Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1201: Refining Light

Chapter 1201: Refinement Lighting

1201 Refining the Light

As soon as the Great War of Heaven appeared, Li Xing felt it. At this moment, he is still trapped under the Seven Colors Peak, and the situation is critical. [? The entire seven-color peak of the net has been refined by the ancient ancient lanterns, leaving the Ninja Forest directly exposed to the lights.

Araki has become very strenuous now, and he has been unable to hold on for too long. At most, he will have to give up the Ninja Forest to protect himself.

"It seems we are going to stay here today." Araki Road, who manifested himself as a woman, stood in front of Li Xing. "But it was good to meet you before dying, at least not so lonely."

Li Xing ignored her, and his expression was very solemn. The Junyuan Empire has just experienced a fierce battle and suffered heavy losses. At this time, the great war **** came to his door, and he hated the extreme.

"The Great Lord of War, when I step into the day of immeasurable time, this is the time when you fall!" His eyes flickered with murder, his fists clenched.

The sword penalty day died, and to the death, the dragon emperor exchanged, and many empire fighters, people of the mixed Yuan, fell in the war. The current mixed Yuan empire is so weak that it can no longer withstand its devastation.

At this moment, his heart is like a knife twisting, and he is full of resentment against the siege of the Yuan Dynasty who besieged himself, but he is helpless.

"There must be a way." Li Xing calmed his mind, and said to Araki, "You stay in the ninja forest, I will go out for a while to the Proterogeneous Lantern."

"What? Are you crazy?" Araki was surprised. Too few things could surprise her.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "You said that we must die. Since death is no doubt, what else is there to be afraid of? I'll go out and take a look, maybe I can find the flaws of the Yuangu lamp."

Araki fell silent, glanced at Li Xing, and said, "Be careful."

Li Xing laughed: "Do you care about people?"

"All sentient beings are affectionate," Araki said coldly. "You better be careful, if I die, I can't avenge you."

Li Xing nodded: "I will." Then he strode out, broke through the barrier of the plane, and rushed into the infinite light.

The Proterozoic lights are not bright. They look grey and gray, and contain infinite killing power. After Li Xing entered, Jiuyang's avatar appeared next to him, fighting alongside him.

An unexpected scene happened. Jiuyang's avatar entered the light, and Pan Guzhu in his body suddenly vibrated, releasing a majestic force. This power actually has one or two points in common with the Yuangu lamp.

Both of these forces can disrupt order and disregard rules. Jiuyang double eyed. Jing Guang, said: "I can refine the light."

Li Xingxi raised his eyebrows and said, "It's very good! It seems that there is no such thing as a heavenly road. Today, I will break through the ancient lantern."

The Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty blocked the Seven-Colored Peak with the Yuangu Lamp, and thought that the Araki below would soon be ambush, and did not expect that Li Xing and Jiuyang would suddenly emerge. Although he does not know the origin of the two below, he is unwilling to let go of anyone who may be related to Araki.

As a result, the Proterozoic Celestial Master urged the secret method, and in that light, manifested countless secret runes, as if there were countless large worlds floating in the light. These big worlds are all characters who died under the Proterogeneous Lantern, all turned into lights, and became part of the power of the Proterogeneous Lantern.

At this moment, countless strangled people have become the enemies of Li Xing and Jiuyang, which is the real terrible place of the Yuan Dynasty lanterns. Before, it was just pure refining, and there was no aggressive behavior.

A big world, including boundless killings, turned into a young great deity, holding a sword, and slaughtered towards Li Xing. As soon as this person shot, Li Xing knew that the opponent's kendo level was very high, and it was definitely above the sword ancestor.

At this moment, Jiuyang's avatar is studying the lights and can't be disturbed. So he mixed up the yuan gun and rushed to the past. The body of the gun shook and Sanshou lore was exhibited.

The longer you learn, the more powerful the three-life annihilation will be. One shot will stab, smash hundreds of millions of swords, and take the opponent's head straight.


With just one shot, the young Datianzun was stabbed in the head by Li Xing and disappeared. However, the next moment, the lights tumbled and the big deity appeared again.

In the light, these forces cannot be killed. Even if Li Xing kills 100 million times, they still have to be resurrected and fight endlessly. After discovering this, Li Xing no longer attacked. He took the Jiuyang avatar, performed the secret technique of civilization, and quickly walked through the lights.

This mystery is called a "big hidden step", which is performed in one step. The breath is invisible and hidden in the void, and no one can feel it. The Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty saw that the avatars of Li Xing and Jiuyang suddenly disappeared, and they did not know where they were hiding.

"Huh, under the ancient lamp, the immortal Da Tianzun is also going to die. I can see how long you can escape!" Yuan Gu Dazun sneered and pushed the lights even harder to kill Li Xing and Jiuyang.

