Chapter 1194: Ancestor Forbearance

Chapter 1194: Forbearance Ancestor

Three pieces of immortal-level instruments were called as hammers, heavy swords, and large-shaped knives, all of which took ninety-six robberies and were refined with thousands of hammers. Their lethality was very strong. At this moment, all three immortal artifacts fell into Li Xing's hands.

He pretends to put away the magic weapon, but secretly takes it into the mixed world, and asks the emperor to come forward ###. This emperor, with the help of the purple electric sword, has soared to the immortal level. Coupled with the Purple Electric Sword, it is possible to integrate one ### three immortal magic instruments.

What's more, there is also a Demon King of Destruction carrying Thunder Gate to assist, so it doesn't take much time, three immortal-level artifacts have been obediently pressed under the ancient tree of civilization and can't move.

Sheng Li and the other three celestial deities all had a feeling in their hearts, and they all looked shocked and shouted, "What's going on?"

Li Xing looked dignified, and said, "When the three immortal artifacts helped to plunder the ancient trees, they were given ### by the Araki. But the three don't have to worry, as long as I don't die, I will never give up easily."

Li Xing looked so righteous, even the innocence was very moved, took out the wine gourd and handed it to Li Xingdao: "Sent you, we must defeat Araki!"

Li Xing can only pretend at this time. He took the wine gourd and said plainly, "You can rest assured that everyone's life and death are on my shoulders, and I will go all out."

At this moment, people feel that Li Xing is really a good person. Even if everyone just blame him, he does not care about it at this moment, but strives to fight with Araki to rescue all the people.

In fact, only Li Xing knows how things are going. That Araki has formed a climate, and plundering the old trees will not last long, and it will be completely swallowed up sooner or later.

By that time, it means that he lost, and the entire Ninja Forest will be controlled by Araki, and then everyone will be killed. Of course, Li Xing's security will also be threatened.

"This Araki is countless times more powerful than that year. How can I subdue him?" Suddenly, there were countless nods flashing in his mind, but none of them worked, or were too dangerous to implement.

Suddenly, there was a flash of aura in his mind, and a ray of thought immediately conveyed the past by plundering the ancient tree.

"Araki, do you remember Li Xing from the Dragon Elephant World?" Li Xing sent a message to the other party.

The roots of the Araki vibrated, and a mixed voice of men and women sounded: "It's you, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

But then she said, "Who are you? Dare to break into the ninja forest, it's a goddamn, kill!"

Suddenly, Araki began a more violent attack. But this attack only lasted for a moment, then stopped again, Araki replied: "My will has been occupied and is being merged. After the true fusion, I am not me, you leave quickly, otherwise I will kill you . "

Li Xing was taken aback. Only now did I know that Araki was being refined. Who is such a master? Even Araki dares to refine, what does he want to do?

For a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Araki, you and I are old friends, can you help me?"

Araki reluctantly said, "It's impossible. Ninja is an immortal celestial deity. He casts an immortal technique and forcibly fuses me with him."

Li Xing sneered, Li Xing said with a sneer, "If you are willing to cooperate with me, I will help you strip the old goods out."

Araki: "Do you really have this ability?"

"Will I lie to you in such a life and death event?" Li Xing said unhappy.

Araki: "It's so wonderful, I will cooperate with you with all my strength."

"However, before I help you, I still want to discuss something with you." Li Xing laughed.

"Hum, I knew that there was no free help, let's say it." Araki said, I couldn't hear whether it was happy or angry.

Li Xingdao: "Araki, you are a foreign alien species, wandering in the future, you will inevitably be conspired by someone with a heart. It is better to follow me, and now I am in the heavenly army, and the heavenly court is fighting with the city. Help me kill the enemy and make a contribution, both of them can devour life without restriction. Is n’t that the best of both worlds? "

Araki fell into meditation. It took a long time before he said, "This is a good way. Well, I promise you."

Li Xing was overjoyed, this is exactly what he was going to persuade Araki before, and he had full confidence before he said it. The reason is simple. Araki is wandering outside, just trying to hunt and kill souls and devour a lot of vitality. As long as he can provide such an opportunity, and can ensure her safety, Araki has no reason to refuse.

Although things have changed now, Araki has been merged by the ancestors, but it does not prevent Li Xing from persuading her. As long as Ninja is eliminated, Araki can be taken away, and a great help has been added ever since.

After agreeing with Li Xing's proposal, Araki asked, "What is your way to separate the ancestors?"

"In fact, it's simple. Try to argue with it so that it has no time to split. At this time, I will borrow the Proto-Altar to sacrifice Ninja ancestors." Li Xingdao, "The chance of success is great, even if it is not successful, I still There are other ways. "

Araki couldn't think of a better way. At this time, he could only trust Li Xing and said, "Okay, everything is arranged by you."

Immediately, this Araki tried all his strength and began to fight with that ancestor. The current strengths of the two are quite equal, and no one can stabilize them. However, if this situation continues, it will be bad for Araki.

This kind of battle has been going on before, otherwise, the Ninja Forest would have swallowed everyone up, and it would not have waited until now. It was because for a long time before ~ ​​ ~ Ninjo and Araki had no time to take care of the outside, which let everyone escape.

This battle was unprecedentedly fierce. Ninja was completely suppressed, and Araki and the Ninja Forest could not be controlled at all. At the same time, Li Xing released the Proto-Altar and started the final strike to get rid of the ancestors.

At this time, people outside saw Li Xing standing still, his face full of dignity, just like the enemy. Everyone stood up when he was fighting Araki with all his strength.

Shengli Datianzun said: "It seems that the mixed Yuan Daoyou are going all out, we are not without a chance to escape."

"Mixed Yuan Daoyou is so righteous, we will thank him in the future." Longchang Datianzun said.

The crowd praised for a while, and then someone asked, "Brother Shengli, you said earlier that the news of Araki was heard from a predecessor of the Proterozoic World. I do n’t know who that predecessor is. Deeds of Araki "

Shengli Datianzun glanced at the interrogator, his face changed a bit, and said, "This matter is very confidential and should not have been said. But at this very time, I don't know if I can leave alive, so I don't care Too much, I will tell you in detail. "

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