Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1206: Find Watch Hill

Chapter 1206 Finding Watch Mountain

Chapter 1206: Finding Watch Mountain

Li Xing nodded earnestly: "Since it's not easy, everything will be easy."

Youxiang Datianzun stunned, she obviously did not understand what Li Xing meant.

Li Xing explained: "If the battalion commander hasn't been better with that person, you can cut off with one and then find a reliable man to double fly and fly."

Youxiang Datianzun looked cold: "What did you say?"

This woman was obviously unable to accept Li Xing's suggestion, and she even revealed a hint of murderousness. It seemed that she had become very infatuated with the love lover, and could not allow others to verbally deny it.

In fact, Li Xing didn't want to ask about such things, which had nothing to do with his half dime. However, since Qinghua Datianzun is a person from Watch Mountain, he can just use it to ask the whereabouts of the owner of Tiejiao Mountain.

He set a plan early in his mind, and sneered at this moment: "The camp leader first met with the man, I'm afraid he still doesn't know his true thoughts? Then I am afraid that the Emperor Qinghua is not true to the camp director, but has other plans."

"You bullshit!" Youxiang Datianzhuang was very angry. "He is sincere to me, and I can be sure of this. Fanghua, although you are a close person around me, I don't allow you to talk about love like this."

Li Xing sighed and said, "Since the battalion commander has such a solution, how about you and me?"

"What do you want to make?" You Xiang asked coldly.

"Let's bet, is the love flower true to the commander. If it is, the subordinate is willing to agree to any of the conditions of the commander. On the contrary, if not, I also hope that the commander can agree to a condition of the subordinate." Li Xingdao.

"I'm not interested." Qinghua Datianzun refused directly.

Li Xingdao: "Since the battalion commander is so affirmed, the love flower must be sincere to you. What about betting? Isn't it really deep in your heart that he really loves you?"

Apparently, Youxiang Datianzun could not hear this sentence, and immediately said angrily, "Okay, bet on it, don't regret if you lose."

Li Xing laughed: "I naturally will not regret it, regardless of winning or losing, because this is a good thing for the battalion commander."

"Then you say, how can you tell if he is sincere?" Youxiang Datianzun asked.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "This is easy. As long as the camp leader does what his subordinates say, he can immediately see if he is sincere." At the moment, he explained the strategy in detail and listened to Youxiang Datianzun.

After listening to the latter, you sighed quietly and said, "This is a good idea, well, I'll allow it."

On the same day, among the slave camps in Suyin Kingdom, You Xiang Da Tianzun came down with "Fanghua" in person, ordered Qing Hua Da Tianzun, and said he would bring him questions. The slave-manager didn't have a high place. He was very obsessed with Youxiang Datianzun, and he didn't dare to stay in the slightest, and agreed quickly.

When Qinghua saw Youxiang and Li Xing appearing, his face showed ecstasy. When the three of them walked out of the slave camp and flew outside of the Suyin continent, the joy on his face became more difficult to conceal.

"Youxiang, are you going to save me out?" He asked hopefully.

Youxiang Datianzun smiled slightly: "Nature is to save you out, and I also brought one of the most trusted subordinates. From then on, you and I will fly together and stay together forever, okay?"

Qinghua Datianzun nodded again and again: "Okay! Leaving this place, I will take you to Shouwang Mountain, where I am in a position to make your life very happy."

Youxiang Datianzun nodded: "Love, I believe in you."

Li Xing secretly sighed, and said in his heart that you would not believe it immediately. He didn't speak, and silently limply followed behind the two.

The three finally left the Suyin continent, and Qinghua Datian Zun couldn't help laughing out loud: "I'm finally free!"

Youxiang Datianzun said: "Love, don't be happy with me, this will certainly attract the Queen's attention. Let's find a place to hide soon. Can Watch Mountain really protect us?"

Qinghua Datianzun took a glance at Youxiang and looked a little weird. He said, "You can rest assured that the power of Watch Mountain is far above the continent of Suyin. They were able to detain me because Watch Mountain did not know that I was here The news, if you knew, you would have saved me. "

He reached out and said, "Youxiang, go, I'll take you to Watch Mountain."

Li Xing secretly rejoiced that this method was really useful. As long as he reached the old nest of Shouwang Mountain, he had a way to kill the Lord of Tiejiao Mountain in one fell swoop. As soon as Tiejiao died, Watchman Mountain was basically finished, but it was flattened in one fell swoop!

Where would Qinghua Datianzun know that Li Xingbao was hiding his misfortune, and did not look at him straight from the beginning. An average-looking, low-profile guard is not worth his attention.

The three flew for a long time and entered a mysterious space-time. As soon as he entered time and space, Li Xing sensed the power of order, and the light of order in his body flashed wildly.

He jumped in his heart, knowing that this place was the place of Watch Mountain, and he couldn't help expecting it, maybe he could find more civilizations that could help him to cultivate.

