Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1209: Slave camp

Chapter 1209 The Camp of the Slave

Chapter 1209 Slave Camp

After learning about the slave camp, Li Xing was smashed into the slave camp by Youxiang Datianzun on the charge of trespassing. . . This slave camp, located in the desolate land of Suyin continent, was divided into many areas.

Slaves in different areas are responsible for different things. Some slaves are war slaves used during the war. The most dangerous prospects are their existence. The purpose of their existence is to fight.

In some areas, slaves would enter dangerous pits to mine crystal ore. These civilizations are often located in the core area of ​​the Suyin continent, with unpredictable danger.

The place where Li Xing is going is the war slave area. The number and strength of slaves here are among the strongest of all regions.

The Taiyin Dynasty controlled slavery by slavery. The slaves were divided into different ranks, including inferior, middle, and superior. There are twenty-four levels in each class of eight poles. Inferior level to inferior level eight, intermediate level to intermediate level eight poles, superior level to superior level eight.

Among them, the eighth-class power has the largest power, known as the master of slavery. The dynasty officials who are almost in charge of the slave camp are equal, and even the Queen of the Taiyin will meet him in person.

A slave at a higher level can manage several slaves at a lower level and has certain privileges. In this way, the Taiyin dynasty used the pyramidal control method to firmly hold the entire slave camp.

In order to obtain the above approval, slave leaders at all levels often desperately squeeze the lower-level bosses in order to obtain achievements in order to advance to higher levels.

Due to the factors of Youxiang Tiantian, Li Xing owns this slave with a higher status and is a first-class slave. His subordinates can manage dozens of middle-eight slave leaders.

However, there were layers of higher slaves above his head, and he had more power than him. So this time the goal is more difficult to achieve.

Li Xing was led into the desert by a team of female soldiers. On the white sandy ground, a city was piled up with sand. This sand, mixed with a type of water glue, can then be used to construct buildings.

The lead female soldier was a sister of Youxiang Datianzun, so she took care of Li Xing and said, "You go to the superior first to report, remember to obey the superior's instructions, or they will kill you at any time."

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, I wrote it down."

The female soldiers threw Li Xing out of a sand house and retired. A group of people walked out of the sand room, staring at Li Xing coldly, without any kind of friendliness.

Their cultivation is that the ego is in Nirvana, and one of them said: "Are you new here? Haven't you gone in and met your superior?"

Before Li Xing came, he designed everything. At this moment, he sank his face and cursed: "Mixed things, what **** is superior, I am alone and don't eat that set."

The crowd was surprised and angry, and they said, "Your boy doesn't know how to live or die, it depends on how the superior cleans up you!"

At this moment, a voice rang out in the sand room, saying, "Who is yelling, isn't it tired and crooked?"

Li Xing sneered, and waited for no action from the other side, and banged into the sand room with one punch. Hearing only a loud noise, the sand room collapsed, and a 72-year-old man had no great deity, and was lifted out of the sand room by him.

The immaculate deity remained motionless, his face full of shock, shouting, "Are you going to rebel?"

Li Xing sneered: "You're right, Lao Tzu is going to rebel. Hmm, the girls in the Taiyin dynasty let me be slaves. That's why this is so. Lao Tzu wants to be in the Taiyin Temple and take all the girls as slaves!"

"You ... you are so brave, you don't know if you live or die." Wu Datian is still scared, and in his opinion, Li Xing's words are really outrageous and a major death penalty.

Li Xing forced his fingers, and the man suddenly felt pain. He felt that the plane might collapse at any time, and shouted, "Don't kill me, there is something to say, something to say ..."

"Lao Tzu gives you only one chance, either to submit to me or to be killed by me." He said lightly, "Choose quickly, your time is limited."

These slaves, of course, had no loyalty. Once faced with death, they immediately chose to submit. He immediately said: "The villain is willing to surrender, willing to surrender!"

"Okay." Li Xing will continue to shoot, and plunder seeds will appear in this person in a large amount, coldly, "As long as you have a little heart, you will immediately have a dilemma and become a puppet. Now, take you Man, follow me to your superior. "

Li Xing's strategy is simple and straightforward, that is, to find the slave master, and then start from there, layer by layer, and gradually control the entire slave camp.

But the slave chief was not small, and ordinary people could not see him at all. Right now, Li Xing can only fight up to the first level until he finds the eighth-level chief executive.

At the third level, the fourth level, and the fifth level, Li Xing will fight all the way up. No one is his one enemy. They are controlled by him and joined his team. By the time he got to the seventh level, he had reached the level of deputy director, which was the highest level.

The deputy governor was very tough at first, but was beaten by Li Xing, and then he convinced and took Li Xing to find the chief slave.

