Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1184: Red cloud

Chapter 1184: Red Cloud

Chapter 1184 Red Cloud

The cold light flickered in the eyes of Jutian Datianzun, saying: "Since you don't know if you live or die, Ben will complete you." '"Between his thoughts, an invisible force locked Li Xing like a shackle, and then an incomparable The sharp arrow light shot from the eyes of Ju Tian Da Zun, galloping.

Li Xing moved instantly, and the mixed yuan gun was like a poisonous dragon, assassinating wildly. The explosive force generated by this attack spread to the surrounding area, causing the entire school campus to dodge one after another, with surprise on his face.


With a light noise, the light of the arrow was smashed by a shot, and the shot was more fierce.

Jue Tiantian Zun yelled, two eyes intertwined, a solid arrow feather condensed in the void, and shot Li Xing again.

Unfortunately, this time Li Xing didn't give him a chance. He stepped forward and grabbed the arrows with his hands, crushing them with a pinch. At the same time, the gun also arrived, and "Bang" had to pierce into the heart of the Supreme Heavenly Lord.

Jueju Datianzun's face was unbelievable. He roared and his body exploded. However, at the next moment, another Ju Tian Da Zun appeared not far away, staring viciously at Li Xing.

It turned out that the only one who had been assassinated by Li Xing was only a clone. The true Supreme Master, has strength of ninety-five calamities.

Li Xing cut off one of his avatars and the deity arrived immediately, but he did not immediately attack Li Xing. Only after some confrontation, he has tried out Li Xing's strength, and he is definitely not under him.

Before the shot, he always thought that a small nirvana figure, even if it was even more powerful, had at most ordinary infinite power. How did you know that Li Xing was so fierce that he directly cut off his avatar.

That avatar, but he finally made it, it was used to save lives when it was critical, so it fell. The Great Bow Supreme Venerable hated Li Xing to the extreme and had completely enemies.

Qi Ao Tian Tianzun was surprised when Li Xing shot and smashed the bow's clone. Although he suspected that Li Xing was the mixed Yuan emperor who dared to provoke Watch Mountain, he did not believe that Li Xing had done it by himself, thinking that there should be a supporter behind him.

As for Li Xing's own strength, Qi Ao Tianzun did not think it was very powerful. His thoughts were similar to those of the absolute bow. At first, Li Xing was not regarded as a master. They didn't wake up until Li Xing's thunder strike and directly attacked the enemy.

Li Xing swept the two coldly and said, "Just do this and dare to provoke this emperor, you two are really idiots."

Qi'ao Datianzhuang Yin Yin said: "Mixed Yuan emperor, you really have two hits, but you should not be too happy."

"How do you want to stump the Emperor in the future? Any means can be used." Li Xing looked coldly, "The emperor does not refuse to come. However, before this, it is necessary to persuade the two to be enemy You are destined to be miserable. "


Ju bow sneered, "Let's go and see!"

The conflict ends here. After all, it is outside the Tianji Hall. They can't really die. Li Xing's cut off the avatar's avatar is already the bottom line. If he really kills the enemy, then he will be alarmed and will not end in time.

After Jue Bow and Qi Ao went away, a female Celestial came over.

This woman has a beautiful appearance, and from the moment she arrived at the school ground, Li Xing was paying attention to her. Because there are so many people on the school field, there is only one woman, so it will naturally attract a lot of attention.

The woman was dressed in plain white, and came forward with a gift, and said in a delicate voice: "See the mixed emperor for the body."

Li Xing Yiyi, this woman thinks of herself? Now said: "What do you teach?"

The woman sighed quietly and said: "The little girl's husband is a faithful prince, who has just fallen a while ago, and the person who started it is the sacred bow."

Speaking of this, she had tears in her eyes, pitiful. Her appearance makes it easy for people to ignore her cultivation, the immeasurable great deity of eighty-eight calamities.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes: "It turned out to be the wife of Faithful Hou, fortunately." He thought intently, speculating on the intention of the other party.

The woman calmed down her emotions and said, "Xian Ye has long heard of the prestige of the Emperor Yuanyuan. Seeing it today, she really deserves it."

Li Xing was a little impatient with this woman, and said directly, "Mrs. Please say something if you have something."

The woman sighed and said, "Little girl Tao Yunhao, there is a sister, Tao Yunhuo."

She said so, Li Xing immediately remembered. Hunyuanjiao initially accepted three women, namely Qingxia Tianzun, Zixia Tianzun, and Cabernet. Of course, the three daughters are now worshipped by Datian.

The three women are all from the Huoyun World, that is to say, the woman in front of them is the big deity of the three women.

When it comes to the relationship between the Great Celestial Being and the living beings in the plane, the two are inseparable, and they are all glorious. For example, Li Xing, no matter where the creature in the mixed plane is, he can know it in a single thought.

Datianzun, seemingly ruthless to their living people, is actually regarded as his own. Huoyun Datianzun naturally did the same. She felt that the three female nuns in her plane were in Li Xing's plane, so she naturally came forward to say hello.

"It turned out to be Huoyun Datianzun." Li Xing arched, "It was rude before, should you come because of the three of them?"

Huoyun Datianzun nodded: "Thank you very much for taking care of them. These three children have actually cultivated to the level of solitary Datianzun. It really surprised me, thanks to the emperor's help.

"It's nothing, I walked the world that year, and I was commensurate with the brothers and sisters of Cabernet Sauvignon. Her business was my business." Li Xingdao said.

Huoyun Datian said: "The three children are lucky to meet someone like the emperor." Then she sighed again and stopped.

Li Xingdao: "Hongyun Taoists have something to say, you and I are not outsiders."

Hongyun Datianzun nodded ~ www.readwn.com ~ said: "The emperor didn't know. After killing my husband, then Jutian Datianzun wanted to get involved with me. If it was not cheap, he would be dead, and he had been occupied by him. Now. "

Li Xing was speechless for a while, the bow was really heavy, he had to find a widow, and the widow's man was killed by him.

After a moment of silence, he asked, "What do you want?"

"Please ask the emperor to keep the cheap crickets, and the quasi-quick crickets are practicing in the mixed Yuan world." Hongyun said, "The little woman just wants to find a place and rest assured."

Li Xing slowly shook his head: "I'm afraid it's not right. You are an immense celestial deity, how can you practice in my plane? In this way, the ninth emperor is short of manpower. I can introduce you to be a door visitor. You think how is it?"

It wasn't Li Xing's stingy, but the woman appeared so suddenly that he had to be careful. In case the wolf is introduced into the room, I will regret it late.

The disappointment flashed in the eyes of Hongyun Datianzun, and then said: "It's so good, I have thanked the emperor, and the emperor will have something in the future, just greet me."

Li Xing nodded: "You need not be polite, this matter is good for you and me."

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