Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1198: Civilized Cannons vs. Plane Ancient Cannons

Chapter 1198 Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter Civilized Ancient Cannon Against Ancient Cannon

Chapter 1198: Ancient Civilizations Against Ancient Cannons

Civilized ancient artillery was extremely defensive. One salvo of thirty ancient artillery pieces did not cause any casualties to the Xuanhuang continent, but it only consumed 28 civilization artillery shells. 【?network

Seeing that a blow was not possible, the masters of Jinzhushan and Lord of Yinjiaoshan were gloomy. The former said: "What is that? It can actually block the attack of the ancient cannon from the plane. Is there a high-end immortal shot?"

Lord Yinjiao snorted coldly: "No matter who is blocking the road today, we must destroy the Xuanhuang continent! With tears, I can see how long it can resist!"

The two mountain masters each held an immortal attacking charm and shook into the air, and immediately turned into two supreme killings, bursting with horrific tearing force, and headed for the Xuanhuang continent.

On the Xuanhuang continent side, two black gas dragons were seen, and in a blink of an eye, they were strangled towards Xuanhuang continent. The emperor could see that this attack was powerful, and had to continue the defense of the ancient guns of fate civilization.


This attack shocked Xuanhuang continent a bit, and consumed 28 civilized artillery shells.

At this time, seeing Zhitian Tianzun stepped forward and said, "People, there are only more than 600 artillery shells in our country, which can be fired at most 24 times. If the other party consumes this, once the shells are used up, the Xuanhuang continent will be very passive."

The Emperor said: "The power of the ancient cannons on the plane is too strong, we can't stop them for a long time, and wait, their shells may not be enough."

Seeing that the ripped rune had no effect, the master of Yinjiaoshan was anxious and said, "This ripped rune is very powerful. You and I only have ten. It looks like it can't open the opponent's defense."

Jinjiaoshan said: "It doesn't matter. We have nine hundred cannonballs and can be bombarded thirty times." Then he ordered, "Hit me, hit hard!"

After giving the order, his face was full of cruel smiles, saying: "Silver Horn, don't you see that there is no immortal God in the other party, but a defense tool?"

After two observations, Lord Jinjiaoshan saw the clue, immediately relieved his mind, and decided to bombard it and light up the shell.

The master of Yinjiaoshan suddenly came to a spirit and laughed: "If it is a defensive tool, it must consume a lot of power. The Xuanhuang continent can't compare to our watch mountain, and it will soon be overwhelming!"

"Yes, thirty volleys, and the other party couldn't hold on. In that case, we could blast away the Xuanhuang continent and rush in to kill the special killer! That mixed emperor, who hasn't returned yet, we just took him Old nest, completely wipe it out! "

Just as the opponent bombarded again and again, Li Xing also felt what happened on the plane of the mixed element at this moment. The mixed world is one with him, but sometimes the plane is pinned in some mysterious time and space.

For example, now Li Xing ’s body is located in Qi Se Feng, and was used by the Yuangu lamp ###. But his mixed world is hidden in a certain mysterious space, and only he can find it.

His state at this time is equivalent to being divided into two. On the one hand, it is an objectively running mixed world. On the other hand, it is his physical body. No matter which side was beheaded, Li Xing will fall.

Although trapped here, he clearly sensed what happened in the mixed world, and someone entered the Xuanhuang continent!

"Shouwang Mountain! When I go out, I will surely slaughter you!" His eyes were full of anger and he was murderous.

Unfortunately he was trapped here and he could not return immediately to help. Under the circumstance that the physical body cannot return, he can only rely on the autonomous defense of the mixed world, and he has nothing to do.

"This is not the time to be fierce." Araki said, "The Yuangu lamps are very powerful. At most one month, the entire Qisefeng and the Ninja Forest must be turned into lights by it."

"Made into lights?" Li Xing was startled.

"It's true that everything that was refined by the Proterodic lamp will be turned into light. When the Protoss of the Proterozoic will display the Proterodic lamp in the future, we will manifest in the light and fight for it." Araki Road, " If you don't want to do this, it's best to figure out a way to escape from here. "

Li Xing frowned: "It's not impossible to escape. As long as I think of a way to interrupt the light, I can take you back to the Xuanhuang world."

"It is too difficult for you to interrupt the light. If we can interrupt the light, why should we escape?" Araki Road.

"There must be a way," Li Xing said, "the sky is boundless, but you and I haven't thought of it yet."

Li Xing was trapped and Xuanhuang continent was under attack. The ancient artillery from the plane has been fired 20 times in a row, and the civilized artillery shells on the Xuanhuang continent have been used up.

The Emperor was very calm, while ordering defense, he asked Bai Xiaotian Tianzun to mobilize 300 billion horizontal ships, ready to fill them with cannon fodder. These three hundred billion horizontal ships are all controlled by magic soldiers.

These magic soldiers were naturally beheaded and killed in the land government, and then refined by Li Xing.

On the side of Mount Watch, the two masters are also very impatient. Two thirds of the shells have been used. The defense of the other side is not weak at all. Is there really endless strength to resist?

At this moment, the master of Yinjiaoshan was distressed to raise the plane shells and said, "Golden Horn, refining a plane shell, requires 50,000 to 30,000 immortal chemical alchemies. If we can't consume it like this, we can't afford it."