The governor's office is established in a time and space environment. When Li Xing arrived, he found that the chief executive was playing with a group of beauties. This discovery surprised him, because those beauties are actually female soldiers on Suyin mainland.

When he saw a large number of people brought by the deputy director without first reporting, he stormed in. The chief executive was furious and said, "Don't you want to live?"

This man is well-dressed, wearing a purple robe, a crown on his head, and a very powerful man. Li Xing initially estimated that this chief should have an infinite number of celestial beings with 3,000 times the peak combat power, and his strength is very strong.

These strengths, even in the face of the general immortal deity, can escape calmly and will not be killed. Moreover, he obviously still has a lot of room for improvement, and the future is very promising.

Everyone didn't dare to look up. Li Xing snorted. He stepped forward and said, "You are the chief slave? Lao Tzu came here and wanted to accept you as a younger brother. This is your big chance. Come and see me soon? "

The slave chief almost crooked his nose. Could this man be a lunatic? A small nirvana, he dared to run up to him. He laughed angrily and said, "Eyeless things, this manager is tearing you now!"

When he read it, a horrible tearing force blessed Li Xing, causing his skin to sting slightly. His face sank, and he said, "Tear the Supreme Lord, your tearing mystery is useless to Lao Tzu, and you will not surrender anymore, and you will regret it late!"

Da Zong Pipeline is torn, good at tearing everything, and fighting force is overbearing. He did not expect that such a powerful blow could not kill the little man in front of him.

"Huh, boy, see if you can carry this trick and tear the world apart!" He merged his palms, and then tore left and right, there was a supreme power, extremely arrogant and sharp. Tear in half.

At this moment, Destroyer Datianzun rushed out, and when the hammer in his hand blasted, he shattered the chaotic tearing power. Then muted, attacked to tear Da Tianzun.

The latter was very surprised. Why did an immortal deity suddenly emerge? And with the immortal weapon in hand, how can this be fought?

Destroyer Da Tianzun clearly has the upper hand, killing the other party can only be parry. However, looking at this situation, it will not be able to win it at half past one.

This fierce battle attracted some powerful figures from the slave camp, and they came to see it from a distance. In the slave camp, there were also arrogant figures like tearing up the celestial deity, but for various reasons, they did not want to be the chief executive.

Even many masters of the Taiyin Dynasty arrived, but did not intervene. It is not that the slaves who challenged the slave chief have not happened. They often do not ask questions, but only look at the excitement.

Because according to experience, even the challenger will become the next slave chief, and there is no loss to the Taiyin Dynasty. But where did they know that Li Xing had a big picture. If you know, I'm afraid they will immediately order Li Xing to kill the group and not give him a chance to start.

Li Xing watched for a while, and said to those who surrendered to him: "This chief manager is a bit interesting, let me be promoted first, and then fight with him."

After that, he started to gather disasters over his head. At this moment, Li Xing wants to take the opportunity to make another breakthrough and step into the seventy-two calamities, without a state of great respect for the heavens!

After the birth of the Emperor, the Junyuan plane has many magical functions, and the civilization of the Yuanyuan has matured a lot. For example, he could let the emperor learn about civilization, and then pass on his experience directly.

Therefore, although on the surface, Li Xing easily realized the civilization represented by the master of Tiejiaoshan. But in fact, it was the emperor's entry into time, and it took a long time to realize his success.

He has enough accumulation and sufficient preparations. Once the realm is reached, he can break through immediately.

His immense celestial calamity is extremely horrible, comparable to the immortal celestial calamity calamity. As soon as the disaster arose, all nearby people avoided it. Even the Destroyer of Heaven and Destroyer of Heaven in battle showed fear and fled quickly.

I saw in all directions, there came countless three-color phosgene. Among these phosgenes, there is actually a breath of civilization ~ www.readwn.com ~ This makes people exclaiming: "Is it a disaster of civilization?"

"That's right, this person is the great deity of civilization, my God, such legendary characters have actually appeared!" Most people rubbed their eyes unbelievably.

"Look, what is that? Countless artillery pieces, is this the disaster of civilization?"

"Sure enough, it is an ancient artillery cannon, and it is necessary to kill the robbers."

In all directions, countless ancient artillery guns appeared, and a series of volleys began to kill Li Xing, a civilized celestial being. Li Xing didn't move, he knew that these were not real civilization cannons, but the ghosts of ancient cannons, but they could also kill civilizations and have the same horror.


I don't know how many shots fired into the mixed world. However, the orbit of the big world is slightly moving, and all the forces are mobilized, so that these shots are absorbed, and then quickly turned into civilized artillery shells.

However, it didn't take long for a statue of an ancient cannon to appear, killing the Yuanyuan world together.

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