Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1187: 7-color continent

Chapter 1187: The Seven-Colored Continent

Chapter 1187: Seven-Color Continent

Li Xing sneered secretly. He had known about the seven-colored glass eggs at that time. At that time, the Emperor of the Sword had agreed that Jian Yu and Wuyou Tabard would work together to terminate, due to his appearance. ┌

At that time, he wanted to enter the Seven-Color Continent, but due to the many things around him, he couldn't make it. Unexpectedly, the first mission to reach the mainland was to go to the seven-color continent and capture the seven-color glass eggs.

For the seven-color continent, Li Xing obtained a lot of important information from the sword soldiers. The seven-colored glass egg is a treasure left by the seven-colored civilization. If you can get it and refine it, you can gather the seven-colored avatars.

The combat power of the Seven Colors is quite horrible. It is said that it can reach the level of immortality. Such a temptation naturally made the monks who knew the news go wild and rushed to the Seven-Color Continent.

As early as the establishment of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce in Beihuang, Li Xing inquired about the seven-color continent. Since this time, most of the people who have been robbed in the seven-color continent have never returned.

Seeing this, Li Xing, who was busy with the construction of the empire at that time, did not rush to it. He always felt that there must be something strange about it. The so-called seven-colored glass eggs may not really exist. If it does exist, it should be just a bait.

Based on the above considerations, after hearing the name of the task, Li Xing was quite dismissive. He didn't want to get involved in the seven-color continent, and he always avoided things that were unfamiliar and skeptical.

However, he is now a member of the Quartet Battalion. Since the Order of Rage Datian has given an order, his member must execute it, otherwise he will leave a handle.

With a little thought, he went to the Seven-Color Continent as a beautiful boy now, and decided to clarify things before he said. Is there really a glass egg, and who is in the layout, and what is the purpose of the layout.

On the Xuanhuang continent that day, Li Xing had obtained a map of the Northern Wilderness, so it is not difficult for him to go to the seven-color continent, which can be reached within three or five days.

According to the meaning of Raging Datianzun, this operation should be a three-person cooperation. That is, Li Xing, Qi Ao Tian Tian Zun and Ju Gong Tian Tian Zun. However, Li Xing had no trust in the other two, so he was not in a hurry to contact them, and decided to look at it for a period of time before talking, and to touch the bottom of the seven-color continent.

On this day, a young monk appeared on the seven-color continent. With a look of curiosity, he looked at the strange and colorful world. The whole person seemed to be foolish and looked at everything blankly.

He didn't seem to be very high, only the cultivation of Nirvana in the 70s. People of this level may be able to mix with the wind and the wind outside, but in the seven-color continent where dragons and snakes are mixed today, they are not very eye-catching.

This young man was naturally Li Xing. He appeared shortly afterwards, and found that people in the front and left also entered the seven-color continent, and his state was higher than him.

"This seven-color continent is really a land of right and wrong now. Thanks to the fact that I didn't get greedy at first, otherwise I don't know how to die." He thought secretly.

As I thought, the big deity who appeared in front of him actually walked in his direction. When the other party was near, I saw that she was a female nun, and she was not too old. It was similar to Li Xing's "superficial age". She looked sixteen or seventeen.

The girl actually had a braid, with golden rings on her feet and hands, wearing a loose red dress, almost like a three or five-year-old female doll, not like a thoughtful and spiritual person.

The girl's first impression of Li Xing was that she was a tomboy, unconscious, and had a problem in her head. In more accurate words, that is the lack of one.

The girl came up cheerfully, and actually came forward and patted Li Xing on the shoulder, and said, "Brother, you also came to the seven-color mainland to find treasure?"

Li Xing rolled his eyes and drank, "Who's my little brother? My son is 20 years old, and you dare to call me my little brother?"

The girl chuckled and said, "Are you 20 years old? Unfortunately, my sister, I have been practicing for more than two years. For billions of years, do you have to call my sister? I call your younger brother. Is it a loss?"

Li Xing had seen her cultivation early, and she was pretty good in her strength. However, compared with the real master, it is nothing at all, it can be mixed with cannon fodder at best.

After hearing what the other party said, Li Xing sighed and said, "If that's the case, I can't call your sister."

"What should that be?" The girl asked curiously.

"It should be called your old woman." Li Xing said with a stern expression.

The girl actually wrinkled her nose and thought, what kind of feeling is an "old woman" who has lived for tens of billions of years as a little girl in front of you? Li Xing almost turned away, because he was already goosebumps.

"You are such a bad person, how can the life limit of spiritual practice be compared with ordinary people?" She glared at Li Xing. "Grandpa said, I can at least get 72 calamities. Even if I can live to 72 He ’s only spent more than two robbers today, so what ’s the point? If a mortal can live seventy-two years old, when he is two years old, he ’s not considered an old lady or husband? ”

I have to say that her statement makes sense and Li Xing couldn't help but nod in agreement.

Seeing Li Xing's appearance, she nodded with satisfaction: "It seems you are not stupid, after all, I understand what I mean."

Li Xing couldn't help asking: "But if you say that you are only two years old this year, you are just a little girl. Do you think a little girl can call me my little brother?"

The girl was dumbfounded when asked, and she realized that Li Xing had been brought into a strange circle. If he admits he is old enough, then he has to be an "old woman". If he doesn't admit it, then he will only be "more than two years old" and only be a "little girl".

However, he was undoubtedly very dissatisfied with both terms.

Li Xing saw that ~ www.readwn.com ~ the girl was staring hard at herself, and seemed to want to defeat him and let him yield by staring. He sighed and spread his hands. "Okay, let's talk for a long time. You should always tell me who I am and what's wrong with me?"

The girl snorted softly, "I'm an innocent big deity. I came here to ask you about the situation in the Seven-Color Continent."

Li Xing sighed, "I'm really sorry, I'm here for the first time. I'm not familiar with life and can't help."

The girl blinked: "It's just right. Since we are all new here, why not go together and win a treasure together?"

Li Xing was speechless for a while. This little girl was really "innocent", she had to partner with strangers when she came up, wasn't she afraid that she would meet a wicked person?

He was about to say a word of rejection, and suddenly felt that if there was nothing, it made him feel the danger breathe away. As soon as he was in his heart, when he reached his lips, he turned the wind and smiled, "I'm very happy!"


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