Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1185: Rage Battalion

Chapter 1185: The Raging Battalion Commander

Chapter 1185

After chatting with Hongyun Datianzun, the three battalion commanders stepped out of the military aircraft hall.显然 They obviously knew about the battle between Li Xing and Juebo before, but as the quarrel battalion leader, the violent Dazun did not mention it, but just called their members together.

The battalion commander of the Sifang Battalion is a violent god. This man is ninety-four robbed, but his strength is very strong. In addition, Li Xing learned from the mouth of Hongyun that there is an immortal magic weapon in the hands of the violent God, which can be used as a violent hammer to kill immortality.

The violent Da Tianzun was born with a handsome appearance, star-brows, staring eyes, red lips and white teeth. He did not look like a madman in white. He smiled at everyone and said, "In the future, the brothers will work with everyone and hope for more support."

Everyone said, "I'll wait for the commander's command."

The violent Datianzun laughed: "Thank you very much, the Ombudsman Army has already given the task, the battalion chief will assign it below." His eyes fell on the three of Li Xing, Ju Gong and Qi Ao.

"It seems that someone just played a game, and it seems very energetic. In this case, the first task is left to you to complete." The violent Datianzun said with a smile, but the three people, including Li Xing, felt A terror.

They can be sure that if disobedience, this pressure will immediately turn into supreme killing, and kill them directly.

"This man's fighting power is really overbearing. Even if he is not as good as the war lord, it is not much worse." Li Xing secretly estimated.

All three stepped forward and said in unison: "I'll take orders."

The violent Datianzun smiled again, and said, "Go to the Northern Wilderness first, and when you get there, you naturally know what to do." Then turn to other people. "The rest have their own arrangements. The battalion chief promises not to let you Just relax. "

At this time, a prince stood up and said loudly: "The violent celestial deity, when the army of the Ombudsman mobilized me and waited, said that he could decide to stay by himself. It was extremely dangerous to go to the Four Wildlands, and there were some things that Hou did not handle , Leave now. "

The queen who speaks is an eighty-ninth calamity, and the road number is fierce. He said that he would leave, and it was really popular.

The smile on Rage Datianzun's face disappeared instantly and became dark. Suddenly, the sky went dark with it, as if a storm was brewing, and the tremendous pressure made everyone on the scene breathless.

Someone in the crowd sighed and whispered, "Don't you ever hear of this prestige?"

Tian Lizun's face changed greatly, and he suddenly turned around and yelled, "Furious, could you want to keep me?"


Rage Da Tianzun didn't speak, but answered directly with action. He raised his foot and stepped on it with one foot. This is obviously a gigantic mystery of heaven, and suddenly there is a big shadow of a big foot, stepping on the air.

Nether shadows passed, the void collapsed, and finally turned into an entity.


The great earthquake, the powerful and powerful Tianzun, was trampled with one foot, and the flesh was evenly shoaled in the huge foot-shaped pit.

One step on the eighty-ninth calamity's immeasurable Tianzun, shocked everyone, and even Li Xing secretly muttered. If he were to be replaced by him, he would definitely not be able to do so, which requires absolute strength.

After stepping on the foot of the violent Da Tianzun, he didn't take another look at the thunder, and after a loud noise, he said lightly: "Some people have a bad temper. Such people don't need the Quartet Battalion and can leave at any time."

Everyone couldn't help but want to leave? I'm afraid as soon as the front foot is gone, the back foot of this product will step on it!

Seeing that everyone did not respond, the violent Tianzun nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Everyone really is a pillar of heaven, and is loyal. At this time, he is willing to play for the heaven. This is good, the battalion chief will remember your goodness, and for everyone One by one, please. "

Compared to the Quartet Battalion, Jiantian Battalion and Tianwei Battalion are relatively calm. After all, these two Battalions are from a single system, easy to control, and not as complicated as the Quartet Battalion.

After giving a speech, Rage Da Tianzun ordered everyone to go to different places, and said that when people arrived, they would naturally get further instructions. At the same time, everyone in the Quartet received a message sign.

With this message symbol, even if they are far apart, you can also directly contact the violent Tianzun, accept orders, feedback information, etc.

Li Xing, Qi Ao and Ju Bow never thought that they would work together. Letting hostile people act together is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing, and both sides are extremely vigilant.

So when set off, Li Xing went alone, Ju Gong and Qi Ao went all the way.

As for that Hongyun, she is also a member of the Quartet, and has been assigned another task. She cannot be with Li Xing. However, when she left, she said that if something happened to Li Xing, she could contact him through the message sign.

For this red cloud, Li Xing didn't trust him very much, so he didn't want to make a deep relationship with him, and he was always half cold. The more the red cloud showed enthusiasm, the more he distrusted him.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. This woman is too close.

As Li Xing flew north into the wild, he was thinking about his abacus. He understood that when he went to the North Wilderness, he was likely to be watched by the people in Watch Mountain. There is also that Qiao, who is most likely to be the watchman, can judge from his hostility and orderer.

In this regard, he was very vigilant and decided to make some necessary preparations before arriving in the North Famine. Of course, if he encounters Watch Mountain, he is also not afraid, and destroying Da Tianzun holding the Thunder Gate can kill three in and three out to protect him.

Even when Li Xing was still flying, the Great Celestial Master and the Great Bow Supreme Master had directly entered the Four Wildlands through the secret teleportation team, which took a very short time.

This place, www.readwn.com, is a contact point for Shouwang Mountain, where several experts sit. When Qi'ao Tianzun stepped out of the teleportation array, the crowds immediately startled and greeted.

This place, on the surface, is a watchman chamber of commerce. The person in charge here, Taoism Ghost Curse, is a Promise monk. He hastily led his subordinates to worship: "Subordinates see Shangshi!"

Qiao Dazun waved his hand and said, "Contact me immediately and say that I have found the whereabouts of the Hunyuan Emperor."

The man was taken aback, and said, "I still have the clever trick, and found the person. Okay, his subordinates will report it immediately." He hurried away and improved the news.

It ’s not surprising that Jugong Tiantian, who came with him, seems to have known the identity of Qiao Datian, and said at this time: "Brother Qiao, what are you going to do? First deal with the mixed Yuan emperor?"

Qiao Datianzun smiled coldly: "The emperor Yuanyuan didn't know how to live or die, and offended Watch Mountain, he would be exiled. You and I don't have to think about it, just wait for the news above."

Jue Tian said: "It's not for the brothers who can't believe in Watch Mountain, but be careful. The mixed Yuan emperor really has some means and has immense amount of combat power."

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