Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1182: 4-party battalion

Chapter 1182: Jiuyang Demon King

Chapter 1182 Sifang Battalion (200 flowers plus more)

The sword ancestor pursed his lips and kept mumbling, the appearance of the purple electric sword subverted his idea. . . ┝ & 网, he claimed to be the ancestor of the sword, the ancestor of Kendo. After so many years of operation, the sword area really has a bit of weather, and even vaguely, it has a sense of civilization.

A single plane can advance to a civilized plane, and a group plane can also advance to a civilized plane. This is the hope of Jianzu.

The so-called division of the sword king, sword emperor, and sword ancestor was initiated by the sword ancestors. However, at this moment, he suddenly shaken his confidence in this division.

After a long time, the sword ancestor suddenly said, "Pass me on, all sword kings, abandon the sword king!"

It didn't take long for Jianyu to change. All sword kings were relegated to sword kings, and as sword ancestors, they only defined the realm at the level of the eight-pole sword king.

The sword king is divided into nine levels; the sword king above is also divided into nine levels. There is a single sword ancestor above the sword king. Since then, the sword domain has made rapid progress, and soon after, signs of civilization begin to appear.

No matter what happened outside of it, Li Xing was really frightened at this moment, for fear that the purple electric sword would launch fiercely and destroy the mixed world. You know, it's an immortal innate magic weapon. It is a supreme magic weapon. It is extremely powerful and can be immortal.

I saw that the purple awn from the purple electric sword had merged with the green awn, becoming a fire-blue sword, more dazzling and sharper. There seems to be a yin and yang unity, rigid and flexible.

The emperor Li Gui rushed to the scene the first time, he yelled, operated the Xuan Gong, then cut his fingertips, avoiding the danger, and spilled the blood of the emperor to Jianguang. Blood into the blue sword light, like water into hot oil, crackled.

A wave of great power burst out, knocking the Emperor directly. He was so immensely immeasurable that he was flushed with seven holes, and his face was pale.

Li Xing was frightened, hurriedly flew over, lifted him up, and asked urgently, "how?"

Li Gui smiled a little, and said, "Father, I'm fine." Then he stared at the Purple Electric Sword with a sharp eyes, and drank, "Purple electricity, come quickly!"

The purple electric sword slammed, and "唰" rushed over, cheerfully walking around Li Gui. At the same time, Li Xing found that Li Gui's momentum soared, and he quickly broke through the ninety-six calamities and went straight to the immortal level!

His face was overjoyed, and only after signing a contract with the magic weapon, such a phenomenon that the magic weapon's power was transferred to the master would occur. Obviously, Li Gui has surrendered the purple electric sword!

Li Gui reached out his hand and held the sword in his hand. He was like a sharp sword in his entire body. He set up the sky, ### 十 方, the sword refers to the world, and he dares not to be his enemy.

At this moment, his strength has entered the immortal realm. Although this kind of power comes from the gift of the Purple Electric Sword, it can be used to cut and kill powerful enemies, and it is not much different from the power that he entered into the immortal realm.

Moreover, coupled with the lethality of the purple electric sword itself, now Li Gui is definitely the No. 1 combat force in the Yuanyuan Great World, and even the Destroyer of the Destruction is not his opponent.

"Thank you father!" The Emperor is also very happy, ### 李兴.

Li Xing was even happier than him, and laughed: "It is your own ability to surrender it. Others can't help you. You get this sword for the first time, and you need to stabilize it for a while. You don't need to worry about other things."

Li Gui responded, holding back his sword.

The Emperor's strength increased greatly, and the news of a more powerful Emperor's Sword was quickly spread across the Xuanhuang continent, and countless creatures were all happy. Some immense celestial deities, no great celestial deities, came to congratulate one after another, with a large number.

With Li Xing's retreat last time, people in the mixed world have generally improved. Up to now, the number of Nirvana Great Celestial Masters has reached 30 billion, and the silence of Great Celestial Masters is as much as six trillion.

Naturally, the total population of the Hunyuan Great World also reached a new height, breaking through the thirties.

The current mixed-yuan world, even without Li Xing, is very scary. If the watchman of that year attacked again, the real people alone would be able to destroy them all.

The mixed world is thriving. Li Xing is also calm and steady. He can take part in the daily avenue to develop civilization and enhance strength.

Imperceptibly, it's been a while.

In the meantime, the attack on the prefecture was still tepid, and Tianting could not make a difference, and they won and lost each other. Li Xing analyzed that if he continued to fight like this, he would not be able to fight even if it hit the world.

But that day, an unexpected news came. Liangu Datianzun, who was in charge of the Tianjian Division and the embargoed Tianwei, suddenly issued an order as the "Big Jianjun", letting Li Xing, the ninth emperor, go to the barracks quickly.

After getting this news, the ninth emperor was extremely annoyed, and he would immediately send a memorial to the emperor and refused to let Li Xing go. Li Xing is not an in-service military general in Tianting, and the chaos in the ancient world is not eligible for him.

