Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1199: A fierce battle

Chapter 1199: The Fierce Decisive Battle

Chapter 1199: A Fierce Decisive Battle

On the side of Mount Watch, 12,000 immeasurable celestial deities, led by two immortal celestial deities, killed Xuanhuang continent, and the two armies converged halfway to fight together. └

There are tens of thousands of immortal gods, and the combat effectiveness can be described by horror. Only one charge kills the war soul, and even the countless magic soldiers can hardly resist it for too long.

However, this was enough. Li Ba, who was holding an immortal weapon, blasted to the enemy fiercely. Between the swing of the powerful sword, a heavy sword light was emitted, as if a river of heaven, and the tens of thousands of immortal celestial beings were cut in half by Shengsheng.

On one hit, more than 300 immeasurable Datianzun fell. This is the power of the immortal magic weapon, which can kill immeasurably large deities.

At the same time, under the command of Li Yingxiong, the 60,000 kingship in the rear launched a salvo. There were 60,000 kills, and an immeasurable Datianzun was locked up every fifteen.

The Lord of the Golden Horn and the Lord of the Silver Horn were furious and rushed out of the order warship. The two immortal gods held the wind gate and bombarded Li Ba. The fire gate issued a countless light curtain and attacked the 60,000 kingship. Blocked.

Li Ba had no fear, and blasted the heavy sword a little bit into the air door. The same as an immortal weapon, the damper is more lethal, and the master of the Golden Horn is not weaker than the damper. Under this blow, Li Ba suffered a big loss. After the violent explosion, he was beaten to the ground, and the powerful sword in his hand almost released.

Thanks to this, the right and left wings were killed at the same time, the Emperor Li Gui held a purple electric sword, rushed to him, and slashed his sword. A supreme sword light, brilliant and brilliant, sharp and unparalleled, let Jin Jiaoshan's heart cold, and quickly dodged.


Jian Guang was too fast, and he directly struck the stroke door, which caused the Jinjiaoshan master to retreat. The Emperor's offensive has just begun. The next sword to slash with a sword is vigorous and fierce.

The Lord of the Golden Horns only has the skill of parry, and has no power to fight back.

On the other side, under the attack of the kingship, the main point of Yinjiao Mountain directly urged the fire door, emitting infinite fire, swept across the sky, and drowned the entire Xuanhuang Army.

At this time, the emperor drove a bone-bone chariot, led a real-life man with 30 billion yuan, and arrived with the cooperation of an imperial-class battleship. He yelled, holding an immortal magic hammer, and blasted to the Lord of Yinjiaoshan.

The huge force spurred the Quartet, and bounced back the sky fire to avoid a lot of casualties.

Yin Jiao snorted, stepped on the fire door, and came towards the Emperor ###. The emperor failed to reach immortality, and immediately lost to this master. When the fire flashed, a giant flame hand protruded down and grabbed the hammer.

The Emperor shouted, and even gave out three hammers, but failed to shake the punch, but was caught by him. Immediately after, the fire door shot another 10,000 fires, interwoven into a cage, and instantly trapped the emperor in it.

In the cage of flames, there were blasts of fire everywhere to burn the emperor. Thanks to his protection from the bone-challenged chariot, he can be protected for the time being. However, innumerable bone-warriors, ashes in the flames, obviously can not support for long.

At this time, the auxiliary offensive Jian Xingtian was in a rush, and the emperor was a key figure in the mixed world. He must not be in trouble. He immediately urged the Emperor class battleship to emit thunder, locking the Lord of the Silver Horns.

Yin Jiao's body was tight, and he couldn't help sneering: "Little emperor ship, how can he be a master of this mountain, die!" He abandoned the emperor and attacked the emperor with a fire door. I saw endless flames flowing on that huge fire door, intertwined into complex runes, with infinite power.

At this time, the order warship of Watch Hill sent out a rough kill, called the trial of order, and came towards the imperial battleship. The light of this judgment was extremely destructive, and immediately made the imperial battleship unable to move.

At the same time, the fire gate also fell down. Among the infinite flames, the evolutionary firearms, torches, firearms, and firearms took the initiative to blast, and the imperial battleship was swayed in an instant.

"Imperial battleship, how long can I see it! Flame knife!"

Yinjiaoshan drank coldly, and even used means to match the fire door with mystery to procure a huge long sword of fire and chopped it down.

This time, the Emperor-class battleship could no longer hold on, and a "click" sounded, and cracks were covering it. None of the twelve maneuvers in the ship maneuvered, and no one survived the explosion.

Jian Xingtian also broke his blood vessels and was seriously injured. He roared, and instantly split into twelve, instead of the twelve without great celestial master, maneuvered the battleship and counterattacked the order battleship.

Without Silver Horn's killing, the Emperor quickly broke through the flame cage and rushed out. When he saw Jian Xingtian fighting in blood, and he was seriously injured, he yelled, "Fight me!"

After all, he urged the Bone Chariot and attacked again to help the Emperor class battleship.


The attack of the imperial battleship did not cause much damage to the order warship. It did not even support the defense, and the ship's hull only swayed a few times.

The Impact Hammer attacked the Lord of the Silver Horn again to distract him. However, the Lord of the Golden Horns apparently was unwilling to be fooled. As soon as his figure shook, he avoided the blow from the emperor, and then issued a second flame knife to the emperor.


