Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1196: Former ancient light

Chapter 1196: The Ancient Ancient Lamp

Chapter 1196: Ancient Ancient Lamp

The white light that flew out was the nine-yang clone of Li Xing. . . ┌fé Of course, it wasn't that the clone broke into the plane, but Araki separated the barrier by himself and let him enter.

But from the outsiders' perspective, Li Xing "giving up for himself" at this moment, in exchange for the safety of everyone with a copy, could not help but be grateful.

"I will explode immediately when I meet, so I will give you a chance for life! Everyone's attention, listen to my password, and prepare to break the enchantment!" Li Xing Li said, at this moment, he released the supreme majesty, everyone dare not From.

A moment later, the entire forest of ninjas suddenly "banged", and then the seven-color light curtain was darkened.

Li Xing yelled, "Go!"

He took the lead and blasted the light curtain with a punch, and Wei An's strength tore the light curtain apart and made a big hole. The rest were ecstatic and immediately followed, rushing towards the cave.

But at this moment, hundreds of millions of tentacles broke through, no one caught, all swept over to Jue Gong and Qi Ao.

The two were shocked and furious, struggling to fight Da Tianzun's secret technique. Unfortunately, how can they be Araki opponents with the power of Ninja Forest? Almost in a blink of an eye, the two were tied firmly by countless tentacles, and then dragged into the endless darkness.

This scene scared the rest away and fled cleanly in an instant.

Everyone felt that as soon as they saw the light, they were outside the Seven-Colored Peak. Fortunately, everyone except Kiao and Juye went out safely. They couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief, then cast their grateful eyes on Li Xing.

"Mixed Yuan Daoyou, thanks to your rescue of justice today, otherwise we will not have a chance to live out." Shengli Datianzun said, but his face is not very good, because an immortal magic weapon fell in the Ninja Forest, Make him so painful.

Li Xing apologized and said, "Shengli Taoist friends are all incompetent, and you have lost an immortal weapon."

Shengli Datianzun smiled bitterly: "Where's your fault? If you didn't do it, I would lose my life. What is the use of immortal instruments without my life?"

Longchang and Sanwei also had the same idea. Although they lost the immortal weapon, their lives were saved, but Li Xing was still grateful.

The others did not lose anything and thanked Li Xing for their sincerity.

Li Xingzhengzheng said: "It is a great blessing to be alive today. Everyone has experienced life and death together, and I hope to have more contact with each other in the future. If you have time, please come to Makino Pass and I will certainly entertain you warmly."

Everyone agreed.

Just at this moment, a large cloud of black clouds came from the West, and at that moment, Li Xing knew that it was the man of the local government. The heaven court sent them to the Seven-Color Continent, which was aimed at the Earth Mansion, and the seven-colored glazed eggs were born. It is impossible for the Earth Mansion to not intervene, but it came later.

"People in the prefecture, let's break up," Li Xing said. "Good-bye in the future."

Everyone left, Li Xing also pretended to leave, and stayed away from the Seven Colors Peak with innocence and innocence. However, after walking for a while, they quietly returned to their place, depending on how the people in the prefecture attacked.

When they returned, they saw that the people in the land government were constantly entering the Seven Colors Peak. There are more than 80 masters in this batch of magic heads.

Li Xing sneered, and said, "These evil heads are gone."

The innocence that has never spoken: "Hey, how did you do that, you can suppress such horrible things like Araki."

Li Xingdao: "The mountain people have their own ideas."

"Hum, it's not uncommon to know." Innocent said unhappy.

The matter of Liuliu came to an end. Li Xing really did not want to take this towed oil bottle to his side and said, "It is not rare that you can go away."

The innocence was not angry, and smiled, "Want to take the opportunity to drive me away? I want to be beautiful, but I don't want to leave."

Li Xing smiled bitterly and said, "I'm here from the command line of Feng Jianjun. I have something to do and can't accompany you. Let Doom take you back to Grand Marshal's House. Now the swords are around, it's very dangerous outside. when."

"I don't care about your business." Innocence obviously didn't appreciate it.

Li Xing was too lazy to explain to her, and said, "Miss, there will be a period later." Then she flickered and disappeared. In fact, it did not go far, but entered the seven-color peak.

Innocently stomped, and hated, "Don't let me meet you again!"

Doomsday God said at this time: "Miss, let's go back, it's too dangerous here, maybe someone will arrive soon."

The innocence was also a little bit interested at the moment, and said, "Okay." Then he returned to Grand Marshal's House with Doomsday.

However, it was said that Li Xing returned to the Ninja Forest again. With the cooperation of Araki, the eighty or so great deities were quickly destroyed. Half of it was devoured, and half of it was refined by Li Xing into a magic soldier.

Besides that, the Great Celestial Supreme and the Great Bow Supreme Celestial being **** by countless tentacles at the moment are ugly. When they saw Li Xing appeared, they knew they were fooled, and everything was a scam.

"It turned out that you were planning everything, you are the black hand behind the scenes!" Qi'ao Tianzun's heart sank, from head to toe, he knew he was gone!