The last time Shouwang Mountain attacked Makino Pass, the whole army was overwhelmed, and more than 12,000 immeasurable Tianzun fell. Among these numerous immense celestial deities, a considerable part of them are orderers.

But unfortunately, with so many orderers, he did not find a civilization that could be used. He got another advanced civilization, but he can't use it yet.

In fact, the reason is simple. Although there are many orderers, many of them have the same civilized order. Moreover, most of these types of civilization were acquired by him in the first confrontation with Watch Mountain.

The civilization that had been used once had no effect on him. And those that he hadn't encountered before, and the level was too low, were of no use to him.

This made Li Xing anxious to break through to the boundless realm quickly. Today, when he saw the light of order flashing wildly, he couldn't help but hope again, maybe he could meet the desired civilization today.

Love Flower Da Tianzun led You Xiang and Li Xing into the foot of a mountain on a mighty shore, and then excitedly said, "Yu Xiang, here is Watch Mountain, where I cultivate." He screamed, and more than a hundred streamers immediately flew down the huge peak , Happily landed.

Every streamer changes into a woman, with a beautiful and charming appearance. One by one, they surrounded the Love Flower Venerable, and softly called "Hua Ge" softly.

Some people snuggle directly into his arms, flirting with winking eyes, flowing with jade waves in their wonderful eyes, very emotional.

Youxiang Datianzun was stunned. When has she seen such a battle, her body is stiff and she doesn't know what to say.

Hundreds of women, each with their own unique beauty, looked at Youxiang with a hostile look, and asked, "Hua Ge, who is she? Looks good."

Qinghua Datianzun said lightly: "I just borrowed her hand and returned to Watchman Mountain." Then he said to Youxiang Datianzun, "Yuxiang, I'm sorry, Watchman cannot keep you."

Youxiang Datianzun lowered her head, and Jiao's body trembled slightly. She sighed and said, "Fanghua, I was wrong. You are right, he is using me."

Qinghua Datianzun stared coldly and stared at Li Xing: "I can't see it, your humble niece is quite eye-catching." He walked in front of Li Xing and said coldly, "Unfortunately, you again Smart, die with your master today. "

Li Xing looked as usual, saying: "Even if you don't like her, there is no need to kill her. Why not let us go alive?"

Lianhua Datianzun sighed coldly: "Although Shouwang Mountain is not afraid of Suyin Continent, it is also a trouble to get involved. If the fragrance is not dead, Suyin Continent may find this place, which is very bad for us.

"So you have to kill people and eliminate the trouble." You Xiang raised her head, her eyes were cold, "I don't miss the affection between you and me."

"You stupid woman, what is your affection between you and me? Whenever my thoughts approach you, you always stand high, and I ca n’t wait to stand under your palm! Hum, and I have three hundred beauties, you count What? Everything before that was just acting on the scene, the purpose was to use your strength to escape from the tiger's mouth. "

Qinghua Datianzun is cold and authentic, with a ruthless tone, where is the shadow of the previous affection?

Youxiang Datianzun sighed: "Fanghua, I'm so confident that I'm in trouble with you, I can't hold you back."

"You're sorry for me." Li Xing laughed. "I feel that Lord Tiejiao is here, okay, very good."

Having said that, he restored his true appearance and became his true colors. Everyone was taken aback, Yuxiang Datianzun was even more surprised to open his lips, and closed for a long time.

"You ... you're a man!" She said eagerly. Li Xing has a great body, a handsome appearance, and a chic temperament. Compared to that love flower, Tian Tian Zun does not know how many times stronger, the two are not on a level at all. All this deeply shocked Youxiang Datianzun and made her overwhelmed.

Li Xing laughed: "Of course I am a man. Have you ever seen a woman like me?"

He turned to the anger in the anger and said, "You are too impersonal ~ www.readwn.com ~ can die." He pointed out, right in love.

He didn't move fast. He seemed to raise his hands at will, but Hua Tianzun couldn't avoid it. He just felt that the world was still, only Li Xing's hand was moving, and then his eyes became dark and he knew nothing.

From the inside to the outside, the love flower flaunts a bright flame, which instantly turns into fly ash. This is a great celestial skill of Li Xing, called the "flaming finger". One pointed out that burning all sentient beings.

As soon as Qinghua died, Li Xing said to You Xiang: "Wait a minute, I'll kill someone."

I saw him rising up into the air, manifesting the celestial body. What a new method is that, step on the ground, head overhead, cross the heavens and earth, the power is infinite, dominate the world!

He punched out with a punch, and the whole Watch Mountain was "blasted" and shattered. After the integration of the Xuanhuang continent, Li Xing's strength has reached a stronger level. Even if he encounters immortality, he can hold up a few tricks.

This fist is so endless that he sees Youxiang Datian dazzling and dizzy. His heart is moving but he is crazy. He said, "This is the real man. Compared with him, Qinghua is not even a crawler."

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