Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1202: 3 Emperor Figure. Mixed Yuan Critical

Chapter 1202: Three Emperor Figures. Mixed Yuan Critical

Chapter 1202: Three Emperor Figures

The Three Emperor Figures were swallowed into Jiuyang Fen's body, and Li Xing took the Three Emperor Figures for enlightenment as soon as possible. ,, * | Wang Yao's mixed-yuan world has given birth to the Emperor and the Emperor, and his own understanding of the three pictures has reached a very high level.

Therefore, after only watching for a moment, his heart trembled, and if he realized it, he immediately fell into the state of entering the state and brewed his own three emperors upright.

At this time, on the Xuanhuang continent, the Emperor was giving orders. They didn't know the Great Heavenly Deity of War, but the objective will of the Hunyuan plane told them that this man was very dangerous and might be more terrible than Shouwang Mountain.

At this time, the Xuanhuang continent had little fighting power. The Imperial Ship, the Bone Chariot, the 60,000 Kingship, the War Soul, the Dao Ping, and the Demon Puppet were all destroyed. Civilized artillery shells have also been used up. At this moment, they can only use their own strength to fight the war lord.

The Emperor held a purple electric sword and Shen said: "The enemy is very powerful, but I will wait for fear and protect Xuanhuang!"

"Guard Xuanhuang!"

The crowd roared, many of them looked sad, but they did not give in.

Li Gui nodded and said, "The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is enlightening an incomparable school. As long as we pass this level, we will be victorious."

After all, the emperor came out with a sword and stepped out of the Xuanhuang continent. He must fight against the strong enemy with a one-man battle. The mixed yuan empire can no longer be damaged, he must now do so, stand alone!

In the infinite starry sky, the Emperor is proud and independent, and stands opposite to the Great War Venerable, saying loudly, "Where is the Great War Venerable?"

The war **** looked cold, and he did not answer, and asked, "Where is the emperor?"

The Emperor said lightly: "The Emperor is not here, and I will take charge of it today."

"Then I will kill you first." The Great War of Heaven blasted out with a punch, and the horrible will of war swept up, which was daunting. This punch seemed to be invaded by infinite soldiers and horses.

The emperor was fearless, shaking his sword hard, and fought one another.


The power of this punch is extremely powerful, and it is on par with the Emperor. But this is just the beginning. The big war shouted loudly, and there were countless soldiers and horses behind him.

These soldiers and horses are numerous, and they all come from the war plane created by the Great War of Heaven. The war plane is killing every day. The people who survive are the king of war, the master of war, ruthless blood and unparalleled combat power.

Among them, the king of war is mostly without great deities, and the master of war is immeasurable. At this moment, there are the king of 80 billion wars and the master of 30,000 wars, all of a sudden appearing, spreading all over the land, enclosing the Xuanhuang continent.

In the hands of these war madmen, there are war goldmen as huge as the big world; there are war rush cars that can break through the plane; there are huge crossbows that can shoot and kill countless planes; there are war cannons that can break through the defense.

In addition, 8,000 warships appeared in the sight of the Emperor. The power of these warships must be above the kingship, and they can be equal to ten.

This is the means of the great deity of war. In an instant, the invincible division of war is summoned from the plane.

Such a battle almost made the people of the Empire desperate.

The emperor was unmoved, and he fought against the war lords in one move. On the other hand, more than 80 billion troops quickly moved towards Xuanhuang Continent ###, and the war began.

Li Ba, commander of the three armed forces, stood up at this moment and shouted, "Children, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, swearing to protect your homeland!" Hundreds of billions of soldiers roared in unison. Behind them are relatives and friends. They also roared together, tears flowing.

Li arrogantly said: "Yes, we must protect our homes, protect our wives, children, and children behind us, guard our homeland, and prevent the enemy from making a half-step!" His eyes were decisive. "

No one flinched, all those who practiced above the ancient level stood up. They divided the regiments according to their realms, and they were organized in an orderly manner.

The ninth emperor also stood up and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, this emperor has informed the Grand Marshal that the reinforcements will definitely come. As long as we persist for a while, we can survive this difficult situation."

That being said, there is only bitterness in the ninth emperor's heart. At this moment, Marshal Bingmao, the three immortal deities in the fierce battlefield government, cannot come here at all, and I am afraid that reinforcements will not appear.

"Are you going to lose out here? Brother Li Xing, I can't tell you." The ninth emperor sighed and drove up the Throne of Immortal, leading the crowd to join the battle.

"Boom boom!"

The attack began, and a large number of warships volleyed in a single burst, blasting off the defense of Xuanhuang continent and driving straight in. Each of the 30,000 non-magnificent warlords has amazing powers. In a split second, hundreds of billions of soldiers of the mixed Yuan Empire were destroyed.

War golden men can kill a corps with one punch; a single crossbow from the plane can smash a country.

On the Xuanhuang continent, flesh and blood flew, stubbles and flesh everywhere. But batch after batch of imperial fighters still rushed forward, blocking the enemy's invasion with flesh and blood.