Li Xing wandered through the lights, and he gradually discovered that Jiuyang's avatar had already comprehended the mysteries of the lights, and now he was sucking openly. I saw the immense amount of light burst into his mouth and nose and was sucked into his body.

As soon as those lights entered the body, they were refined by Pangu Ball. This refining process consists of three steps. The first step is to strip out the power hidden in the lights. These powers belong to all things, such as the Great Celestial Master, magical instruments, and heavenly treasures refined by the light.

At this moment, these forces are all extracted and then absorbed by Panguzhu. This kind of absorption is very strange. Pan Guzhu first transformed the strength into the strength it needed, and then absorbed it.

In the second step, the pure lights are divided into groups of lights, all of which are given by Panguzhu ### 住 live.

In the third step, each ball of light, the useful uprisings, was extracted by Panguzhu. This is what Pan Guzhu needs most. Every time it absorbs some power, it is powerful.

This process is slow to say, but in fact it is proceeding extremely quickly, and more and more lights are devoured by Jiuyang's avatar. In the process, Li Xing can sense that Jiuyang's strength is constantly soaring, because in the lights, there are civilizations and uprights!

Li Xing immediately thought that the first Emperor of the Proterozoic Empire, but a supremely broken character, such a person has experienced countless civilizations. This lamp uses its cheekbones as its body, and its heart fat is oil, which naturally contains the power of civilization.

Discovering this, Li Xing didn't dare to carelessly, guarding Jiuyang with all his strength and letting him absorb the lights with all his strength. This is a good thing, it can make Jiuyang's avatar a higher level, maybe it can break through to the immortal realm.

By that time, he will greatly increase his strength, and will not let the previous attack on Watch Mountain, the loss is serious, such a tragic incident.

The Yuantian Grand Supreme also felt a little strange, and the lights seemed to be diminishing. Although the amplitude was small, he was still alert and immediately drank: "The people below, please report to the name, this Grand Supreme honors you to die."

Li Xing sneered in his heart. This Prodigal Lord has been listed as a slay by him, and he naturally does not want to say more. Just wait for the day of strength, settle the Proterozoic!

Li Xing lingering among the immense amount of light, Li Xing encountered many strange things. Most of them were engulfed in light and then manifested in the light. However, there are some very special things, although they are not refined by the lights ###.

The things that can not be refined in the Yuan Dynasty lanterns are naturally precious. Li Xing will certainly not give up this opportunity and let Jiuyang avatar directly inhale it, and then use Panguzhu to separate it.

The first thing is ten unparalleled huge battleships. The sides of the battleship were lined with muzzle. Li Xing naturally recognized the origin of these cannons, and it was precisely the planes.

The difference is that the power of the ancient artillery on this plane is much stronger than that of Shouwang Mountain, which is a hundred times more powerful. And he also found that one end of the giant ship was a huge wolf head.

The wolf was very shy, with his mouth wide open, and seemed to devour everything.

Although the origin of the ship was unknown, Li Xing asked Jiuyang to collect it. These warships, along with the lights, were swallowed up by Jiuyang's avatar at once.

Although the battleship was huge, when it reached Jiuyang, it became so small that it was swallowed. After they entered Panguzhu, they were thrown aside and manifested that Panguzhu had little interest in them.

However, a miraculous scene happened, and the wolf heads on the ten warships suddenly took a hard breath and made a huge inhaling sound. The power of the world that Pan Guzhu extracted from the lights was continuously sucked into the hull by it.

You know, the power of these worlds is extremely large. It was Jiuyang's avatars who refined it for a long time before they accumulated it. They didn't want to be absorbed all at once.

Li Xing suddenly realized that he knew that 80% of the ship had the ability to make artillery shells by itself, so he didn't stop it. Instead, he put all the world power next to the battleship and let it suck.

The second thing is twenty-four white beads. The beads were not large, similar to fists, and they were linked by a white light of varying thickness.

Li Xing observed for a while and found that those white lights were similar to a kind of orbit. And, www.readwn.com can switch between any two tracks quickly, forming a series of wonderful transportation networks.

This function of the beads can be said to be ten thousand times brighter than the ancient trees in space, although the ancient trees in space can be moved at will, but they cannot be organized in this order.

He immediately thought that if he could get this set of beads in his hands and place them in the Xuanhuang World, would he not be able to use his flexible defense force? By then, it would be an unparalleled, efficient and sharp command system.

Under this command system, double the strength of the troops and can play more than ten times the combat power, leaving the enemy at a loss.

Naturally, these twenty-four beads were also put away.

But in comparison, the third thing is more important to Li Xing, because it is a picture, a special picture. This picture is three feet three inches high and seven feet three inches long, with the mysterious runes on it.

Li Xing only glanced, his eyes couldn't leave it, his face was full of excitement, and he murmured: "Three emperors! This must be three emperors!"

Without any hesitation, Jiuyang rushed in and swallowed the three emperor's figure in one sip.

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