by the dragon elephant civilization and become the next dragon elephant great celestial deity.

And before that, Li Xing should not deal with two obstacles, namely the dragon gun and the elephant axe. The dragon gun and the elephant axe are both weapons of the Dragon Elephant Da Tianzun, and they are both Ninety-Five Unlimited Da Tian Zun's weapon.

Of course, these two were the instruments used by the dragon elephant Datianzun in his youth, and their strength soared. They were almost abandoned and left idle for many years. It was also that two magical instruments, Yuanling, were tired and crooked, which led to the creation of a country of magic soldiers. In fact, they were mostly for playing tickets.

The moment Li Xing released the ancient tree of civilization and controlled the dragon elephant world, the dragon gun and elephant axe knew the power of the other side, so before Li Xing came to the door, the two of them had surrendered and expressed their willingness to surrender.

Even such a thing happened, Li Xing was also surprised. However, it is always a good thing. After that, he ordered the dragon gun elephant axe to recognize the dragon elephant boy as the principal and help him complete the heavy task of inheriting the dragon elephant world.

In this regard, the two magic instruments Yuanling cooperated very well, which made Li Xinggao look at them a few times. After all, it is rare to know such a practical Yuanling.

In fact, this is not the dualistic spirit's greed for fear of death. A dragon ring itself has a dragon elephant avenue, which is a descendant of the dragon elephant civilization. It is very appropriate to make it the second great deity, and it does not violate dragon elephant civilization and dragons. Like the will of Datianzun. Moreover, there is an unfathomable Li Xing behind them. If they do not agree, they will be worried.

Before the official retreat, the dragon elephant boy came to see Li Xing, and he looked grateful, saying: "The master gave this opportunity to the young, and the young is extremely grateful, and he will not disappoint the master!"

Li Xing said with a smile: "It's good if you understand. Go here to practice and strive for early success."


The dragon elephant boy was sent into the dragon elephant world, and Li Xing pulled out the Shan Hai Jing of ### to show the means to help the boy in the mountain and sea enter into it, and Li Daitao froze. The boy from the mountains and the sea, who fuses the deities of the mountains and seas, also needs a long process of cultivation, gradually absorbing the power of the deities, and soon retreats.

In the future, Shan Hai Tong Zi will go out of bounds, and it is definitely a peak of cultivation. At that time, he can help him open the second and third layers of the treasures of the four seas. In fact, not only the treasures of the four seas, but also the dragon elephant world, there are also secrets and rich heritage.

After all, Longxiang Datianzun had beheaded the Four Great Heavens, and his fortune and chance must be above the latter, and there must be a lot of treasures. But these treasures are guarded by dragon elephant civilization by themselves, and outsiders cannot see it.

As long as the dragon elephant boy becomes the dragon elephant, then you can use these details to discover these secrets. It can be speculated that the benefits obtained are definitely not under the treasures of the Four Seas and may even be surpassed.

The matter of the two boys was resolved, and the rest was his own practice. Last time, he beheaded and killed the twelve peaks of the orderly people, and obtained twelve civilizations, of which several civilizations helped his cultivation.

With the help of the time gate, cultivation does not take long, so he quickly enters the state of cultivation.

This retreat is more than a month, and in the gate of time, I don't know how long it has been spent, maybe a calamity, or a few calamities. In short, Li Xing ’s revision has increased from sixty-five to seventy, and he has been promoted to five levels.

Originally, it was extremely difficult to improve the nirvana realm. Only the breakthrough of the nirvana realm required the changes of the rebirth of the nirvana, and they were called the first and second Dan changes.

Li Xing took a different approach and gave way to the destruction of Da Tianzun during the practice. He was seriously injured by a special method, and then Nirvana was reborn. He used this method as early as the path, and it is still used today, and the effect is still obvious.

After so many cultivations, he finally broke through to the ninth Dan Bian, and reached the state of Nirvana of Seventy. Under the vicissitudes of life, the changes also followed, forming a tripod, mixing Yuan tripod.

This mixed yuan tripod is not the same as the original mixed yuan tripod. Its power is even more powerful and can be used as a weapon, because it is Li Xing's life weapon. on.

This life weapon, between rotations, can emit all kinds of attacks such as sword light, sword light, gun mang, artillery fire, arrows, thunder, howling wind, ice and snow, and they are all powerful. It is Li Xing's life-saving magic weapon. It must be used only as a last resort.

If this mixed Yuan Ding is used against the enemy, in one blow, it can increase Li Xing's strongest fighting power by more than ten times. However, once the life device is damaged, his practice will also be affected, which may cause lifelong regret.

Forged a life weapon, Li Xing is still Nirvana King, after all, so his strength is still limited, so there is not much to improve. But it is not without gain. Through this practice, his understanding of the Three Emperors civilization reached a new height.

