Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1205: You Xiang Da Tian Zun

Chapter 1205: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 1205: Great Fragrant Heaven

The Suyin continent belongs to the Suyin civilization, but this civilization does not experience the same period as the Yin-Yang civilization and has ruled the order of the theme. [It is a civilization created by a great civilization.

That big deity, the road number is Su Yin. Because she hated men all her life, the civilization established established to exclude men, not even male creatures.

In his lifetime, Su Yin established a huge group plane. Later, Suyin Datianzun fell, and that group plane fell into the northern wasteland and became today's Suyin continent.

Today's Suyin mainland still rejects men, but it is not as severe as it was then. There are a large number of men on the mainland, but they are all slaves of the Suyin continent.

Li Xing turned into a dark-skinned girl, showing the practice of the 71st Nirvana. This kind of practice is already considered a master on the mainland, and no matter where you go, you will be respected to varying degrees.

Soon after entering the Suyin continent, he was stopped by a group of patrolling female soldiers and asked about his origin. Li Xing said that he returned from traveling and was from Suyin mainland. His mixed-yuan civilization can simulate all civilizations, so the breath on his body is a native Suyin woman, no one can see.

The patrolling female soldier had no doubt, but only said that she was good at repairing, hoping to enter Wangcheng to work. Speaking of Wang Cheng, I have to mention the supreme figure of the Suyin continent, the Queen of the Yin.

The queen of the Taiyin ruled the entire Suyin continent, its cultivation has reached the immortal realm, and it is the first master of the continent. Below the queen, there are several elders, all of whom are extremely ambitious and have great strength.

It is the purpose of Li Xing's trip to enter the King City and then kill the three of the three prefectures. Of course, he will not let go of this opportunity, and immediately expressed his great interest, hoping that the other party can help recommend it.

Things went very smoothly. A female soldier wrote a letter to Li Xing and asked him to go to Wangcheng to find a battalion commander of the inspection battalion, who was her sister.

In order to express her gratitude, Li Xing gave her ten maggots of no great fortune, and then went to Wangcheng with a letter and arrived the same day.

King City is magnificently built, with a length of 800,000 miles around it. Numerous residents and monks live in the city. This is also a relatively open city. When he entered, he did not face any interrogation and went smoothly.

After inquiring, Li Xing found the head of the inspection battalion. However, there are hundreds of light inspection battalions in the huge king city. After many twists and turns, he finally found the female soldier's sister.

This person is named Youxiang Datianzun, a beauty, but his temperament looks rather cold, and he is a great deity. The patrol camp she holds is the 21st patrol camp, which is responsible for patrolling an area near the palace.

Although Li Xing's transformation into a young girl is inconspicuous, the cultivation is really good.

In the lobby of the inspection camp, Li Xing stood below, respectfully paid respect to Youxiang, and presented the letter. Youxiang Datianzun read the letter and said, "My sister recommended you to come, but it did not tell you where you came from. You can practice to this point, and you must be an unknown person. Now talk about your teacher. "

Li Xing had already prepared a speech and explained it to each other. This set of rhetoric is indeed relevant. He met a female nun on the way, which was comparable to him. After reading the other party's memory, Li Xing picked it up ###, and then replaced the woman's identity.

It was easy to find that was #Fanghua, #### Fanghua, Shi Chengqunfang.

After reporting the history, Youxiang Datianzun immediately ordered an investigation and soon came to fruition. It is clear that there is someone, and the ancestors of the teachers and ancestors are correct.

Youxiang Datianzun nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, Fanghua, you will be a close guard next to this inspector, and you have a good future.

"Yes, thank you grown up!" Li Xing said very gratefully.

That night, Li Xing entered the residence with Youxiang Datianzun, a very elegant villa. In the villa, the fragrant grass is lush, and the flowers are striking. Youxiang Datianzun sat in the pavilion at will, and Li Xing accompanied three other female guards.

Youxiang Datianzun sat in the pavilion for a few hours, looking very anxious, and seemed to be waiting for someone. At this moment, a female guard next to her said, "No matter what you see today, don't say it, or you will be at your own risk."

Li Xing looked at each other, his heart was even stranger, can't he say it? Is there an unspeakable secret?

It didn't take long before he knew what was going on. A young man described as handsome and extraordinary in temperament. He was wearing a prison uniform and was taken into a kiosk by two female guards.

As soon as the man saw Youxiang Datianzun, he stepped forward excitedly and said, "Youxiang, you finally see me, I miss you so much."

Li Xing's goosebumps were all up and suddenly understood what was going on. Eighty percent of the man was a slave on Suyin's continent, and he didn't know how to get involved with this Youxiang Datianzun.

