Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1207: Step Over Watch Hill

Chapter 1207: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 1207 Stepping Over Watch Hill

The landslide broke, but an arrow of water burst out and shot at Li Xing. ┏_ After the net water arrow, an immortal celestial body with a first-born black horn is full of murderous face, roaring: "Who is going to watch wild mountains?"

The emergence of the immortal Great Heavenly Demon gave Yuxiang a look of despair. But the next moment, her thoughts changed immediately and people were shocked again.

Behind Li Xing, suddenly burst out three Huaguang, manifesting the three. Of the three, the first was the Emperor of the People, holding a purple electric sword; the second was a war ravaged Destroyer, holding the Thunder Gate; the third was a Jiuyang avatar, holding the Fire Gate.

Among the three, the emperor Li Xing deliberately selected from the mixed Yuan world, and he was the main force in this battle.

Originally, this battle did not require Jiuyang's avatar. However, the progress of the avatar is very rapid. After absorbing a lot of Proterogon lights last time, he began to make rapid progress. At this moment, he not only stepped steadily into the peak and immense realm, but also accumulated so much that even Li Xing could not compare .

At this time, the Jiuyang avatar has eight thousand times the peak combat power! What is this concept? If there are eight thousand peaks and immeasurable big deities shot at him at the same time, Jiuyang avatar can also carry it hard, without falling into the wind!

This level of combat power has definitely entered the immortal level. You know, the average immortal-level deity is five or six thousand times the peak combat power. Of course, there are also powerful masters in the Immortal Grand Celestial Master, and those characters have no need to kill Jiuyang's avatar.

As soon as the three masters appeared, they shot at the same time, and immediately broke the water arrow and surrounded the iron horns. In fact, only one emperor can kill this person. For the sake of security, Li Xing released the Destroyed Deity and Jiuyang avatar at the same time.

Tiejiao Datianzun immediately understood what was going on, and he had already received the news that the entire army of Shouwang Mountain was annihilated. At this moment, when he saw Li Xing and many powerful enemies, he knew that something was not good.

Apart from that, the master of Tiejiaoshan turned to school and wanted to open the road with water gates. It's a pity that Ren Huang Jianguang rolled wildly and forced him back. Then Destroyer Datianzun raged with Thunder Gate, and Jiuyang avatar attacked from behind.

The three strong pincers, the iron angle Datianzun difficult to fly with wings, is a tenfold increase in strength and no chance of survival. He kept yelling and attacking hard, but still couldn't turn things around.


Hundreds of fires shrouded him, trapping him. The wind then roared, and the wind helped the fire, putting him in despair. When he was about to save himself with the fire door, a blue sword light fell off, and the master of Tiejiaoshan changed his face, knowing that he would die.

He couldn't help shouting: "You, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, you killed the Watch Mountain Road, and the gate of order will definitely judge you. You cannot escape, you cannot escape!"

Immediately, the neck felt cold, and his head flew up.

After beheading Tiejiaoshan Lord, Li Xing immediately collected his corpse. After a little induction, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Wonderful! Although this Tiejiaoshan Lord is not good, the representative civilization is suitable for use. It belongs to the intermediate second class. Civilization can help me ascend to a small realm and enter the realm of seventy-two weightlessness! "

As soon as Tiejiao died, the rest of Watchman were not worth mentioning. The Emperor, Destroyed the Great Celestial Master, and Jiuyang, rushed in together, quickly raised Yu ###, and began to search for the accumulated treasures of Shouwang Mountain.

In fact, Shouwang Mountain lost twice in a row and lost, and there are not many people left. A little inventory, there are only about a hundred adults, and there are only more than three thousand without great deities.

The following weak people are almost negligible. Li Xing has no interest in even moving them.

These people have been ### up, acting as slaves in the mixed world, doing some flower and grass cultivation. Of course, if there are powerful enemies coming in, they will also become glorious cannon fodder and do their best for the mixed Yuan empire.

Naturally, it is also a little dishonest. On the spot, it was looted by the ancient trees and turned into a war puppet. It lost its sense of identity and ended up worse than death.

As for the treasure that Shouwangshan got, it didn't surprise Li Xing much. It was nothing more than a fortune maker, a magic weapon and the like, and nothing appeared to make his eyes shine. But no matter how small the shadow is, it's also a piece of meat. Everything is taken away by the emperor, and no hair is left.

The entire Watch Mountain was destroyed in this way, but Li Xing was not happy at all. Because when Tiejiaoshan was beheaded, the roaring sentence was certainly true. There is also a gate of order behind Mount Watch, will it come out to take revenge on Watch Mountain?

It didn't take long before and after the killing of Tiejiao and the stepping of Watch Mountain. After everything was over, Li Xing had time to return to Youxiang Datianzun and laughed: "Why don't you leave? Aren't you afraid I'll kill you?"

Youxiang Datianzun has calmed down a long time ago. She calmly said, "We have bet, I lost and can't go."

Li Xing smiled slightly: "You did lose, so promise me a condition." He thought for a while, "help me to mix in the Taiyin Palace and kill a few messengers in Difu."