Li Xing smiled slightly: "You were wrong, I just happened to meet this occasion and borrowed this opportunity by chance." He sighed, "Championship, what are you saying now?"

Qiu Datianzun forced himself to calm down and said: "Hunyuan, I know your means, you are indeed a personal thing, and I confess. As long as you let me go, I can be nothing before, and from now on, only Your horse is looking forward, what do you think? "

Li Xing's face sank, and he said, "You are as idiot as everyone else, let me let you go?"

Qi Ao Tian Tianzun knew that Li Xing was murderous, and he couldn't help but stunned his heart and said, "Hunyuan, don't be proud! Shouwangshan is preparing to attack the Xuanhuang continent, and then you will be dead. By now, let me go and maybe return Can fight for life, otherwise no one can save you! "

Li Xing jumped in his heart, and asked, "What are you talking about? Shouwang Mountain is going to attack the Xuanhuang Great World? So brave, aren't you afraid to open the court of grace?"

"Huh, Shouwang Mountain will shoot with the people in Difu. Tianting only thinks that the Difu is shooting. How can you think of Shouwang Mountain? What, you, Yuanyuan, do you think about it? Let go of me, I will protect you from death, what? ? "At this time, the Great King of Qi'ao wants to fight for his life.

Li Xing was silent for a moment, and said, "Qiao, I now tell me one thing, and those who dare to threaten me, none of them are alive today." The words fell, reaching out a little, and billions of streamers pierced into Qi'ao.

This is the seed that plundered the ancient tree, and immediately began to grow in its body.

Qiao Datianzhuang screamed again and again, sternly: "Hunyuan, you must not die, Watchman Mountain will avenge me!"

His cursing did not last long, and he lost his self-consciousness and became a war puppet.

Seeing the plight of Qi'ao, the rest of Juetian could n’t help but look pale, and he shivered, "Hunyuan emperor, I am an innate magic weapon. I am willing to enter into a contract with you. Do n’t kill me, kill me, to you No good. "

Li Xing snorted and said, "It's just an infinite magic weapon. It hasn't attracted me so much." He said that he would take action and destroy the extinct bow.

Jue Gong immediately said: "Slow! Hell Emperor, if you don't kill me, I can tell you a secret, how?"

"Oh? Secret?" Li Xing became interested. "Then you better say it quickly, I have something to do with me."

"Okay, I must be a member of the Treasure Cave. The power behind it is very large. You can establish friendship with the Treasure Cave without killing me. I promise it will be of great benefit to you!" Said the Great Treasure Master.

Li Xing frowned slightly and said, "Treasure cave? I haven't heard of it."

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it, because this is a secret organization, a group plane established by the innate magic weapon," said Ju Gong quickly.

Li Xing thought about it and said, "Okay, I'm interested in you now. However, I have something to do with me, and I will take care of you when I have time." Then he let Araki roll up the Ninja Forest, Return to Xuanhuang continent with him.

However, just as the two were about to leave, a phantom of a mighty shore appeared over Qisefeng.

This phantom held an ancient lamp and threw it down. The lamp is simple in style, made of bronze, the light is like a bean, and it emits blue light. After the light fell, it hung in the air, dripping an infinite amount of blue light, and wrapped the entire seven-color peak.

As soon as the blue light shone, Araki suddenly called out, "Not good, it's the Promise of the Elders!"

Li Xing was taken aback. He also felt that the entire Qisefeng was shrouded by a supreme power. This power was so powerful that it made him feel incompetent.

"The Elder Emperor, how could he appear?" Li Xing frowned.

"I am a heart disease in the Proterozoic World. He must have heard the news, so he came here." Araki said, "These people should not let go, and cause trouble for no reason."

Li Xingdao: "I didn't expect ~ www.readwn.com ~ this Proterozoic Supreme Master got the news so soon. Most likely, he was originally on the Seven-Color Continent, so he arrived nearby."

"It's too late to say anything, and now we must find a way to leave." Li Xing said, "Do you have any way to escape?"

"Opportunity is small, ### Our is the Proterozoic lamp. This lamp is very different. The lamp body is made of the metatarsal bone of the Proterozoic Celestial Master, and the lamp oil is the apex oil of the Proterozoic Celestial Master. According to nine days and ten places, even the immortal Datenzun cannot break it. "Araki Road," The dragon elephant Dazun had once resisted this lamp, but failed, and almost fell. "

Li Xing took a sigh of relief. This Proterozoic world deserved to have appeared as a plane of supremely broken characters. Sure enough, the Profound Ancient Lamp could almost kill everything.

Just as Li Xing was besieged by the Yuangu Lamps, a large number of experts secretly rushed to the local government. After a brief contact, the two sides quickly reached an agreement and were ready to attack the Xuanhuang world together.

On this day, Makino Seki suddenly sounded a harsh alarm, and a dull voice roared across the mainland: "Strong enemy strikes! Strong enemy strikes!"

With the alarm, the entire Xuanhuang continent was effectively mobilized and entered into a combat state.

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