Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1214: Grand Marshal launches

Chapter 1214 The Grand Marshal Makes His Move

Chapter 1214 Grand Marshal Makes His Move

The violent Datianzun was taken aback, apparently he did not expect Marshal of the Horse and Horse to arrive at this moment. . . [He walked quickly, respectfully and authentically: "The Grand Marshal arrives, and he misses far away."

Although he said so in his mouth, he couldn't help but glance at Li Xing. Is the Grand Marshal here for Li Xing? This is unlikely. How can a small person come to see Marshal Labor in person!

Marshal Bingma said lightly: "Nothing, this Marshal is here to ask for a person from your Quartet Battalion." Then he pointed at Li Xing, "It is him."

Yinsha and Xiaoyue both secretly yelled badly, saying, "Grand Marshal, this man has committed a capital crime, and I am about to catch him."

The Marshal said: "What do you mean, this marshal of this man?"

The two big Tianzun sweated on their foreheads, and they didn't dare to answer. Who is Marshal Bing Ma? In heaven, it can be said that only the emperor can order him. Even if this man slapped both of them in front of him, Tiandi would never blame him.

The violent Grand Celestial had to stubbornly said at this time: "The Grand Marshal is an important person, how dare I wait? But this person is indeed guilty of death. According to the law of heaven, he must be killed, and he is also asked not to let us be subordinate Perplexed. "

"So, do you want to embarrass the coach?" The Marshal looked slightly cold, the temperature in the hall suddenly plummeted, and the violent Datianzun was shocked to take three steps back, not knowing how to respond.

Marshal Bingma said: "What's the matter, the coach will always tell your boss about it." Regardless of whether it is three or seven or twenty-three, one refers to Li Xing, "boy, go with the coach."

Li Xing secretly relieved, nodded, and said nothing, leaving the Sifang Hall after the Grand Marshal. But at this moment, the Great Emperor of Luangu suddenly stepped into the hall and laughed, "The Marshal actually came, what is the command to find Luangu?"

Marshal Bingma gave a haha ​​and said, "It's all right. The coach came here to ask for a person. Brother Luangu has no opinion?"

"Of course not." Liangu Datianzun took a meaningful look at Li Xing, "If I remember correctly, this person is called Li Xing? He is known as the Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, which is very interesting."

Marshal Bingma said: "Since you don't have an opinion, then the coach takes a step forward."

"Slow!" Rangu Datianzun burst out.

"Huh?" Marshal Bingma fixed his eyes and did not look back.

"This man has indeed committed a serious crime, and the violent has already requested instructions from our army. Therefore, even if the marshal is going to leave this person, our army still has to deal with him according to law." The Marshal's power flinched.

Marshal Bingma laughed, "Haha," and asked, "Oh, I wonder what crime he committed?"

"Killing colleagues, colluding with rebellion." Luangu Tianzheng said positively, "This is a capital crime."

Marshal Bingma suddenly stretched out a finger, then Xiaoyue Datianzun and Yinsha Datianzun suddenly blasted, smashed the plane, and turned it into fly ash.

Liangu Datianzhuang's face sank and his face was angry: "Bing Ma, what do you mean?"

Marshal Bingma sneered: "Don't you say that killing a colleague is a death penalty? The coach will kill you for fear that you will not have the courage to restrain the coach."

Liangu Datianzun's forehead has blue muscles, his eyes are cold. The Grand Marshal also turned around, gazing at alertness, his eyes clear. The atmosphere at the scene was so dignified that Li Xing and the violent Tianzun almost gasped.

The twelve people who wanted to slay Li Xing exited the hall as soon as possible. This series of battles is not something they can participate in.

After a long period of chaos, the Great Heavenly Lord slowly regained his momentum, and said lightly, "Grand Marshal, you are a celestial court minister. I hope that you will not disappoint the Emperor."

"The Marshal is only responsible to the Emperor of Heaven, and does nothing without anybody else's questions, leaving." He waved his sleeves, rolled up Li Xing, and disappeared instantly.

As soon as people walked away, Luangu Tiantianzhuang's face became very ugly. The violent Da Tianzun stepped forward and said, "The Ombudsman, Marshal and Marshal is really too arrogant. The status of the Ombudsman is not lower than him. How can he be so deceiving?

The Great Emperor of Luangu waved his hand and said, "Don't say it, this army has its own care." But in his eyes, the murderous flickering seemed to be calculating something.

The light and darkness of Li Xing's eyes changed, and after a moment, he found himself at the Marshal's House. He immediately stepped forward and said, "Thank you Marshal for helping."

Marshal Bingma nodded, and he looked at Li Xing, his eyes gradually showing surprise, and he said, "Remember last time, you were sixty-five calamities. I don't want to have no great respect at this moment."

Li Xingdao: "This speed is nothing."

"Cultivation speed is still second. The coach found that your combat power should not be weak. Can you have a thousand peak combat power now?" Perhaps because of Bayu Tianzun and innocence, he became interested in Li Xing.

Li Xingdao: "Based on his estimates, it is about 10,000 times the peak combat power."

The Grand Marshal was shocked, and for a long time did not speak. At this time, Bayu Datianzun came out and laughed: "How, do you feel amazing now, soldiers and horses? Ten thousand times the peak combat power can fight the common immortal."

Innocence followed closely and looked at Li Xing with a smile.

Li Xing recognized Bayu Tianzun and quickly stepped forward to thank him, saying, "Last thanks to my predecessor's help, Li Xing thanked me here. In the future, there is a place for seniors to serve, just order."

"Oh, you don't need to be polite, it's just a hand. Besides, the old man has a grudge with the ancestor side, and not you will do the same."

The innocence said, "Li Xing, this is the ### second time to save your life. How would you thank me?"

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "But please tell me."

Marshal Bingma waved his hand impatiently, and said, "Well, don't say it's useless." He looked at Li Xing. "The handsome man asks you, how well is your civilization building?"

Li Xing knew about this kind of thing ~ www.readwn.com ~ he couldn't hide such a high person as Marshal, so he honestly answered: "At present, it is still a basic civilized civilization, and it is nothing."

Marshal Bingma smiled with "Hey" and said: "Nothing? Then you know how rare the great civilization of the world is? You can create civilization and reach the elementary level, it is already considered a natural talent."

Li Xing didn't speak.

Marshal Bingma continued: "And depending on your combat power, once you step into immeasurable strength, it will certainly not be weaker than the ancient times. By then, the name of the first master in heaven will probably change hands."

Speaking of chaos, Li Xing said: "The first master in heaven? Isn't Grand Marshal inferior to him?"

Grand Marshal glared at Li Xing: "This is just the ranking of the welterweight master. If compared with the coach, that chaos does not have that qualification, and his master comes out pretty much."

Li Xing was taken aback: "Liangu Tiantian and Master?"

"Natural." The Marshal frowned, and seemed to think of a very headache. "That old thing is one of the twelve pavilions in heaven. The strength is unfathomable, and I don't know which level it has reached."

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