Youxiang Datianzun Liu Mei raised her head slightly and said, "You really have a plot to enter the Suyin continent." Then asked, "What if I don't help you?"

"You have to help." Li Xing's face sank. "I'm willing to lose!"

Youxiang Datianzhuang sighed: "It seems I have no choice." She lowered her head and suddenly changed the subject. "You said, let me find another suitable man, then you tell me what kind of man is suitable. Will I be good to me? "

Li Xing rolled his eyes: "How do I know? Okay, you take me now. But I won't let you help in vain. After it's done, it will give you a benefit, what?"

Youxiang Datianzun said, "I don't want any good. I only want you to promise me a request."

Li Xingqi said: "Don't benefit? So what do you want to ask? Could I ask you to find a man?"

This was a joke, but Youxiang Datianzun took a serious look and nodded: "Yes, I want you to be my man."

Li Xing almost planted it on the ground, he turned his head sharply, staring at Youxiang Datianzun and said, "Are you a woman with water in your head? Or hair. Spring is too fierce, so you do n’t eat hungry?"

Youxiang Datianzun is not angry, and Youyou said: "In short, we only saw your true face for the first time, and your shadow was burned in my heart. This life, whether you are good or bad for me, love or not, anyway I want to follow you, though I have no regrets. "

Li Xing couldn't help but be shocked. What was this? Seeing the previous one and saying a few words, this woman was infatuated to such an extent?

He positively said: "Youxiang Datian, I already have nine wives and children, do you not care?"

"How about that? A strange man like you, all women in the world must love, that is, nine hundred wives and concubines, it has nothing to do with me, I just like you, I want to be your woman." Youxiang Datianzun said.

Li Xing glanced at her obliquely and said, "If you want to be my woman, you must also promise me a condition."

"What conditions?" You Xiang's eyes lit up and she asked quickly.

Li Xingdao: "If you can break through the immortality, I will marry you. If not, we have no chance. After I finish the work, I will give you a good home, but I will not leave you with me."

Youxiang Datianzun sighed and said, "Is it into immortality? How difficult is it, aren't you tantamount to rejecting me?"

Li Xing sneered: "My Li Xing women are all extraordinary. If you can't even meet this condition, you are ineligible."

Youxiang Datianzun Liu Mei raised her head and said very decisively: "Okay, as long as you say, I will definitely become the woman of your Yuanyuan emperor!"

Li Xing shrugged. He could see through the woman's qualifications at a glance. Even if the woman can step into the Promise, even if she is a god, she will never be able to advance to a limitless degree. At this stage of his practice, he has long been indifferent to his children's affection and naturally will not be tempted.

The so-called condition is just another way to reject the fragrance. In this way, she can make her practice better, but it does nothing harm to her.

At this time, Li Xing ordered the Emperor to return, and then destroyed the Destroyer of Heaven, and then returned Jiuyang to return to the gate of the mixed world.

For example, today, the ground, the wind, the fire, the thunder, the water, the mountains, and the Zebamen are all available. Jiuyang's detachment is to merge the eight doors into one, and to make it into a peerless magic weapon. That would be an immortal magic weapon, powerful.

In fact, Li Xing had calculated that the eight gates were actually eight parts of an innate weapon, but they were forcibly separated. As for the reason, he speculated that it might be to restrain Fabao Yuan.

You know, magic weapons cannot be sacrificed, they can only enter into contracts to assist each other. It is very likely that Shouwangshan could not get the approval of the magic weapon Yuanling, so it had to make a bad move and disassemble a good magic weapon into eight.

After leaving Jiuyang, Li Xing also returned to Suyin mainland with Youxiang. He didn't worry that You Xiang would betray himself, because even if he was against the entire Suyin continent, it would be nothing, he was not without this strength.

Back at the villa, You Xiang was not in a hurry to help Li Xing enter the palace, but talked to him about the messenger of the local government.

Youxiang Datianzun is in the palace. There is a sister who has worked together. The two often come and go, so she knows the intention of the messenger of the prefecture.

In the small hall ~ www.readwn.com ~ The incense burner was burning with the best legendary incense, Li Xing and Youxiang sat face to face.

Jiexiang, like wine, also has different grades. The difference is that Jiexiang is the ancient wood that naturally occurs in the plane when Datianzun is dead.

This ancient wood, known as the robberwood, has a very short life but is extremely hard. It contains Da Tianzun's life experience, all the perceptions, once burned, it will release smoke, which is very helpful to the practitioner.

Because the smell of robber smoke is fragrant and ever-changing, this wood is called robberwood, and what it makes is also called robberwood.

Not all Datianzun will have a fragrant incense when they die, so this thing is much more precious than the wines of the same level. The 60-year-old wine is not as good as the legendary Jiexiang in the Youxiang small hall.

There are also a lot of incense incense in Li Xing's hands, among which there are countless incense incense and a small amount of immortal incense.

In the midst of the fragrance, Youxiang Datianzun gently looked at Li Xing and said, "Before you start, you must first understand the situation of the palace."

Li Xing nodded: "It makes sense, then you can tell me now?"

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