At this moment, the imperial ship finally could not resist, and it was soaring in the infinite flame. Jian Xingtian was burned to ashes with the imperial ship.

Thirty billion yuan of real people uttered a roar. Just now they had been uniting their forces to gather the soul of supreme warfare. Without wanting a blink of an eye, Jian Xuntian fell.

"Kill!" The roar shook the sky, and the strength and will of the 30 billion celestial deities condensed into an avatar of war, swallowed the world, and blasted him with a punch to the Lord of the Golden Horn.

Although this fist might not reach the immortal combat power, it is also very close. Unfortunately, it doesn't have much effect on Silver Horn. He just erected the fire door and easily blocked the giant fist, his face disdainful.

"A group of reptiles dare to contend with the owner of the mountain? All are dead!" He urged a flame knife again, and beheaded at the real person worth 30 billion yuan. If this one is cut, at least half of the real people in the mixed Yuan will be killed and injured, which is an unbearable loss for the mixed Yuan world.

At this critical moment, twenty-eight civilizations in the distance rushed out of the Xuanhuang continent. It turned out that the death of Jian Xingtian stimulated Li Xing. Under the influence, his objective consciousness in the mixed world urged the ancient artillery of 28 civilizations to kill the Lord of Silver Horn.

As soon as he saw the gun light, the master of Yinjiaoshan was taken aback. This was the problem he was most worried about. He didn't care about the real person in the mixed Yuan, and hurriedly grabbed the order warship in his hands, blocking it in front. He is an immortal God, holding a sun-peng in his hands and stepping on all realms.

Between his hands, the battleship of order came to him, blocking the horrific blow.


This time, the order warship did not have time to support the defense and was blasted into pieces. Yu Wei immediately lifted the Lord of the Yinjiao Mountain and his mouth was bleeding.

Although Emperor Li Gui was fighting, he could see everything. The death of Jian Xingtian made him very sad. The sword Xingtian was the brother of Li Xing's common misfortune. When this happened, he could not explain to Li Xing.

Suddenly, Li Gui was angry and rushed to the crown, his eyes frowning, and his anger was stunned. He said, "The humanity is endless, the world is prosperous!"

Just cut it out with a sword. This sword carries the true meaning of humanity, as if it represents the past and future of the entire human race. It is extremely heavy and cannot be avoided.

The Lord of the Golden Horns was forced to fight back without success. Under this sword, he even shook his hands and shouted, "Wind cuts the world!"

In desperation, he gritted his teeth, performed a secret technique, and urged the full power of the damper. Suddenly, hundreds of millions of wind blades were rushed out of the door, and each one could be killed with immense power.

These wind blades spun out and cut to the Emperor densely, but they were all chopped by Li Gui's magnificent sword and none came close.

This sword is the first and most inhumane style of the three emperor styles that Li Gui combined with three hits. The past is a foregone conclusion, but immortal!

The wind blade is broken, and the sword is enduring. The sword light is overwhelming, covering the wind door, "ding", leaving a sword mark on it.

Lord Jinjiaoshan was shocked and retreated three steps, his face changed greatly, and his heart retreated.

During the fierce battle between the two sides, tens of thousands of immense Tianzun had stormed into the Xuanhuang continent and launched a fight.

This battle was very tragic. War spirits, demon soldiers, Dao soldiers, war puppets, imperial soldiers, and all soldiers and horses who could be mobilized were mobilized to fight each other.

At each moment, someone fell on both sides. Although there are few people coming from Watch Mountain, all of them are immeasurable figures with super strength, so they have the upper hand in the beginning and siege the city like a nobody.

In comparison, the 200-plus immeasurable celestial beings on Xuanhuang Continent are nothing, and under the siege of the enemy, they will soon consume one third.

But none of the Xuanhuang continent retreated.

However, this situation changed after the joining of the 60,000 Kingship. That silver horn was injured by a volley of an ancient civilization cannon, but he did not dare to stay in one place, for fear of being remembered by the ancient artillery again ~ www.readwn.com ~ In this way, he had insufficient checks and balances on the 60,000 kingship , So that Li Yingxiong and Bai Xiao Da Tian Zun can calmly command and attack the countless Da Tian Zun of Mount Wangwang.

With just one volley, more than two thousand immeasurable Datianzun ### dropped. Fifteen or more kingships killed, enough to cause fatal damage to most immeasurable gods.

However, after this volley, Lord Yinjiao immediately rushed into the kingship, urged the fire door, and released thousands of flame knife lights, and destroyed 8,000 kingships in one face.

Among these kingships, a large number of imperial fighters were included, and they were thus obliterated, and one failed to survive.

The emperor was furious, and Bai Xiao Tianzun urged the hammer and the large sword to block the silver horn.

I hate that the silver horn is very cunning. Hudongdonghuxi, change the place after a fight, making it difficult for the two to meet. On the contrary, a large number of kingships continued to be destroyed, quickly reducing from 60,000 to less than 20,000, and most of the losses!

The battlefield is ever-changing, and there will be many variables in the blink of an eye. Emperor Li Gui understands that his victory against Golden Horn will be the key to this war!

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