On the Xuanhuang continent, under the shooting of a giant crossbow, there were originally more than 100,000 people. At the moment, there are only less than a hundred people left. A woman wailed in the sky, "Oh emperor, why don't you show up? Are we really going to perish?"

The Lord of War and the Kings of War, kill people when they see them, ruthless blood, every village, city, every country, region has become their target of attack, they crush everything, trample everything, kill everything!

The emperor's dedication to fighting alone in war alone cannot prevail, watching his people be killed, his heart is bleeding. But he must be calm. Only with calm can he win a chance.

The sword style is even sharper. The Emperor's three styles are exhibited. Each sword is destructive, but unfortunately, it cannot hurt the great war. This man is too powerful, and his accumulation is so strong that he reaches an incredible level.

The core of Wuliang Dazun lies in the word Wuliang, whose strength can be infinitely increased and possesses supreme potential. Among them, the peerless characters can be killed and immortal.

The Great War of Heaven clearly belongs to this type of strong man. It has endless potential and terrifying strength. It can kill the world with one force, and I am invincible!

"The emperor of Yuan Dynasty killed my younger brother, and I want to destroy all of you."

"Unless you stepped on the Emperor's body, you don't think about it." The Emperor Leng hummed, suddenly a sword was cut out, and the infinite amount of sword energy broke through the void, and instantly killed hundreds of warlords.

The Supreme Master of War is unmoved, saying: "You are useless to struggle, and you and the people behind you will die."

He suddenly had a three-pointed, two-edged sword in his hand. The war atmosphere on it was rich, and it was an immortal magic weapon, and it was a magic weapon for the ninety-eighth calamity!

The emperor's heart sank, and the Great War Emperor was too terrible. Compared with the Lord of the Golden Horn and the Lord of the Silver Horn, they did not even match the shoes!

At the same time, the army of war had invaded the Xuanhuang world, and even if they tried hard to resist, they could not stop their killing. More and more people fell, Jun Qianheng, Xiao Xiaobao, Yao Huang, one by one drunk the battlefield.

The mixed world is at stake, and if there is no miracle, it will be destroyed.

At this moment, Marshal Mansion broke up with Li Xing for the innocence of time and was staring at an urgent report, which was sent from Makino Pass. The above said that the prefectural government united Watchman Mountain to attack, and Makino Pass suffered heavy losses.

In addition, Makino Seki is now under the attack of a great warrior, a very powerful character. If he does not rescue, he will fall.

"Makino Seki, isn't that where Li Xing and the ninth emperor are stationed? How can he send troops to help him when his father is away?" The innocence suddenly anxious.

At this time, the doomsday Datianzun came and said: "Miss, Grand Marshal's old friend, Bayu Datianzun, please come out and greet me."

The innocent eyes brightened and said, "Good time, there is a way!"

In the lobby of the Marshal's House, a middle-aged man was sitting on a chair, describing Qiwei as he was slowly drinking tea. This person is not trivial, and the Daohao Bayu is an immortal deity equivalent to the strength of Marshal and Marshal.

As soon as the innocent person arrived, he cried, "Uncle Bayu, you're here, innocence wants you to die."

As soon as Bayu Tianzun saw the innocence, he suddenly showed a bitter face, and said, "Every time you say to me, little girl, there is nothing good, you still don't think about me."

Innocence pursed his lips and said, "Uncle is so stingy. Didn't someone just play in your plane last time?"

Bayu Datianzun sighed and said, "It's only one play, it's not a big deal. However, some of the domineers in the plane have clashed, hurting tens of thousands of Datianzun, and destroyed a dozen. Only immortal. "

The innocence blushed and said: "Uncle, I won't do it next time." Then she smiled sweetly and said to Doomsday, "Go get my dad's full-blown wine, I'll drink with Uncle Bayu cup."

Bayu Datianzun was startled. The full-bodied wine was a 108-bodied wine. It was extremely rare. Even he usually could n’t drink too much.

"Little girl ~ www.readwn.com ~ What the **** are you doing? Suddenly you are so kind to Uncle?" Bayu Datianzun hurriedly didn't dare to drink this wine.

The eyes of the innocent Da Tianzun became red, and he cried, saying, "Uncle, a good friend of mine is in great trouble now, can you help him?"

Bayu Datianzun smiled: "It turned out to be asking for me." He touched his chin. "Okay, for the sake of Manjubiao, how do you talk about it?"

So, the innocence of Makino Seki being attacked and killed by the Great War. Upon hearing the latter, he frowned, "The Great Lord of War? I've heard of this person's name, and it's said to be very good."

"Are uncle afraid?" Innocent asked blinking.

Ba Yu Tianzun laughed and said, "Little girl has used agitation, but it doesn't matter, Uncle decides to help you."

"That's great!" Innocent overjoyed, "Uncle, let's go immediately."

Bayu Datianzun's eyes flashed and said: "Okay, let's go. I'd like to see and see. Is that war Datianzun related to that person?"

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