He took another look, and immediately frowned. This fragrant deity should not be an indigenous person on the mainland of Suyin, so nature does not exclude men. On the contrary, there is a flowing color between her eyebrows and eyebrows. She should be an unstable woman and easily affect her.

Looking at the man again, it is obvious that he has come to realize a red dust path. But in this path, the best person to seduce a woman is the romantic seed, and there are countless women around him.

Li Xing saw his eyebrows and sighed in his heart. He doesn't really like this pair very much, because it can be concluded that men are nothing more than to use women's power to obtain freedom. And this woman is obviously in the way of men.

Youxiang Datianzhuang frowned, and said, "Do you miss me? As a slave, what qualifications do you have to miss me?"

This was a sentence that struck self-esteem, but the man was undisturbed. He sighed and said, "I know that my identity is not worthy of you, but Youxiang, you go out and see. The outside world is completely here. Different, men and women are the same, no one is more noble than others. Will you go with me? Leave this right and wrong place, let's find a place not to be disturbed and join the road together. "

"Don't say it, I won't promise you." Youxiang Datianzun's eyes darkened, "because once this is done, the queen will not let us go."

Next, the two sides talked to you, and all you said was love, and Li Xing was impatient. At this moment, his face changed slightly, and he suddenly reached out and grabbed the void, and a ghost was caught.

The ghost image exploded and turned into a woman, with a fierce look, and yelled, "Bad, dare to shoot at the battalion commander!"

Youxiang Datianzun was startled and said, "It's you, Yunfei Datianzun! What are you doing?"

That Yunfei Tianzun is the head of the 22nd inspection battalion, she sneered: "Youxiang, you dare to communicate with men, this is a death penalty!"

You Xiang's face changed drastically. "You bullshit! The battalion chief is just interrogating him."

"Really?" She sneered. "But you just heard the conversation clearly, and it has been recorded. Is it personal communication? I think Her Majesty can understand it."

Youxiang Datianzun had a flash of murder in her eyes and was about to speak, but Li Xing suddenly turned her palms and kept it on Yunfei Datianzun's forehead. Just listening to the "pounce", the opponent's forehead exploded, the plane was destroyed, and he died instantly.

Everyone was taken aback and looked at Li Xing with incredible eyes. Of course, Li Xing in their eyes is still the Fanghua Tianzun.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "If she doesn't die, the commander of the camp must die. Correct the proposition and ask the commander to punish him."

There was a hint of doubt in Youxiang Datianzun's eyes, but after a moment, she firmly said, "We have not seen Yunfei Datianzun today, and Fanghua did not kill."

The other three female guards looked at each other and said in unison: "My subordinates understand."

Youxiang Datianzun looked at Li Xing: "Fanghua, your strength is so powerful. I am afraid that you are far from your enemy. This is really surprising."

Li Xing smiled slightly: "What's the matter? My subordinates have seen someone kill Nirvana with Nirvana, and that's a great character."

Youxiang Datianzun also knows that there are many terrible characters in the world, who are like evil spirits, and have a grand accumulation. It is not uncommon to be like Fanghua Datianzun.

She nodded slowly: "You are doing very well today, and I will help you in the future if you have a chance."

Li Xingchang yelled, "Thank you to the commander."

This small storm has passed, and Li Xing is actually not very concerned about it. He just wants to find the opportunity to enter the palace quickly, so as to kill the people in those prefectures.

However, in a conversation with Youxiang Datianzun, he got a very useful information.

Perhaps because "Fanghua" helped her kill Yun Fei Tianzun, she was regarded as her own person, and Youxiang Datianzun was willing to share some of her thoughts with her.

In a secret room, Youxiang Datian said: "Fanghua, you must know what's going on. Yes, I fell in love with that man. He is a man worthy of trust."

Li Xing has no interest in this kind of thing ~ www.readwn.com ~ but can only listen with patience, saying: "Camp, what is this person's origin, can you find out?"

"He came from Shouwang Mountain, which is a very powerful force. Once, he was captured because he chased the enemy by mistake and entered the Suyin continent. When he was captured, I was also there. At the first sight of him, I was moved "Youxiang Datianzun said," His eyes are so infatuated that I can't bear to look away and want to put in his arms. "

Li Xing bit his tongue and said, "The commander of the camp should not be an indigenous monk on the Suyin continent. It is normal to have such an experience."

"Yeah, I was born the Great Celestial Being and was brought to this continent. People around me told me that men are not good and dirty and hateful, so I have always looked down on and hated them. But I saw After the love, my mind changed, he was really good. "

Li Xing resisted rolling his eyes ###, saying: "Is the battalion commander already better with him?"

This is a straightforward question. The so-called "better" is nothing more than men and women or men and women, You Xiang naturally understand. Her jade cheeks were red, and she said, "What nonsense, I just like him, but not a casual person."

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