Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1195: Refining Ninja

Chapter 1195: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 1195 Refining Forbearance

Later, Shengli Datianzun announced a secret to everyone, involving the origin of the Proterozoic World.

The first Great Celestial Master of the Proterozoic World was a super powerful character, who finally achieved supreme fragmentation, left the main plane, and headed for a wider world. The Proterozoic World he left is also passed down to the present day, among which masters are like clouds.

The first Protagonist of the Proterozoic Empire can be supremely broken, relying entirely on his noble blood. According to legend, the Supreme Court of the ancient times belonged to the ancient royal family, and noble blood flowed in the body. This ancient royal family is called the Sansheng Royal Family.

The blood of the three-life royal family has three of the most powerful branches, and the Xeon of each branch is called the ancient emperor. The three ancient emperors are the past ancient emperor, the present ancient emperor, and the future ancient emperor.

Until the appearance of the Protoss of the Proterozoic, he gathered three blood vessels, and had the blood of the past, the current, and the future. The three kinds of blood lines originally conflicted with each other, but the Yuan Dynasty Grand Master practiced a "Yuan Yuan Gong".

This work is not trivial, combining three bloodlines to achieve the ancient emperor. The Three Emperor Ancient Emperor Xiu made rapid progress, singing all the way, and finally entered the supreme broken state. The Three Emperor Ancient Emperor Gong participated in the creation. When he was supremely broken, the entire Proterozoic world was stripped out, and only that Supreme Baby was broken away.

The Proterozoic World remains, still like the sun and the sky, and the masters in the plane are like clouds. Among them, the three major races are extremely powerful. They are the prophets with the blood of the past, the undead with the blood of the past, and the ghosts with the blood of the future .

Among the three major races, the undead are the most powerful. They are almost immortal and have amazing combat power. They soon established a huge force and swept the world. It was said that at that time, even the heavenly court opened its eyes and closed its eyes.

Until one day, the undead ancient clan encountered a ruthless man, that is, the dragon elephant big heaven. The strength of Dragon Elephant Datianzun is unfathomable. I don't know what method to use, but still suffered a big loss in the hands of the undead.

Furious, I don't know where to find Araki, and can specifically restrain the undead ancients. In the ensuing battle, the undead ancient clan was almost completely destroyed, and the dragon elephant Tianzun was also injured.

Araki, who played a key role in the war, was cut into two pieces by an undead strongman, and his whereabouts are unknown. That Araki was able to devour life forces, just to restrain the undead.

In that war, the three major races of the Proterozoic World, the Prophets, the Undeads, and the Ghosts, were all hit hard. Not only were the deaths and injuries severe, but also the remnants of the three ethnic groups were taken away by the dragon elephant.

After listening to it, everyone couldn't help but sigh, saying: "That dragon elephant is really a shaking figure. Its strength is so strong that it can sweep the Proterozoic by one person."

"Who said no?" Shengli Datianzun said, "If it wasn't for the suppression of Dragon Elephant Datianzun, then the Proterozoic world is definitely a super power, maybe it has already established a group plane."

"But even so, the great ancient world is still indispensable. You must know that the Proterozoic Plane is infinitely close to the existential plane, and how powerful it is to imagine. Unfortunately, this Proterozoic Heavenly Supreme is incompetent. To exert its full power, because he could not even advance the immortal level. "Shengli said.

Although Li Xing said that he was fighting, he heard six ways and watched in all directions. After hearing this secret, many doubts in his heart were immediately resolved. For example, why did the Proterozoic people appear on the subordinate plane of the Dragon Elephant World, and it seems that they were all captured and become the targets of real suppression by Dragon Elephants.

In fact, in the current world of the dragon elephant, there are still a small number of people from the three groups of the Proterozoic era, but they have been suppressed by the dragon elephant real people, and they can be ignored.

In addition, Li Xing also knew why Araki was able to restrain the undead, it was simply a weapon found by the dragon elephant Datianzun to fight against the undead. It's just its origin, and Shengli doesn't know.

While listening to Mi Zi, Li Xing pushed the Protarctic Altar with all its strength and entered a critical stage. At this time, the Proteran altar gave out a huge amount of black light, covering the entire Araki wood. Under the black light, the black smoke on the surface of Araki is rising and is being continuously refined.

Araki and Ninja sighed painfully at the same time. This move can be described as killing one thousand enemies and causing damage to 800. Araki is also uncomfortable and must suffer a certain amount of damage.

"Li Xing, where did this thing come from, and why is it so fierce?" Araki asked Li Xing, with a sense of fear between his words.

Li Xingdao: "You can rest assured that this is the Proto-Altar. I have reached a contract with it. I will sacrifice Ninja ancestors in exchange for your freedom."

"Protocol altar? Never heard of it." Araki obviously did not trust the altar, thinking that it really would not pose a threat to it.

