Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1192: Ninja forest

Chapter 1192: Ninja Forest

Chapter 1192 Ninja Forest

Everyone's eyes fell on Li Xing again, even Qiao and Ju bow had to look over. . . ┌ Because at this time, it seems that only Li Xing has said that there is a way to crack.

Shengli Datianzun gave a gift and said politely: "You, the mixed Yuan Taoist, did you say that there is a cracking method, I do not know how to implement that cracking method?"

Li Xingdao: "This method is not difficult to perform, but it needs your cooperation."

Everyone said, "As long as I can crack the ninja forest cricket, I will wait for nature to help."

Li Xingdao: "I am afraid that the entire forest of ninjas has been controlled. We want to fight against it, and only control it by its own way."

"How do you say this?" Shengli Tiantianzun asked.

"I know a skill of 傀儡, which can be countered by one or two. But to perform this skill, you need to open the entrance of the Ninja Forest before you can implement it."

"It's so easy. Everyone listens to my orders, everyone joins hands and opens the entrance of this group's plane!" Sanwei Datianzhuang immediately called out loud, and everyone responded.

"Okay, everyone has a job." Li Xing arched his hand, and the man stepped back and left the rest to the rest.

Three powers, Shengli, Sanwei, and Longchang, each have their own immortal weapon, and each with their help, bombards the Ninja Forest together. I saw the killing of laser light, the fighting spirit flew, making a loud noise, shaking the heavens.

Li Xing stepped aside, glanced at innocence, and found that she was staring fiercely at herself. He naturally knew why the other party was angry, probably because of his hidden identity.

Li Xing grinned, "You don't seem very happy?"

He innocently snorted: "Where can a little girl dare, but you are the righteous brother of heaven, and what great emperor, it is very powerful."

Li Xing sighed and said, "Innocence, you said, I am the three laughter, or the emperor Yuanyuan. Is it different from you?"

Innocent for a moment, thought for a moment, and said to himself: "To put it bluntly, whether it's three smiles or the emperor Yuanyuan, what's the difference to me?"

After thinking about this section, she smiled again and said, "In short, I know that even if you become the emperor of Yuan Dynasty, you are still my good friend." Then knocked on Li Xing's mind, "Call my sister!"

Li Xing touched his head and said angrily, "I said that I can't knock people in a random way, you really don't get mad when you are me?"

The innocent "hee hee" smiled: "If you dare to swell, I will let my father teach you, huh!"

Li Xing suddenly lost his temper. The soldier and horse deity was too horrible. I'm afraid that blowing his breath would kill him. It is better not to offend.

At the end of the day, Doomichi Tachibana smiled coldly and said, "Mixed Yuan emperor, long admiring your name, you do not guard the Makino Pass, but run to the seven-color continent, which is very surprising."

"This is a military secret." Li Xing blocked all his next words in one sentence, then turned around and ignored.

The Ninja Forest is a group plane with a unique defense and more than 200 immeasurable celestial respects. With the cooperation of three immortal instruments, it has been bombarded more than ten times before finally opening a gap.

Li Xing opened his mouth suddenly, and a colorful streamer suddenly burst into the gap.

The time for this gap to open is limited, and there is only such a moment, but it is enough for Li Xing to make use of it.

As soon as the gap was closed, Shengli Datianzun asked, "Mixed Yuan Daoyou, is that all right? Only then was that streamer, I wonder what it is?"

Qi'ao Tianzun preempted: "It is the seed that plundered the ancient tree, it is very weird, and it can plunder the plane for its own energy."

Li Xing has killed many people in the dark with plundering seeds, and his notoriety has been circulating for a long time. It is not surprising that Qiao Tianzun knew something, so he gave a cold smile and did not comment.

Shengli Datianzun was slightly afraid of staying away from Li Xing, and then laughed: "Hunyuan Tao is a friendly method, but this really can control so many ninjas?"

Li Xing said lightly: "There is a three-point chance."

"What? Only three points!"

After hearing this result, many people were furious and accused Li Xing.

"We just opened the gap after exhausting our lives. You are only 30% sure! Are you kidding me?" One person scolded angrily.

A chance of 30% is undoubtedly very dangerous for those who do not want to die. Hugh said three points, and even with a seven point chance, they were uneasy.

The innocence suddenly became unhappy, and retorted, "Don't you have no way to become a chance? What qualifications do you have for him?"

Her words left everyone speechless, but also annoyed a lot of people. They were all immensely magnificent lords.

"Little girl, what kind of thing do you dare to say about us here, aren't you afraid that Lao Tzu will slap you in the palm of your hand?" The man who talked was frowning, not like a good man.

This humane homicide, which lasted for ninety-two robberies, did not agree with each other. He had done a lot of killings. When he spoke, there was a ray of murder that locked innocence.

With a flash of Doom, Domineer stood in front, staring at each other indifferently, ready at any time.

Li Xing laughed "haha": "Are you blinded by the dog's eyes? This innocent Tianzun is the beloved daughter of Marshal Tian Tian Bing Ma. Don't say kill her, touch her with a sweat, I guarantee you will not live tomorrow."

As soon as this remark was made, everyone took a sigh of air conditioning, good guy, the daughter of Marshal Marshal, who was definitely not under the Empress, how could they move?

Murdering Datianzun's heart was cold, and he didn't dare to put another one on, no more squeaking.

In the shadow of a person's famous tree, the strength of the Bingma Tianzun has far surpassed those present. It is rumored that when Marshal Bingma was still immeasurable, he had already killed the immortal.

Now, he has entered the immortal realm for the eighth century. He has experienced many civilizations and battled countless masters. To what extent is his strength not measurable.

Shengli, Longchang, and Sanwei, several people saluted at the same time as innocence to show respect, and then gave a fierce glance at the fierce Tiantianzun. If the fierce hero just dared to make a shot just now, everyone present would be unlucky. Www.readwn.com ~ even if they didn't.

The fierce Emperor Tianzun gnashed his teeth, suddenly stepped forward, slap in front of his face, and said, "I have no beads under the eyes, please forgive me."

He is sincere and kind, and naturally won't embarrass him, saying, "Get up, I don't care about you."

The fierce cross Tian Tianzun Guan Yisong said, "Thank you, Miss." Then he got up and walked back to where he was, but if not, his eyes crossed Li Xing.

Now that Marshal Bingma ’s daughter supports Li Xing, the rest do n’t dare to say anything. They can only listen to fate and hope that his approach will succeed. These people did not know that at this time Li Xing was in a state of high tension.

The large number of predatory seeds he sent out have already entered the Ninja Forest and started to take root. But then, the information returned by the plundering seed shocked him, and his heart sank.

ps: ### system of the website, only ### two chapters are allowed, one is ### of 2000 to 2500 characters, and the other is ### of 3000 to 3500 characters. Little demon generally ### more than three thousand words, but sometimes considering the relationship between writing and time, there will be more than two thousand words chapter, explain here.

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