Lord Jinjiaoshan frowned and said, "What then? How can we retreat?"

"Of course, I can't retreat. I mean, you can use the ripper with the plane cannon. You and I can use up to four tears at one time, plus thirty plane cannons, maybe it will work. "

Golden Horn heard his eyes light up and said, "Okay, just do it!"

Not long after, Emperor Li Xing saw four black lights and thirty artillery lights bombarded at the same time. His face changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Revoke the defense! The battleship will fight and block the attack!"

With the order of Bai Xiao Da Tian Zun, the 300 billion horizontal ships were instantly transferred by the ancient trees in space to the Xuanhuang continent, forming a supreme array. This large array will unite the power of 300 billion horizontal ships and possess immortal defense.

The horizontal ship was linked together and transformed into a huge and noisy listing, crossing the Xuanhuang continent and the order warship.

The ripped rune and the artillery fire blasted at the same time, and the huge listing was suddenly blasted out of a large hole, and one horizontal ship exploded. Bai Xiaoda Tianzun had a pain in his body. He saw that nearly a third of the horizontal ships were turned into fly ash under the blow of the enemy.

Of course, the enemy's attack failed to penetrate the ship, and the purpose of Emperor Li Xing was achieved.

The Lord of the Golden Horns was cheered up, and said, "Silver Horn, the other side used the dead ghost, indicating that his power has been almost exhausted, and then boom!"

As a result, only the eight ripped amulets and three hundred ancient cannons were fired again.

This time, the ship's end was even worse. Two hundred billion ships damaged most of them, and the remaining less than 50 billion ships could no longer form an effective defense.

As soon as Bai Xiao Da Tianzun ordered, these nearly 50 billion horizontal ships actually rushed towards the order warship.

Lord Jinjiao sneered and said, "Boom them!"

Thirty ancient cannons were fired again, and the fierce gunfire drowned the ship. But at this time, the emperor Li Gui also issued an order, saying: "The twenty-eight guns are ready to bombard the battleship!"

Since the beginning of the war, ancient civilizations have been defending the Xuanhuang continent, so that they cannot attack the enemy. Only before, the horizontal ship blocked the opponent's three strikes one after another, which gave the ancient artillery sufficient time and locked the orderly warships together.


"Boom boom!"

Twenty-eight beams of light were blasted out of the Xuanhuang continent, and gathered into a large and incomparable artillery light, which blasted towards the battleship of order. At this moment, the order warship had just bombarded the remaining 50 billion horizontal ships, and there was no time to dodge and defend.

"Not good, full protection!" Master Jinjiaoshan and Yinjiaoshan were frightened, and hurriedly gave orders. They did not expect that the other party had more than enough power to fight back and caught off guard.


Artillery tore the void, crushed all realms, and smashed into the battleship of order with the power of destruction. And at the last moment, the battleship propped up a light curtain.

In order to build this defensive light curtain, the order warship consumed 100 plane bombs in one fell swoop. But even so, in the face of the full blow of the ancient civilization artillery, the order warship was still blown out.

The immense amount of celestial body that drove the ancient artillery on the battleship was shocked by vomiting blood. However, the warship as a whole was not damaged and was immediately ready to counterattack.

At this time, the Emperor ordered the ancient artillery to begin the second round of salvo.

"Boom boom!"

It was another large beam of light that came to kill. This time, the two lords of the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn were frightened. They hurriedly held up the light curtain again, and consumed a hundred shells again.

As a result, the remaining warplanes of the order warship had only forty pieces left, enough to fire only once. On the Xuanhuang continent, shells can still be used twice, the latter taking advantage.

Blocking this attack, Lord Jinjiaoshan knew that the danger was approaching, and the order warship could still defend at most once, so he shouted: "Everyone, give me a shot, and take advantage of the defense of the Xuanhuang continent and kill it!"

At this time, the emperor also ordered the ancient artillery to stop the attack. He must leave a little means to give the enemy the most lethal blow, and at the same time ordered: "All the war spirits and demons are the first peaks, and Li Ba led two hundred countless. Da Tianzun is in the middle, and Bai Xiao Dazun assists Li Yingxiong in commanding the 60,000 kingship ~ www.readwn.com ~ to assist afterward. "

"Get orders!"

Li Ba and Bai Xiao Dayunzun took the lead.

"Brother of the Earth, you lead a real battleship of RMB 30 billion with an emperor-level battleship, which is the left wing. Jian Xingtian controls the emperor-level battleship and assists from the side."

"Get orders!" The Emperor and the sword get the order.

"The empires of the empire followed the emperor as the right wing and attacked the enemy with the left wing!" The Emperor said, "The ninth Lord led his subordinates and all the guardians and war puppets. They were responsible for responding and attacking the enemy at any time. "

Ninth Heavenly Son: "Okay, this Heavenly Son understands."

After issuing a series of orders, the Emperor drew his sword in his hand and waved it. The sword rushed and shouted, "The success or failure is in this one move. If the enemy does not die, I will die, kill!"


In the Xuanhuang continent, there were countless soldiers and horses rushing out, murderous and rushing to the sky, the war will be violent, and the iron blood was unparalleled, and they rushed to the party of the order.

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