Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1204: Powerful plane

Chapter 1204: The Powerful Plane

Chapter 1204: Powerful Plane

At this moment, the first defense of the mixed plane is still the ancient tree of war. The ancient trees of today's war have absorbed nearly 50,000 immense deities, and 80 billion immeasurable deities. They have been used to create the same amount of homogeneous war spirits, so the combat effectiveness is very horrible.

Moreover, the weapons brought out of those war planes are equipped to the war soul, including war ships, war cannons, and so on.

It can be said that with this first line of defense, it is possible to completely block attacks of the same level as Watch Mountain.

The second line of defense became a sky rail. With this sky rail, the emperor can reach the ground with the help of twenty-four sky rail beads. In particular, the Emperor deployed 60,000 kingships, imperial ships, ten warships, twenty-eight ancient artillery cannons, and thirty ancient artillery cannons on this line of defense.

Under the control of the sky rails, these warships are out of control and cooperate with the battle. In one blow, they can easily kill the immortal God and the horrible attack power.

The third line of defense belongs to the internal line of defense. It is composed of Tao soldiers and Imperial soldiers, and is jointly commanded by the emperor and the emperor. However, it is certain that the enemy is unlikely to enter the third line of defense because the first two lines of defense are too terrifying.

In fact, there is a fourth line of defense in the hybrid plane, and that is Araki. It's just that Araki is at a retreat at this moment, and is trying to refine the Ninja Forest. If she joins in the future, she will be able to set up a forbidden zone of life to cooperate with the ancient trees of war.

The treasures of the four seas were also fully opened. At the same time, the dragon elephant boy also contributed the treasures buried in the dragon elephant world to the emperor. This is undoubtedly a great asset.

These include four immortal-level artifacts, immortal-level Great Fortune Dan, and even powerful weapons. These things are uniformly assigned to the Emperor, all used to build the Emperor Team.

The two boys, Longxiang and Shanhai, followed the emperor and became the emperor's messenger. To them, the Emperor is actually Li Xing, but he is happy to help.

The current mixed-yuan plane, with its fine grain and strong defensive power, can stabilize its mind and vigorously develop. More importantly, the appearance of the emperor changed a rule. That is, in the future, the mixed real man in Xiuyuan will no longer be suppressed by Li Xing.

In other words, as long as they have sufficient qualifications, they can continue to improve, and even enter into immeasurable and immortal. This is the greatest benefit to the plane after the Emperor appeared.

After the fierce battle, the people of the entire empire were greatly stimulated. Whether it was the power of Watch Mountain, or the horror of the great war lord, they were deeply impressed. Many people have started retreat and want to break through themselves and improve their strength.

In some cities and villages, collective retreats occurred, leaving Li Xing speechless. However, the opening of the Dragon Elephant Treasure and the Four Seas Treasure made Li Xing a rich man, but he also supported and raised so many people to cultivate at the same time.

Before leaving, Li Xing invited her innocence as a guest and warmly entertained her. In fact, this time, if it is not innocence, please come to Bayu Dayzun to help, and the outcome is unpredictable.

The Great Emperor of War is obviously a peerless power, and the birth of the Emperor may not be able to stop it. Therefore, he was very grateful for his innocence and wanted to thank her in person.

"We are friends, you don't need to thank me." Innocent smiled. "It is amazing that you can defeat Watchman Mountain. When I go back, I will tell my father and let him promote you."

Li Xing laughed: "Promotion is not necessary, as long as you move around, I am very happy."

"I will come often. This plane is very interesting and very helpful to my cultivation." Innocent said, "Well, you have to go too. I won't stay much. I will leave today. Before leaving, I Something to say. "

"Please say." Li Xing said.

"You are the civilized god, and my father said that the potential of the civilized **** is endless and the future is immense. I hope you will grow up in the future, not against heaven, nor against your father."

Li Xing was strange: "Why do you think so?"

A sigh of innocence: "Under this sky, there are too many powerful people. If you are strong enough, you will naturally challenge power, will you?"

Li Xing was silent, and said, "You can rest assured that you and I are friends, and I will not let you down."

The innocence immediately rejoiced and said, "I'm very happy with your words."

After sending away the innocence, Li Xing immediately left the plane of Junyuan and returned to Beihuang, waiting for the next order. He is currently under the control of the Inspectorate and must serve him.

Of course, when he came back this time, there was one more thing to do, and that was to destroy Watchman Mountain and get the water gate of one of the eight treasures. Now, he has seven gates of sky, earth, wind, thunder, mountain, ze, and fire, only one water gate.

He calculated with chaos, that if the eight treasures can be united, they can be turned into a congenital treasure, called the door of the gossip, with great power. With this congenital treasure in the future, Destroyer Datianzun will greatly increase its combat effectiveness.

However, he also knew that it was not easy to find the owner of Tiejiao Mountain. Presumably, the news that the entire army of Overlook Hill had been annihilated had reached his ears. Bacheng was frightened and found a place to hide.

After returning to Beihuang, Li Xing searched for more than a month, but he could not find the main footprint of Tiejiao Mountain. Instead, he received the second mission sent by the violent Datianzun, which was to go to Suyin continent and assassinate a group to enter there Lord of the Lands.

After receiving the order, Li Xingsuan reported the situation of the previous mission. The violent Da Tianzun did not take the death of Qi Ao Tianzun and Jue Da Tianzun very much, and did not ask a word ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ Of course, Li Xing did not hand over the seven-colored glass eggs, but A good thing, if he refines it in the future, he can consolidate the seven-color avatar, and the combat power is still above the nine-yang avatar. How can he give it away?

It seems to know the origins of the Proterozoic Celestial God and Araki, and the violent Great Celestial Lord did not blame Li Xing, only asking him to complete the second task, otherwise the military law dealt with it.

The information given by the violent Datianzun shows that the group of big deities who entered the Suyin continent is not weak. There are a total of eight people, three of whom are the Infinite Devil and the other six are followers of the Promise.

The purpose of the trip of the three immense demon statues was to establish contacts with Suyin continent. Of course, the deeper purpose of the prefecture is not so, but to annex more northern desert continents and expand their power.

For this person's task, Li Xing didn't feel much difficulty. There is only one thing worth noting. That is, there is an immortal-level Great Venerable King sitting on Suyin Continent. He must be careful.

On this day, he performed civilization phantasy, transformed into a woman, and entered the Suyin continent. Because Li Xing had known for a long time that this place on the mainland of Suyin never allowed men to enter it, otherwise he would be under siege and eventually become a slave, and he would be miserable.

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