Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1211: 夺 铃

Chapter 1211: Winning The Bell

Chapter 1211

After mobilizing the power of the Junyuan plane, he will merge the two forces together, and then move in the direction of the Taiyin Dynasty. Fè

The army of the Taiyin dynasty was actually limited in combat power. The immeasurably large Tianzun had less than a thousand people, and its total strength was about 100 billion. They have no chance of facing a large camp of slaves with more than 60,000 immense deities.

Therefore, when Li Xing ordered the army to start, the Taiyin dynasty collapsed without a fight, and the coach fled the first turn. Knowing that he was going to die, he had to fight hard against the enemy. That was a fool. This coach was obviously not stupid.

As soon as the army fled, the slaves cheered loudly and seemed to see a bright future.

Li Xing rose to the sky, and Shen said, "You were once slaves, but after today, you are warriors of the mixed empire! In the future, you will be free!"

"Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" Countless slaves roared. At this moment, Li Xing was really right and regarded as the object of allegiance.

After the retreat of the Taiyin dynasty, Li Xing ordered the troops to continue to advance towards the Taiyin dynasty, but he quietly came to Youxiang Datianzun, turned into a female guard, and started the second step.

In the original plan, Li Xing first controlled the slave camp, then beheaded the envoy of the prefecture, seized the detention bell, in order to complete the task entrusted to the violent god.

Youxiang Datianzun, with Li Xing, went directly to Wangcheng and went to the residence of the messenger of the prefecture. The nine envoys of the prefecture are currently living in the dynasty's luxurious posthouses, ready to be accepted by the queen.

The two arrived at the post hall soon, and Youxiang Datianzun showed his waist card, and the post's principal was not blocked.

In the hall, the three immense demon statues of Difu met with Youxiang deity.

At the first glance of the other party, Li Xing judged which one was the daughter of the first Marshal of the Prefecture, because she was the only woman of the highest class. The woman was very beautiful, but Li Xing didn't dare to care.

This female queen queen great demon statue can be seen as a very sinister person. The needle on the queen's tail does not mean that it is vicious.

Due to Li Xing's fast movement, the Queen Queen of the Queen of Queens had not yet met with the Queen of the Yin Yin at this time, and she was also ordered as the Master of the Fragrant Heaven, saying, "What can Her Majesty command?"

Youxiang Datian said: "Her Majesty is about to meet a noble guest, and ordered me to come and pick up."

The three peaking immortal monsters looked at each other, the queen was about to speak, Li Xing suddenly gave her hand, and pointed to the queen's brows.

The hall is not large, and the position of the female guard who is the incarnation of Li Xing is very close to the three demon statues. So he made a lightning-fast shot, and the queen couldn't escape.

This woman has a detained Yin Ling, which is very powerful. Only when she is not ready can Li Xing beheaded to kill the other party at the least cost.

For this attack, Li Xing prepared for a long time. On the surface, he just pointed out a finger. In fact, there are two secrets of civilization, and an immortal rune, stagnant rune.

That stagnant sign can slow down the queen's response, thus ensuring a successful blow. There are two types of civilizational secrets, namely, the lightning finger and the Void Strike. Lightning indicates that the hand is fast and powerful.

And that void hit can hurt people through the air, so the power of this finger takes almost no time to activate, and it takes effect instantly.

Faced with such a short-range sudden attack, even the immortal God has no time to respond, and only instinctual defense can be done. The queen was too late to dodge, and that finger came.

She felt a pain in her heart, and her whole body was soaring. A shadow of a mighty shore rose into the sky, manifesting a middle-aged man, born with a black horn, and unparalleled power. She screamed, "Bold! First Marshal of Wudi Prefecture, if you dare Hurt my daughter, I will chop you! "

Li Xing was unmoved and still nodded.


A finger hole appeared on the queen's head. With this finger, the destructive force completely destroyed the queen plane. The first marshal's ghost image transformed by Wu Guang was subsequently worn away, leaving only an angry roar: "I remember you!"

When the queen dies, the remaining two are not a concern. Li Xing blasted out and killed the two directly. Although they are immense peaks of cultivation, one is ten times the peak combat power, and the other is five times. Compared with Li Xing's eight thousand times combat power, it is too far away and is not an opponent at all.

Then he searched the queen's plane, and sure enough, he found a black bell with a big slap, covered with weird runes.

Just as Li Xing beheaded and killed the three landlords, the army of slaves also started a general attack. With the slaves and the combat power sent by Li Xing, there are more than 60,000 light-weight soldiers. This alone can destroy the overcast.

However, it was said that Li Xing had captured the Yin Ling, and for the first time, under the leadership of You Xiang Da Tianzun, he broke into the Tai Yin Palace. The guarding power of the palace is very strong, but in front of experts such as Li Xing, it is nothing.

The mixed yuan gun became hundreds of thousands of miles long and boundless, and it would continue to explode. With a loud noise, the palace defense was shattered directly. Immediately, an outcry reprimanded, and an immortal palm rose towards the sky and slaps at Li Xing.

Li Xing first met the Queen of the Yin, and this woman was born with dignity and nobility. Revealing a powerful atmosphere, she stared coldly at Li Xing and Youxiang Datianzun, as if looking at two dead objects.

Li Xing gave a cold hum, banged his fist, and slammed it. The fists collided, and a terrifying shock wave erupted. The sky shattered and Suin continent shuddered.

While throwing his fist, Li Xing quietly took out the detained Yin Ling and yelled, "Taiyin Datianzun!"

Taiyin Datian snorted. Did she know that with this snoring, Taiyin Bell captured her Qi machine, so she let out the light and produced a weird suction. Immediately afterwards, the Queen of the Overcast turned into a cyan streamer and was sucked into it.

Li Xing felt that the Taiyin Bell sank a little ~ www.readwn.com ~ The voice of the Taiyin Queen was unwilling to scold. But after a while, there was no movement and it was apparently gone.

"Great, if I am, I'm afraid I can't hide from it." Immortal Da Zun, when he talked about it, he would get rid of it, which surprised Li Xing secretly.

On his way to the palace, he used the techniques of civilization to communicate with the detained Tai Yin Ling. What surprised him was that there was no magic weapon in this magic weapon, and there was only a huge placenta in it. In that placenta, it seems that a huge baby was born.

The scent of the baby was very weird and terrifying. Li Xing knew that he was terrible, and did not dare to go too deep, so he retreated. But he can be sure that this detention is too vulgar and a contract has not yet been concluded, so it is still a possessionless thing, and he can also use it.

Of course, using this bell requires some means, not everyone can do it.

Once the Taiyin queen died, the Taiyin dynasty lost its leader and the army command was chaotic. This made the army of slaves quickly invade the city and merge with Li Xing.

The army of the Taiyin dynasty failed to organize even a decent counterattack. In the end, a few were besieged, and most of them surrendered and were kept under guard.

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