Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1215: Gao lao

Chapter 1215: The Elder King

Chapter 1215

"Old Twelve Pavilions?" Faced with such high-end secrets, Li Xing apparently knew nothing. [

Marshal Bingma said: "It's OK to tell you this. The reason that the emperor was able to enter the civilization at the beginning was because of the assistance of twelve experts. It can be said that they were the pioneers of the yin and yang civilization."

Li Xing immediately captured a major message and immediately asked: "General Marshal, so when the civilization of the thematic planes alternates, which kind of civilization does not arise naturally, but is an artificial choice?"

"Of course." Marshal said, "You will gradually learn about these things in the future. The emperor represents the civilization of the Yin and Yang dynasties. He used to be a seed of civilization and entered the source of civilization under the protection of the Twelve Pavilions. That's why today's Yin-Yang civilization. "

Li Xing will continue to question, but the Grand Marshal said in a deep voice: "The less you know about these things, the better."

Li Xing didn't say anything, but he kept thinking. This information shocked him too much. Civilization was actually artificially chosen? So who is the master of all this? What kind of people are in the source of civilization? What is the purpose of those who replaced the main civilization?

He couldn't get an answer right now, but there was a vague feeling in vagueness. As if there is an invisible big hand, which makes people irresistible, dominates everything in the world, including his destiny.

At this time, Marshal Bingma pulled Li Xing back from reality and said, "The seventh heavenly son will kill you, and the ancient times will kill you. You can't stay in this heavenly court. The coach will give you a position, Order you to go to Sihuang to do business, what do you think? "

Li Xingdao: "The Marshal is alive, and his subordinates naturally obey."

The Marshal was very satisfied and nodded: "You know, you have nothing else to do except this task. This time you went to the Four Desolates, apparently you would make up for it as a sinner. In fact, you are The eyeliner of the coach, observe the movements of the four wasteland and the eight kings, and report to the coach at any time. And when necessary, you can act cheaply. "

Li Xing: "The marshal should pay attention to the eight kings. Isn't the eight kings rebellious?"

The Marshal sneered: "Isn't it intentional? They already have actual actions. Although the coach has some information in his hands, but it is not detailed, I will send you to see them clearly."

Li Xing thought for a while and nodded: "My subordinates have heard for a long time that the heaven court started to use soldiers in the Four Desolates long ago, but it has not been effective. After so many years, it actually controlled more than 1,000 continents. Puzzled. "

"Lan Gu Da Tian Zun once said that in a short period of time, the land government controlled thousands of continents in the four wastelands, which is much more efficient. This shows that the eight kings really have problems."

Regarding Li Xing's analysis, the Marshal declined to comment, only saying: "In short, your task is to collect evidence of the rebellion of the four desolate and eight kings." Then took a meaningful look at Li Xing, "Of course, if you have That ability can also destroy them directly. If you can really do this, the coach will go to the emperor and seal you as the four waste kings. "

Li Xing's heart warmed up. He now has a great strength and a powerful position. If he said that it would not be difficult to subdue some continents, as long as no one embarrassed him, he would grow up sooner or later, and it would not be impossible to become the so-called four waste kings.

Thinking like that, he laughed: "My subordinates don't dare to have any guarantee now, but can only say that they will never let the Marshal disappoint."

Marshal Bingma also laughed: "Boy, you're not bad, good, good! In Sihuang, you just let go and do it boldly, the coach is your backstage. Who dares to move you, just report the name of the coach . "

After hearing this, Li Xing seemed to have taken Dingxin Wan, and rejoiced, "Yes, his subordinates must go all out to complete the task!"

"The boss doesn't listen to big talk, just sees the results. If you get things done at that time, be careful of your head." He was flat-spoken, but there was a sense of murder, obviously this is not a joke.

You know, in order to rescue Li Xing, Marshal Bing Ma turned his face with the Superintendent of Luangu and indirectly offended an old man. At this great price, if the rescued people do not have the patience, then they might as well be cut and given to Luangu as a human favor.

Li Xing does not resent the reality of Marshal Marshal. All he needs is the opportunity of time. As long as he has these, he can continue to grow. One day, one day, he can be proud of the heavens, and be the source of civilization.

"If the subordinates are unfavorable, the Grand Marshal can take my head at any time." Li Xingdan said lightly.

"This is what I like to hear." The Marshal finally smiled. "Be prepared, and leave tomorrow."

Li Xingdao: "There is one more thing under his control."

"Well, you speak." The Marshal paid a great price to rescue him, and now undoubtedly regards him as his own person, and responds to requests.

Li Xingdao: "Please ask Grand Marshal for some convenience for the ninth emperor."

Who knew that Marshal immediately refused and said: "The battle between the emperors, the coach never participated, you don't even think about it." Then said, "If you have the ability, go and help him yourself. But the coach warns you, emperor The water is deep, and there are old shadows behind them. You better be careful. "

Li Xing was startled and couldn't help asking: "Is the Marshal, the strength of the Twelve Courts, better than the Marshal?"

"Is it better than the coach? I don't know, but some of them are people in a broken state." The Marshal said lightly. "Why can your emperor become the emperor of the day? It is because of these old antiques that have a strong foundation and can look down on the world. "

Li Xing nodded, no longer mentioning the matter of helping the ninth emperor.

The matter was settled like this ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing said goodbye to everyone the next day, and went to Beihuang in the name of Dai sin. But before that, he went back to Makino Pass and met the ninth emperor to explain the situation at the moment.

In the mixed Yuan hall, the ninth emperor, the emperor, and the emperor were all there. Li Xing encouraged everyone and talked to the ninth emperor about the old man. When he learned that Li Xing had sinned against Chaogu and was about to go to Beihuang, he was very worried and said, "The identity of Chaogu is very special. He is not only the emperor of the emperor, but also the old man of the court!"

Li Xing was very surprised, and said, "He is actually the son of Ge Lao. I don't know which Ge Lao?"

The ninth emperor said: "The celestial emperor in the old pavilion, the strength is unfathomable and the power of the broken realm."

Li Xing frowned: "It seems that even if I have that kind of strength, I can't move this person lightly."

"That's natural. Of those who have status in the heavenly court, which one doesn't have a strong backstage? For example, if you draw your Marshal of the Brigade and Horse, his other identity is the old son-in-law."

Li Xing sneered: "How can a practitioner who is big in the background? In the end, he still has to break through the last level with his own strength. If he can't succeed, everything will be empty!"

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