Chapter 1191: Dead Land

Chapter 1191: Dead Land

After entering the forest, Li Xing suddenly felt a creepy feeling. This was one of the strongest moments of crisis in his lifetime. He immediately said to innocence and doomsday: "Go!"

Unfortunately, when they were going to break through the seven-color light curtain and left the place, they found that it was no longer possible. [Fe ?! Space has been locked up by a strange and inexplicable force, and with their strength, they can't rush out at all.

"What's going on?" Innocent looked confused, "We're trapped?"

In fact, not only the three Li Xing, but other people who tried to leave this place, their faces changed color, and some people said in a terrifying way: "We are locked up, everyone be careful!"

Tian Tianzun, who held the immortal sledgehammer, snorted and yelled, "What are you worried about? Since you are here, you need to know everything."

That being said, the big deity still urged the immortal weapon in his hand and blasted heavily against the seven-color light curtain, to see if the space was really locked up.


The seven-color light curtain made a loud noise, and the part of the horrible shock wave was bounced back and rushed directly to everyone. This caused everyone to have ice on their backs, losing the big celestial weapon holding the immortal epee, and quickly hitting the sword.

I saw a glorious sword curtain blocking the front, stupidly blocking this terrible shock wave, and a burst of loud noise broke out, shaking the void and shaking.

That changed the face of Datianzun of the sledgehammer, and said, "Sure enough, people have been blocked to retreat. Since there is no way to retreat, everyone will go forward and put out the black hands behind the seven color peaks!"

Everyone learned that they were trapped here, and all of them were indignant, and they all expressed that they would deal with the black hands behind the scenes to the end. Li Xing was secretly worried. If he could not even break the ban on others, what else would he talk about? I'm afraid it won't take long, one by one will be killed here.

Doomsday stared at Li Xing coldly, and said, "If the lady has less sweat, I won't let you go!"

Li Xing glanced at him and said, "Be assured, since I dare to bring her here, there is a way to keep her safe."

She smiled innocently, patted Li Xing on the shoulder and said, "Enough."

The party went deeper, and the more they went on, the more Li Xing felt that something was wrong. Because he found that every tree in this forest seemed to contain killing power and would kill people and drink blood at any time.

Suddenly he thought of something, and suddenly called out, "Stop everyone!"

The crowd was walking, and suddenly he was so drunk, surprised at the same time. When everyone's eyes projected over, they found that the yelling man was an insufferable Nirvana figure, and could not help but be angry.

An immeasurable Datianzun, who is closest to Li Xing, cried, "What are you shouting at?" He grabbed his hands and coldly put Li Xing under his palm.

Li Xing snorted and raised his hand with a blow, using a trick to "break the palm of the world". As the name suggests, this palm can penetrate the world and destroy everything, and it is extremely powerful.

Hearing only "Boom", the eighty-five-year-old immortal Datianzun was backed by his fist, his face was ugly, and then a spit of blood spurted out, staggering and unstable.

Li Xingsen said: "If it wasn't for the overall situation, then that palm would have knocked you off!"

Once he showed his horrible strength, no one dared to look down on him, and the man who shot did not even dare to put a fart, but lowered his head deeply, his eyes resentment and depression.

This is no wonder that he seems to be a little shrimp. Who knows how to explode like a dragon?

Among the three immortal celestial masters holding three immortal artifacts, one had a large sword, and that sword was also an immortal artifact. This person took a look at Li Xing and praised: "It is amazing, in the realm of Nirvana, there are immense peak masters, and the little brothers have a promising future!"

Li Xing said lightly: "It's easy to say."

The humane said, "In the next three flavors, dare to ask the little brother's name. And why did you prevent everyone from marching? What did you find?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It's natural to tell everyone to stop at the next three laughs." He pointed to a tree around him, "Did you not find out, what's wrong with these trees?"

Everyone began to observe carefully, and it turned out that something strange was found, but they couldn't say why. So, they all turned their attention to Li Xing to listen to his explanation.

Li Xingdao: "These trees, an individual hidden cave sky, are obviously manifested from the plane."

"We have noticed this for a long time, but it's just some falling planes, and it looks like a tree, it's not a big deal." Sanwei Datianzun said.

Li Xing stared at a tree and said, "Is it? It seems that none of you are proficient in the art of puppetry."

"How do you say this?" Sanwei Datianzun asked quickly, and he also saw that Li Xing must have found something.

Li Xingdao: "Although these planes have fallen, there is still a flow of vitality in them. This vitality, rigidity and rigidity, is a characteristic of 傀儡."

At the listen, many people were panicked and shouted, "It turns out that so many crickets haven't surrounded us?"

Datianzun, who held the apex with a pinnacle, said, "What's the matter?"

Everyone closed their mouths, but each one looked uneasy and looked around.