He felt that it wouldn't take long for the Yuanyuan world to have an emperor. When the three emperors got together, his civilization would be more complete.

This era belongs to the yin and yang era. It is dominated by two emperors, the emperor and the emperor, and the dragon emperor and the emperor are the three emperors. In fact, the meaning is profound.

In addition, he added another emperor on the basis of the two emperors of heaven and earth, so as to reconcile Yin and Yang, which also implied the true meaning of Dragon Elephant civilization. This coincided with the real meaning of Li Xing's mixed Yuan, so he decided to use the Three Emperors to manifest the civilized order. This was not an occasional, but inevitable.

As a forerunner, Longxiang Datianzun paved the way, saving Li Xing a lot of trouble and danger.

During the cultivation process, most of the time is devoted to enlighten the Three Emperors. In the process of enlightenment, even with the infinite and infinite two realms of the next step, he also gained more understanding.

The three realms of silence, nirvana, and endlessness belong to the second stage of spiritual practice. The power that they possess is called the power to transform the world. Like silence and nirvana, the endless state is also a process of transformation.

This process is the change from polar to non-polar. All things are born with polarity, such as hot and cold things, people sent, long and short things, big and small, high and low.

After stepping into the non-polar state, it is necessary to turn the "polar" in the plane into "non-polar". This is extremely difficult, and every change has an inestimable impact.

In fact, the process of attributing all things to the infinite is also a process of tracing roots and returning to chaos. Everything in the world is born of the universe, but the universe is born of chaos.

Chaos is the only moment when the day is not divided and the universe is not out. Only by infinitely touching this realm and learning this realm can we enter the real broken stage in the future, namely the three realms of immeasurable, immortal and broken .

Of course, the process of stepless transformation is partial, and it is impossible for the entire plane to be attributed to stepless. The focus of cultivation has once again focused on the infant.

When a monk becomes a Wonderful Celestial Deity, his life-saving infant and life weapon will be wrapped together by the Wonderless Placenta to form a Wonderless Birth. Promise life, every time you undergo metamorphosis, you will become mature and strong.

In the end, the prodigal fetus will emerge from the cocoon and become a god. Having a **** of life also means that the monk has stepped into the realm of immense deity.

The immense amount of great respect, implying unlimited power. In other words, at the stage of immeasurable great deity, as long as the monk's potential is large enough and the monk is sufficiently ambitious, his power can be infinitely increased without being subject to the slightest restriction.

As a result, some demon-sized immense celestial beings can possess the power to slay and immortal, and even shatter the board. Of course, such people are very few.

In view of this, the practice world has provided a standard for the strength of the immeasurable Datianzun. People set the average combat effectiveness of the top immeasurable Datianzun as one, and take it as a measure.

Those mighty immense celestial beings can be called double peak combat power, double peak combat power, etc. For example, Li Xing, his current combat power, can be about two ordinary peaks of immeasurable big respect, his combat power is twice the peak combat power.

This characteristic of the immeasurable big deity phase made Li Xing very excited, he hoped that he could enter this phase as soon as possible. At that time, his combat power will soar, and he will never be continually suppressed like he is now.

Think of the beheaded fighting warrior, his combat power is very horrible, with hundreds of times of peak combat power. His brother, the Great Celestial Master, is even more horrible. Li Xing initially estimated that the man definitely has tens of thousands of times of peak combat power.

Because of this, there is an old saying popular in the practice world. This means that sometimes it is better to kill the Immortal God, than to move it to immeasurable God.

Of course, this statement is a bit exaggerated, referring to some extreme situations. After all, there is no upper limit to the unlimited combat power of the immense Tianzun. If one's potential is strong enough ~ www.readwn.com ~, luck is good enough, then you can definitely run rampant.

At that time, the four great sea gods, dragon elephant big gods and other generations of characters, the reason why they can dominate the world, is based on this, they have the power to kill immortal!

Knowing the difference between infinite and infinite, Li Xing even more urgently wanted to make a breakthrough soon. It's just that it's getting harder and harder to get a civilization that will allow him to advance.

This day was the ninth day of Li Xing's exit. In the world of Synapse, the purple electric sword tire under the ancient civilization tree shook. A supreme sword swelled into the sky, it was sharp and unparalleled, and it was absolutely sharp. It cut directly into the world of Hunyuan, and no force could stop it.

A sword gas, infinitely long and short distance, pierced countless planes, arrogantly shows the world, the purple electric sword was born!

At the same time, in the sword realm, those immortal sword emperors and sword ancestors jumped one after another, all surprised to look towards the direction of Xuanhuang continent, one by one like dementia.

"Above the sword ancestor, there is a higher realm. What is this realm? Invisible, shadowless, sharp and invincible, killing all kinds of things, no vitality, oh my god! Who is out of customs? The sword ancestor? "

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