However, Li Xingdi prevented the ninth emperor from doing so, saying, "My elder brother is an emperor, and I must consider the consequences when I am doing things. Although I am not a person in heaven, I can always follow the elder brother to do things. "

The ninth emperor said: "I don't know what to worry about in this mess of ancient times. You can't go wrong, you can't go. Pushing it is that you don't dare treat me if you measure him."

Li Xingdao: "Brother rest assured, don't you know my method, that chaos is an immense amount of respect for God, and I am not afraid of him. Even if I tear my face, there are ways to promote it."

The ninth emperor thought about it, and felt that it was very unlikely that Luangu would start with Li Xing, and he said, "It's okay to go, but if something goes wrong, you will return immediately. Makino Pass, I will keep it, nothing will happen. "

Li Xingdao: "In the past few years, I have collected fragments of civilization from outer space and refined more than 600 civilization cannonballs. These are all sharp weapons. Sending one can kill an immense number of heavenly gods, and when ten guns come out, the immortal heavenly **** must also retreat .If all shots are fired, it will not be a chance to kill the immortal God. "

"In addition, Li Gui ’s strength has increased greatly, and he can also fight immortality, so I have nothing to worry about here. However, I have two powerful enemies, one is Mount Watch, and the other is the mysterious war god. These two groups may appear at any time. At that time, the elder brother must be careful and not careless. "

The ninth emperor said: "Brothers, rest assured, no matter what the origin of Watch Mountain, what is the identity of the Great War, and dare to attack this place, that is, the enemy of heaven, there will be no good fruit to eat."

After commanding everything, Li Xing called the Emperor to his side and said something. The emperor nodded again and again, all eyes were solemn. As for the content of the speech, only Li Xing and Di Huang knew it, and it was difficult for outsiders to understand.

On the second day, Li Xing led the destruction of the Great Celestial Master to the Tianting Jianjun camp.

The prison camp was built in the Ministry of Defense. Li Xing was not the first to return, so he arrived soon. When he arrived, he found that today's military was really lively, and people were constantly landing on the school ground.

After observation, he found that these people have three main origins. The first group came from Jiantian Division, and they were arranged in Jiantian Camp; the second group came from Tianwei, and were arranged in Tianwei Camp. The third type of people is more complicated, mainly some princes, princes, generals, nobles, etc. The composition is more complicated. Li Xing also belongs to this category, and all are put into the Quartet.

Everyone will be brought to one of the three battalions by the sergeant on the school ground. Among them, the number of Jiantian camp and Tianwei camp is equal, and there are about one hundred.

There are more people in the Quartet, with more than 300. No matter which battalion, the people inside are absolutely masters, at least Li Xing has not looked at a person who is not an immeasurable celestial deity, and counts, only he is not.

It is for this reason that he is particularly conspicuous. Wherever he goes, he will attract the attention of scrutiny.

People from the three camps stood on the school grounds waiting for news. When everyone came, they were called to the military aircraft hall to discuss matters, and the Great Emperor Liangu was already there.

No one was seated, standing in groups in the hall. These people are strong and naturally arrogant and disagree with each other. For example, Li Xing, he has now felt several hostile eyes.

Some people saw that although his realm was low, his strength was very strong, so he knew its potential was unlimited, so he became jealous, and at the same time gave birth to murder.

The chaos of the ancient days is still calm and imposing. Li Xing observes this big man in heaven, and feels that his combat power should exceed that of the great warrior, with tens of thousands of peak combat power, and even higher!

Such people are undoubtedly very horrible. They have the power to slay immortality, which belongs to the peerless demon in the immeasurable great deity.

Although he was shocked, Li Xing didn't envy him, because he knew that his future would far surpass this person. Nothing about chaos or war, no matter what, he could take a slap to death.

As soon as Lantuan Datian Zun's eyes were shot, everyone was quiet, and he said in a deep voice: "You come from different fields and are very famous people in the local area. Some have great potential, some have strong combat capabilities, and each has its own strengths. You called because Tianting wanted to set up a sharp-knife organization ~ www.readwn.com ~ to deal with the forces infiltrating the four wastelands. "

Later, the Great Emperor of Luangu gave reasons for this move. It turned out that although the local government recently attacked tepidly, it has been secretly crossing Chen Cang, and has quietly used its power over the four wastelands.

In a short period of ten years, tens of thousands of continents in the four wastelands were actually controlled by the local government. You know, each control of a continent is equivalent to gaining a huge force.

Just look at Li Xing, he knows that he controls the Xuanhuang continent, and the power of the entire continent will be used for it. Hundreds of immense heavenly deities, dozens of millions of immense heavenly deities, countless nirvanas, and extinct monks.

If these forces can be integrated, it is definitely a force that cannot be ignored, and it can be compared with hundreds of large corps in the United States. Because of this, the prefecture has spared no effort to occupy the four wastelands constantly in an attempt to have a strong strength so as to launch the fiercest offensive against the heaven.

When Tianting found out, immediately arranging Nangu as the Grand Sovereign Army actually let him run an elite military agency to deal with the forces of the prefectural government in the Four Wildlands. Thus, this sharp knife organization was established.

This organization has three battalions, which are the aforementioned Jiantian Camp, Tianwei Camp, and the Quartet Camp.

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