Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1212: 100,000 times peak combat power

Chapter 1212: Jiuyang Demon King

Chapter 1212: 100,000 Times Peak Power

It is Li Xing's established plan to control the entire Suyin continent. [So, after the demise of the Taiyin Dynasty, he set about refining the Suyin continent. Compared with Xuanhuang continent, Suyin continent has a lower level of civilization and belongs to the primary civilization.

However, refining the Suyin continent is still of great benefit to the mixed Yuan civilization. The essence of the mixed civilization is that it absorbs the advantages of all civilizations and constantly improves itself, even if it is a low-level civilization, it is very useful to it.

After the demise of the Taiyin Dynasty, no one on the entire continent could challenge Li Xing, so the refining process was not difficult. First, a large amount of ancient trees emerged from space, the branches and leaves of ancient civilization trees appeared everywhere, and the entire Suyin continent was filled with civilization.

The birth of the emperor greatly improved the ability of ancient civilizations to refining heterogeneous civilizations. In less than three months, Li Xing completely refined the Suyin continent and became part of the mixed-yuan plane.

Today, outside of the Yuanyuan plane, Suyin continent and Xuanhuang continent revolve around it like two satellites.

This time on the trip to Suyin's mainland, Li Xing learned a lot, a huge army of slaves, countless souls, and a detained Yinling. The main thing is that he refined the Suyin continent and improved his strength, from 8,000 peak combat power to 10,000 peak combat power.

After refining the Suyin continent, Li Xing reported the matter to the violent Celestial Emperor through a message sign, and the latter asked him to return to the heaven court to discuss something.

When preparing to go to heaven, Li Xing sought the opinion of Youxiang Datianzun. He gave Youxiang two choices. First, she could stay on the Suyin continent, and she would receive the greatest care.

Second, she was given some practice resources and allowed to leave. To the surprise of Li Xing, Youxiang Datianzun chose the latter. Before she left, she only said one sentence: I will become immortal Dazun and come back to you.

For this result, Li Xing was quite helpless. He knew that the chance of You Xiang's success was slim. But no matter what, the ministry intersects one another, so I still hope that Youxiang can have a good future, so I give away a lot of cultivated things and a message sign.

Through the message symbol, she can contact Li Xing whenever and wherever possible.

After You Xiang Da Tianzun left, Li Xing went to the same day to meet Tian Dazun. While he was still on the road, Rage Tianzun was having a feast at the Seventh Heavenly Mansion.

The violent Datianzun was placed on the VIP seat, accompanied by the seventh son.

"Oh, mad brother, you are now the battalion commander of the Quartet, but a real figure, come, I respect you." The seventh emperor raised his glass.

Wine is a good wine. It is a rare wine that is full of robbers. The violent Datianzhuang is drinking it all. He laughs, "The seventh man is uplifting."

The seventh emperor said: "You just said, that Li Xing successfully completed the task?"

The violent Datianzun nodded: "This son has some strength. It was a surprise to me to kill the three top Tiantians at Difu."

The muscle of the seventh corner of the eye slightly ### A moment, said: "Furious brother, this Li Xing, but very arrogant, I have not been against this emperor before."

The violent Da Tianzun smiled slightly and said, "The seventh man's meaning, I understand. Please rest assured that the seventh man has the sin evidence in his hands, and he will definitely die this time."

The seventh emperor laughed and said, "How did Li Xing know that the raging brothers had placed rune eyes on Jue Gong and Qi Ao and recorded their killing process?"

"Killing a colleague is a felony, and unless you are sentenced to capital punishment, you cannot confess it to Heaven." The violent Datian respectfully cried, "Regardless of whether it is public or private, the head of the battalion will not let it go!"

"Well said, please!" The seventh emperor laughed, and personally toasted the violent god.

At the same time, Grand Marshal's Mansion, Bayu Grand Celestial Master is narrating with Bingma Grand Celestial Master. The former talked about Li Xing and said, "Brother and Horse, your junior deity is very talented, and the potential is infinite."

Marshal Bingma laughed, "It's just a little person. If you save him, you are already dead."

Bayu Datianzun shook his head and said, "Brother, listen to me, this son must do his best to train, and it will be of great help to you in the future."

"Oh? What is it? Is it because of his identity as a heavenly seed?" Bingma Datianzun said lightly, "Although the heavenly seeds are scarce, they are nothing in my eyes."

Bayu Datianzun shook his head: "No! This man's cultivation of the mind and nirvana realm, beheading the peak, has proved the huge potential and accumulated wealth. Moreover, I also found that he is a civilized Dazun."

Marshal Bingma was silent, and said a moment later: "I know this too. But after all, it hasn't grown up."

Bayu Datianzun: "I know, my brother, your eyes are higher than the top, and idle characters are not in your eyes. However, I advise you to pay attention to this Li Xing, otherwise you will decide and regret it later." He thought for a while, "Did you forget that year? Is the dragon of the great elephant respected? "

Bingma Datianzhuang frowned, and said, "You mean, how far can he grow to a dragon elephant?"

"I think it will surpass the dragon elephant." Bayu Datianzun said, "At the beginning, the dragon elephant Tianzun was a servant in your house and showed extraordinary potential. But you think he is too bad, from He didn't really pay attention to him. Later, the dragon elephant did not become a strong generation and swept the four sides. At that time, if you wanted to recruit again, he was disdainful to serve in heaven. "

Marshal Bingma thought for a moment, and said, "Brother Bayu is right, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Bayu Datianzun watched this old friend: "Brother and horse, you are powerful and powerful, and you are far above me. You dare to shatter it. But even if you do such a cultivation, you do n’t dare to say that the world is the best."

Marshal Bingma laughed: "Bayu, this is the first time I've seen you so praised. Well, even if I give you face, I will pay attention to Li Xing."

Bayu Datianzun nodded: "You will thank me in the future ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'm saying, suddenly someone came to the newspaper and said:" Grand Marshal, the seventh Tianzifu news, the violent Dazun must be right Li Xing started. "

Bayu Tianzun snorted coldly: "This violent situation is still lawless."

He just said that he should attach importance to Li Xing, and now someone must start to attack Li Xing, and he can't help anger.

However, Bayu said, "I think this is an opportunity to win over Li Xing. When it is in danger, Marshal rescues him and sends him a favor."

Bingma Datianzun dismissed it: "Bayu, you really value him so much, even if he is an immense figure, he doesn't deserve to be treated like this."

At this moment, innocence suddenly ran out and called, "Father, you must save him!"

Upon seeing this daughter, the Grand Marshal's face showed a mild smile, and said, "Why, are you interested in this kid?"

Innocent Datian snorted: "Even if it is, what happened? Dad, if you listen to Uncle Bayu, you must save Li Xing."

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