Chapter 1213: The Crime

Chapter 1213

Marshal Bingma said lightly: "Oh? Since you are interested in him, but this person is obviously not worthy of my daughter ... Alas, even for such a person, if he died, he would only be happy for his father, and How could he be saved? "

The innocence knew that she was fooled, and immediately sighed, and said, "Why are you so confused, what is the nature of your daughter? Do you not know? For Li Xing, there is only appreciation and there is no love between men and women."

Marshal Bingma smiled: "For your father, you know that you have a strong heart, but you have to be just in case." Then the look was complete, "Innocence, you have never looked at the men's training, now why twice? Help this Li Xing? You give a reason for your father. "

The innocent Da Tianzun smiled slightly: "The father asked such a strange question, and the daughter only asked her heart when doing things, what reason did she need?"

The Bingma Datian respected the words, but then said: "To fight for the father's march, and only ask the consequences, if you want me to help him, I wonder if there is any benefit?"

The innocence rolled her eyes at her father and said, "My daughter only knows that within this period, Li Xing will be able to dominate the world, surpassing his father."

"Good breath!" Marshal Bingma sneered, "you value him too much."

Bayu Datianzun said, "I don't think so, then Li Xing's accumulation is too strong, and his current strength has reached the peak of immeasurability. And, his current strength should be limited by the realm of status, otherwise It will be more powerful. According to this inference, when he enters the immeasurable realm and the strength is no longer limited by the realm, the combat power may not be under the soldiers and horses. Even if it is not good for the time being, but accumulated for a period of time, it can also surpass you."

Marshal Bingma was taken aback. Before Bayu Tianzun said so much, he didn't take it seriously. However, once Li Xing made a horizontal comparison with him, his heart immediately shook.

A person who is likely to surpass him in this era should indeed be worthy of attention. He was silent for a moment, saying to the innocence: "Okay, then save him once for the Father and keep him okay in the future."

Innocent laughed: "Father will be proud of today's choice!"

However, he said that Li Xingfei entered the central pure land for a while, returned to the Ministry of Defense, and reported to the violent Datianzun. Raging Datianzun is waiting for him at the Sifang Hall where Zhimen handles the camp.

Under the guidance of two guards, Li Xing entered the Quartet Hall and bowed his head: "Li Xing, see the battalion commander."

The violent Tianzun suddenly looked up and yelled, "Li Xing, do you know the sin?"

Li Xing was taken aback, but then calmed down and said lightly: "The subordinates are guilty, please make it clear to the camp leader."

The violent Dazun smiled faintly, and said, "The two can come out."

With the voice, behind the violent Da Tianzun, two people walked out. It was the Yinsha Da Tianzun and Xiaoyue Da Tianzun who were against Li Xing at Grand Marshal ’s Palace last time. These two persons belong to Jian Tian Si and Tian Wei, one is the chief officer and the other is the deputy commander, both of whom are real figures.

As soon as the two appeared, they stared viciously at Li Xing. The Yinsha Datian said: "Li Xing, my official represents Jian Tian Si, and arrested you for the crime of killing colleagues and collusion with the party!"

Xiaoyue Datianzun also sneered and said, "Li Xing, on behalf of Tianwei, came to assist Jian Tiansi to arrest you. The charges are the same as above. You'd better not resist, you should be arrested, there may be a chance. If you dare to resist, let's not fight ! "

Li Xing's eyes glanced at the three of them one by one, and he couldn't help laughing, the laughter was full of disdain, how could there be a little fear.

The violent Datianzun's face turned cold, and "嘭" got a public case and sang, "Bold! Li Xing, what are you laughing at?"

Li Xing stopped smiling and said coldly: "If I guess correctly, the violent Tianzun, if you collude with the two, you must have been directed by the seventh emperor? I have to remind you that the first Qi Tianzi tried to kill me more than once, and pathetic never succeeded. "

"Full of bullshit!" Said the violent Datian Zunhan, "The battalion chief took you because you committed the crime of death, and the evidence is so strong that you cannot tolerate sophistry!"

After all, he took out a rune, and when the sign came out, he shot three-colored light. The development picture above was the process of Li Xing's beheading of the Great King of Qi'ao and the Great King of Supreme Bow, and the content of his dialogue with Araki.

Li Xing sighed in his heart, knowing that this time I am afraid that he will be planted in the hands of the violent Tianzun. The other party had already planned, and actually used this method to deal with his sin. This is indeed a mountain of evidence and there is no doubt about it.

After turning around, he secretly adjusted his power and was ready to escape at any time. Since these people are going to target him, he will naturally not wait. As long as he can go out, he can still live very well.

Thinking so in his heart, he was calm on the surface, and said, "What can a rune mean?" Then, he reached out and took out a developing sign. The three-colored brilliance was shot on it, but the content displayed was very different.

However, it was the violent Da Tianzun who shot, killing Juju and Qiao respectively, and even explained the reason for the killing. Jue Gong and Qi Ao are both from Watch Mountain. After knowing this, the violent Da Tianzun stood under the palm of his hand.

With Li Xing's hand, the violent Datianzun's face showed murderousness, and said, "You are really brave, and dare to play tricks in front of the battalion commander. It's very good, I will see how much you can!"

In other words, the violent Datianzun fired two electric lights with his eyes and beheaded Li Xing. These two eyes contained horrific killings, and Li Xing was so shocked that he didn't dare to connect them, his feet moved slightly, and he shook his body.

The step just before was very subtle. It was a mystery of civilization, called the step through the world. Seemingly a small step, in fact, has shuttled across many planes in an instant, walking back and forth.

According to Li Xing's observation ~ ~ Although the violent Datianzun is also immeasurable, the combat power should be no less than 50,000 times the peak combat power, and his strength is far above him. If he fights hard, he must suffer.

"Good boy, you really have some skill." The violent Datian sneered, then clapped his hands, and said, "Some of you, you can shoot."

Around the hall, twelve masters suddenly burst out. Each of these twelve people is an immense amount of cultivation, and their strength is not much weaker than the violent sky. In addition, they have an immortal-level magic weapon in their hands, which are net, cymbal, gong, drum, knife, sword, halberd, gun, hook, stick, bow, and cable.

The twelve immortal implements responded to each other, united, and integrated the power of the twelve, and improved. Suddenly, Li Xing felt the pressure of terror, knowing that it would be difficult to break out of this killing array.

"It seems that the seventh emperor set up a must-kill situation. Today, there are many evils, and it is said that it is not necessary to open the killing ring and kill one to earn one." Li Xing was still trembling, still very calm, ready to shoot.

Just then, a majestic voice sounded: "Furious, what are you doing?"

With the words, Marshal Marshal walked into the square.

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