Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1197: Attacking the Ancient Cannon of Xuanhuang Plane

Chapter 1197: Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter 1197

Chapter 1197: Attacking the Ancient Cannon of Xuanhuang's Plane

The ninth emperor rushed to the military aircraft hall as soon as possible, and then the emperor Li Gui, Grand Marshal Li Ba, Di Huanghe and other important officials rushed to the scene. . . ┗ # _ 网

In front of the ninth emperor, a light curtain was refracted on a crystal ball, showing the situation outside. Numerous land government forces, surrounded by a giant battleship, quickly approached Makino Pass.

At first glance at the ship, Eight Master Datian shuddered and shouted, "The battleship of order! This is bad, the prefecture must have asked for foreign aid!"

The ninth emperor looked calm and said: "Only the gate of order can build the order warship. Is the gate of order ready to be shot?" Then he looked at the emperor, "Li Gui, what do you think?"

The emperor Li Gui said: "No matter what the origin is, we are all enemies at this moment, and we must destroy each other." He asked one of the people around him, "Have a great day, you can estimate the enemy's combat power."

This humane is full of wisdom, knows everything, and knows all kinds of things. He is an immeasurable celestial deity of ninety calamities. His expression is very solemn, and he said, "Return to the Emperor, the enemy is menacing, and the fighting is powerful."

"The Eight Masters of Heaven have said that there is an order warship, and the combat power of this warship is still above the warship. If there is only a warship, the problem is that it can only be controlled by the immortal God. Among them are immortal masters. "

The emperor said indifferently: "Anyway, it's immortality, and the emperor will be cut."

Bai Xiao Da Tian Zun looked shocked and continued: "In addition to the immortal Da Tian Zun, there should be plane cannons. It is rumored that on top of the order warships, plane planes are likely to be erected. That plane Ancient artillery, which specializes in bombarding plane defenses, is extremely powerful. "

"In addition, the prefectural government dispatched about 800 billion soldiers and horses. Among them, there are no less than 200 non-gravity masters. And the forces that assist the prefectural government should be very strong, but it is not yet possible to estimate the fighting power."

At this moment, a big deity stepped out and said, "I'm coming!"

This person, Daohao observes the Great Heavenly Deity, can see everything, and is an immense God. He opened his eyes and looked at the void, and two golden lights passed through all obstacles, shining directly in the direction of the enemy.

As soon as Jin Guang came out of the continent, he became invisible and colorless and hard to feel. As he opened his eyes to observe, Guan Tianzun put his hand on the crystal ball. Suddenly, scene after scene emerged, and everyone saw it.

At the first glance of Bai Xiao Tian Zun, he couldn't help but change his face, saying: "There are 12,000 immeasurable heavens! Two immortal heavens, more than two hundred peaks of heavens!"

At this moment, on the battleship of order, Jin Jiao Da Tianzun moved in his heart, and then snorted, pointing to the void. There is a force of terror that travels through infinite time and space, and cuts heavily to the view of the great freedom.

Guan Zi snorted, bleeding from his eyes. The emperor stepped forward, holding a purple electric sword to make a cut in the air, Feng Rui's sword gas "silk", as if cut off something.

Vaguely, a sneer came from infinity.

Guanzhuang Datianzun bleeds his eyes, and asks lightly, "No matter." Then he sat down and adjusted his breath. Beside him, an ancient tree of life sprang up on its own, releasing the breath of life and helping him recover.

The people at the scene looked solemn, this time the enemy was too powerful, putting tremendous pressure on everyone.

The ninth emperor groaned for a moment, and said, "Li Gui, this battle is not a trivial matter. Li Xing is not here. Everything is under your unified command. This emperor also listens to your orders."

He did not despise himself, thinking that he could not command the battle. But because the enemy is too powerful, only the strength of the entire Xuanhuang continent can be mobilized to fight one. The only ones who can do this are Li Gui and Li Ba.

Li Gui refused to let him know that he had to stand up at this time, nodded, "Please ask the ninth Lord to point out from the side." Then he looked at the crowd and began to give orders.

"Brother Di, my father is trapped outside now and cannot return. The 30 billion Nirvana-level hybrid real man is under your command. In addition, I will give you an immortal magic weapon called a hammer. This thing has been Plunder the old tree control, you can cast it at will. "

The emperor stepped forward, took the hammer, and said, "Get orders!"

"Li Ba."

"Here!" Li Ba stood out.

The Emperor of the People: "Another immortal sword is given to you. You can take a bone-bone chariot and answer 200 enemies with immeasurable power."

"Get orders!"

"Bai Xiao Da Tian Zun!"

"Chen is here!" Bai Xiaoda Tianzun stood out, expressing strange thoughts

"My emperor has given you a large sword of immortal magical tools, and ordered you to manage 300 billion horizontal ships to join the enemy!"

"Get orders!"

Subsequently, the Emperor successively issued orders to let Jian Xingtian lead the emperor-class battleships, and the wealthy command 60,000 king-class battleships. The ninth emperor would control his subordinates under the throne and defeat the enemy.

As for the war spirits, Tao soldiers, magic soldiers, war ravages, the ancient artillery of the twenty-eight civilizations, the avatars of the gods, and the imperial army, all have orders to execute.

Assigned the task, Li Gui held the purple electric sword, Shen said: "This is the time of life and death, I hope you all unite as one, Lectra comes to the enemy!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The generals of the three armies roared like thunder, and they all rushed to the skies.

Li Gui nodded: "Okay, everyone, ready to go to war!"

Not long after, the army of the prefectural government and the strong guards of Watch Mountain had approached Makino Pass. On the battleship of order, hundreds of immeasurable great deities are in the cabin, talking to the two immortal gods, Lord Jinjiaoshan and Lord Yinjiaoshan.

One immense demon statue said: "We are grateful for the help of Watch Mountain. However, the Makino Pass is very solid, we can't attack it for a long time, and it has suffered a lot of damage. This time we still have to rely on the friends of Watch Mountain to attack, we Only help from the side. "

Lord Jinjiaoshan originally did not intend how much effort the people in the local government could give. He heard the words and said, "No matter what, there is Watch Mountain, as long as the friends of the local government do what they want."

The infinitely large demon nodded repeatedly: "It's the best."

In fact, it was the fiends who were severely beaten by the Xuanhuang continent ~ www.readwn.com ~ Last hundreds of countless immortal gods, thousands of soldiers and horses were killed without leaving a piece of armor, and the defeat was left in their hearts. Indelible shadows.

When the chicken-like Xuanhuang continent appeared within sight, the master of Jinjiaoshan stood up and yelled, "Ready for the ancient cannon!"

Suddenly, the order warships were neatly ordered. The ancient guns of the thirty planes adjusted their gun positions, locked the distant Xuanhuang continent, and filled the plane shells.


"Boom boom!"

Thirty ancient cannons from the planes sent out thirty rays of destruction that tore the cracked ground, and they were overwhelming, like thirty thundering thunders, blasted to the Xuanhuang continent.

At the same time, on the Xuanhuang continent, twenty-eight ancient artillery cannons were ready to launch, and at the same time, they fired a cannon, condensing into a huge defensive light shell at high altitude, and supporting it outside.

Thirty shots blasted all over the defensive light shell, producing a huge and violent serial explosion, which shook the world and shattered the world.

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