"Little brother, I'm Longchang Tiantian, and I admire your knowledge. Since you can see that these plane trees are rampant, can there be a way to crack them? Many of these plane trees are infinitesimal, in case of resurrection It's a puppet, and we're in danger, "said Da Tianzun, holding an epee.

Li Xing nodded: "Brother Longchang is polite, I just happened to know." He paused. "As for the cracking method, it is not without, but requires everyone's ability to cooperate."

"Oh, please!" The three celestial masters holding immortal instruments have now approached Li Xing and unknowingly regarded him as an important figure.

Li Xing was about to speak. Suddenly someone jumped out. It was the Great King Qiao. He shouted, "Slow!"

Everyone looked at him, and the immeasurable Da Tianzun holding the hammer opened his eyes and said, "Brother Qiao, what do you want to say, wait until the little brother finishes talking."

Qiao Datianzun sneered: "Shengli Datianzun, I'm afraid I said it's late, something will happen." He stared at Li Xing. "In Nirvana, defeated the infinite Datianzun. I've only seen one such wizard. . "

As he said, everyone is silent, and this potential is indeed too horrifying to make people jealous.

Li Xing's secret screaming isn't good, may this Qiao see the clue? However, he was very calm and said: "What do you mean by this fellow, you? No matter how good my potential is, it doesn't seem to have much to do with you."

Qiao Datianzun smiled faintly: "You, the emperor of Yuan Dynasty, don't act anymore. In heaven and on earth, there is only such a demon-like majestic power, only you!"

Li Xing suddenly quietly, as Qiao said, heaven and earth can no longer find a second person like him. As soon as he shot, he waited to reveal his identity.

Hearing that Li Xing simply no longer hid in hiding, smiled slightly, and restored his original appearance, saying: "I am mixed Yuan, the ninth day son and righteous brother, was ordered to come to the Seven-Color Continent to investigate an incident." "Ao Da Tian Zun and Ju Gong Da Tian Zun," the two are on the same road with me and have the same purpose. "

The other party exposed him, and he simply exposed the other party's identity.

At this moment, there were countless doubts and jealous eyes covering all three. Qi Ao and Ju Gong hated so much that Li Xing's identity was suddenly revealed.

It turned out that after passing the news of Li Xing to Shouwang Mountain, they searched for Li Xing to no avail, so they decided to complete the task first, and then they got into this group of people to enter the Seven-Colored Peak with them and find out.

Li Xing looked at Qi'ao and Ju Gong with the same idiot's eyes, and said, "Two idiots, what is the benefit to you by saying the identity of the emperor? Could you think that you can use the power of everyone to deal with me?"

Qiao actually didn't want to be so deep. He just thought that the person in front of him might be Li Xing, so he didn't think about it, he called it directly, and he wanted to give Li Xing an ugly look. I don't know how to trap myself.

Li Xingyi was asked at this time, and he was speechless because he was really unwise.

Li Xingzhuan said to everyone: "You, we all have the same purpose, and we all want to know what happened to Qisefeng. In this case, we don't need to be hostile to each other. Instead, we should work together to overcome this barrier."

Everyone was not a fool, knowing that Li Xing was justified, they did not squeak.

Sanwei Datianzun smiled, "Haha," and said, "Brother Yuan Yuan said so much. In this case, please tell everyone how to crack it."

Li Xing nodded: "In fact, with everyone's eyesight, we can see the origin of these plane trees." He reached out and grabbed a tree, and then a ray of civilization flowed out and fell into his hands.

The light of civilization contains a breath of forbearance.

The crowd suddenly understood and shouted, "It's the Ninja Forest!"

After hearing the words "Ninja Forest", many people looked ugly, and apparently they were all people who knew the power of Ninja Forest.

Longchang Datianzun and Shengli Datianzun glanced at each other ~ ~ The latter said: "The friendly means of the mixed Yuan Tao can actually refine the flavor of civilization. This kind of means we have never heard of and admire very much."

Li Xingdao: "It's just a trick."

Shengli Tiantian said: "The ninja forest is not trivial. It should be located on the ninja continent. How can it appear here?"

Li Xingdao: "It's easy to see that the entire Ninja Forest has been controlled by a terrible person or force and turned them into puppets. Presumably, those who previously entered the Seven Colors Peak are more likely to be fierce."

Longchang Datianzun nodded solemnly: "The ninja forest master is like a cloud, I have been there once, and I know it better. Two thousand immeasurable deity, one immortal deity, more than one hundred thousand deity, and An innumerable nirvana and annihilation. "

"So many masters, if all of them become puppets, the consequences will be terrible. That immortal deity alone will be very difficult to deal with." He sighed. "If we don't want a way to crack, we, I am afraid, one of us will not even live left!"

(The two chapters owed yesterday.)

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