Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1186: Watchman Lord

Chapter 1186: Watching the Mountain Lord

Chapter 1186: Watching the Mountain Lord

Qiao Datianzun proudly said: "That is Brother Gong yet to know the power of Watch Mountain. Behind Watch Mountain is the gate of order, and the masters inside are like clouds ... 'The gate of order has established many organizations outside, Watchtower Mountain is just one of them. "

"I think the three immortal deities in Watchman Mountain will definitely face Li Xing this time. The last loss was too painful. The mixed Yuan emperor can really say that it hurt Paoshan Mountain and the three immortals hate it. It is bound to kill him personally. "

Jueju Datianzun was taken aback, saying: "Shouwang Mountain is truly indispensable. There are actually three immortal Dazun. Needless to say, all of them are dispatched, even if one person is on the horse, they can stand up to the emperor."

"Speaking again, what you have just said is that the mixed emperor did have some means. In that battle, thousands of immortal deities could go back and forth, even the immortal deities could not easily do this. So I doubt There must be a powerful figure behind this person. After investigation, he also confirmed this speculation. At that time, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty was able to unify Xuanhuang because of the support of the civilized Tianzun. "

Juezhu Datianzhuang frowned: "Civilization Tianzun, that is the most powerful group of people in Tianzun, who can comprehend their own civilization. It is not a trivial matter. It seems that this hybrid Yuan emperor is really difficult to deal with."

"Anyway, the three immortal gods will use the immortal weapon, and there are more powerful weapons to use, he can't escape from the mix!" Qiao grand **** sneered, "and I speculate that Shouwang Mountain will split its troops in two ways. All the way directly attacked the portal of the mixed Yuan world, and the other pursued and killed Li Xing. "

However, it was said that the news soon reached the Shouwang Mountain, which was built on the continent of Beihuangtianju. Tianju continent is just one of many continents controlled by Shouwang Mountain. It is very vast and has many experts.

Watch Hill is not really a mountain, but a huge space weapon. The space instrument is a special instrument used for cultivation and living. It has a single function but is very convenient to use.

Although ordinary magical instruments can also open up a great magical instrument world, that kind of large world is unsuitable for living and more unsuitable for cultivation, so it is difficult to become a heavenly land. Dongtian magical instruments are different. The big world it opens up is pure in law, full of aura, and can be cultivated and inhabited.

In the vast area of ​​Watch Mountain, a magnificent palace is built. Inside that hall, all high-levels of Watch Mountain are present. Among them, there are three immortal Great Celestial Masters and hundreds of peak Grand Celestial Masters.

A silver horn was born above an immortal Datianzun, and he said in a murky tone: "The hybrid Yuan emperor who killed Watch Mountain has been found. This man is currently hiding in the heavenly army and guarding Makino Pass. Not long ago, he had come to the North Wilderness. "

Hundreds of pinnacles of Heaven and Heaven suddenly showed their murderous power, and they all shouted: "Master, Lord, we set off immediately, beheaded this vengeance, and revenge for the dead order!"

The other great deity gave birth to a golden horn for the first time. I saw his eyes flashing with gold light, strange and inexplicable, and made a metal sound like a sword rubbing, saying, "Don't worry, since you know the other person's roots, he can't run away. At the moment, it is necessary to discuss a perfect strategy to kill This person."

The crowd nodded, praising the Lord Lord Mingming.

The third immortal god, with the first black iron horn, looked around at the crowd and said, "What good idea do you have, you can say it. That mixed Yuan emperor killed me tens of thousands in one fell swoop, and there must be a supporter behind him. So this time, Watchman Mountain must be fully prepared and can no longer suffer as it did last time. "

The three immortal gods are all high-ranking guardians of the mountain, known as Lord of the Golden Horn, Lord of the Silver Horn, and Lord of the Iron Horn. Together, they take care of everything in Watch Mountain and are directly responsible to the higher order gate.

Among the crowd, an immeasurable Datianzun stepped out and said loudly: "Subordinates thought that the strength of the man behind the mixed Yuan emperor should be able to fight against immortality, otherwise we must never kill me to watch the masters on the mountain. In this case, It is recommended that the three mountain lords shoot at the same time, and carry the gossip gate and the plane cannon, not giving each other any chance. "

Lord Jinjiaoshan nodded: "Your analysis makes sense. The emperor of Yuanyuan is indeed very powerful. The emperor of this mountain just got the news. In the battle with the army of the prefecture, the emperor of Yuanyuan and the ninth emperor have won a streak in a row, which is a powerful role. "

Another person said: "Since the Emperor Yuanyuan is mixed with the ninth emperor, if we attack it, it will inevitably shock the heavens, so our subordinates suggest that they can join hands with the local government."

When the three mountain hosts heard the words brightened, they nodded, and Yinjiaoshan said: "What you said is that if you can join forces with the prefecture, you can not only enhance the combat effectiveness, but also prevent the heavenly courts from detecting, so as not to cause more conflict. "

You, the word of these orderers, finally formulated a seemingly perfect plan to kill Li Xing. Their plan is divided into two parts. The first part, led by Tiejiaoshan, led the 20 top-ranking immortal deities, and brought the immortal water gate to kill Li Xing deity.

The second group of people, the Lord of the Golden Horn and the Lord of the Silver Horn, carried the air door and the fire door, and led a hundred people to the top of the immeasurable Great Celestial Master, as well as an immense army consisting of 12,000 Great Celestial Masters.

The 12,000 immeasurable Great Celestial Masters were divided into four batches of 3,000 people each. They would urge the Tianmen, Earth Gate, Mountain Gate, and Zemen in the Bagua Gate to kill the portal of the Great World of Yuan Dynasty together.

There are thirty powerful plane cannons ~ www.readwn.com ~ placed on a giant order warship. This order of battleships is not at all under the imperial class battleships, and equipped with thirty plane cannons, it can almost kill the imperial class battleships.

These plane cannons use the power of the world as their energy source and have amazing lethality. The stronger and stronger the plane used, the more destructive power they generate.

After the strategy was set, the three mountain leaders quickly arranged and began to implement it immediately. One group intercepted Xing, and the other went to the mixed world.

However, he said that Li Xing had not yet arrived in the North Famine at this time. He was very careful, and he used his own civilization secret technique, calling it "civilized imagination", which could completely turn himself into another person, and he was an orderer .

Knowing that this trip was dangerous, he decided to hide the selection so that Watchman would not find himself. Now, he is a beautiful young man wearing a white shirt and a long sword, walking on the road in a hurry.

Soon after the flight, he arrived in Beihuang. At this time, the message sign on his body came from the voice of the violent battalion commander: "Hehe, you have now arrived in the northern wilderness, and now the battalion commander gives you your first task. That is to go to the seven-color continent and capture the seven-color glass eggs. .Remember, if the task is not completed, the battalion commander will be punished severely and will not be tolerated! When it is completed, it will be strongly rewarded! "

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