Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1208: Destiny Yin Ling

Chapter 1208 Jiu Yang Xie Jun Destiny Yin Ling (400 flowers plus more)

Chapter 1208 Destiny Yin Ling

You Xiang Da Tianzun said: "The land government sent people here to make an alliance with the Suyin continent so that they can start with the other continents. Also, in order to make the Queen of the Taiyin heart beat, the land government brought the same treasure as a gift."

"This treasure has an extraordinary origin. It is a treasure of the prefecture. It can hold a life-saving baby and call it a detention bell. Legend has it that as long as it senses the sentimental vitality, it can take its baby and quickly refine it."

"The messenger said that the detention bell is an innate magic weapon. It is powerful. It is the immortal Datenzun met, and most of them are dead." Youxiang Datianzun said, "That ’s why I want to say this to you. If you start, you must Be careful of the foul bell. "

"So, facing this bell, I have no chance of winning at all?" Li Xing frowned. This thing was so weird that he didn't know.

Youxiang Datianzun smiled softly: "It's terrible to say terrible, not terrible, but it's nothing. My sister said that this bell has a weakness. If you can't catch the other party's gas machine, you can't kill the infant."

"How to prevent it from catching the air machine?" Li Xing asked quickly.

"As long as you don't speak. No matter what the bell holder says, don't open your mouth, just shoot." Youxiang Datianzun said, "The mouth is open and the spirit is scattered, and the detention of Yin Ling is used to capture the enemy's Qi machine."

Li Xing laughed: "It's really simple, if you know the basics, this bell is not very useful."

"That's not it." Youxiang Datianzun said, "During the battle with the enemy, you must not attack the detained Yin Ling, otherwise it will be captured by the Qi machine and cannot escape."

Li Xing thought about it: "So, if you want to make a shot, you must give Thunder a blow and not give the other party a chance to respond?"

"Exactly." Youxiang Datianzun nodded. "There are nine people in the land government, three of them are leaders, all of them are top-notch Xiuwei, two men and one woman, and the woman holds the detention bell."

Speaking of this woman, Youxiang Datian respectfully said: "This woman has a very large origin. Her father is the first marshal of the land government, and her Tao is Queen."

Li Xingdao: "The intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Tianting said that there are ten marshals in the prefecture. They are ranked by force. The strongest is the first marshal. His daughter is naturally extraordinary." Then he sighed, "Kill the daughter of the first marshal. I'm afraid Suyin will be removed from the continent. "

Youxiang Datianzun lowered her head: "So I hope you can kill the Taiyin Queen and the Land Government together, and then conquer the entire Suyin continent."

"Why?" Li Xing stared at her. "Do you worry that Suyin mainland will be wiped out by the prefecture?"

Youxiang Datianzun nodded and sighed, "Yes, many people are my sisters on Suyin Continent. We have a good relationship. I don't want them to fall."

Speaking of this place, her eyes flashed with wisdom, and she said to Li Xing, "You don't know. Since the establishment of the Suyin continent, the slaves under its control have reached as many as one hundred capitals. Among them, there are as many as 50,000 slaves without weight. People. Promise slaves are in the tens of billions. "

"In fact, this power has far exceeded the overall strength of the Taiyin Dynasty. However, these slaves have been ruled for a long time, and they have developed slavery. Although they have the ability to obtain freedom, no one dares to do so. Historically, Countless acts of rebellion have been quelled, killing blood and making the slaves never dare to mess again. "

After hearing this, Li Xing had understood the meaning of Youxiang and said, "You asked me to lead these slaves, and then occupied the Suyin continent in one fell swoop and destroyed the Taiyin dynasty?"

"Exactly, in this case, you can win the Suyin continent without spending a single soldier. I know your origin. You are the emperor of Yuanyuan who ruled the Xuanhuang continent. This kind of thing should be your best." Youxiang Datianzun looked at Li Xing and said.

"This is a good idea, but in this case, shouldn't I have to enter the slaves first and awaken their blood?" Li Xingdao said.

"If not, how do you succeed?" Youxiang Datianzun said, "If you want to do this, I will put you in the slave camp. By then, you will have at least one month to become the leader of the slaves, and then lead them to capture the prime. Yin continent. "

"Because Suyin mainland will formally sign a contract with the prefecture after one month. Until then, the messengers of the nine prefectures will not leave."

Li Xingdao: "When I became the leader of the slaves, I could come out and kill the envoy of the palace, kill the Queen of the Yin, and then use the army of slaves to rule the entire Suyin continent. This is indeed a good idea, but you have forgotten a little "

"Oh, what have I forgotten?" Youxiang Datianzun showed surprise.

Li Xingdao: "During the process of becoming a slave leader, I will surely be discovered by the Suyin Dynasty. If they do it in advance, wouldn't it be a shortfall?"

Youxiang Datianzun immediately said, "You can rest assured, because in the next month, Suyin Continent has no time to care about the things below."

"Why?" Li Xing was puzzled.

"The reason is simple, because this month is the time for women in Suyin mainland to give birth. There are no men on the mainland, so if women want to give birth, they have to drink the river water of Yangyang. After drinking the river water, there will be a yang Qi enters the body and intersects with yin. Synthetic babies give birth to babies after October. "Youxiang said," Since most people drink the water of the Yang River at the same time, the production time is extremely intensive, which has caused this month to be necessary. It will be very busy, and the dynasty has no time to manage the slave camp. "

"So it is." Li Xing nodded. He asked about the Yanghe, "What is the origin of Yanghe?"

"The Yang River originated in the void, and finally flowed into nothingness. It was a river that Suyin Tianzun opened up. It is said that this river was condensed by the yang taken by the big men at the beginning of the yin and yang."

Li Xing was surprised ~ www.readwn.com ~ said: "It is actually the yang at the beginning of the world! This should be a very precious thing, and it was actually used to give birth to children." He shook his head, "If this river is good Utilization can be refined into a peerless elixir, and it is too wasteful to have children with it. "

You Xiang laughed: "If it weren't for this, wouldn't the people of Suyin continent have to die, how to pass on the line?" Then said, "Do you think this plan is feasible?"

Li Xing nodded: "It does work." Then he laughed and said, "You did me a favor." He thought about it and took three elixir from his body.

These three elixir are the "Mahayana Dan" he has collected and plundered four times over the years.

This Dan can comprehensively improve the qualifications of practitioners at different stages. One of them can be taken in Promise, and two can be taken in Promise, helping people to break through.

Youxiang Datianzun is an eye-sighted person. When she saw elixir, she knew it well. She bit her lip and said, "You want me to break through as soon as possible, so I am qualified to follow you?"

Li Xing didn't know how to answer, he didn't really think so. But seeing her happy face, it was hard to say anything else.

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