Li Xing thought about it and said, "I suspect that this thing should belong to the first Elder Emperor. It can sacrifice everything and be a hundred times more vicious than you. But this thing has the advantage that once a contract is established There will be no breach of contract. "

Araki was relieved and said, "In fact, this little damage is nothing. When Ninja is dead, I will devour the entire Ninja Forest, and my strength will be improved."

Li Xing was shocked and said, "Araki, you can really increase your strength infinitely. After swallowing the Ninja Forest, do you have to step into the immortal realm?"

"It's not that simple." Araki said, "I will stay in this realm for a very long time. Unless I meet a great opportunity, I can devour immortal life."

Li Xing nodded: "Be assured, as long as you follow me in the future, you will encounter this opportunity sooner or later."

Wuguang vibrated thousands of times continuously, and the ancestor finally couldn't bear it, screaming: "You beast, dare to refine the immortal God, you must not die, you must not die! The old man fights with you , Bloody forbearance said, burst me! "


Forbearing ancestors knowing that they will die, they will end up with Li Xing, and immediately turn into the light of immeasurable destruction. This light is very scary, and Sheng Wu spreads the black light like a huge ball.

It's a pity that it can't be defeated by Wu Guang after all. The big ball slowly compressed, and finally sacrificed all this violent power.

After three days, there was only one Araki tree left in Wuguang. When Wu Guang closed, he jumped out and became a woman. This woman looks the same as the Dragon World.

Her eyes were a little more vicissitudes than before, saying: "Thank you this time, I will keep my promise. But before that, I need to devour the Ninja Forest for a while."

Li Xing laughed: "Anyway, I have more time. But there is one thing to ask you to understand if there are really seven colored glass eggs."

"Of course." Araki said, "This ancestor has been planning for a long time, and the means are brutal. He is a peerless hero. If he didn't meet you, he would have succeeded."

After all, a giant egg with seven colors of brilliance appeared in front of Li Xing. It is as big as a cow, full of glazed color, and has a strong seven-colored civilization.

"This is the seven-colored glazed egg. After Nizu plans to merge my power, it will be made into a seven-color avatar." Araki Road, then immediately conveyed a ray of thought to Li Xing.

This idea includes her experience after leaving the dragon elephant world, and how to fall into the hands of the ancestor Ninja.

Araki has wandered in the infinite theme since leaving the Dragon Elephant World. It has the nature of devouring life, so whenever it encounters a living body, it will be merciless and swallow it directly.

After wandering like this for many years, her strength gradually improved, during which she experienced calamities and disasters over and over again, reaching the level of the Promise. Going at this speed, she would have taken an extremely long time before she could enter the boundlessness.

However, she encountered Ninja in this training. As soon as Ni Zu came up, she ### directly, then lured her, saying that she would like to help her improve her strength.

Strength is not as good as Ninja, and Araki naturally has no qualification to refuse, so he began to follow Ninja's life. That ancestor is an immortal master, and his combat power is overbearing. Every time he goes out, he will bring a large number of celestial masters, allowing Araki to devour his life.

With this kind of duck-fed cultivation method, Araki's strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and within a short period of time, he reached the state of immeasurable peak of the 95th calamity.

Then, the ancestor's approach makes people feel incredible. The founder of the Ninja Forest actually made a plan. He first allowed Araki to devour the entire Ninja Forest and kill other characters in the group plane.

Later, he merged with Araki again, thereby raising his strength to a level from 96 to 97.

This plan didn't stop there. It also deliberately let out the wind. With the help of the seven-colored glazed eggs, it attracted more people to the seven-colored peak, and then all beheaded and killed to absorb vitality and make his advancement more confident.

Had it not been for Li Xing's appearance, he had now completed his work, and then he was transformed into a seven-color avatar, becoming the immortal celestial master of the ninety-seven.

After telling Li Xing about the past ~ www.readwn.com ~ Araki asked: "Where do those people come from, if you don't mind, I will swallow them up."

Li Xing smiled and said, "Two of them are my counterparts. You will take the two of them ### later. Then I will play another play and save the rest."

Araki obviously didn't understand Li Xing's approach. How could he know that Li Xing wanted to send an adult friend out. This trip has more than 200 immense immortals, which can be regarded as a non-weak force. If they are skillfully damaged, they can be conquered and recruited to the Xuanhuang continent, thereby enhancing their own strength.

"Okay, I'll cooperate with you." Although Araki didn't understand, he still gave Li Xing a face and was willing to help him.

So Li Xing told him all the details. Then he suddenly yelled and said to everyone: "No, that Araki is ### 不住 live, we are in danger!"

Everyone looked pale and said, "Mixed Yuan Daoyou must think of a way, we all rely on you."

With a look of hesitation, Li Xing said, "Well, since this step, I have to sacrifice a clone to fight for the time to escape." After that, Jiuyang rushed out, turned into a streamer, and actually hit Drive a ninja forest and kill will go in.

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